teen wolf Raven& Sienna Mccall

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she followed the man to his truck after checking out of the hospital.

scott says u dont want to know how i tested sarah.
Ebony looked at him. "I'm sure it was similar or worse." She replied.

John had waited for her to check out then led her to his truck and unlocked it. "Alright hope in and tell me where to go." He stated.
he says actually alot easier since she was 5 years old.

she says outside town towards the woods.
Ebony sighed. "Well that's good. Easier is better I'm sure." She stated.

John nodded and cranked his car. "So that must be why you ran to the wrong place at the wrong time. You didn't know hunters went in those woods?" He asked as they drove along.
he says yes it was.

She says yes i guess that it why.
Ebony gave a nod. "When do you think she'll get back?" She suddenly asked.

John nodded and keep driving then stopped when they were near where she said. "You want out here or somewhere maybe closer?" He asked.
sienna will be here soon i can hear a car a few miles away.

Out here please sir.
John nodded then waited for her to get out and start to walk. "Alright be more careful next time." He said once they were about to part before he would drive on off to head home himself.

Ebony gave a small smile. "That's a relief." She replied.
she said i will goodbye! she ran back into the woods and turned wolf running home her redish fur blowing in the breezee as she ran.
When he saw her walk off he then drove off not seeing her shift.

Ebony turned her head as if hearing the wind pick up from someone running or something moving pretty fast getting closer to them. She wasn't sure if it was just her hearing things or not however.
sienna knocked her nose on the door. telling them to open the door for her.
Ebony looked to Scott to see what he thought before moving toward the door.
scott says open it its her sienna knocks her muzzle on the door again.
Ebony then opened the door to let Sienna in. She stepped back behind the door a bit for Sienna to enter then closed the door behind her.
sienna trotted in and returmed to her human form and says owww transforming still really hurts dang that arrow stung is everyone ok?
Ebony looked to her. "Your worried about us when you were the one shot by an arrow? Are you nuts?" She asked then gave a light laugh. "I think were all fine. But your the one I was concerned about really." She stated. "Well till I hit him in the head." She said and pointed to Scott.
she says you hit him with what? she laughed at scott giggling. her wolf ears showing as she laughed.
"This." She replied holding up the ball they were using to practice lacrosse. "He acted like I knocked him straight out." She added. "I was afraid when you got back you'd see him out cold and probable be upset with who ever done it."
She says heck no he deserves it ebony I want to punch him sometimes he is a pain!!!
Ebony laughed then smiled. "Alright glad to know it isn't just me who thought that." She replied.
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