Supernatural Academy

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Alik finally stopped in front of the door to his dorm, taking out his key he quickly unlocked the door and stepped in. Kicking the door shut behind him he flipped the light switch on. His ears were meet with the sound of a frightened squeak and a thump. Looking around he tried to find the source of the noise. Walking across the room he peered over one of the beds. On the floor laid a small werewolf boy, he almost looked like a child he. Tilting his head he stared down at the boy. "Well...this will be interesting..." The boy stared up at him with frightened eyes and what he said next had Alik falling on the floor laughing. "Please don't eat me! I'm to young to die!"
For the first time since Eliora was small, she dreamed. She dreamed of red faces, and impropriety, and demons with blue and red eyes.

She sat in the front office. The witch who sat behind the desk was strangely absent, and thus she was alone. She recited the Creed of the Angels to herself. Be patient and kind, hold no malice and wreak no vengeance- and then he was behind her. She knew she should feel scared, but yet she felt calmer than she had in such a long time. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, as a blush sprouted across her face.

"Just because you hide your fear, doesn't mean I can't smell it."

She woke up in a cold sweat. Shaking her head, she forced herself to go back to bed. In the morning, she didn't remember dreaming at all.
Alik sat on his bed across from his roommate, who by now had calmed down. "Your so tiny~" The guy was only about 5 3", nothing compared to Alik's height of 6 2". Another thing about the guy was that he had a stutter, "I k-k-know. M-my mother s-says I'm j-just a late b-b-bloomer." Snickering he laid back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. "M-m-my name is Z-z-zach by the way." Nodding his head and grinned at the poor boy, "Nice to meet you Zach. I'm Alik." Soon after things were quiet and the lights were turned off. Closing his eyes he drifted off into a deep slumber.

The next morning he was walking down the hall with Zach trailing behind him like a lost little puppy. Apparently the guy was a outcast in the werewolf world and didn't like being alone, his werewolf pack thinking shinning through. "Did the baby werewolf find himself a master!" Zach ducked his head and tried to ignore the taunts that were thrown at him. Alik on the other hand wasn't one to brush things aside. Appearing out of nowhere he grabbed the bigger werewolf by his neck. Slamming him into the wall he kept a creepy grin on his face. "That wasn't very nice.~ I think you should apologize."
Thankfully, Ciralyn was once again speaking to her once Eliora woke up.

"So, uh, g'mornin'." Ciralyn said sheepishly. Eliora nodded groggily at her. "Right then, I'm just gonna head down to breakfast then. So, uh, bye." As Ciralyn turned and walked out the door, the message was clear: Don't follow. It was all for the best, she supposed. As nice as her roommate had been to her, Eliora just didn't really seem to fit in with her and her friends. The rejection stung, but not as bad as she thought it would.

After getting herself ready, Eloira began her trek to the dining room. On her way there, she heard a commotion up ahead. She got there too late to hear exactly what happened, but she most certainly did not miss Alik pick up what appeared to be a two ton werewolf with one hand, and then proceed to slam him against the wall like he was a sack of potatoes. Oh for goodness sake. Looking around at all the supernaturals doing a whole lot of nothing, she got the impression that she was the only sensible person in this whole school. Honestly though, she would have also preferred to stay quiet, but the werewolf appeared to be turning purple...

Steeling herself, she stepped forward. "A-Alik! You put him down right this instant! Fighting is not allowed on school grounds!"
He smiled at the werewolf as his face turned a lovely shade of purple. It almost appeared as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head. Snickering at the sight Alik was about to slam him into the wall again when he heard someone yelling at him. Turning with narrowed eyes he looked to see who had interrupted him. Seeing the angel he rolled his eyes before bring the werewolf's face closer to his own. Snarling he whispered into his ear. "Your lucky...this time..." Dropping him to the floor he stepped over him and smiled at the angel. "There happy?"
She nodded tightly. "Most certainly. It would do you well to actually read the rule-book, Demon. The rules are there for a reason, not for you to just ignore whenever the fancy strikes you." Heavens, the nerve of some people.

Hands on her hips, Eliora attempted to give him her fiercest glare (which, admittedly, was less scary than a basket of kittens.) She could already tell that Alik was going to get expelled before the end of the week. And good riddance.

Had she been capable of hate, Eliora was sure that Alik would have been at the top of her list.
"It's funny that you think I would even go near a rule book." Hearing a coughing nose coming from behind him he glanced back. The werewolf was on the floor gasping for breath. Alik walked over and with a swift kick to the face had the werewolf knocked out.

Turning to the angel he grinned at her as if it was all just a big game. "Besides I was just sticking up for Zach." Reaching over he pulled Zach into sight, as if to prove his point. "Isn't that right, Zach?" Looking down him Alik waited for his response. The guy could only nod his head. "See.~ Now if you'll excuse us we were on our way to the dinning hall." With that he walked away, Zach trailing behind him.
Eliora watched him walk away with a frown on her face. She was quite sure that he was the most irritating supernatural that she'd ever met. Nonetheless, she was late for breakfast and didn't have time to stand in the hallway moping while the entire student body stared at her. Swallowing her embaressment, she attempted to salvage her pride by holding her head up high as she made her exit. Once in the dining hall, she grabbed a muffin and searched around the room for a place to sit.

