The Banishment

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Oscar sighed and nodded while remembering what happened not too long ago that caused all of this. So much was happening all at once and was giving Oscar headache pains that added on to the other sharp pains. "The hound gave me the three claw marks on my eye and the huge bite, but I twisted my ankle and made it swollen even more." he explained to her. Oscar really didn't want anyone else to carry Joshua, what if they couldn't handle him right? Or worst...what if they dropped him? Despite the bad outcomes, Oscar pushed them aside and looked up at Jocelyn. " If you can pull me up, I can carry Josh while limping over to the cart." he told her. "If not, then...Someone will need to carry him, I don't think he'll be waking up soon." he informed her then got a good hold of Joshua just in case she was going to try and pull him up off of the ground, hopefully with the help of Ryan since he was here as well. "You can help me make sure nothing comes up behind us if you'd like?" he asked him. "I'm pretty sure monster's will be coming out in all directions, the bigger ones seem to be out in the hottest areas." he said.
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"Great now you tell me I'm dealing with two selfish people."
She laughed lightly as she looked down at him. Did he really just tell her he didn't like sharing her time? But she knew she would have to ponder that thought later. Right now it was game time and the mission was what she needed to think about. "No it will be safer for us if you come. I'm more of a distance fighter. And we all know Vi likes to be in on the action. I'm return leaving me with no one really watching my back or hiding place. If you come with us not only will I feel safer I have someone to watch my back while I watch yours and Vi's." She did feel safer with him around. He was a good guy and she liked him.

Hearing Jocelyn saying it was about that time Kenzie called out to Vi
"Vi, my love, we're leaving soon."

@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Autumn_Burns_Red
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Vi Westwood

Vi was in the woods chopping down hell hounds and black widows. Every kill, the aggression and anger subsided to just rage. After a few more bloody kills, Vi was back to her normal hostile, smart ass personalty. At the same time Vi started to calm down Kenzie called out to her, good timing. Vi smirked at Kenzie calling her my love, only Kenzie would say something like that. With her machete, now a bloody mess, Vi walked back to the campsite. Her machete was dripping hell hound blood and black widow guts. "Let's get this mess over with." Vi waited for everyone to start moving on, her machete would have to wait to be cleaned off.
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Jay Cartwright

"I'll be right back, Gail." Jay nodded at Gail and Vann and then he started walking over to Jocelyn, Oscar, Ryan and the unconscious Joshua. He looked down at Oscar and Joshua, they were in real bad shape. They would need medical attention soon. "I can help you bring Josh to the cart, Oscar. Maybe Vi can patch you and Josh up." Jay didn't know about the whole altercation between Vi and Josh had happened yesterday. He went to reach around Oscar and pulled him up and holding on to Josh's arm. "Come on." Jay grunted.
@Rieezy @Autumn_Burns_Red @Ritual Lobotomy @ForgottenBlood @MST3K 4ever
Ryan Mach

Ryan appreciated the fact that Jocelyn was willing to let him help out. It could have been very easy to just dismiss as the new guy, but one thing Ryan noticed within this group was that if you were willing to help out it was readily accepted. Oscar by all accounts should have been taken out of action, and yet he still wanted to help out. Oscar was willing to watch their back. He was glad that Jay came over to help out as well. He re-holstered his weapon and said to Jocelyn, "I'll keep an eye on Josh and Oscar. If anything wants them it'll have to get past me, and I plan on being around for a long time" He smirked a bit and said, "Besides I just got into this group. I'm not looking to be a solo act again."

Ryan got on the other side of Oscar to try and help Jay. He said, "I got you put your weight on me. Keep it off that leg. Once we get you in that cart you're gonna be the last line of defense for Josh. Anything not human tries to get in there kill it." Ryan looked at Jay and said, "Ready to go when you are."

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Bradley & Trenton

Brad had spent the majority of the day laying low, helping wherever he was needed --- which hadn't seemed to be too terribly often. It seemed as if, for the most part they'd been playing the waiting game.
"I wish we could leave, already." Brad kept his voice relatively low in order to avoid aggravating Jocelyn.
"Yeah, I don't like being out in the open like this. The sooner we get moving, the sooner we've got a shot at being at least somewhat safe."
"Seriously. Last thing we need is any more injuries."

