The Actor and the Au Pair

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Sophia giggled as he stood and stared at her for a moment before he walked over and hugged her. She threw her arms around him and returned his kiss with equal passion. She smiled and kissed his ear ashis lips trailed over her neck. "So you like the dress? I got some other really pretty stuff that I can show you after dinner. However, we should eat while the food is still hot." She gently pulled away to let him look at the table to see everything she had put together.

They sat down and ate while talking about their days. Sophia watched him as he ate, happy to know that he liked her cooking. She couldn't make a lot of things but she had a few recipes she was good at and for everything else, there was a cookbook.
"So how was filming today? Do you have to go back tomorrow?"
Cody sat down with her and ate happily, complimenting the food immediately with a small smile. "Filming went great. We finished so I don't have to go tomorrow," he said with a wider smile and say back, continuing to eat. When he finished eating, he got up and cleaned the kitchen quickly before walking over to her. "Why don't you show me what you bought?" He said softly as he kissed her neck gently.
She was happy to hear that filming was all done and she could have Cody all to herself. She helped him clean up dinner and nodded. Taking his hand, she pulled him into the bedroom. All of her bags were sitting on the bed from when she came home. She grabbed one and pulled out a few new tops before showing him a dress from another bag. While he looked at the things she pulled from the bags, she slowly grabbed a white bag and tried to set it to the side so he wouldn't notice. Inside the bag was the lingerie she had bought for herself. She knew Cody would see it someday but she wasn't sure if she wanted him to see it just yet.
Cody smiled slightly as he looked at the tops. He smiled softly as he walked over and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. When he pulled back, he smirked down at her. "I'm going to go get a shower," he whispered softly to her before pulling back and kissing her neck gently. He walked out and to the bathroom, closing the door and starting the water as he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off before pulling his pants off. He stepped in the shower and stood there quietly, thinking about his life and such.

After washing his hair and body, he got out and wrapped the towel around his waist before using another and drying his hair thoroughly. He brushed his teeth and stared at his reflection for a few minutes before walking out and heading back to his room silently.
Sophia nodded as he mentioned going to get a shower, returning the kiss and hugging him back before letting him go. She was relieved that he hadn't caught sight of the lingerie bag. While he showered, she grabbed her suitcase and put it on the bed to rearrange her clothes so it all fit. She took everything out of her suitcase and folded it, stacking the items together based on size. Sophia hummed to herself while she packed, keeping a few things out of the suitcase since she wanted to wear them. She set her pajamas and a dress for tomorrow on the nearby dresser before tucking everything into the suitcase to fit easily.

Once everything was placed properly, Sophia grabbed the lingerie bag and put the items on top of her clothes so they would lay flat. She grabbed all of the shopping bags and folded them up before setting them by the trash can so housekeeping would grab them when they cleaned. She moved around the room to clean a little, wanting to make sure everything was put away so they wouldn't have to worry tomorrow. When Cody was done with his shower, she would jump in for a quick shower to clean up from her day of shopping.
Cody walked in quietly and immediately wrapped his arms around her gently. He kissed the crook of her neck gently as he tightened his grip on her. "Do you trust me?" He asked her quietly as he kissed her neck just below her ear. "You know I love you and would never intentionally hurt you sweetie. So do you trust me?" He asked her again again as he took a slow deep breath.

He didn't want to push her but he needed to know if she was willing to trust him. "I can read you like a book, Soph. It's not hard. You're scared of getting hurt so you tell yourself no when everything else says yes. I want you to know that I will gladly hurt myself if it means I can keep you," he whispered as he pulled her closer to his body and slowly ran his hand up and down her back.
Sophia stood up tall when Cody came up behind her and hugged her, his lips finding her neck as he gave her a squeeze. She listened to his question and tried to figure out why he was asking her about trusting him. Turning to face him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and smiled. "Cody, I trust you with my life. I love you dearly." She leaned in to rest her forehead against his while she moved her hands up and down his arms. She knew why he was asking and she also found herself wondering why she was hesitating anyway. This man loved her and was always there to make her feel special. She loved him too and wanted to live her life with him. Why wasn't she taking that next step?

With a small smile, she curled up to him and looked up into his eyes. "I guess.. I'm just waiting for the perfect moment. I know that I want to give myself to you. I figured that out recently... It feels like I might just be waiting for the best time to do so."
"The perfect moment..." He whispered softly as he tested the words on his tongue. "Got it," he said with a small smile as he held her close. "Now go shower and come to bed," he whispered softly as he kissed her head gently. After shooing her off, he turned out the lights and went into the living room. After turning out those lights, he turned on the hallway light so she could see. He walked into his room and found a notepad and a pencil after turning on the bedside lamp.

