The Actor and the Au Pair

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Sophia hugged Cody back and blushed when he told her that he wanted to try and create that perfect moment for her so they could take the next step. Had he known about her plan for the evening? No, he couldn't have... right? She cuddled up to him and kissed his cheek as they walked back into the living room. "I don't mind at all. I think this is exceptionally sweet of you." Sitting down in her chair, she lifted the cover from her plate and gasped in delight at the steak dinner in front of her. It smelled amazing and she found her mouth watering already. When Cody poured some wine into her glass, she thanked him and picked up her glass to take a sip. "Mmm, this looks so good." Picking up her napkin, she rested it over her lap and began to cut into her steak. It was cooked just the way she liked it. She cut off a small piece and took a bite, grinning in delight at the wonderful taste.

They both enjoyed their meal and talked about a variety of things. It was so nice to share a nice private meal with Cody and Sophia found her thoughts lingering in the next room. She wanted to make the next move with Cody and tonight would be the perfect time. She was still nervous about taking things that far but she knew that she wanted to do this with Cody. When her plate was empty, she leaned back in her chair and smiled. "That was so delicious. Thank you, Cody. I don't know where you got the food but it's amazing." Standing up, she moved to kiss his cheek while hugging his shoulders. "I'll be right back. I've got a small surprise for you."

Sophia gave him one more kiss before moving into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. She went to grab something out of her suitcase and began to change. She took off her clothes from the park and changed into the blue lingerie she had purchased the day before. Once she was dressed, she brushed her hair and left it down in some wild curls while she fixed her make-up. She gave herself one more look in the mirror before letting out a sigh to calm her nerves. Walking to the bedroom door, she opened it and stepped out for Cody to see. "So... here's my surprise for you. Do you like it?" The young woman tried to look as calm and confident as possible but it was difficult. She was extremely nervous! This was something she had never done before. She was stepping into foreign territory right now.
Cody smiled softly as he gladly ate with her and kept up the conversation with her. He finished eating just after she did and smiled softly. "I know people," he said with a wink before kissing her and giving her a soft hug back. "A surprise? I wonder what it could be," he said softly before standing and cleaning off the table. He set the empty dishes in the sink with a small smile as he waited on her and cleaned the dishes. What could be taking so long?He heard the door open followed by her voice and turned around, instantly losing his breath as he stared at her. His jaw hung open and he was unable to form the words to express his thoughts no matter how much he wanted to. "Woah..." Was all he was able to murmur to himself as his eyes stayed on her.

Finally finding his legs, he walked over to her, kissing her passionately as his hands gently rested on her hips. Forcing himself to pull away slightly, he moved his lips next to her ear and spoke. "There's nothing to be nervous about," he whispered as he pulled her close and places small kisses on her neck. "I promise," he added quietly and scooped her up bridal style, carrying her to the bedroom. He looked down at her with a small smile. "You look beautiful," he promised her and kissed her gently as he laid her down gently, sensing her nervousness. "Hey, I love you okay?" He said to her as he gently kisses her jawline, his hands trailing up and down her sides.
Sophia looked up to see Cody's reaction and blushed bright pink when she saw him staring with his mouth wide open. She played with a strand of her hair and shifted her weight on her feet. She was about to say something when he walked over and kissed her. Sophia gasped before quickly melting into his arms, returning the kiss with equal passion. As his lips moved to her ear, she felt shivers race down her spine and hugged him tightly. "I know. I can't help it. I'm excited and nervous at the same time." She moaned softly as his lips continued to move over her ear and neck. She curled up to him as he picked her up and carried her towards the bed. Returning each kiss he gave her, she ran her hands over his chest and arms. When he pulled back and reassured her of his love, she smiled and nodded as she rested her forehead against his. "I know you do. I love you too. I just can't help the nervous excitement. I'll be okay, I promise."

Looking at Cody, she reached up to brush her hand over his cheek before looping her arm around his neck and pulling him down for another passionate kiss. She moved to press her chest against Cody's, wanting to feel his body against her own as they started their next step in their relationship.
Cody smiled softly as he kissed her back, careful not to crush her with his weight. He gently ran his fingers through her hair as he kissed her before pulling back and sitting up, pulling his shirt off. He threw it on the floor before returning his lips to her neck gently. He gently nipped at her neck, making sure it didn't hurt before returning to kisses.

