The Ambassadorial Ball OOC

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I will be making another race with one character this time, one that is more advanced than even the Genomians. They actually created what is called (or what I called) Bio-netics, and have been trying to get the original blueprints back from the Genomians, who were once on this certain races planet at one time.
well, @Dedtoo if you want more races... I can bring you, a race with four genders O_O (Well, 3.5 actually but the outcome is more or less the same xD)

@FridgeRice the station isnt manned by robots, but sentient floating crystals.
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Name of the race/empire: Xserasdans

Age: The Xserasdans have been traveling through space for centuries.

Physical description: The most average look of a Xserasdan is pure white skin with a rough, worn leathery skin. If they have pointed joints then they were meant to be soldiers, if not then they are either of a higher class of power, or are a common citizen. The poointed joints fade to a pitch black, while the others are branded, having different skill sets than each other they have different brands. They get them when they are at a coming of age, which for the Xserasdans, when males become 25 females become 23. The males are given complicated responsibilities while the females are given simple ones. They have managed to include Bio-netics into the muscles of their own people, giving some of them more of a cybernetic look to them. If they have this technology then they are a high rankning officer, either of government, or of war. This gives them, a technical advantage when it comes to using their supernatural powers if any. If they have any supernatural powers, like say the gift of fire bending, then they have more of a red hue to their skin, and the more they use this gift, the darker their skin color gets. some Xserasdans have lived for centuries by just surviving wars, and some are even older than a thousand. The oldest in recorded history of the Xserasdans would be 11, 367 in human years.

Behavior: The Xserasdans are like a guardian race, watching over the lands they have come across, making contracts with the area to give the weaker planets an edge in case if crime or war are on a massive scale. Also they protect the actual planets and are not to ever become romantically involved with someone outside of their alien race. They build for others that cannot, and fight for the weak. Occasionally there are a few rogue warriors that disband themselves from the Xserasdan race and apply their skills as mercenaries and assassins for the the money and also the love of the kill. Whoever does this will be hunted down, and given the highest of punishment by the government. The Government also enforces something called the code that was set by the first Xserasdan, whom travels space helping anyone he can. The first Xserasdan worked with the deity called Xseran, to set up this Code, and if any of the code are broken the government is to enforce the punishments or send them to the Inner Hall, a place known as the Home of Xseran, deep within the planet. There are some warriors known as the Shadow Assassins. They are the protectors of The Code, and also are erased from every record known, and are given the Xserasdan Numbers as a name.

Technological level: The Xserasdans don't need projectile weapons, they are in a state where they can use a simple melee weapon made of the strongest, yet lightest metals, to win a battle. At a young age, they were trained to be able to rely on melee weapons and their inner strength, skills that were gained from the extreme training. Therefore they rely on their own strength to be able to fight, not projectile weapons. The have created a new science known as Bio-netics, which are a type of cybernetic machinery that is able to be used in the body, and work correctly, if the Bio-netics are damaged then it would take just a few days to make repairs or the body will repair on it's own. This meaning that Bio-netics are organic cybernetics, which were tested for several decades until they were completely perfected.

Fame: The Xsearasdans have made several contracts with leaders of solar systems in order to keep order around a few galaxies. They never forced The Code on any other alien being. If so they were punished on the spot.

Name of the person/being/character: Helichta'an Rigo'ora

Age: 420 in Xserasdan years, 210 in human years.

Position:He was once a Shadow Assassin, but was then given the role of Ambassador. So they had to change his name from one of the Xserasdan numerals, he was given the name by one of the most powerful Xserasdans on the planet.

Description: From head to toe, Helichta'an, is a staggering 12 feet 3 inches tall. He does not have any of the pointed joints like a common soldier, and his skin is a dark shade of grey, meaning that he controls gravity. His eye color is a pure white, while around that is a menacing, pitch black. he does not have any ears, just ear holes. His body is filled with bio-netic circuitry, giving him a slight glow when he activates it. With muscles that could tear down a building, he has become used to being gentle when dealing with certain objects that are frail, though it is very difficult. Covered over those muscles is his Shadow Assassin jet black armor that light and dense, being made of one of the strongest metal alloys that is made from several other strong metals from different galaxies. It hooks into his skin to connect with the Bio-netics and allow him to do more than just tear down a single building. He also carries a sword that is double edged long sword. He will never let it leave his side in case if he has to defend himself.

