Swords and Flowers

"It'll hopefully all work out eventually for you," Stijn says, giving her a reassuring smile.
After a few moments of silence, Stijn asked, "What is it you want to do then?"
She spoke to him. "I don't know." There was movement outside her door and she rose a brow as she saw something sit down by her door.
Following her gaze, Stijn stood up at the sight, grabbing the hilt of his sword, unsheathing it slightly. Moving slightly closer to the door, he stood behind its hinges, waiting to see if the door would open.
Kieara stayed still. No one came in, but the shadow stayed.
Reaching for the doorknob, Stijn opened it with a whirl, jumping out in front of the doorway, sword fully unsheathed.
Gingerly picking it up, Stijn set it on a small table. "Don't move," he told Kieara, holding his hand up to stop her. Carefully, he began to unwrap the package, wondering what could possibly be inside.
Kieara stayed still waiting for something to happen, but when he unwrapped it, it was only bath products. Special salts for her bath and body wash, things like that.
Examining the containers carefully,, Stijn made sure that what was inside wouldn't hurt her, opening them and smelling them. Not finding anything inherently odd about them, he steps away, before saying, "It's fine, I suppose."
"It's odd though, who sent me this?" There was no name.
"I've no idea," Stijn said, "but be careful around it please."
"I will." She said. She didn't know whether she should use it or not.
Sighing, Stijn sat back down, crossing his arms over his chest.
It didn't go long before they were called for dinner.
Standing up, Stijn sighed, before turning to her, "We'd better go."
"It'll be alright," Stijn said, trying to reassure her.
She got up and followed him down to the dining hall. Her father, step-mother, and step-brother sat there waiting. She took her seat and was silent. Her father glared. "Aren't you going to greet your step brother Kieara?" Kieara looked to him. "He never greets me, acts like I am the dirt on the sole of his shoe." He glared. Her mother grew cross and spoke. "James, are you going to sit there and let that ungrateful runt say that?" Kieara sighed and to keep from a fight spoke. "Hello Daniel."