Swarovski Academy: Magical Soldiers (Rolar X Lilith)

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The excitement that Rolar obviously felt made Lilith smile. It felt nice, nice to have someone enjoy hanging around with her. She felt happy that there was someone in her life that found it fun to be with her. That usually didn't happen since she was so busy with training all her life. Meanwhile, she waited for him to return with her things. She knew she was starting to break the rules more while hanging around him, but maybe she really did need that. After all, she had been listening to every single one of them her whole life and as soon as she started to break a few of them, she was finally starting to feel something that would be considered happiness.
He had grabbed her stuff from her dorm room. And rushed back to her room. He opened up, and handed her everything she needed. He wasn't too sure what she had to wear, so he just grabbed a pair of clothes that he thought she'd like, and gave those to her.

"So... Where would you like to head today?"

He sat himself down on the edge of her bed.
Lilith took the cloths from him. She started to slip them over the things she had on now. "I don't know," Lilith admitted. "I thought maybe we could just go with the flow and see where we end up. I just at least want to get out of this infirmary room for some time. Some place open, where I can roam free without things holding me back. If you understand what I mean." She got up from the bed and finished her dressing. Once she was done, she took her bag from him. "Alright, I'm ready."
"Right, C'mon!"

Rolar headed out, moving swiftly, hoping not to get caught by any of the staff members who knew Lilith was not released from the infirmary. Once they were free, he stayed close by her side, as they made their way to city. Students were off with friends, and couples were holding hands, on a date. Rolar looked around, trying to see what there was today.
Lilith hesitated for a moment, knowing she wasn't supposed to leave yet, but that moment went away and she followed Rolar out of the infirmary, out of the school and to town. It was a nice day out, not too warm, not to cold and while Lilith wasn't always fond of it the sun was shining. Though, she had started to take a liking to it a bit more thanks to Rolar.

She followed him around as they started to walk around town. Lilith didn't have any thoughts of what to do yet, those would be left for when she was all better and they went to town again. But, for now, it was nice to at least have some time out with Rolar and not in a bed. "Let's continuing walking and see if there's a place that is less crowded with people."
"Sure, let's get going."

The two walked for a while, leaving the rest of the crowd behind. They were still in the town, but it wasn't the major business hub. It seemed almost like they had stumbled into the residential area of the town. Rolar couldn't see much to do here. He looked to Lilith to see if she had any ideas.
Finally they were getting out of the crowds of people, and it was more of a chance to be more alone. She looked up towards the sky, watching some of the clouds float by slowly. "It's much nicer to be free, isn't it?" Lilith looked away from the clouds and back to Rolar. "Do you ever wonder about why I don't like being touched Rolar?"
Right when Rolar was about to ask her if there was no other place she'd rather be, she asked him a question, he was not expecting. What did she mean?...

"I-I guess. I have been wondering that for a while. But I guess, I never thought it was my place to ask."
Lilith smiled a bit at him. "That's surprising. Most always wanted to know, always wanted to bug me about it. But, I never wanted to tell anyone," she admitted to him. They were still walking, which she was okay with.

"See. I'm afraid to tell the truth. But, I think...I want to tell someone about it. I think I want to tell you. The truth is...I'm terrified of being touched. It's not that I don't like it. I'm scared of someone touching me. I'm afraid they are going to hurt me. When I was a little girl, I was kidnapped as collateral against my parents. These men came to me, blindfolded me, and pulled me into their car. They took me to this warehouse where inside, I was tied up tightly." As she spoke, the fear in her eyes was beginning to show. It was hard to talk about.

"When I tried to get out by using my magic, I wasn't strong enough at the time. All it did was make them angry. So, they hurt me. They would push me around, hit me, and cut me. When they didn't want to bother with me they took me somewhere else. They had taken the blindfold off, but most of the time the room was dark, small and lonely. It took a couple of days until my parents could even find me and come and save me. But, the damage was already done. My body was badly beaten and I was stuck in a hospital bed for a long time."
"I-I had no idea..."

