The Apprentice from Cenaria ~Lunita and Vocalstatic~

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Lunita kept her glance on her teacher, and her new best friend. Although, she would never admit it. She spared him the eye roll and just leaned her head a bit to the side with a slight look of annoyance. "I would not be ready if it wasn't for your training. I would not have learned anything at all if it was not for you. In fact, I would probably be a dead rat right now. Trust me, I am taking this seriously. She hopped off of the desk, approaching closer to Rieker, "Besides, you know how long I have waited for this day. I will not let you down, I will not fail you. I have the skills of the rat and now the skills of the Talent. You will be watching me, what can possibly go wrong? Lunita gave a cheeky smile. She was confident but cautious. She knew this would be a difficult mission, but she wanted to set her teacher's mind at ease. Or, at least a bit.
Rieker didn't seem phased by Lunita's words. He kept his eyes on her at all times. He wasn't worried that she wouldn't complete the mission. It was the things she would find that he was worried about. He didn't know if she would be able to handle the situation. "I know how long you've been waiting. It's one of the reasons I'm worried. Don't lose control of your emotions. Remember your training and keep yourself detached if you have to." He lifts a hand up and flicks her forehead, a habit of his whenever he wanted to make a point stick in her head. "Got it?"
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Lunita flinched and hated whenever he flicked her on the head but the annoyance left and the humor returned. "Do not worry so much. I got it. No emotional ties. As long as I know you are watching me, everything will work out according to plan. All that I ask is that you do not stop watching me. I know that may be a bit of an unusual request." She sighed a bit. She would not allow herself emotions for someone. She kept running that thought over and over in her mind. She could not allow herself to love anyone. She would not be able to bare to watch someone else she cared about be taken from her. As he said already, after the vows, she was on her own. She tried her best to keep that humor in her own eyes and on her face but it was not working well. At least to her. She tried to shake it off, now was not the time. She had to focus on this mission.
Rieker nods slightly at her words, noting the worry in her eyes. "I'll be watching. You won't see me, but I'll be there." He turns and looks around the room. "You can use any of my tools that you want. I may even have a surprise or two for you when you complete your mission."

He starts to walk off and then stops. He turns back to look at her. "You have a week to do it. Remember the small things about him. He runs an unauthorized ring of whore houses. Best way to get in might be to pretend to be a desperate girl that can't get into a Sa'Kage run brothel. He always tests the girls before he allows them to work for him."
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Lunita did not want to see Rieker leave. However, there was work to be done. She took a look around the room at the various tools. She was quite advanced with the daggers. They were small but very effective for this mission. A bit of poison would aid her as well. She had to think of long ranged weapons that may or may not be used against her. It would be safer to bring along a cloaking armor. Her ability to keep hidden in the shadows was greatly improved but she preferred to have the added protection. She would wear a cloak to hide the sword she sheathed at her side. She went to her room to look for clothes suited for a girl wanting into a whore house. The thought of that made her stomach uneasy. The clothes she had were not exactly the kind of clothes worn by those sorts of women, but with a few quick alterations, no one would know the difference. After she altered the clothing, she packed everything she needed. Lunita went through everything she packed, making sure she forgot nothing. Ah! She forgot some of her expensive perfume, and oils. If she was going to be tested, she would have to be very persuasive. When she got to where she was going, she would gather fresh flowers as well to add to her hair. Perhaps a braid or two? She did not want to give off the impression that she was wealthy, so decided to place the perfume back. She was supposed to be desperate. It brought her back to the days she was a rat. That sort of appearance was long gone but she could pull it off well. Her plan was set. It was time to be leaving.

She wanted to say goodbye to Rieker but did not know if she would have the courage to leave if she did so. She left a note on his desk, knowing he would find it there. "Do not lose sight of me."
Rieker had left the house for awhile, scouting out the mission area himself. He was dressed in a disguise and using a glamour to hide his features. After a few hours he went back to the home, finding the note that Lunita left for him. He changes clothes again, dressing in his wetboy greys and strapping on a few of his weapons. He then heads out into the night, wrapping shadows about himself and moving to the rooftops to watch for his apprentice.

Inside of one of his more upscale brothels, Victor Sovari sat in the lounge. Smoke swirled around his head from the pipe on the table beside him. It wasn't something he did often, but tonight seemed like as good a night as any to smoke. Since Lunita had last seen him he had pushed past the near side of fat and gained weight. His dark hair was now streaked with grey and thinner than it had been. His eyes though, were as clear and full of anger as they had always been. He looked over his brothel, frowning at the lack of clientele. He would need to find more girls to bring in more coin.
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Lunita pulled her cloak to cover her face as she walked through the streets. She wanted to locate the whorehouse before she did anything else. She felt a chill going up her spine as the days of being a rat came back to her, but it also made her remember her old instincts. She began lingering into the shadows, calling upon her Talent to wrap shadows around herself. She roamed the streets for most of the night, wondering if Rieker was really watching her. She would stop now and then as a fight or two broke out in the streets. She would watch for a few moments before moving on. Not long after she walked away, guards were at the fight, and there was really nothing she could do to stop it.