Trent nodded at Brad as he crawled clumsily to his feet, making his way toward Jocelyn.
"So, we're both feeling a little useless at the moment... how can we help?" He pointed his thumb in the direction of Brad who was still seated against a tree behind them.

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Oscar noticed that more people where coming over to where Joshua and him first were. He looked up to Jay and nodded, "That would be great, I patched up Joshua already so it's just me and whoever else has any wounds." he explained to him. Oscar held Josh in his arms as the two other guys started to pull him up. He did what Nick said and left his left leg pull up his weight more than the injured one so it wouldn't be more painful. Making sure not to put too much pressure down on Josh's stitches, Oscar began to limp over to where the carts were when he heard another voice come up and ask a question. "Well, I believe we don't have much people guiding the way...Maybe you can help secure what's ahead of us?" he suggested looking at the person who came up then to the one who was sitting up against the tree. If Oscar had just let someone else hold Josh he would have probably felt a lot less pain on his leg, but he didn't want anyone else to hold him. Joshua literally saved his life an now while he's down and out, Oscar will do everything in his power to return the's what he stood for. "Where is the cart might I ask?" he said and turned around looking at everyone.
Looking up at Trenton, she smiled. "Um, yeah basically what Oscar said. You and Brad should take up the front, there isn't much direction, just a straight line." She smiled, and looked around at everyone, they all seemed to be here. Those who weren't in the general area, where in a line of sight. Vi was coming back, and so was Maverick and Adia. Listening to the question, Oscar had asked, Jocelyn looked back at him. "Over here." She pointed behind a group of members. "Okay, listen up everyone! The march is going to feel long, and exhausting...but whatever you do, never stop moving cause you will pass out. Remember to have each others six out there, because it is called Death Valley for a reason, people! Though these particularly mutants are a kind of version to the ones we know, but more are fit to live and work under ground out in the Valley. So if you feel the earth move, watch out." Jocelyn announced to everyone, while doing a complete head count. "All right, lets move out." Jocelyn walked over and picked up the large backpack, and directed the team in the way of Death Valley.

♥ Adia ♥
Adia and Maverick were able to make there way back to the team just in time to set out of the dangerous journey of Death Valley. "Well, hope we are ready for this." Adia remembered back to the week long vacation she took in the desert, it was long and well eventful with how much anger she let out. Though she slept on the base of the forest and desert, because sleeping just in the desert was not the smartest idea. Stepping into camp she yelled after them. "ALSO REMEMBER THAT IF YOU SEE A MUTANT WALKING AROUND OUT THERE, DON'T SHOT OR YELL! IT IS MOST LIKELY A MIRAGE, AND YOU WILL ALERT THE ONES BELOW!" And one that note, Adia bent down and picked up her actually backpack and put it on. Looking up to Maverick, she smiled. "Don't forget to eat the plant tonight." Adia than moved passed them a followed behind the group, praying for each and everyone of them.

Looking up to Jocelyn, Derek never doubted her judgement and listened to her advice, same with Adia's quick note. Looking down he grabbed his bag, and placed it one his back. Taking his duel katanas and sheathing them. Looking over to Claire he smiled. "Be careful out there." Moving forward he caught up with Jocelyn and the carts. "Reporting for business." He said as he stood by the blonde. He couldn't help but look down at his unconscious cousin, whose chest was exposed with many cuts and bruises. He felt a tiny ping of pain in his heart, and adverted his gaze up to Oscar. "Hey, thanks man." He smiled and refocused in on the nearing valley, he could feel the temp begin to raise, rapidly.

§ Nicholas §
Watching as Kenzie yelled to Vi, who was on her way back, Nicholas chuckled. He felt completely stupid for saying he didn't like sharing her, it wasn't like they were a thing or even remotely close. He was simply thinking the sentence for some reason, and it slipped out of his mouth. Holding out her crossbow, Nicholas gave it back and looked behind the tree at a incoming Vi. "Looks like your stuck with me, but don''t worry I am a big boy." Nicholas pushed off the tree, and began to walk after the group. Though before moving passed Kenzie he smiled. "Sorry if I'm selfish." He did not let her answer, instead continued to walk.