"," he said softly between each kiss as he slowly moved his hands down to the hem of her lingerie top. "You are absolutely stunning," he whispered softly as he hesitantly moved it up just over her stomach before looking to her to make sure it was okay. He was determined not to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.
Sophia felt her entire body tingling in excitement as they continued to kiss. Feeling Cody's hands trailing down her sides until they reached the bottom of her top, she looked up at him and stared into his eyes. This was the moment.... There was no turning back from this. If she wanted to stop, she needed to say something now. In the past, this had been where she stopped and felt herself starting to panic. However, this time she felt no fear. No nerves attacked her. She found herself excited but not scared.

When he looked to her for permission, she grinned and leaned in to kiss him. She gave him a small nod and brushed her nose against his. "Go ahead. I'm ready." She pulled him into another kiss while his hands slid her top up higher to expose her stomach slowly. Sophia squirmed beneath him and ran her hands over his bare chest, moving to press her hips against his to show him how much she wanted this.
Cody smiled as he returned the kiss and nodded slightly with a small smile. He let out a soft moan at her actions and kissed her deeply, taking a deep breath as he looked into her eyes. "You can always tell me to stop," he whispered to her before kissing her collar bone, everything else fading to black.

The next mornig when he woke up, Cody stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before the memory of the previous night returned, a smile appearing on his face. He looked around briefly, realizing their clothes were strewn everywhere before he looked down at her. His fingers gently brushed through her hair, pushing it out of her face as he stared at her, watching her sleep. He knew there was no way she could look more beautiful than she did right then. They still had to get up and pack and get to the airport but he didn't care just then. He just wanted to stay there with her at that moment.
Sophia was fast asleep in the bed, curled up under the sheets as she slept with her back against Cody's chest. The woman felt the sunshine on her skin from the nearby window and slowly began to wake up. Taking in a deep breath, her eyes opened slowly before she looked around. She rolled onto her back and looked up to see Cody watching her. Smiling, she reached up to cup his face before pulling him down to steal a kiss. "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" She brushed her thumb over his cheek and smiled as she started to stretch out on the bed.

She knew that they needed to clean things up before packing and heading to the airport. They were heading back to Sydney today. She would be spending the rest of the week with Cody at his house with a chance to meet his mother and his sister. She was a little nervous but she had confidence that they would like her since Cody loved her. From what he had told her about them, she already adored them and wanted to be good friends with both women.
Cody smiled as he watched her wake up, returning her kiss with a gentle one of his own. "I don't know about you but I slept amazing," he said softly as he held her gently. "Do you feel okay?" He asked with concern as he looked into her eyes, kissing her nose gently. He gently rubbed her side as he watched her carefully.

He reluctantly got up, slipping on a pair of shorts before walking around and cleaning up the room. "You stay here. I'll be right back," he said softly as he walked out of the room and to the kitchen. He began cooking her breakfast consisting of a fruit salad and some French toast to go with it happily. He soon finished and fixed her a plate with a glass of orange juice before taking it into the room her her, stiring down next to her. "Eat up," he said as he kissed her cheek.
"I slept very well too," she said with a smile. When he asked how she was feeling, she moved around a little bit and felt her body to see if anything felt wrong. She felt some muscles soreness but nothing else felt wrong. "I feel pretty good. Some soreness but that'll fade in time." She moved to roll over so she could curl up to him but then Cody got up and told her to stay in bed. Watching him walk out of the bedroom, she was curious to where he was going but then she heard him moving around the kitchen. She instantly knew what Cody was doing. She started to sit up but felt a pull in her back slightly from the sudden movement. Laying back down, she stretched and rubbed the spot on her back to help relax the muscle before the tension disappeared.