Personality: Helichta'an is serious man, and doesn't have any fun until he knows that the people he can talk to are trust worthy, then he calms himself and is always gentle. He is here to mainly get the original blueprints of the bio-netics, the ones that the Bloodlights had stolen during a desperate time. Helichta'an is also here to discuss any thing about making contracts to protect the weak or help any one that has been constantly invaded, even to strike up a trade deal if possible.
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@Dedtoo that fleet is... well... tiny O_O
Most DefinitelY, the Xserasdans could Provide More. The Xserasdans Could Not Only Provide Just A Fleet But An Entire Armada, If The Wanted To Anyways, And Sorry For The Way My text Is My Phone Wants To Be An Asshole To Me
Though still, the difference between a fleet and a Fleet, as well as an armada and an Armada... is fluid, and depends on the context and the referential systems ^^
@bloodlight I know how it is with stupid phones ;) mine refuses to give me any real power over these things > ' < so I gave up xD
True, An Armada For The Xserasdans Are Definitely Larger Than A Xyrian Fleet Though, I Would Explain But I Don't Really Want To Get Into Detail Unless If I Could Use The Xserasdans Then I Could Think Of A Good Amount Of Numbers, And It's Not Easy With My Phone So I Will Be Getting On Tomorrow
I suppose the xyrian fleet in question is the guys personal fleet though xD
But then, those of us that have personal fleets are more likely to hire our services out due to the possible personal profit :3
True Well I Will Be Getting Offline For Tonight I Hope The Xserasdans Get Accepted
@bloodlight I have a few questions about them, but Ill wait for das GM to give his decision first ^^
Yes, that is one mercenary's private group. The fleet over Xyria is far larger. Though it spends most of it's time fighting itself.

Windy's right. Aint no cheap bots on that station, just crystals all the way! :D

I'll have a lool at them during lunch. Though I give windy permission to speak his mind :p
... @Dedtoo are you sure about giving me that permission ?
And I am going to enjoy when everyone starts comparing fleets xD

@bloodlight some questions:

Age: The Xserasdans have been traveling through space for centuries.
A fairly young space-race then?

Physical description: The most average look of a Xserasdan is pure white skin with a rough, worn leathery skin. If they have pointed joints then they were meant to be soldiers, if not then they are either of a higher class of power, or are a common citizen. The poointed joints fade to a pitch black, while the others are branded, having different skill sets than each other they have different brands. They get them when they are at a coming of age, which for the Xserasdans, when males become 25 females become 23. The males are given complicated responsibilities while the females are given simple ones. They have managed to include Bio-netics into the muscles of their own people, giving some of them more of a cybernetic look to them. If they have this technology then they are a high rankning officer, either of government, or of war. This gives them, a technical advantage when it comes to using their supernatural powers if any. If they have any supernatural powers, like say the gift of fire bending, then they have more of a red hue to their skin, and the more they use this gift, the darker their skin color gets. some Xserasdans have lived for centuries by just surviving wars, and some are even older than a thousand. The oldest in recorded history of the Xserasdans would be 11, 367 in human years.
Common citizens and those of higher power look the same (what kind of power, i suppose the supernatural ones?).
So they are a male-dominated race, why ?
Supernatural powers, does this include all kinds of supernatural powers or are they more categorized (magic for example). What kind of powers are they able to have, how do the powers work, what amount of strength can be reached concerning the different kinds of powers? Do they use their vitality, mana, life-force or just huge amounts of energy to utilize their powers?
So some of them have biological cybernetics integrated into their bodies, which makes them both better purely physically and "magically". Any side-effects?
I take it they are more or less immortal unless someone kills them? Or is that just the supernaturally gifted ? Does the bio-netics have a part in this?

Behavior: The Xserasdans are like a guardian race, watching over the lands they have come across, making contracts with the area to give the weaker planets an edge in case if crime or war are on a massive scale. Also they protect the actual planets and are not to ever become romantically involved with someone outside of their alien race. They build for others that cannot, and fight for the weak. Occasionally there are a few rogue warriors that disband themselves from the Xserasdan race and apply their skills as mercenaries and assassins for the the money and also the love of the kill. Whoever does this will be hunted down, and given the highest of punishment by the government. The Government also enforces something called the code that was set by the first Xserasdan, whom travels space helping anyone he can. The first Xserasdan worked with the deity called Xseran, to set up this Code, and if any of the code are broken the government is to enforce the punishments or send them to the Inner Hall, a place known as the Home of Xseran, deep within the planet. There are some warriors known as the Shadow Assassins. They are the protectors of The Code, and also are erased from every record known, and are given the Xserasdan Numbers as a name.
Why protect weaker people?
Why the racist approach to other aliens? (Though as you specify romantically Im not entirely sure how I should interpret it ?
The first Xserasdan is still alive, if he is the one with an age of a little more than 10 thousand, that means the age of this race is the same?
Were they created to help other races by their god? And if that is the case, why have secret record-less protectors?

