Surprise in the Haystack

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Abele was already in his own room, annoyed with the encounter he had had with his fiance. The reason he was annoyed was that she was actually DECENT. She had a good, strong personality, and she didn't have bad looks. So, it was hard to keep himself from thinking that this might actually turn out well for him. He fell back onto his bed, rubbing his face. Gizella, the girl, was certainly something. He wasn't sure WHAT, yet, but it was something. He was probably going to find out soon, as she was coming over every. Single. Day. For the next month, actually.
Jacob fell back on his bed, heaving a sigh. Mary was nice, he felt his stomach flip flop when he thought about seeing her tomorrow. She had long curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes, but he didn't get that weird feeling he got with Abele. He wished he did. Jacob wished with his whole heart that he did, that he felt differently.

Jacob sat up and looked towards his door. He should go say hello to Abele. He hadn't seen him for most of the day and he missed meeting his fiancé. The word made him sick. Jacob got up and walked over to Abele's door. He knocked, peeking his head inside. "Hey Abele, how'd it go?"
Abele sat up to look at him, then shrugged "It went fine. She's..... pretty." He began lamely, rubbing the back of his head "I'm not about to write sonnets about how her eyes shine in the moonlight or anything yet, but I guess I have time to get used to it. She's coming over literally every day anyway." After taking a pause to yawn, he continued "She's not the worst. I can't say I DON'T like her. Better than I expected."
Jacob laughed when Abele made the joke about writing poems. "You're funny," he said taking a few steps into the room he used to sleep in. He missed it. He missed Abele. "She's coming every day?" Jacob asked sounding slightly disappointed. Even if he'd want to spend time with Abele and fix their strained relationship he wouldn't have time with his fiancé around. "Uh, I might miss her again tomorrow," Jacob said sounding honestly apologetic. "I uh, met this girl today. Her names Mary. She's nice." He chewed his lip. It felt like he was betraying Abele by spending time with Mary but if he didn't he'd just be a third wheel and left behind anyway. "She wants to have lunch her dad." Jacob was visibly nervous about it all.
That hurt Abele a bit for some reason, but he ignored the feeling, and simply nodded. Then, he said "So she likes you then. Lucky you; first time to town, you catch a girl. Get ready to sign the marriage papers."

Joking about it didn't make him feel any better, so he decided to move on "And you might meet her anyway, she's staying all day. Who knows? I don't." He saw, leaning his head on a hand "And if not, you'll meet her eventually, I guess."
Jacob forced a laugh, not feeling very happy. He shuffled his feet around and heaved a sigh. "I miss you," he blurted out. He dropped his gaze, face red, brows furrowed. "We don't really talk that much anymore," he mumbled. Jacob scratched the back of his head, searching for the right words. Jacob just wanted to go back to before. He wanted to crawl into bed with Abele and feel safe and feel his heart race a thousand miles a minute.
"....We don't, do we?" he agreed, rubbing his forehead "Sorry. I've been caught up in a lot. I mean, between work and everything....else." He went on, looking off to the side "....Maybe we can start talking again. I dunno. I'm not really too great with the whole 'keeping friends', if you couldn't tell." It was that, and the fact that he felt weird when he was around the other boy.
Jacob sat on the edge of the bed, fumbling with his fingers. He felt a little better, being close to Abele again. "It's alright I're my only friend," Jacob sighed. He knew it sounded childish and possibly pathetic but it was the truth for once. "Could I..." Jacob shook his head and sighed. He shouldn't ask it. "Never mind," he let his head fall into his hands, massaging his temples. He didn't know what to do anymore. Well that was a lie. Jacob knew what to do. He knew he should go to his own room and sleep in his own bed and get to know Mary and make a good impression on her dad. The only problem was that it wasn't what he wanted to do.
"I'm kind of curious now. What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Jacob seemed a bit....distressed for a guy who just met a nice girl in town. It seemed wrong to him. So, he was wondering if his question related to that. Either way, he was still wondering what the question WAS.
Jacob rubbed his face, heaving a sigh. "She kissed me, well my cheek. She kissed my cheek but what....what if she wants to kiss me tomorrow?" Jacob mumbled into his hands too shy to look up at Abele. "I don't know anything about girls," he groaned. Jacob lifted his head, clasping his hands. "Could you...I mean it's weird, kinda, but could you me practice?" Jacob asked. His heart was hammering and his palms were sweating like crazy. "Teach me."
Alright, he wasn't expecting that. He tried to think over his options, maybe go over the consequences of this, but soon found himself nodding and turning toward Jacob fully.

"Yea, if you're that nervous." He mumbled "I mean, really, you shouldn't be, but sure."