She was able to sit up just as Cody walked in, carrying the tray with the breakfast on it. "Sweetie, you didn't have to do that for me.. You are too wonderful sometimes. I love you." She gave him a kiss and picked up the orange juice to take a sip. While he curled up to her, she cut up the french toast before taking a small bite to savor the sweetness. She shared her breakfast with Cody so they both got plenty of food to fill them up. "When do we have to be at the airport? Think I have time to take a quick shower before we start packing?"
Cody smiled softly as he ate with her, occasionally kissing her head lovingly. When they finished, he set the plate on the bedside table and looked at the time. Smiling, he gently rolled her on her stomach without a word and gently began massaging her shoulders and back, focusing on some spots with the most tension. He started thinking silently to himself about Sophia before realizing she had asked a question.

"We would have to get one together but we can't have any part of you sore during the flight so I'm fine with that if you are," he said softly. "Just showering because as of right now, we have a total of four hours to be at the airport," he said as he kept massaging, moving down to her lower back and being sure to be gentle with her. When he finished, he leaned down and kissed the crook of her neck before pulling away, waiting for her answer.
Sophia enjoyed the breakfast and finished off the orange juice before letting Cody set the dishes to the side. When he moved her onto her stomach, she looked over her shoulder at him to see what he was planning. Then he began to massage her shoulders and back, making the young woman melt under his touch. She moaned softly and let herself close her eyes as she surrendered to his hands as they worked out the tension in her back. She listened to him as he mentioned them taking a shower together due to a lack of time before needing to be at the airport.

She thought over the idea and saw no harm with it. When Cody stopped, she let out a relaxed sigh and rolled onto her side to look up at him. "That sounds fine with me. I wouldn't mind sharing a shower with you." She sat up and gave him a kiss before slowly getting up from the bed. She yawned and stretched her arms above her head as she walked towards the bathroom, swaying her hips to tease Cody before she disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the water to warm it up. Looking at herself in the mirror, she brushed her hair back and looked over her body for any marks from last night.
Cody smiled when she agreed and let her up, shaking his head slightly at her teasing. He smiled slightly and followed her out of the room and into the bathroom before standing behind her. He planted a single kiss on a small, purple mark on her neck from where he had bitten harder than he thought. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly in her ear as he tightened his arms around her.

He turned her around and kissed her gently before taking her hand and helping her into the warm water. He pulled off his shorts and stepped in behind her before closing the shower door. Using the handheld shower head, he carefully wet her hair before using some of her shampoo and gently beginning to massage her scalp, washing her hair thoroughly for her. Once he rinsed hers out, he smiled softly and applied some conditioner to it and let it set and moisturize her hair.
Spotting the bruise on her neck, she tilted her head to the side and smiled as he kissed the mark. "Don't worry about it. It's a mark of love." She smiled as she leaned into the kiss, rubbing her hands over his chest before they pulled back. She followed him into the shower and smiled as the warm water washed over them. She stood still and let him run the water over her hair before running her shampoo through it to wash it. She let him put the conditioner in her hair before moving to grab his shampoo. She reached up to lather the shampoo into his hair, making sure every bit was washed and clean before she rinsed it out. She ran her fingers through his hair to smooth it back before leaning in to steal a kiss.

Turning, she grabbed a wash cloth and poured some body wash on it before she began to run it over her body. She made sure to get every spot that she could before passing the cloth to Cody while she stood with her back towards him. "Will you wash my back please?" She smiled at him over her shoulder, letting him run the soapy cloth over her back to make sure no spot was missed before she rinsed it off. After washing Cody's body with the cloth, they both rinsed off their hair before turning the shower off. Sophia stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. She ran the towel over her body before wrapping it around herself as she passed Cody a towel for himself.
Cody smiled and gently washed her back before allowing her to washes body. He pulled her into a kiss before stepping out with her. He dried off mainly before wrapping a towel around his waist. He followed her into the room and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You look her beautiful," he whispered against her neck. "Get dressed. We had a long flight," he whispered softly.

He changed into a pair of dark wash jeans and a loose muscle tee shirt and began to pack up his things before kissing her cheek. "I'll be in the living room," he told her before carrying out his things into the living room and sitting on the couch.
Sophia leaned into him ad he hugged her and kissed her neck. She nodded when he told her to get dressed. Grabbing her suitcase, she set it on the bed and opened it. She pulled out a pair of jeans and a pink cotton shirt to change into. After getting dressed, she grabbed their clothes that had been tossed around the room the night before and packed them away.

