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Nova managed to prevent to fall on the ground again.
(Who is he calling pipsqueak? I'm bigger then him.
Interesting. Insulting someone is ether a form of fear or hate. I'll find out soon enough what the case it)

He took a look around like he did before. Every detail in his view was memorized and put into a Map.
(Now all i need is some more information)
He notices that there are 2 others. They are obviously not from this world ether.
Nova walks slowly towards them.
The young black dragon remaining in the corner, partially shivering in fear but also because of the cold hallway. He takes a look while remaining curled up, Tynebris barely sees a door in the distance and immediately his curiosity comes to play. The dragon slowly gets up and walks along the wall, his wing touching the wall, slowly approaching the door.

Tynebris stops infront of the door, not knowning that there is another side to the door, not to mention that he doesn't even know how to open a door. He just stares at the door, only noticing that this is different to the wall. However, due to the lack of anything happening the dragon gets bored of it and continues exploring, eventually finding a window to the courtyard.

Tynebris' curiosity still has the upper hand, 'forcing' him to have a look through the window. Fortunately for the dragon the window isn't closed properly and as he leans against it, the window suddenly opens a bit. Tynebris is at first confused but doesn't think as he sees grass outside. The dragon desperately tries to squeeze through the opening and after some trying he manages to squeeze out, but unprepared as he was he fell onto the grass on his back, staying on the ground resting from his recent action.
Hayley looked over to Tynes when she tapped her shoulder. She shook her head to answer her verbal question and quickly read her note. So, it was almost like what had happened to her and Kylea... She quickly wrote, "I'm sorry. I know how that feels, my little sister and I were separated after... Some things went down. And no, I think he's new but I feel we're about to find out who he is.' She waited for a moment until she was sure that she had read her reply before swiping her hand around to erase any evidence they were passing notes.

Once she had done this, she turned back to look at the boy who was approaching them but saw, in the corner of her eye, what appeared to be a dragon? She hasn't seen one of those in a while so it must be new too... Hm, interesting.
Nova stopped in front of them, but kept some distance in case they were hostile.
Do you understand what i say?
He doesn't seem to be hostile, but he does look serious. It's probably a good idea not to make any jokes for now.
Tynebris is unaware of the others in the courtyard and thus remains on the ground, his eyes closed and his wings stretched. The dragon enjoys the feeling of the grass, the soil also more comfortable than the hallways. Tynebris missed the soil as soon as he was kidnapped, he starts moving a bit rubbing his scales on the grass. After some seconds he gets up, in a good mood. Though the light is still blinding his view, causing him to walk blind towards the two (Haley and Tynes). However, the dragon walks very slowly, seeing that he is testing the ground with his paws before taking a step.
She looked up at him from her spot on the ground, squinting slightly due to the sun and nodded in answer to his question. She couldn't reply but tried to relay her question of who he was and what he wanted. People don't usually just walk up to others, especially if they're new and the person they walk over to is wearing a muzzle. People always assume the person wearing a muzzle will try to kill them. She didn't really feel all that threatened but she got the feeling that he wasn't just coming over here to talk about the weather- almost no one was.
Seeing that the person could understand him lifted his spirits. He was smiling as he took a seat on the ground.
So you do understand me. Finally some good news.
My name is Nova. What is yours?
Hayley sighed, great he just had to ask a question that involved talking, didn't he? She then studied him for a moment, he didn't look like any of the guards at least, and the fact that he didn't know if she would even be able to understand him pointed to him not being a spy sent from the scientists… She figured that he was trustable, at least with her communication spell. She turned back around to face the patch of dirt she and Tynes were writing on and scrawled him a reply back, 'My name is Hayley. I am currently unable to talk because the idiot guards don't trust me enough at the moment. You say you've tried to communicate with others? Like who?' If he tried to talk to the guards but they couldn't understand him, then that might not be the best of news.
After some steps Tynebris spots a tree, trees are his second favourite spot after caves. The dragon stretches his wings, testing the winds before he sets flight to the tree nearby. A bit of the sun reflecting off his black scales, clearly making him easier spottable. Tynebris runs a bit and then takes off flying towards the tree and after a rather short flight he lands on a branch, which is capable of supporting his weight. As he is stabilized on the branch he looks at the group, now having a better view due to less light shining directly into his eyes.
Nova looked at what the girl wrote down.
Not a bad idea.
You are the first one i talk with, so i am lucky that the first try was a success. And you are not the only one who is limited. See this ring on my left hand? It limits my abilities.
If you don't mind the question: How long have you been here by now?

