Sword Art Online All Over Again

Despite being probably being human only (like season one), I can deal with it. I will have a CS in the morning.
Sorry for the delay. I made a trip to see my mom for mother's day.
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No problem Epitaph.
Sorry been getting swamped with rl stuff. Will make a post today! :)

Np @EpitaphQueen
Could I get a few posts soon? :)
Waiting for another post..I'm with someone there so yaa I can't do much unless I just go on alone ._.
I understand. There are a few people stuck waiting on others posts and those are perfectly understandable. I'm just giving a light nudge.
I had this problem so often now.. Just makes group roleplays tough sometimes...
Yeah it does, but if you give a nudge every now and then it'll keep the posts flowing. My Vampire Knight roleplay is beginning to flourish and I hope if I do the same for this one as I do that one that it'll be effective.
I'll always be around~
Should I post? I mean I just posted and normally I wait so no one gets left behind but I can post again if you like.
I was hoping that the stragglers would catch up.
I figured as much which is why I asked. You could always do the @ thing so they are notified. Sometimes they don't post because their notifications stop working.
O.O but no one complained about alerts not working...
I don't know, most people use that as an excuse so if you do the @ whatever thing it force sends them an alert and then their excuse is void.
Oh I know. I usually give a nudge though and then use their names after they haven't replied within 12 hours.
*Peaks out of hiding place behind large rock* Dont hate me XD
Lol you keep saying, I promise to post today and the next thing we know your hiding behind a rock >.<

But since you have a Full Metal Alchemist gif I will forgive you.