-Death valley, a large desert, where temperatures reach that of the equator. Some call it the Devil's playground, and others call it hell on earth; though there is one thing for sure, there is no other environment as harsh as Death Valley. Not only does the Valley's weather conditions work against travelers, so does the amount of danger that it holds. Many mutants that live within the Valley, are underground, and have some different characteristic as there counterparts within the wooded areas. They are equipped with the features that allow them to live underground, though be warned one loud noise and they will bust through the ground within seconds. Good luck, and stay alert!-

Taking her crossbow back, Kenzie's picked up her messenger bag. Her eyes shooting up to look at him as he made the sorry comment. A small smile played at her lips as she cheeks turned a little Rosie. Biting her lower lip a little as she fell in line following behind Nicholas. She didn't know why, but the simple like statement made her heart flutter a little. But right now she had to get her head in the game.
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Vi Westwood

"Wipe that look off your face, Kenzie." Vi could see that Nick's little comment or whatever made Kenzie blush. Vi, like any older sibling she didn't want her sister to get hurt. Even if Nick is a good guy, out here people can change. If Nick ended up breaking Kenzie's heart, Vi would break all of his bones. When Jocelyn started towards Death Valley, Vi was grateful, they needed to find a better campsite. "Kenzie...and Nick stay on each side of me. Nick on my right, Kenzie on my left." Vi had her machete ready in her hands just in case.
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Jay Cartwright

With Ryan's help Jay brought Oscar and Josh to the cart. He moved some of the supplies to the side. "This should work for the both of you." Jay sat Oscar and Josh into the cart. Luckily there was enough room for the both of them. "Man, if it wasn't for Vann...tough." Jay smirked. "Okay, let's get going." Jay took one of the cart's handle. "Ryan, can you help me pull the cart?" Jay could pull it with one person, but two would be a challenge.
@Rieezy @Autumn_Burns_Red @ForgottenBlood @MST3K 4ever
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Kenzie was about to protest to Vi comment about wiping a look off her face, but thought better of it. After the little fake fight stunt, the last thing they needed was a real one. And besides that, she need to think about the task at hand. She couldn't help but shake her head a little as Vi told the to stay on either side of her. "Yes mom. " She couldn't help but say as they continued walking. While she kept her eyes open for any trouble, every now and then she would steal a glance at Nick.
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Ryan Mach

Ryan helped Jay with getting Josh and Oscar situated in the back of the cart. He looked at the unconscious Josh and then at Oscar said, "Make sure you guys keep it down back here." He smirked at Oscar and said, "We'll see what we can do about giving you all a ride that's free of too many bumps, and Mutants."

Ryan wasn't a medic by any stretch of the imagination, but he knew very basic first aid especially surviving on his own for so long. Ryan knew Oscar's leg was going to give him issues, so he decided to take try and get more weight off of it. He grabbed a sack and got Oscar's leg up so it was resting on top of it. Ryan said, "That should help things along."

When Ryan heard Jay ask for help Ryan replied, "Sure I got your back on this." He positioned himself and grabbed a handle and said, "Just so you know periodically I will start whistling. That means I am taking a look around and trying to get the big picture on things. Taking in everything and making sure everything is all right. The music helps me focus." Ryan nodded and said, "It's a trick my Grandfather, may he rest in peace, taught me among others."

Ryan looked over to Jocelyn when she gave the order to move out and said, "Onward and upward."

