Taking Care of One Another (Wannano)

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Slowly she stood, reluctantly. "I nearly killed my...brother...I..." She grimaced when he started talking of the taste of blood, and she wrapped her arms about herself, as if cold. "I don't want to hurt my brother again...Please..." She looked up at him pleadingly, feeling very confused and lost. "Why did you do this to me?" She asked him, wanting to know.
"why? Why not?"
He answered with a snear:
"You are now one of the most powerful beings in the world. What more could you wish for. And as for your brother."
Alastair made a motion with his hand as if to wave the idea away:
"Forget him. You are above him now. You do not need him holding you back."
She glared at him, then started hitting at his chest with her small fists as hard as she could, though it didn't do any good. "You forced this on me. Now my brother hates me! Take it back." SHe demanded, and with a frustrtated sigh, she sank to the ground, burying her face in her hands, desperate to be anything but what she was now.
Alastair said calmly softly brushing of his jacket.
"Now, was there anything else you wished to wail about, or will you alow me to go and feed?"
Returning to Dorian, looking rather dejected and angry, she went back up to her room and slammed the door shut.

"Abby calm down will you?" Suddenly came Gatling's voice from behind her.

She jumped, startled, and was across the room in the blink of an eye. "Don't...I'll just hurt you again. Stay away from me."

With a heavy sigh, Gatling approached her. "No. I'm sorry for what I said to you. I really have no idea what to do for you, but you're my sister. Always have been, always will be. I..." He trailed, off, kneeling down so he was more her level. "Feed from me. You won't hurt me Abby." He told her, her eyes growing wide and horrified.
"Miss Abigail is back."
Rose said as she entered the large laibrary were Dorian sat in his usuall chair infront of the fire.
"Thank you Rose... You may leave..."
Rose gave a small bow of her head and walked away.
She stoped by Abigails room to make sure she were alright:
"Abigail? May I enter?"
All Dorian got for a response was her shouting at her brother. "No! I'm not feeding from you again!" She shouted, hating how her brother was trying to get her to drink his blood.

"Abby. I'm just trying to get you to realize I trust you. Okay?" Gatling said, letting out a sigh. "I promise I won't get mad."

She shook her head, her hands covering her mouth.

With a frown, Gatling heard the knock and Dorian asking to come in, and Gatling stood and opened the door for Dorian to enter.
Dorian walked in to the room and softly walked up to Abigail softly placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Abigail, my dear. First you shall need to calm down. Deep breaths..."
He continued to calm the upset girl and softly motioned her brother to slowly get closer.
After Dorian entered Abigail's bedroom, Gatling closed the door so they had more privacy, fearing for his sister and himself if she didn't learn to control her feeding instincts. He cursed Alastair. That man should have never turned his sister. She was way to young. Though when Dorian motioned for him to step closer, he did, and Abigail backed away, pressing herself against the corner she was hiding in. "No..." She breathed, turning away from her brother. "Please don't make me do this..." She begged, not trusting herself.
"Abigail. My dear, you must trust yourself. You do not wish to harm him and then you wont. I am right here next to you."
He softly placed a hand on her shoulder again.
"We will take it all slow... Abigail, I know how awful this all feels. But trust me, if you do not feed it will only get worse... It is awfull... But you have to trust me.."
As Dorian worked to try and coax her into feeding from him, he slowly knelt besides his sister as well, tucking her loose hair behind her ear. He really had no idea what she was going through, but she WAS his sister, and always would be. "Maybe show her first?" He asked, looking over at Dorian. Though the thought of being fed on made him queasy, as Dorian said to him, he had to be there for his sister, especially now.
"Would you like me to show you Abigail? I can show you that you do not need to hurt him fo feed from him.. I have done it for you remember...?"
Dorian spoke softly alowing her to make the decision. He knew the sooner she fed the better but if she needed some time he would do his best in giving it.
"It is all very frightening and new for you... And sometimes all you need is someone to show you what to do..."
At the offer of being shown, Abigail seemed to relent, and nodded, finally seeming to calm down a bit, though she was still tense and ready to run away if she had to so she didn't hurt her brother again. She wiped her eyes with a shaky hand and waited to be shown what to do, though she was still frightened she wouldn't be able to, knowing how her brother's blood tasted to her, the only blood she's had since she was forced to become a vampire.
Dorian gave a soft nod and with a soft motion moved so that he could show how to feed.
With cear he bit down at the offerd neck and drank a few mouth fulls before pulling back.
"Be cearful and soft. Do not drink more then a few mouths at a time. I know the hunger will want you to take more. I shall stay by your side and make sure you both are safe. Alright?"
As the soft skin of his neck was bitten into, Gatling winced, but held still, shuddering a bit as a bit of his blood was drained. Abigail watched the scene quietly, biting her lip nervously, but was obviously hesitating still to try and feed again. With shaking hands, Abigail eventually took her brother's left wrist into her hands and slowly brought it to her lips before biting down, a bit less carefully then Dorian did, Gatling wincing again, though holding still, not wanting to frighten his sister too badly as she started to drink.
Dorian watched her whispering softly as he stroked her hair:
"Easy... Slow and nice, Abigail. Just like that...."
after a short while he softly whispered to her:
"Thats it Abigail. Now stop.... Your a good girl Abigail, you can stop now."
Problem was, she didn't want to stop. Her brother's blood was like a drug to her almost. As if not hearing him, she bit down slightly harder into her brother's wrist, a sharp breath of pain escaping from him, his hand clenching into a fist. "Abby..." He breathed, starting to feel dizzy. Alarmed, he looked over at Dorian for him to do something.
Dorian leaned in to speak in a warm tone:
"Let go Abigail. If you do not your brother will most likley die. You do not wish to become the monster Alastair tried to make you in to... Let him go..."
He gave Gatlin a look and softly placed a hand on the back of Abigails neck as he spoke.
His thumb rubbing small cirkles slightly beneeth her ear.
"Relax and let go Abigail. Thats a good girl..."
At the prompting massage against the back of her neck, she finally let go with a complaining groan, panting softly as she licked her lips clean of her brother's blood.

A sigh escaped from Gatling as he pressed his bleeding wrist against his jeans to get the bleeding to stop. "I'll be alright Abigail. Okay?" He said gently, though he made no move to stand for fear of passing out.

Frightened she would never learn control, Abby curled up against Dorian and her brother, burying her head against Dorian's chest.
Dorian handed him a pice of clothing from his pocket then softly strocking her hair.
"You did good Abigail... It is not a easy road you are forsed to take.. It will take time to learn. But I shall help you... We both shall..."
He spoke softly and warmly
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