The Angel of Secrets [Wildpelt & Shadow629]

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She meets his eyes, hers cold, yet filled with determination as well. "You alright?" She asks, not wanting to accidentally overwhelm his system.
Alex nodded and looked at her, his eyes cold but not as dark as hers, "Yes, turn me into a shifter!" He readied himself by closing his eyes.
She laughs to herself and let's go of his hand just as an overwhelming sense of pain washes over him.
Alex opened his eyes and did everyting he could to not fall over. He bent over a small bit and tried not to grab the table. As he did so, he registered soemthing being spoken.
Shadow tears strips of the towels and wraps them around both her hand and Alex's. She gets up and lays him down pressing a damp strip of towel on his forehead.
Alex nodded and closed his eyes, sweat forming on him but still willing to go through with this.
Suddenly a golden tail and ears start to sprout from Alex's body. Shadow smiles and murmurs soothing words.
Alex withered as new muscles and fur grew across it, and his eyes closed in pain. He tried His best not to look pained.
The pain slowly fades away as the transformation finishes. "Alex, how do you feel?" She asks looking over him, slightly concerned
Alex looked up and he had the ears of a golden retriever, and a dog like tail, "I feel...Okay I guess. A little sick to my stomach.""
Shadow walks over to the sink and gets Alex a glass of water. "Here, drink this slowly." As she hands it to him, a small smile still visible on her face.
Alex nodded, "I'm part dog!" He smiled and drank the water, feeling better, "ahh, thank you!"
Shadow laughs. "Yes, you are. Now why don't you try shifting, choose any animal you want. Except for mythical types, those take a load of practice." She sits next to him and scratches behind his ear.
Alex focused and slowly, after a large as of willpower, he became a Beatiful golden retriever. He barked softly and gave a smile.
"Now, try growling." She shifts into a German Shepard and let's loose a gut-wrenching growl.
Nodding, he gave a fear-inducing growl, flashing fangs and contacting his body so he looked angry.
She sits down and wags her tail happily. "I have taught you well" she shifts back and motion for Alex to as well.
Alex did so and looked at himself, "I want to change my name. I want to be known as Aaron."
"Just completely start over... I like how that sounds. It's a good idea Aaron." Shadow smiles and gestures to the table. "You hungry?"
Aaron nodded, "if you're willing to make food. I can help!"
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