After putting on his glasses, he began writing down a list of people to make calls to in order to have things done. He planned on taking Sophia out tomorrow to have a fun day while these people would be in the suite, getting things ready. Once he finished, he got up and slipped it into the jeans he planned on wearing. Laying back down, he found a word search and began working on that as he waited for Sophia go return.
The blonde nodded as he told her to shower before they went to bed. She zipped up her suitcase and set it aside before grabbing her pajamas before heading to the bathroom. She turned on the water and stripped down, stepping into the shower to savor the hot water as it relaxed her muscles. She cleaned up and lathered her hair with her shampoo so every bit was cleaned before being rinsed off. She hummed to herself as she thought about her life and relationship with Cody. The man meant so much to her and she knew that she wanted to spend her life with him. He had already mentioned marriage in the future so why should she hesitate? She knew that he loved her and she loved him too.

After conditioning and rinsing her hair, she turned off the shower and stepped out before wrapping herself in a fluffy towel. She brushed out her hair and dried it a little. Looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded and made a big decision. Tomorrow night, she would take that next step with Cody and surprise him with the lingerie she had bought today. Once her decision was made, she changed into her pajamas before heading back into the bedroom. She stopped in the doorway when she saw Cody sitting in bed with his glasses on. He looked so handsome with his glasses on! Well, he was always handsome but those glasses made him look so smart and sexy. She walked over to the bed and leaned in to steal a kiss. "Mmm, you look so sexy in your glasses, Cody. Have you ever seen BBC's Sherlock? Irene Adler was right. Smart is the new sexy." She winked before crawling onto the bed and moving to lay down beside him.
Cody glanced up at the kiss and raised an eyebrow as he pulled his glasses off with a small smirk. "I'll have to remember that next time," he said softly. When she laid down beside him, he set his glasses and puzzle down before reaching over and turning off the lamp. He kissed her affectionately before settling down beside her and wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Get some sleep. We're going out tomorrow," he told her and smiled at her. He held her closer and closed his eyes as he yawned. "I love you," he whispered before falling asleep.

Cody woke up the next morning promptly at six and stretched as he yawned. He got up and found his jeans with a black Three Days Grace tee shirt. After gathering his clothes, he headed to the bathroom and got a quick shower. Once he stepped out, he dried off and got dressed before brushing his teeth and gelling his hair. When he walked out, he sat on he couch in the living room and started making calls. A redecorating person to rearrange the furniture. A flower person to spread rose pedals scarcely around the rooms. A chef to cook an amazing steak dinner, and a close gay friend to put finishing touches such as candles and such. He knew it was kind of cheesy but he wanted her to feel like she was the only girl in the world because in his eyes, she was. After making are they all came after they left, he smiled softly and turned on the tv.
When the morning arrived, Sophia yawned and rolled over to curl up to Cody. However, Cody wasn't there. She opened her eyes and reached up to rub the sleep from her eyes. She could hear the tv on in the living room and pouted. Why was Cody always awake before her and never in bed when she woke up? The young woman slowly lifted herself out of the bed and shuffled into the living room with an adorable pout on her face. "Cody Aiden Wayland... why are you never in bed when I wake up? Can't a girl wake up with her boyfriend still cuddled up to her?" She walked over and moved to sit down on his lap, curling up to him while resting her head on his shoulder. She didn't care that he was already dressed while she had just pulled herself out of bed. She wanted morning cuddles from her boyfriend and he was going to give them to her.

"So what did you have in mind today for our adventure?" She remembered Cody mentioning last night a plan to go out. It would be their last day here before flying back to Sydney tomorrow so they needed to make it count. She was curious to see what he had planned for their day.
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Cody heard Sophia come out of the room and looked over at her, almost bursting with laughter at the sight of her pouting. When she moved to sit in his lap, he gladly welcomed her and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry sweetie. I'm not used to staying in bed after I wake up," he explained before kissing her head gently. "I'll tell you what. When we get back to Sydney, I'll stay in bed every morning and cuddle with you," he told her as he kissed her lips lovingly.

After several minutes of holding her, he finally answered her question. "Go out for breakfast. Maybe go to an amusement park. Spend the day there. Come back for dinner," he said with a small smile on his face. "Now go get dressed so we can go." He said as he stood her up and kissed her.
Sophia returned the kiss and cuddled up to him, happy to hear his plan for cuddling in his bed with her. She listened to his idea for the day and she nodded happily. "That sounds fantastic. I love amusement parks. Will there be plenty of roller coasters?" She grinned and got up, stretching her arms above her head as she walked to the bedroom. She grabbed some denim shorts and a tank top underneath a loose blouse. Pulling her hair up in a ponytail, she packed her purse before slipping on some sneakers. She walked out to the living room and smiled at Cody. "Ready! Let's go get some breakfast."