Oscar nodded and let the two guys help him and Joshua up and into the cart. He shifted a bit so that he could get a little comfort from out of it then placed Josh's headset on his ears securely. He then took off his backpack and sat it beside himself before opening it up and pulling out massive loads of ammo for his gun(s) hoping that it would be enough for the ride. Digging through a bit more, Oscar pulled out one of his other shirts and slipped it carefully onto Joshua so it would reduce any serious burns that they may or may not get from the burning sun. Yes, it did look a bit tight, but anything would be useful right now especially if they were moving out to a different part. "You two.." he said looking to Ryan and Jay. "Thank you for this, you guys really shined today..I appreciate it much." he explained to them before turning back around. He sighed and closed his eyes for a bit, taking a moment to relax himself and think of the best even if there might be a tragic ending to this. He'd been to the first part of Death Valley before...alone and it took him forever to find the group again that and the fact that he almost fainted three times from dehydration. "Alright guys, let's get this going." he told them.
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§ Nicholas §
Nicholas heard the fate sound of a annoying Vi, though chose to obey her for now. He really didn't mind Vi, but the whole 'she would babysit him' kinda pissed him off; they may not have been in the same team before, but Nicholas was second to head of his last group and taught those who chose the bow as their weapon all about archery. Rolling his eyes, he let Vi walk a little ahead of him. After a few minutes, Nicholas caught Kenzie stealing glaces at him. Smiling Nicholas mouthed the words "what?"

As they walked, Kenzie blushed a little when he mouthed what to her. God he had caught her. Looking over at Vi to check and see if was watching her. Only mouthing anything back when she was sure Vi was paying no mind to her. "Nothing" a small smirk moving to her lips as she looked forward.

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§ Nicholas §
Nicholas laughed a little to himself, though no sound actually escaped his mouth. Looking up to Vi, he saw that her only care at this moment was Death Valley. Focusing over to Kenzie again he mouthed. "Sure." Shaking his head, he looked forward. They were approaching Death Valley, he could feel the heat shooting up and his body temperature starting to rise. "Look alive people, and make sure to go to the carts for water. Dehydration happens in here faster than normal!" Nicholas pulled his bow down and made sure it was at the ready if a noise was to bring up what was below.
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Bradley & Trenton

Trent nodded in response to Jocelyn and Oscar's recommendations.
"Sure thing, c'mon Brad."
The two boys headed toward the front of the group, holding their weapons ready. The scenery changed rapidly as they moved forward; the trees dwindled before turning abruptly into cracked, dry earth, and the horizon came into view ahead of them. The vast, cloudless sky was suffocating and the barren surroundings didn't offer much to shelter them from the harsh sunlight.
Trent was suddenly aware of how much warmer it already was. They trees were still in sight behind them, but without their protective shade, the air grew arid and uncomfortable to inhale. Heavy droplets of sweat were already beading on Trent's forehead as he glanced wearily back toward Jocelyn.
"You weren't kidding when you said Devil's Playground. This place is hotter than hell."
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Maverick Colt


Maverick agreed with Adia's idea. "Not bad. I would completely forget about that myself. We could try. A lot of things we could do with that. It is a worthy shot." Adia spoke again. "So, I figured a name out for them, Scorpios, because they resemble Scorpions." Maverick chuckled. "Nice and simple. I like that. I am pretty sure they are grateful." He laughed lightly and smiled back. "Um....Nice shooting out there, your aim is on point, Maverick." He nodded. "Took a lot of blood and sweat to get it there. But I am not complaining. They are more useful that way."

"We should probably be getting back, and I should probably tell Jocelyn about this whole thing." Maverick fixed his gun back in it place. "Very well, let's go then." He let her walk past him and take the lead. He followed. "Hows the shoulder?" She asked and Maverick just then remembered he had one. It was still fairly numb. Only from time to time it would pinch and remind him that he is hurt. He stretched it lightly before it hurt. "Eh. Seen better days, but as soon as I get my cigarette I will be saved." The rest of the road was quite peaceful till they reached the camp. They were ready to go and at this point, Maverick couldn't wait for anything to actually happen. Adia walked towards her backpack and he followed, reaching out to his. "Don't forget to eat the plant tonight." Maverick hesitated for the moment, then quickly took out the medicine and smirked charmingly. "Once tonight and once in the morning. Got it." As Adia moved away, he couldn't help himself but tell her in his calm but jester-like way. "You know, I am glad we have met,but if you wish for me to be functional at all, you better not smile at me. It is distractingly beautiful." He gulped silently and put the backpack on his back. Why the fuck did he just say that? It was beyond him.