After a while, she noticed a line of drunkards waiting entry into a building that did not look particular of interest. It was a perfect place to set up a whorehouse. It was not too far from a few pubs. It also would not be too obvious to the guards in any way. She decided to find a place to get set up. A few streets over was a pig stye. She kept the shadows around her as she went in with the pigs. She shivered as she sat in the midst of them. This was something she really dreaded. She took off her cloak, vanishing it. She let down her hair that was clean, shiny and soft. She looked at the slop the pigs ate and winced her eyes as she placed her hair into the filthy food mixture.

She placed herself into the shadows along with keeping shadows around herself so that no one would see her changing into her scanty like clothing. She took mud, smearing it on herself, and her clothes. She stood there for a while, really not enjoying being this filthy and shuddered to think that she had been just a year ago. She called upon her Talent to create a sack in which she placed her sword, dagger, and other belongings she had packed for the mission. She vanished the sack.

After the mud had dried and her hair was matted, and tangled, she removed the shadows from herself, and headed toward the house that she believed was the whorehouse. She stepped past the men in line, knocking on the door. "Please? A bit of coin or a place to stay for the night? Perhaps I can earn a night's rest?"
A guard opens the door, staring down at Lunita. His eyes rove over her, one of his eyebrows cocking up as if appraising her. He opens the door and motions for her to come in. "Meet the boss. Ask him. Through hall. In lounge." The words were slurred and he had a slight stutter. Combined with the scar on the back of his head gave the story that he had taken a blow and it had affected his mind.

Once Lunita was ushered into the lounge, Victor looked up and smiled. He took a hit from his pipe, letting the smoke roll out from between his lips. "Ah. Another one come to see me. My but you are filthy. Let me guess. Food, place to stay, maybe a job?" Victor doesn't bother standing up as he watches Lunita. "What is your name girl?"
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Before she even entered the lounge, Lunita had her mind circling with, "No emotion, just seduce the fool, kill him and get out within a week." Her story was already in her mind. Her facial expression kept it's pathetic look, desperation filled her eyes. When she cast eyes on Victor, her expression remained. Her thoughts on Rieker's training. To keep Victor in the dark, she used none of her Talent, keeping it deeply hidden. She looked down at herself, being self conscious, rubbing at her clothes and arms. She blushed from embarrassment. She really was embarrassed by the state of her appearance.

"My name is Michelle. I came looking for a place to stay but I am willing to work for it. Anything you want, Sir."
"Anything I want?" Victor eyes her again, a smile forming on his lips. He whistles, calling one of his other girls. "Well Michelle, you're in luck. I'm in the market for new flesh. One of my girls will help you get cleaned up and then I'll do my own inspection." A girl about Lunita's age walks out. Her hair had grown since they were younger and her eyes seemed more haunted, but the girl Victor had called was the same girl Lunita had seen him drag off.

Victor watches Lunita closely. He wasn't sure why, but something about her seemed familiar to him. Something in the back of his mind told him to send her back to the street, but his greed overruled his instincts in this instance. He took a deep draw on his pipe, letting the smoke out slowly.
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Lunita bowed her head humbly as soon as her friend walked in. Her eyes closed for a few moments, telling her emotions to be silent. She allowed her friend's haunted gaze to keep herself in check. She could not fail now. Not now. This was so much more difficult, and it took every ounce of effort within her to remain neutral. She held on tight, desperately, to her training. She began to think of her vow to Rieker, how she would not fail him. She looked toward the girl, now. She hoped that her face would not be recognized. At least not yet. She walked meekly toward her before pivoting her body toward Victor, lowering her head, "As you wish, Sir." She then waited to follow her friend. Her eyes remained lowered to the floor. Every second, becoming more difficult for her.
The girl, Melody, took Lunita's hand and led her back into one of the private rooms. Once they are in the room, Melody turns to Lunita. "Louisa? What are you doing here?" There was panic in Melody's voice, even though she kept herself quiet. "Please. Take the back door and just leave." Melody grabs a pouch, handing it to Lunita. "Become an apprentice at a herbalist. Something other than this, please."
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Lunita kept from smiling, but her look went from pathetic to serious. It was too dangerous to reveal herself, or to use talent. If Victor felt her using it, she and her friend would be dead. At the same time, Melody needed to forget that they were ever friends. She would have to do that right after the mission was completed. For now, she had to make a quick decision. She only hoped it would be the right one.

Lunita shook her head, taking the pouch and placing it down on a nearby table. "I am not leaving. I do not know how to explain why I am here. I can only say that when I am finished with what I have to do, you and the other girls will be safe. Please, do not worry and do not tell anyone about me. It is very important that you do this." She desperately wanted to tell her friend everything, but she wouldn't be able to. She glanced at the door, "I better get ready for this inspection of his. I do not need him getting impatient with you taking the blame."
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Melody shook her head, though she seemed to be struggling with something. She walks over to a washbin, taking a cloth as well. "He'll want you cleaned up." She looks down, holding the damp cloth out to Lunita. "His 'test' is how well you perform in bed. Once I inspect you for whatever deficiencies or deformities you may have, he'll come in and take you however he wants." Melody wipes a tear, the look on her face and in her eyes something closer to jealousy than anger.

