The Absolutely Good For Nothing Student Council

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Ooh!! This looks like so much fun. 8D May I reserve the SB Spirit Committee Head?
Aw shucks I was gonna ask for Spirit Committee Head :P Oh well, maybe I'll pick a different one.

Mimi Takane

15 years old

Upper Seconday 1st Year

SB Spirit Committee Head

Important Relationships
OPEN - Feel free to PM me!


Mimi is basically made of flowers and ponies and rainbows. She is a powerpuff girl incarnate, consisting of sugar, spice, and everything nice. She's eccentrically happy all the time, her constantly chipper personality a permanent beacon of relentless sunshine. It's almost creepy how bubbly she is; honestly, it's like her life mission is to bring eternal joy to everyone she meets and everything she does. This behavior tends to freak out the other students sometimes or annoy them, but it never phases Mimi. Her smiley facade just about never falters, no matter what kind of stuff is thrown at her -- which is precisely why she was selected to be head of the Spirit Committee. (Just hope you're not around when the chipper exterior actually does crack... Because there is an angry beast inside that is far too strong for its own good, suppressed by years of sugary sweetness.)

Even as a small child, Mimi seemed eternally jolly -- like Santa Claus, but in baby form. Her eyes would light up at the smallest phenomena, and she was always on the move, looking for things to explore. She almost never cried, and she never got angry or upset -- with the exception of the one time someone was bullying her best friend and she lashed out, breaking their nose. (After that, no one dared cross her path.) But that incident aside, Mimi has always had the same demeanor her whole life. She's an only child, and her parents aren't quite sure where she got the chipper attitude from, but it doesn't bother them in the least. In fact, they're quite proud of their little beam of sunshine.

When Mimi was four years old, her parents decided to let their daughter channel all her positive energy into athletics. First, it was gymnastics and dance; however, by the time Mimi was seven, she had started playing soccer as well, and she excelled in all three. While her classmates and peers at school were a bit afraid of her because of her creepily sunny disposition (and the knowledge that there was a violent demon lurking somewhere underneath), her coaches and teammates all loved and respected her. On the field, Mimi was able to inspire her peers with both her incredible talent and her great energy and camaraderie, and she looks out for her teammates as if she were a mother duck ushering her ducklings across the street.


Major Quirk
Mimi is happy-go-lucky all the time, and she rarely ever walks anywhere -- meaning, she basically back-flips or dances down the hallway any time she goes somewhere.

athletics (esp. gymnastics & soccer) | sweets & desserts | laughing | dancing | singing (quite terribly)

vegetables | pessimism & cynicism | rainy weather | fishing | golf | bleak colors | gore & horror films

ghosts & paranormal activity | getting an unlucky streak | upsetting her parents

Fun fact: Mimi is extremely superstitious. She never steps on cracks, always picks up lucky pennies, and avoids black cats like her life depends on it.
2) "Who's ready to have some fun~?! I know I am!" *back-flips into the room with explosive, confetti-filled entrance*

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@Ichinomiya Eruna

Mimi is all done! If anything on the sheet needs fixing, just lemme know. ^^

EDIT: Aaaaalso... So, we can have more than one character, right? Could I potentially make one more, and could she also be on the Spirit Committee (but not hold an SB position)?
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@Ichinomiya Eruna

Mimi is all done! If anything on the sheet needs fixing, just lemme know. ^^

EDIT: Aaaaalso... So, we can have more than one character, right? Could I potentially make one more, and could she also be on the Spirit Committee (but not hold an SB position)?
Of course, but we can have any number of spirit committee members, so I don't need to hold a spot for that :)
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Her character is so similar to mine ^^ but I wish I was flexible like Mimi.

"Welcome aboard!"​
Dear Mimi Takane (@Thurrbo )

You have been chosen to join the Student Council, as our SB Spirit Committee Head. Please help to start getting everyone involved in school spirit again, and help us to have a successful time at Komikaru Secondary School.
Have a nice day,

Have a nice day,
Shijiro Tenuki
Shijiro Tenuki
Headmaster/Student Council Club Advisor​
Her character is so similar to mine ^^ but I wish I was flexible like Mimi.
Eh, I don't think so... Their likes/dislikes are fairly similar, but their personalities are very different. Mimi isn't playing the innocent card, and she isn't easy to manipulate at all. If the kids avoid her at school, it's because they're scared of her -- not because they're jealous of her getting the guys. (Also, their bios are different too. :P)

Anywho, no character infringement intended here, but yes, I also wish I was flexible like Mimi lol.
Name: Akiyama, "Ko-chan" Kohaku
Age: 15
Year: Upper Secondary 2rd year
Role: Spirit Committee member
Important Relationships: PM me for suggestions!
Personality: Kohaku is a cheerful guy with a generally optimistic disposition, however, his type of optimism is odd and tainted with darkness. He finds anything that a regular person would find frightening, interesting. He likes to take walks at night and in thunderstorms. His favorite past time is watching horror movies, however due to his father's bed time 'stories', he doesn't find any of the movie content the least bit frightening.
In his opinion, a person's spirit is only ever at it's best when experiencing harrowing or heart pounding events. So he has made it his mission to build up everyone's spirit through scaring the crap out of everyone, so they can experience true bliss.
Bio: Kohaku was born to a soon to be divorced couple. His parents had had a falling out and even the miracle of their only child's birth couldn't bring them back together. His mother wanted to go find herself, so she left a baby Kohaku with his father and never came back. Kohaku's father at the time was an esteemed surgeon, who's social life died when because he had to take care of his son. In his loneliness, Kohaku's father often told his growing son, the stories of the surgeries that he performed, and that's probably why Kohaku turned out the way he did.

When he entered grade school, Kohaku made a large amount of friends do to his charming and outgoing personality, but he soon lost them when he began recounting his father's surgery stories to his horrified friends. Their parents caught wind of this and forced them to stop interacting with Kohaku, so he spent most of his grade school years in solitude. However when he got to high school, and people got more mature and less likely to listen to their parents, he started making friends again.
Major Quirk: He thinks scaring the crap out of people will raise their school spirit
Likes: Horror movies, anything scary really, spiders, snakes, mythology, mythical creatures.
Dislikes: Glitter, arcades, halibut, ghost busters/hunters, horror movies that end with the monster getting killed/subdued.
Fears: Not meeting his demise in a horror movie fashion // Losing his friends

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I prefer if you didn't make a comment like that, if you don't mind. :)
Sorry if it sounded like infringement or the like. I didn't mean it in any way like that. I just really like her character because it kind of reminded me of myself as an actual person a little bit and I loved it. I really just can't wait to see how everyone's characters act. I'm sorry if that offended either of you.
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Sorry if it sounded like infringement or the like. I didn't mean it in any way like that. I just really like her character because it kind of reminded me of myself as an actual person a little bit and I loved it. I really just can't wait to see how everyone's characters act. I'm sorry if that offended either of you.
No offense taken! Sorry to have misinterpreted it, my bad. ^^" I'm also really excited~ It's been a long time since I was in a more comedy-based RP, so I'm looking forward to this haha. 8D
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Same I know just how you feel. I haven't done something light and fun in what feels like forever. Just want to get going already and have fun :)
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What anime is Mimi's face claim from? :0
@Justaddnutts Vice president is now available. Feel free to post a vice president. I'll hold the spot for three days
What anime is Mimi's face claim from? :0
I believe she's from a video game/anime called Inazuma Eleven GO? I don't know too much about it though. ):

(But speaking of face claims... I love the anime your character is from! Idk, if you watch it, but it's funny because I literally just started watching Gekkan Shouji Nozaki-kun, like, two days ago. xP)
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