Vann Carson, Maverick Colt, Gail Nolan

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"Where the heck have you been?!" Gail whined as Maverick came close, lighting up another cigarette. "We've been worried sick!" Maverick smirked and looked at Vann. "Oh I am sure you were." Vann replied back with a smirk of his own. Maverick ignored it. "I was with Adia. She was about to make a presentation of her weapon BUT...we ended up having more fun than intended." Gail couldn't help but laugh. "Ah dude! We do not need details! But you just met her?" Maverick pulled on her hair just hard enough for her to whine, but not as much to hurt her. "Scorpios didn't seem to give a shit about that, you know." Vann and Gail looked at him. "Scorpios?" Maverick nodded. "Aye, there is a whole different fuckery going on under our feet."

Vann noticed two guys bringing the injured male towards the carts. "You will tell us along the way. We gotta move. Make yourself useful." He reached towards the carts and helped Jay placing both males onto the carts. "What the hell happened to them?" Gail explained it clearly and Maverick nodded. "Wow. Lucky save eh?"

"Ryan, can you help me pull the cart?" Jay called out to the raven-haired male and Vann nodded. "You two handle the carts for now, I will be taking care of the rest of the supplies and guard your back." As Oscar announced the departure, Vann turned to Gail and Vann. " Gail you should get close to the middle. If shit hits the fan..." Gail finished. "I protect the side as a range fighter. I know I know." Without saying anything, Vann looked at Maverick and Maverick replied. "The opposite side. Yes boss." He saluted and smiled sardonically before they moved to form the group. As they progressed, it seemed more and more like a true desert, just with a lot more unwanted life forms than usual.

@MST3K 4ever
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Jocelyn walked a little ways from the cart, closer to Brad and Trenton. "You weren't kidding when you said Devil's Playground. This place is hotter than hell." Jocelyn laughed as Trenton noted the difference in temperature. "Agreed. Make sure to drink some water, its in one of the carts." She looked around at the cracks in the surface of the ground. "Well, on the bright side we all are going to get a tan...well maybe a crispy tan but a tan at that." She laughed. The desert seemed dryer than she remembered and she wondered if it was because of the colossus. Did it have the power to change the climate? She didn't know, in fact the event of the colossus wasn't something anyone was taught about because the city wanted to put it behind them; those who did know about it were sworn to secrecy. "Be careful, and if you see something keep quite and don't shot."

♥ Adia ♥
As Adia left Maverick behind, she heard the small comment that he made about her smile being a distraction. She giggled a little and than ran up towards Jocelyn. "So be extra careful from now one and watch all your surroundings...I will tell you everything later." Jocelyn nodded to her warning and Adia went back to the carts with Oscar and them. "Hey Oscar, hows the leg? And how do you think Joshua is holding up?" She smiled at the quirky boy and the Joshua sleeping inside of the cart.
Ryan Mach
Ryan felt somewhat protected knowing Vann was watching over them along with everyone else. All that being said Ryan remembered hearing stories about the Titanic from his Grandfather. How there was an iceberg in the middle of the ocean that took out a, supposedly, unsinkable ship. Which meant that Ryan needed to keep watching on his own as well. As much as he liked being a part of a group Ryan knew that ultimately there was one person responsible for him, and that was one Ryan Steven Mach. He said to Vann, "We see anything suspicious up front we'll let you know."

He saw Adia near the cart, and saw she was talking to Oscar. He said, "Good idea Adia take his mind off of things. Not to mention your voice might get Joshua to stir a bit." As the sun began to beat down on them Ryan looked over at Jay and said, "I was worried I wasn't going to get much of a workout lately."

Ryan began to whistle the song very slowly, "Georgia, on my mind" as he looked around. The song was one that his Grandfather sang to his mother when they would be working outside. It had an easy melody that helped them get their mind off of the mundanes of the labor, but gave them a rhythm for looking around and keeping focused. He stopped for a moment and said, "I do take requests by the way," and he continued whistling.​
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Kenzie just rolled her eyes at him. The smile never once leaving her face. Taking a glance at Vi, she saw how on guard she was. While Kenzie looked around, she could feel the heat rise, and already the unsettling feeling in her stomach. She hated trips like this. It was bad enough she had just learned about a colossus. And now they were going through Death Valley and muntans were changing.
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