He looked up into the sky with her. She had told him this much about her... It only seemed fair to tell her something as well.

"I'm reckless. You know this by now, but... I only briefly told you why. Remember when we were stuck in that forest, I said I did things by myself because the last time I didn't... someone I cared about got hurt. Well, it's a little more than that . The last time I didn't act on my instinct, someone I cared about died.

He looked back down at the ground.

"I grew up an orphan. I never knew my parents, but I was raised in a church by the Priest there. He was a good man. Stern, but fair. I grew up with him as the father figure in my life. He raised me well, and actually helped me with my Magic when it was discovered I could do it. He said I was given power to help people, and I should use it. So naturally, I was enrolled here at Swarovski. When I entered in, I had impressive reserves of magic naturally. So I quickly showed much promise. I'd always talk to that old preacher though, and tell him how I was doing.

He took a deep breath. This wasn't really anything he needed to hide, it was just painful to remember.

Whenever something bad was about to happen, I felt something. I felt it, whether it was a minor inconvenience, or a major problem. Though nothing truly awful... But then, the day I was to be promoted S-rank, I got a dreadful feeling. Something truly awful was going to happen. But when I told the people at the school something bad was going to happen, they didn't listen to me. I ran to the Church, and... He was lying in a pool of his own blood.

It was the same feeling he had when Cynthia was going to turn.

"That's why I decided to take responsibility myself. If I don't act on these feelings, I feel things will get worse. Maybe it isn't the wisest thing, but... I had a similar feeling before Cynthia almost turned..."
So, that was why he wasn't an S-rank even though his power seemed like he could already be at an SS-rank like Lilith. Most likely, it was all because of that incident. But, the incident itself was more on her mind. They both had something bad happen to them. They were both scarred by it, and they probably would be forever.

"Do you know, we might have killed him? Was it? A monster? Or another human?" Lilith asked. She wasn't sure if she really should ask him this, but it might help her understand a bit more. Though, she knew that she was still hiding a lot herself from him.

She stopped walking for a moment, thinking about it. He had strange feelings, every time something was bad. It might have something to do with magic, but it wouldn't fit with what he had now. Anyway, that meant he had felt something bad was going to happen with Cynthia. Perhaps, there really would have been something worse if Rolar didn't show up. Perhaps, someone may have actually died. But, she wasn't going to say that. And, who knew which one.

Lilith fought off her fear for a moment and moved her arm. Slowly to gently grasped Rolar's hand and held it. "I'm sorry Rolar," she said. "We'll go through all of this together. And...I think...you should always trust those feelings of yours." She held his hand for a bit longer, until she needed to let go. At least she was able to take it for a moment. That was more human contact then she has had in years, not since before the kidnapping.
"To be honest... I'm not sure... Something had stabbed him. So I think it was human, though it could have been a monster. All I know is that whatever did this is going to pay someday..."

He noticed her hesitation and anxiety while she held his hand, but... She did it. And she did it to comfort him. Having her hand in his... it felt so nice. But as for the death of the priest, Rolar never was too certain about it.

"Thanks... That means a lot coming from you. Especially considering what you said the first time I told you about my feelings."
It was quite possible it was a human. There were some corrupt humans out there. That was shown just by that cult they dealt with a little while ago. Though, if it was a human they probably didn't kill the priest for a specific reason, at least that's what she would think for now. Unless the priest had a reason, something he was hiding that someone wanted to kill me for. Either way, it was understandable that Rolar wanted who or whatever it was to pay. That priest was the only person he had as family.

Lilith pause for a moment when he spoke about the feelings. She had to rethink back of when he may have said it. She believed it was during their mission together. She had told him to not follow his feeling. Well, she didn't think it was that kind of feeling. She just thought that he...it didn't matter anymore. She was wrong back then. She was wrong about him from the beginning.