Melody walks over to the bed and sits down, waiting for Lunita to clean herself up. "I hate him for it. But he insists on doing it. I tell him that the guys who come will pay no matter what, but Victor wants what he wants." Melody runs a hand through her hair, the light catching a ring on her left hand. Her hands return to her lap after a moment and she fiddles with the ring, the diamond on it reflecting light. "He promised he wouldn't use his other girls as much once we were married."
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Lunita undressed, revealing the clean skin underneath the filthy clothes. She cleaned off her arms, hands, legs and feet with delight. Although, vomit started reaching upward. To hear that her friend actually married her kidnapper! Although, Lunita had expected to find out her friend was dead, this totally caught her off guard. She made another snap decision. Melody needed her friend, and even though Lunita could not let her guard down, she would give her friendship one last time. She went over to the bed, sitting away far enough that Melody would not be too uncomfortable, "There is no need to be jealous, I promise. Believe it or not, I am here to help you. I never stopped looking for you when he took you away." She did not want to speak too much, afraid to say things that should not be heard. "Come, let's get my hair cleaned out." She used one of her fingers to catch one of her friend's tears. She may not enjoy the thought of her husband being murdered, but soon her suffering would end. Melony will not remember anything soon. It would be one final gift. She would erase the pain, by erasing herself, and Victor. Melody would be best off as the apprentice. She allowed herself to show the sympathy her friend needed.
Melody stiffens at Lunita's words, a frown forming on her face. "Help me? Help me from what?" Her eyes soften after a few moments and she seems to relax. "I'm glad you didn't stop. But I don't need help Louisa. I'm fine here on my own. I have more than I ever could have imagined when we were living on the streets. It's why I offered you money. A way to get out and not have to be here."

Melody gets up and starts to help Lunita clean out her hair. Melody is surprisingly gentle, able to work the mud and dirt out in just a few minutes. The water in the basin was lightly scented with jasmine and rose oil, so it left a gentle scent around Lunita. "Victor is mean, but he isn't cruel. I am happy with him." She smiles, almost to herself as if she were in a dream. Which may be the truth, since the smile didn't seem to reach her eyes.
Lunita saw the smile and wondered why her friend would even consider being happy? Well, that did not matter, her delusions of Victor would be over soon. She may be happy, but she will be a lot better off without Victor. Not only that, other people were after him. Her friend didn't need to see him murdered in front of her eyes. The sooner this was over with, the better. She did enjoy the sweet scent around her, though.

"I am very glad you are happy. I am happy for you." No emotions, no ties, it is what it has to be. "I think I will be happy here, too." She hated lying to her friend, but she had to remove herself now before she got in too deep.
A slight change seems to come over Melody when Lunita mentions being happy. She nods a bit, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "I'm sure you will be as well. Most of the girls are happy here." She smiles, finishing up with cleaning Lunita. "Get dressed again, use one of the dresses in the closet. He'll want to see you before he tests you." Melody stands up and opens a closet, giving Lunita a tight smile. "Good luck Louisa." With that Melody walks out of the room and makes her report to Victor that Lunita is ready.

Victor looks up at Melody returns to the lounge. He takes one last draw on his pipe, letting the smoke out around his head. He walks over to Melody and gives her a light kiss. "Thank you for preparing her for me. Now go and see to our customers." He watches as Melody walks off, a small smile on his lips. He waits just a few minutes before walking into the room Lunita is in. "Are you ready for your test Michelle?"
Lunita watches as Melody leaves. She chooses a dress from the wardrobe. Now, came one of the hard parts. She needed to get her sack of belongings but that would mean using her Talent. This was a very tough decision. She had to make it quickly. It was either, kill him no or have to have sex with Victor. That did not seem appeasing enough. So, she called on her sack, grabbing the poison, and her dagger. She kept an ear out for anyone coming. She spread the poison, placing it on the dagger. It was then, she heard Victor approaching. She vanished her sack, and placed the dagger up her dress, keeping it secure with her belt. The door opened, and she bowed her head to Victor. "I am ready, sir."
Victor smiles at Lunita, taking a few deep breaths. He can smell the lingering Talent in the air. His eyes rove over Lunita, seeming to measure her. He was really looking for anywhere she could have hidden a weapon. Nothing more than a dagger I'll wager. Maybe poison. Victor gives a small nod, standing a bit back from Lunita as if waiting for her to begin. "You seem well built, for a girl off the streets. I'd put you close to my wife's age as well." He smiles, a serpents smile. He lifts a hand, one finger extended toward the roof. "Spin for me once. And then let me see how you look without clothes."
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