She took his hand and tugged him out of the hotel room to head downstairs for some breakfast. As they got downstairs, she filled her plate with some food to give her plenty of energy. "Cody, they have chocolate chip pancakes again," she said as she put two on her plate before finding them a table to sit down at.
Cody simply nodded at her question and smiles as she left to get dressed. When she returned, he stood up and was barely able to steal a quick kiss before she pulled him out of the room. When he notice her going to the breakfast bar in the hotel, she had already gotten food. He shook his head as he took her plate and threw it away. He picked her up bridal style, ignoring the stares people were giving them, and carried her outside to his car, setting her gently in the passenger seat. Running over to the drivers side, he got in and started the car as he looked at her. "When I said go out for breakfast, I meant go out," he said with a smile as he leaned over and kissed her before pulling out of the passenger seat.

He kept one hand on the wheel and the other on her hands, gently rubbing her knuckles with his thumb as he drove to a local diner. Once they arrived, he parked and got out, going over and opening her door for her. Taking her hand in his, he walked inside and glanced around before finding a window seat and a view of the still-rising sun. "They have better chocolate chip pancakes here," he said teasingly as he winked at her and looked through the menu.
Sophia blushed a little when Cody grabbed her llate and tossed it away. Then he picked her up and said they were going out for breakfast. She felt a little embarrassed that she hadn't realized that but the feeling faded as they drove away from the hotel and he brushed his thumb over her knuckles. She smiled at him before watching the scenery pass by. When they got to the diner, she got out of the car and walked in with him.

She picked up the menu and read over the options, amazed by everything they had. Everything on the menu sounded delicious so Sophia had a tough time narrowing it down. "What are you gonna get, honey?" She turned the pages of her menu back and forth before finally deciding on the pancakes with eggs and bacon.
Cody looked at her and smiled softly as he thought. "Chocolate chip waffles with some bacon, eggs, and toast," he said softly as he reached over and took her hand. When the waitress came, he gave his order and allowed Sophia to give hers before the woman left. He stared lovingly at Sophia until their food arrived. He began to eat as they talked about nothing in particular, enjoying the time they spent together. It was going to he a good day.
Sophia ordered the chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top and eggs and bacon on the side. She thanked the waitress before turning back to smile at Cody. When they got their food, they talked and Sophia told him about a vivid dream she had that made no sense whatsoever. "And then after the koala climbed back into the phone booth, I continued on my way to look for this rainbow dolphin or something. I honestly don't know what the dream was about but no more stir fry before bed for me," she said with a giggle.

Once her meal was finished, she licked her lips and leaned back in her chair to rub her tummy. The food had been delicious. She definitely had plenty of energy to run around an amusement park all day now.
Cody listened, laughing lightly at the dream she was telling him about. He shook his head and laughed a bit harder before finishing his food. He paid and stood up, taking her hand and leading her back to his car. He opened the door for her and closed it after she got in then walked around to his side and got in. "Well I dreamed about thunderstorms," he said as he looked at her with loving eyes.

Pulling out of the parking lot, he turned up the radio and smiled as he drove to the amusement park. Finding a close parking spot, he got out and walked over to her, gladly opening the door. He led her to the front gate, his hand on her lower back as he paid for both of them and walked in. "What do you want to do first?" He asked her softly as he kissed the top of her head and walked over to a map of the park.
When they got closer to the amusement park, Sophia found it very hard to sit still. She could see some of the bigger rides already and her heart was racing with adrenaline. As they got out of the car and into the park, she looked at the map and pointed out the rides that she definitely wanted to ride. She wanted to have a somewhat equal blend between the high intensity rides and the easier rides. "Let's start there," she said as she pointed to the biggest roller coaster on the map towards the back of the park. She knew there would be a line so they should get that one done first and work their way back towards the front.

Curling up to his side, she put on her sunglasses andwalked through the park with him. She could see people pointing at them, mostly at Cody. They all seemed to be unsure if it was really him or just someone that looked a lot like him. She smiled up at him and stole a kiss.
"Does this happen a lot where people aren't sure you're who they think you are so they just stare from a distance?"
"Sometimes to the point that it's creepy," he said with a smile as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He kissed her head as he ran a hand through his hair. "After a while you get used to it and eventually, they're not there," he added as they approached the ride, having to stand in line. The people in front of them glanced back and immediately began offering their spot though Cody declined. Did he want to get further into the line? Yes. But he wasn't so conceited to take someone else's spot so he would wait his turn. "I hope that's okay with you sweetie," he whispered softly as he looked down at her, giving her a gentle squeeze.

The line slowly moved ahead but they eventually got to the front and it was their turn to get on. Taking Sophia's hand, he led her to the back of the ride and sat down beside her. "The back is always the best because it gets the most reaction and less pull," he said with a smile and kissed her gently as the workers went through the people and made sure the bars were on good before the ride started. As it did, they started off slow, going up a hill and came to a stop at the top before going over, slow turning into fast a bit quicker than any normal ride.
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