The Apprentice from Cenaria ~Lunita and Vocalstatic~

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Lunita watched silently as Rieker entered the room. Her gaze went to the floor when he locked the door. She didn't realize what he was up to until the daggers came flying at her. She caught them instinctively rather than actually wanting to. They hung loosely in her hands. She watched as Rieker chose his weapons, and she shuttered. He wanted to fight her? Why? She was thinking this was some sort of test at first.

He was spinning the weapons around in his hands, "Rieker, what are.." She didn't have time to finish her question as he threw himself at her. She used her Talent to appear behind him. She used her Talent again to push him, where she put up a barrier. She sighed heavily, "There's nothing to talk about." Nothing that she wanted to talk about. She stood there, focused on what Rieker would do next.
Rieker watches Lunita, using the push from her Talent to flip his body over. He lands lightly, his hook sword in a defensive position across his body. His short spear was held pointed down, his grip loose. "You have something on your mind. Some gripe about my training." He stands up, pointing his spear at her. "You either talk, or you leave." His eyes, normally full of humor, were serious. There didn't seem to be a trace of the normal Rieker. At this moment there was only the wetboy.

He didn't want to have to do this to Lunita, but she needed to talk to him. He had an idea what her problems were. He was keeping his own emotions regarding her in check. There would be a time for it later, if it came to that, but right now was not the time to let those feelings cloud his judgement. Rieker wasn't angry with Lunita for failing a mission. He wasn't mad at her for not cleaning up like he told her. He didn't even really mind that she couldn't grasp the basic tenants he put out. He was angry that she wouldn't talk to him when something was bothering her.
When Rieker said that she either talk or leave, her daggers fell from her hands. It seemed like they fell in slow motion. They clanged to the floor. Her eyes welled up with tears as she fell to the ground. She sat there, her hair covering her face. "Fine, I will tell you." She wiped her face roughly. "You will kick me out anyway once I do, though. I am afraid to tell you because I know how wrong it is. You told me that it would break the rules. I wanted to tell you so badly." She couldn't look at Rieker now, Lunita hated when his eyes lost their sweet humor in them.

Lunita sighed heavily as she wiped her face again. "Rieker, I am in love with you. I am sorry, I tried to turn it off. I tried so hard. I do not understand why I can't just ignore it." She started sobbing now. "Please Rieker don't send me away. I don't want to go back to the streets." She wrapped her hands tightly around her knees, keeping them close to her chest.
Rieker tilts his head as he watches Lunita. He had expected anger or fury, anything but the tears that were falling. He sighs, thrusting his spear tip into the ground and dropping the hook sword beside it. He walks over to Lunita and sits down, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Gone was any trace of the killer. In it's place was the caring master, the true friend, the man secretly in love with her. He doesn't say anything for a few minutes, just holds her as she cries.

Once she seemed to be calming down he took a deep breath. "I know how hard it is to follow the rules on something like that. I find it hard myself." He squeezes Lunita lightly. "You haven't figured out how to separate parts of your mind, the killer and the woman. Right now you're trying to be both and it's almost impossible." He sighs, chewing over his words. "I would never send you away, you have learned too much about the skills to be a wetboy and about the Sa'Kage for it to be safe to release you." He looks at her, gently lifting her face and wiping her tears. His smile was gentle, only kindness in his blue eyes. "I understand the emotion Lunita. Just give it some time. Once you finish your training, the rules change. You can make them yourself." He leans forward, resting his forehead against hers. "Just a little longer. That's all it will take."
Lunita placed her head against his shoulder as he held her. She took a while to get calmed down but her crying subsided to soft sobs. She placed her hair behind her ear softly. He started speaking then. As Rieker explained the rules, she began to understand more. She felt his squeeze, so thankful that he was being understanding of her feelings. She took comfort that he had trouble with emotions as well. She had to learn how to separate the mind of killer and woman. She realized this. Perhaps that is why she didn't pass her test? She was so focused on Rieker watching. She wanted to know that if she were in trouble, he would come to her rescue, which would not always be the case. When he said that she would not get sent away, her heart jumped. When he wiped her tears, her heart began to skip beats. This was not the time. If she really wanted to pass her training, which she did so badly, she would have to get herself to separate those two frames of mind.

She kept her forehead against his while that mischievous tint returned to her eyes. She slowly reached for her daggers, a new determination sparking in her eyes. She forced herself against Reiker with a dagger at his throat now. "Fine, a little longer. I can handle it."
Rieker smirks when he feels the dagger against his throat. "Good. Using a mans natural tendency to comfort a woman in distress as a distraction." A burst of Talent threw them both apart, leaving him with what would have been a small cut on his neck, near the major vein, but not on it. "But you have to press the advantage. Practice weapons have to be pushed harder for the hit to register." He skids to a stop and picks up his weapons, the strange combination seeming natural in his hands.

It was a training device Rieker used often. Pairing two seemingly impossible weapons together and forcing Lunita to figure out how to counter both at once. Most people would only use the spear, or a pair of the hook swords. To use a short spear and a single hook sword required intense amounts of concentration and dexterity. The hook sword was for wide, sweeping blows to distract and disarm opponents. The short spear would come in after and provide the finishing blows. "Show me what you've learned. Any weapon except daggers."
Lunita landed with cat like reflexes as she used her Talent to bring the other dagger to herself. She gripped the daggers, holding them in a defensive stance as Rieker spoke. She frowned with a hint of annoyance in her eyes, "You think it was false comforting? That was not a distraction. However, I will remember that for future possibilities." She laughed within herself as he continued to speak, she knew how to make weapons, even practice ones be felt. She just didn't want to hurt him. He always said her Talent was stronger than his own. She kept that annoyance to her eyes. She had to make herself the killer, even with Rieker or she would never get passed the training.

When he said any weapons except for daggers she grumbled, she was more proficient with them. Maybe that is why he insisted on her changing them. She walked over to the table where her choices lay before her. She placed the daggers down, running her fingers over the options. She sighed heavily as her hand landed on a long bow. She kept her gaze on it without turning to Rieker. "Rieker, I do not want to hurt you. I do not want any harm coming to you at all but if I am ever going to get passed my training, I may end up doing so. For that, I am sorry." She turned with the bow, using her Talent, she formed an arrow that released and aimed for Rieker's chest. While Rieker would deal with that, she used her Talent to grab a shield. The bow floated in front of her. She created three more arrows, firing them one after another while wrapping herself into the shadows.
Rieker smiled as Lunita grabbed a bow. She had used it just a few times, but had shown very good accuracy. He expected the Talent-made arrows though and it was a simple burst of Talent to knock them apart before it hit him. He concentrates his Talent, speeding up his bodies natural reactions. He leaps to the side and rolls, covering most of the distance of the training room. He plants his feet on the wall and dives, sliding across the ground on his back. Her next three arrows fly over him as he skids past her.

He hooks her shield with his sword, a quick turn of his wrist and jab of his spear sending him rolling over. He tugs, hoping to pull the shield away from her body at the same time. He thrusts up with the spear, if his shield pull had worked then his spear would follow in the space right after the shield as it went past her stomach.
Lunita's eyes were focused, on fire with deep concentration. She held no emotion in her stance or face. He pulled on her shield, losing her grip on it, went flying away. She bent backwards while grabbing the spear, shoving a blast of Talent toward Rieker while keeping a tight grip on his weapon. She should have known that she would not be able to sneak into the shadows fast enough. So, she created a barrier around herself for the moment to get back on her feet with a kick jump. She took aim with her bow once again, sending another three arrows toward where Rieker may land.
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