Technological level: The Xserasdans don't need projectile weapons, they are in a state where they can use a simple melee weapon made of the strongest, yet lightest metals, to win a battle. At a young age, they were trained to be able to rely on melee weapons and their inner strength, skills that were gained from the extreme training. Therefore they rely on their own strength to be able to fight, not projectile weapons. The have created a new science known as Bio-netics, which are a type of cybernetic machinery that is able to be used in the body, and work correctly, if the Bio-netics are damaged then it would take just a few days to make repairs or the body will repair on it's own. This meaning that Bio-netics are organic cybernetics, which were tested for several decades until they were completely perfected.
How do their spacecrafts fight?
In my knowledge there is no such thing as a strongest yet lightest metal, but that is the GMs area.
So, all soldiers are super-soldiers ?
The bio-netics is basically nanobots or nanites then? Or just a biological enhancing of the body to enable self-repairing of tissues, or just the cybernetic parts ?
Tough, no projectile weapons... Even if they have psychic/supernatural/magic powers... that one fact means they are inferior to most space-faring races as far as conflict goes.

Fame: The Xsearasdans have made several contracts with leaders of solar systems in order to keep order around a few galaxies. They never forced The Code on any other alien being. If so they were punished on the spot.

Name of the person/being/character: Helichta'an Rigo'ora

Age: 210 in Xserasdan years, 2,520 in human years.

Position:He was once a Shadow Assassin, but was then given the role of Ambassador. So they had to change his name from one of the Xserasdan numerals, he was given the name by one of the most powerful Xserasdans on the planet.

Description: From head to toe, Helichta'an, is a staggering 12 feet 3 inches tall. He does not have any of the pointed joints like a common soldier. and his skin is a dark shade of grey, meaning that he controls gravity. His eye color is a pure white, while around that is a menacing, pitch black. he does not have any ears, just ear holes. His body is filled with bio-netic circuitry, giving him a slight glow when he activates it. With muscles that could tear down a building, he has become used to being gentle when dealing with certain objects that are frail, though it is very difficult. Covered over those muscles is his Shadow Assassin jet black armor that light and dense, being made of one of the strongest metal alloys that is made from several other strong metals from different galaxies. It hooks into his skin to connect with the Bio-netics and allow him to do more than just tear down a single building. He also carries a sword that is double edged long sword. He will never let it leave his side in case if he has to defend himself.
I take it the strength is purely physical, shouldnt he have a better control over it, even if it is bio-netically enhanced?
How strong are his gravitational powers? Effective range/Precision/Weight gained/lost/does he absorb the surrounding gravity and focus it? or does he emit a field of heavy energy? Maybe change the rules of physics/reality?

Personality: Helichta'an is serious man, and doesn't have any fun until he knows that the people he can talk to are trust worthy, then he calms himself and is always gentle. He is here to mainly get the original blueprints of the bio-netics, the ones that the Bloodlights had stolen during a desperate time. Helichta'an is also here to discuss any thing about making contracts to protect the weak or help any one that has been constantly invaded, even to strike up a trade deal if possible.
How did the Bloodlights manage to steal them?
No hatred towards the Bloodlights?

I must they seem a bit too nice to be true xD
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Hey, keep your fleets in orbit and put away the rulers! D:<

And yeah, I give you a little permission. Just dont say anything soul-crushing.
Done, I will keep the rulers in my pockets ^^
And I hope I didnt sound too strict or anything.
(If it is too much Ill delete it @Dedtoo just say the word :)
Those are some fine questions Windy. Saved my break so I don't have to write it :3

I'll comment on the metal though: it can't be both the lightest and the strongest. That's very unlikely, as it has to have some mass to be strong, yet it can barely have any mass to be the lightest.
Good, I tend to let my mind run off with my writing, good I made your work easier ^^
(a little question, how free are you today, meaning the next 10 hours or so?)

And a thing regarding the fleets, I still want to know how many that are willing to give a visual of it :D
In about 3 hours I have about 10 hours of unplanned couch sitting. So I'll soon be very free :p
Why are you asking?
Am terribly bored while Im studying, need breaks lest I go insane xD
You have skype ?
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