The Inhibitor ring was made quite advanced. It was locked on his hand and did not move even a inch. He would have to cut his arm of in order to get it of... or find the key.
She nodded, that truly was lucky for him. When she first came, her sister was the only person she would talk with since when she tried the first time all she got as a reply was a confused look and then they ran off. Her attention was then directed to the ring on his finger, it looked pretty advanced especially if it could hinder someone's abilities without causing a lot of pain. At his question however, she was a little confused, not many people would ask that and… well even she had just about forgotten. Hm, well Kylea was 7 at the time so she was 10 and now her sister would be 14 and she is 17. 'It's been 7 years since I and my sister were first brought here and 5 since we were separated.' She wrote then shifted so he could see it better. She then added one more part to her message, ​'Why do you ask?'
Nova read again what she wrote.
In case they listened to what they talked about he wrote too.
Before i continue i have one more important question.
Do you want to get out?
Hayley's eyes widened at his response back. This wasn't the first time she had heard talk of someone trying to escape and they almost got away with it too, at least, until one of them blew their cover. After that the whole facility was put on high alert, everyone being interrogated (scientist style) until you admitted to either knowledge of the plan or told them a name of someone else who did. And most of the people involved… well they fought back again, if they even could anymore anyway.

She turned to face Nova, her eyes calculating, this could be a trick from the scientists to see if they could catch someone else but… for some reason, it didn't feel that way very much. 'Wow, you just got here and you're already plotting an escape? That's risky, boy. Even for those of us that have been here their whole life. How do you plan to do it? She didn't exactly admit to wanting to escape, but she didn't deny it either. That response would come after she found out if he even had any sort of a plan.
Tynes was following the conversation in the dirt thanks to Hayley's spell. She noticed a new dragon creature that fell out of a window and she laughed to herself and went back to reading the conversation surprised that Hayley and her sister had been there for so long.
Nova noticed that she didn't believe him yet. It was not surprising him. After all 7 years are a long time, and hope gets weaker the longer someone sits in a prison.
I am not speaking of just escaping. I plan more then that, but i can't do anything on my own.
I have no idea yet. But it will work out somehow.
All i would like to ask for is for you to tell me what you know about this place.
I noticed black boxes at the ceilings that turned to me as i was moved here.
There are also those strange doors that open as soon as a small plastic card is pushed into a small device.
the weapons they use don't seem to be able to be used for long. They stop to fire after a while and i need to know why.
If there is anything else you know that you think could be useful let me know.
She studied him for a couple seconds then nodded. 'All right, I'll help you and tell you everything you need to know. But on one condition.' She paused for a moment here, she could only one of two ways and there was no going back after she went with one plan. She took a deep breath and continued , 'I get to come with you when you finally get out, if you get that far that is.' And there it was, the plan she decided was best, all she could do now was hope that it was the right one.
He didn't seem like he could be another spy, he was too good, to innocent. A spy wouldn't talk about everything he just listed and say he didn't know what they were, a spy would straight out ask if she had any ideas on how to get out then ask about any security inconsistencies or loopholes. He didn't which gained him her trust- for now anyway.
Tynebris continues looking at the group, studying them and their behavior. The dragon feels safe on the branch although he isn't well hidden nor is the branch really a safe spot from anyone. Furthermore, the dragon is tired, indicated by him yawning; he had a rather exhausting day, well, for him at least. The dragon tries to fight against his tiredness, not eased by observing the group.
Nova did not hesitate to give her an answer. It was more risky to take someone else with him, but he knew that he had no other choice and the sooner he accepted less time would be wasted.
He held his hand to her for a handshake.
It's a deal.
But let me warn you. On a certain point there will be no turning back, and if it fails there will be consequences.
Are you ready to take that risk?
Tynebris' interest and attention is caught. It's in his nature to observe and have a look at new things from close. Immediately the dragon jumps out of the tree and glides towards the group. Once he lands on the ground, he tries to sneak his way to the group, eavesdropping on the group and hoping to learn something new.
Tynes did not speak the whole time. She wanted in but it sounded like it was only a plan for two. Besides, she wouldn't leave without her brother. She had caught movement out of the corner of her eye but didn't move. She wasn't sure whether the dragon was friendly or not. Then again, would they put a dangerous being in the courtyard with everyone else? Probably not, she resolved to herself and tried to stay tuned to the conversation in the dirt while keeping an eye out for guards.