She did a check of the room to make sure neither of them was forgetting anything. Finding nothing, she zipped up her suitcase and carried it out to the living room to set it by Cody's. "I'm ready." She walked over to hug Cody from behind as he sat on the couch, kissing behind his ear gently.
Cody smiled when she walked out and leaned back into her touch. He turned his head slightly at the feel of her lips behind his ear and kissed her gently as he stood up. He smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes. "Finally going home," he whispered softly and kissed her forehead before pulling away and grabbing both of their things.

He motioned for her to follow and walked out after turning off all the lights. Stopped by Mikael's room and wished him luck since he was going to Melbourne tone with Amelia and his kids. He went down to the lobby and smiled as he headed out to his car. After popping the trunk, he put the bags in and opened Sophia's door for her. He then walked around and got in the drivers side seat before pulling out and driving to the airport.
Sophia smiled and looked around the room one more time before they left. Walking down to Mikael's suite, she hugged her employer and wished him safe travels to meet up with the others in Melbourne. He told them that Amelia's grandfather had recovered from the stroke but was still weak so they would stay for a few days to make sure he was back in good health. While Sophia stepped away, Mikael pulled Cody over and told him that he would be sending the dresses for Amelia and Sophia back to their house in Sydney to be kept safe and secret from Sophia until right before the premier.

When they said goodbye, they went down to Cody's car and packed their things before heading towards the airport. When they got to the airport, they gave their bags to the ticket counter to be put on the plane before heading through the security. She took a little longer to get through the security due to her foreign passport but it wasn't too long before they got through and went to their plane. "So tell me more about your home and your family. I'm excited to meet them."
Cody walked with her, patiently waiting on her when she had to show her passport. He took her hand and walked onto the plane with her, allowing her to have the window seat before sitting next to her. "Well my house was built specifically for my taste. Everything was hand picked from the countertops to the furniture and colors." He smiled as he looked at her.

"My family is amazing. They are loving and caring and supportive. My sister is an artist and my mother what a chef so the food is always amazing. I even have some of my sister's works in my house. My dad helped out with the local wildlife shelter so I was raised around all kinds of exotic animals, hence the reason why I have a fox for a pet," he said to her as he wrappes an arm around his shoulder.
Once they were on the plane, she thanked Cody for the window seat. She always loved looking down at the landscapes and seeing the clouds. Lifting the armrest between her seat and Cody's seat, she leaned into his side and listened as he told her about his home, his mother, and his sister. Everything sounded amazing and she found herself getting excited to see his home and meet the women in his family. "Wow. You have such an amazing family from the sounds of it. I'm really excited to meet them. I hope they'll like me. Have you told them about me yet? Or did they find out from the magazines?" She had seen articles about them in some of the entertainment magazines, pictures of their date to the zoo and pizzeria printed with the articles. It was obvious that they were together a lot but no one had printed anything that secured the fact that they were dating yet. It would only be a matter of time though.

As the plane prepared for take-off, she settled into her seat and looked over at the window to see them moving towards the area where they would take flight from the airport. While she had flown plenty, she always felt a little nervous when they would take-off and land. It was scary because she had no control over the situation. She had putting her life in someone's hands. They were well-trained but it was still a little scary because they were moving so quickly and the plane was so big.
Cody sensed her slight nervousness and smiled softly as he held her close to him. "I love you," he said before growing silent. He hated talking on a flight since his ears popped from the altitude and talking always gave him a headache. He closed his eyes and yawned softly before falling asleep, his head resting against hers. He slept the entire flight, waking up when the turbulence started from the landing.

After they stopped comoletely, he stood and held Sophia's hand before exiting. He walked over to the baggage claim, smiling as he grabbed their things and headed out. Looking around, he walked over to a blac Maserati and popped the trunk, putting the bags in before closing it and opening her door. "Welcome to Sydney, Australia," he said with a smile. He closed her door and got into the drivers side, enjoying the feel of his car again. "I've missed this thing..."
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