Lilith smiled a bit at him. "Why don't we get something to eat togeth-"

Her speech was cut off by the sound of a scream. Lilith looked around to see what was happening, and where the scream may have came from. There shouldn't be any monsters in the town. The barrier was still up perfectly fine. It was most likely something of someone who got scared about something, or a person causing problems. "We have to find out what that scream was."
Rolar only nodded, and ran off. He knew they needed to figure this out. They weren't in the business district anymore, so there were a lot less people. He had a few ideas as to what it could be. He soon ran to see a woman struggling to get away from another man.

Lilith followed after Rolar, figuring he'd be able to figure out where the scream came from. Not too long after, they saw a man who had a woman by her arm and she was trying to get away from him. Thoughts of the kidnapping appeared through Lilith's head, but she knew now wasn't the time to worry about that. She had to help the woman out.

"Get away from me!" The woman had shouted out.

"Let her go," Lilith stated as she rushed over to the scene. "Let her go or you won't end out of this unharmed."

"And what are you going to do about it?" The man said back. He looked at Lilith more closely. "Hey, you're pretty cute too. Maybe I'll take you along with me, huh? What do you say?" The man reeked of alcohol, even though it was too early to drink. He raised out his arm to also grab hold of Lilith with his tight grasp still around the other girl. Seeing the hand reach towards her, Lilith's thoughts again came to the kidnapping and fear started to flow through her. She backed away one step, feeling a bit shaky. She needed something to shake her out of the thoughts.
"Lilith! Hey, come on! I know it's painful, but he's not going to hurt you. Not while I am here. He's not going to hurt anyone..."

He looked at the man before them. ugh... Disgusting...

"I'll tell you this once. Lay another finger on either of them, and I will make sure you don't forget this lesson."

He got so angry seeing this sorry excuse for a man grab at these two like this. It took an incredible amount of self restraint from outright setting the man on fire when her grabbed Lilith.
Rolar's voice shook Lilith out of her flashback. He was right. He wasn't going to do anything to her. Rolar was there, and not to mention that Lilith was stronger than what she used to be. For right now, she had to help the other girl get away from the drunkard. "R-right," Lilith commented back to Rolar. She wanted to break the girl free, seeing as it looked like she was struggling with his rough grip.

Them man wasn't listening to Rolar, so it was time to force him to stop. Lilith raised out her hand, focusing on the hand that had hold of the woman. It began to become pale. Lilith was working on freezing the hand. Upon feeling the chill and it continuing to get worse, the drunk man let go of the woman and touched the cold hand with his normal one. "W-what's happening?"

The woman moved away, far away from the man. "Rolar," Lilith then said, giving Rolar his turn to finish off the man while he was busy being easily distracted by his frozen hand.
"Right now, I think I'd rather finish this the old fashioned way."

While the man was distracted from his hand, Rolar slowly approached the man, and when right when he looked to face Rolar, he fell backwards. Rolar had given him a swift punch to the face, which seemed to knock the guy out for now. He wouldn't be bothering anyone right now, but Rolar needed to put him somewhere, so he lifted him up, and placed him sitting upright on a nearby bench. He didn't deserve it, but it wouldn't be right to just leave him lying on the ground.

"You two alright?"
The man deserved the punch. Although, Lilith partly didn't want him to go onto the bench either, but she knew it was better that way. At least to not get into someone else's way. "I'm fine," Lilith commented. "What about you miss?"

The woman shook her head. "Yeah. I'm alright. Just a little shaken up, but I'll be fine in a few moments. Thank you, you two, for coming to help me out. I need to get going now. Thank you again."

The young woman walked away, heading to whether she needed to go. Lilith turned to the man now on the bench, then over to Rolar. "I didn't expect us to run into something like this. But, it's a good thing we were here to help her out. The guy is obviously drunk. Though, it's so early to be drinking. It's ashame really. But, there's nothing else we can do. Might as well continue on, maybe something to eat was what I was going to say before this."
Before he could say anything, his stomach growled obnoxiously loud. That was his answer, as he began rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, I think that'd be great actually. I'm starving. So then, I wonder what you were thinking for dinner?
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