He wasn't sure why he was doing this. He shouldn't be. Jacob should go for someone else for help. Abele? Abele was probably not even good at this. And yet, he was saying yes.
Jacob visibly relaxed. His heart rate slowed down back to a normal pace. He turned to Abele with a small smile. Jacob cleared his throat, looking at his hands. "So, if...if she kissed me what...what do I do? What if I'm terrible?" Jacob asked quietly fiddling with his fingers. If he was going to live a lie he may as well be good at it.
"Practice makes perfect." Abele replied, shrugging a bit "Try to just....get into it?" He took Jacob's hands, placing them at his own hips "You have to hold her and not just stand there, like this." He instructed, then put his own arms around Jacobs neck. He didn't know why he was getting so into this.

"Then," he began again, moving closer so he was in Jacobs personal space , "You have to lean into it, and just kiss her. Or, you know, try initiating it. Try it out."

He really shouldn't be looking forward to this. He shouldn't. He had a fiance. Jacob had someone he liked. They both probably should just stop.
Jacob flexed his fingers around Abele's hips, rather enjoying how it felt. He licked his lips, breath hitching in his throat as Abele stepped closer. His heart was hammering with excitement. Jacob took another step forward, closing the distance between their bodies, centimeters away from Abele's lips. He glanced down at them, remembering how he felt that morning so many weeks ago when he'd been tracing Abele's features. Jacob's grip on Abele's hips tightened minutely as he glanced up, looking into his eyes. It was now or never. Jacob leaned in slowly, placing his lips on Abele's.

Slowly he sank into the kiss, pressing his lips firmly against Abele's. It was like a shock to the system. Jacob was sure he stopped breathing as his eyes fluttered closed. His hands slipped from Abele's hips, arms wrapping around him and pulling his flush against Jacob's body.
Abele felt his brain basically short-circuit, and he completely forgot why this was happening in the first place. His mind currently centered around Jacob, and how they were kissing, and how nice it felt. His eyes had closed almost as soon as the kiss had began, and his fingers were pressed into the other boys hair. The sensations he was getting were amazing.

And then, he realized that this was just practice, that this was wrong, that they both had people they liked- or, in Abele's case, had to like. So, he moved back, eyes half-lidded and himself out of breath. His face felt like it was burning in flames.

"And....and THAT..." he began, stumbling over his own words " you kiss someone."
Jacob followed after Abele's lips as he pulled back, a soft whine slipping out of his throat. His eyes fluttered open, chest heaving as he gasped for breath. He nodded after Abele spoke. "Yeah?" He said, eyes on Abele's lips. "I think I need to try again," he mumbled before dipping back down. Jacob kissed Abele deeper this time, more hungry, more desperation.

In the back of his mind Jacob knew he'd screwed himself royally. He knew this was a mistake because regardless of what they felt it couldn't go past this, but he was letting himself live in a dream for just a little bit longer.
And it wasn't like Abele didn't kiss him back, or try to stop him. The boy was in a little bit of a daze, now, as he couldn't believe this was happening. He let Jacob kiss him, and pressed closer, desperate for the feeling he had gotten from the last kiss. He got it, too, and it was amazing. It felt like all his senses were somehow heightened, and he felt like he was floating. It was rather cheesy, but he didn't focus on that at the moment. He just kept kissing the other boy, not pausing or pulling back this time.
Jacob didn't think, he couldn't think. Abele was lik a drug and he was hooked. His lips worked against Abele's as Jacob let instinct take over. His tongue flicked out, swiping against Abele's lips. He slipped it inside, feeling around the others mouth. The sensation of his tongue moving against the other boys maid electricity run through his veins and tremors spread all the way down to his toes. Jacob groaned, hands gripping Abele tightly. Somehow they began moving backwards towards the bed. Jacob didn't know who started it. He didn't care either. When he felt the edge, he toppled on top of Abele, hands supporting his weight so he didn't crush the other boy, mouth still attached to Abele's.
Abele's hands had moved to Jacob's back at this point, and he hadn't registered they were on the bed now til a few moments later. But, he kept going, resolve to not go further crumbling by the second. He leaned back, needing to take in some air, but he was close enough that he could still feel Jacob's breath on his lips, and most likely vice versa.

"We should stop..." he murmured, but by the tone of his voice and his body language, it didn't seem like he was too eager to do that. His hands were already bunching up Jacob's shirt a bit, and he made no effort to push the other aside.
"I don't wanna.." Jacob mumbled against Abele's lips. It felt like he was drunk. His head was spinning and he couldn't think straight but it was all so amazing. Just trusting his instincts, his lips moved to Abele's jaw and down his throat. He sucked on the skin there, enjoying the way Abele tasted. His hands took the liberty to explore Abele's body. He was warm beneath Jacob's fingertips. He slipped his hands beneath Abele's top, feeling his skin.
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