Ciralyn's table was out, but she didn't see any empty tables, and she sure as Heaven wasn't going to approach anyone. She resolved to go sit outside, as there was no rule that she had to eat in the dining hall. She should know, she'd read the handbook three times. She headed out the doors and into the school garden before she sat down to enjoy her meal in peace.
Alik sat at his table and sipped at his wine while Zach sat next to him. He had his feet up on the table with a bored expression on his face as he watched everyone. The darker supernaturals such as fallen angels and vampires kept glancing over in his direction. His face showed just how unimpressed he was with them Sighing he looked down into his goblet, the dark wine swirled around in the cup. For some reason his mind kept wandering back to the angel. She just wouldn't leave his mind no matter how much he tried to push the thoughts out. Today was a free day and then tomorrow they would actually have school. Many of the classes were ones of combat, dark magic, white magic, and so on. History classes were about the history of the supernaturals.

Waving his hand he made the goblet disappear. Standing he left the dinning area, ignoring the stares of the people. At first he just walked around before deciding to head outside.
Eliora had long since finished her breakfast and was now simply laying out in the garden. It was such a beautiful place really, so serene and quiet. Her hair had gotten tangled in a bush a few moments ago, but she had decided to let it go as there was no one there to see it. If she had any residual twigs and leaves in hair hair then she'd take them out when she chose to leave. The nice thing about not having any classes today was that Eliora could spend the entire day out here if she chose to do so, just basking in the sunlight.

She just laid there with her eyes closed and wings spread out behind her, just taking in all of the sensations around her. No, she knew that she wouldn't let herself stay here all day; she was naturally more productive than that. It was nice for once though, just to have the option.
Alik walked around for awhile and just took everything in. As he was walking in the gardens he noticed a figure laying on the ground. Walking closer he saw that it was the angel, thinking it over he realized that he hadn't seen her in the dinning hall. Quietly he walked over to her and just stared down at her peaceful face.
Though Eliora wished that she could just lay there forever, she had things that she needed to do today. She'd have to go and pick up her uniform, and figure out where her classes were so she wouldn't get lost tomorrow...

Yawning, she stretched herself out, enjoying those last few moments of bliss. Blinking, she sat up and looked around. And then upon seeing the face staring down at her from above, she let out a very unladylike shriek before falling back down again.
Alik couldn't help but laugh at her as she shrieked loudly and fell to the ground. Soon his laughter faded away and only a few snickers came out. "And here I thought that angels were graceful,~"
She huffed at him, irritated at the intrusion and embarrassed by the awkward position she was caught in. "I refuse to dignify that with a response." She awkwardly began to extricate the foliage from her hair.
Alik snickered slightly and put his hands in his pockets. "You don't have to respond. It was more of a statement than a question." Reaching over he plucked a twig from her hair. Holding it up he stared at it a second before dropping it to the ground.
Succumbing to her immature urges, Eliora stuck out her tongue at him. Shaking out her white-blonde hair, she shot him an inquisitive look. "What are you even doing out here anyways? I was under the impression that demons weren't that fond of nature. I assumed you were more of fire and brimstone appreciating race."
Alik rolled his eyes at her childish behavior. Sighing he shook his head as if talking to her was some big ordeal that was just so tiring. "Have you ever meet a demon besides me before? No, you haven't. SO don't go around assuming you know everything about my race. For insistence I thought angels were such kind and graceful creatures. But it seems you have proven me wrong."
"I haven't done a mean thing to you. Perhaps I would be less short with you if you showed that you were capable of treating me the same. And I am plenty graceful, though you can't expect me not to be surprised when I find a relative stranger watching me." She stood up and brushed herself off before turning back to face the demon. She had trouble keeping the little smile that had formed off of her face. Though she had found the situation strange, she couldn't deny that it was pretty amusing. "And you still didn't answer my question of what you were doing out here."
"Last night you started eating while I was introducing myself. That was rather rude, dear." Sighing over dramatically at her he placed a hand on his chest, where his heart should be. No beating of a heart could be felt though, probably because he didn't have one. " And here I thought Angels fidn't have a rude bone in their bodies. But it seems as if I was wrong."

Pausing he thought about how to answer her question. "What am I doing out here? Nothing, just walking. Enjoying the scenery and all that fun stuff."
She smiled at him apologetically."I am sorry though, I really wasn't intending to be rude, I just didn't want to contribute to your rather ostentatious ego trip. Plus, you are supposed to actually eat at dinner. If it makes you feel any better though, your little comment afterwards has pretty much turned me into a social pariah. In only a few hours too, that has to be some sort of record."

She sighed dramatically, leaning against the tree behind her. "Whatever will I do without my roommate and her friends' incessant chatter?"