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'Super' 'Heroes'

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Normally I'm a jump in and find out what happens kinda guy but this discussion thing is...really good.
As for my own character, here's what I'm working with: Gravitating toward a petty criminal turned hero-type. A sloppy thief, maybe, who would've gotten arrested a dozen times already had he/she (gender undecided) not had a power (telekinesis? ability to wipe someone's memory, if only for seconds at a time? invisibility?). I like to think this person is more bored than bad, testing the limits of his/her ability in riskier ways just to see what he/she can do. Once recruited by the Hero, he/she could learn to funnel that boredom and power usage toward doing good. But bad habits die hard. Criminals, no matter how minor, don't just wake up heroes the next day. Without meaning to (unlike Mog's character), my character may unwittingly antagonize the group by reverting to old behavior which may jeopardize missions or covers. Would a character like this work with this roleplay?
Oooh I love a good redemption story. A useful power for a thief would be facial (and body) mimicking (a la Mystique). However that's a pretty straightforward power that doesn't leave a ton of room for testing your abilities. Unless you're trying to do it while the person you are mimicking is still conscious. Hmm....

Intangibility would make the character literally impossible to arrest. Of course having this ability turned off at the wrong moment could still result in a bullet to the chest.

Following that same train of thought there is Dust or Smoke mimicry. The ability to turn one's physical structure into dust (or smoke) and then turn back on a whim. Or self-liquidation, which is the same thing but with a liquid substance.

Of course realistically almost any superpower would be useful in a life of crime.

Hopefully my suggestions aren't stepping on any toes. ^^
@Censored69 Not at all! I appreciate your input! I'm accustomed to roleplays where everyone scurries off into their own secret corners, whips up a character, and reveals the finished product all at the same time just before the roleplay starts. Recently, I've had almost zero character planning discussion with my partners, so this is a breath of fresh air.

I love the idea of smoke mimicry - it's very visual, but I'd have to think about what its limitations are. Is my character fully aware of his surroundings when he's in smoke-mode? I suppose the assumption would be yes, but if I say no, then I've got a lot more interesting and complicated issues to consider.

Phasing/intangibility sounds pretty useful to a would-be thief, too. Breaking and entering would be a cinch! But I can imagine a ton of ways it can be equally frustrating and disastrous. This one's definitely on the table.

Thanks for the suggestions, man!

By the way, I'm also really liking your idea for your egoistic, somewhat self-serving character. Superheros in the context of everyday society are fascinating. The idea of a superhero who does what he does, not to enact justice or revenge, but for self-promotion is wonderfully human. Maybe this guy is in it for the superficial stuff, but who knows? Maybe the guy actually cares what people think about him. *le gasp*
Hmm...I think the ability to transmute would be really interesting for a thief. To dismantle materials into their baser components and/or reconstruct them would be quite useful in and out of combat. Plus, it's highly versatile, and potentially not OP as long as it only works on non-organic materials. Plus, converting one material into another has a multitude of uses.
Hmm...I think the ability to transmute would be really interesting for a thief. To dismantle materials into their baser components and/or reconstruct them would be quite useful in and out of combat. Plus, it's highly versatile, and potentially not OP as long as it only works on non-organic materials. Plus, converting one material into another has a multitude of uses.

Kind of sounds like something Doctor Manhatten could do with his power set.
If I may.. would they be aware of comic books and comic books heroes/movies in this world? Like.. is Spider-Man a comic book? Superman? Just asking out of curiousity.
Hmm...I think the ability to transmute would be really interesting for a thief. To dismantle materials into their baser components and/or reconstruct them would be quite useful in and out of combat. Plus, it's highly versatile, and potentially not OP as long as it only works on non-organic materials. Plus, converting one material into another has a multitude of uses.
Interesting thought! This is a power that has never crossed my mind before. While I can see its value for a thief, the kind of power I'm looking for is one that inspired a life of crime rather than a power that would suit a criminal. Does that make sense? The power came first; the crimes came second (because of the power). If I approach transmutation with the same mindset, I'm not sure my character would have turned out to be a thief, which is the path I most want my character to take. But thanks for your suggestion nonetheless! It's great food for thought. :)
@Linden Thanks! The idea has been sitting on a shelf for way too long. I always like looking at how a secret identity ties to a superhero. These masks say something about heroes. That's why cops, reporters and scientists are so common. Heroes during the work day, superheroes during their off hours. Always heroes. So what about a hero whose not always a hero?

@The Classy Mog That.....is an awesome power idea; just in general. I'd have never thought of it. Adding it to my mental catalogue of superpowers.

@Camleen Thats a good question. Only @Spectre can answer for sure but I like the idea of these things existing personally and our heroes being able to take inspiration from them.

Ami is thin, muscular. She stands about 5'5" and weighs roughly 130 pounds. Her hair is naturally red, her eyes a hazel color. She does have a single tattoo on her upper back, a small emblem. She has had it her whole life, and isn't sure where it came from.

Name: Ami Brookstone
Alias: Once she starts her career, it will eventually be called Mega Girl. A lot of people call her 'Red' though, for obvious reasons.
Age: 20
Race: She is an alien, though this isn't something she's aware of. When her powers started to emerge, she and those that knew of her abilities assumed she was a mutant. And so that's what she is classified as for the moment.
Personality tendencies: Firstly, Ami is what one would consider an otaku. She loves comic books, anime, cartoons, video games...she's rightly a nerd if you ask her. And that's part of the reason she embraces her powers so much, it's what she's dreamed of for practically her whole life (or since 6th grade when she got into comic books). She gets giddy with this kind of stuff, and imagines herself the quintessential hero of legend.
While she does sometimes suffer from bouts of depression, she always tries to be in a grand mood. She acts almost lovingly towards her friends.. if she considers you a friend, you might as well be part of her family. She can't promise she'll always be in a good mood (she does get grumpy sometimes), but she does her best. And even towards those she doesn't know, she always tries to help others. Sometimes she goes out of her way to do so.
Since her powers emerged, she's done her best to play the role of the 'secret avenger'. Keeping her identity hidden, even though it kills her. She wants people to know what she can do, who she is. But experience and knowledge of comic books tells her that could be a bad idea. She tries to take after Sailor V in that regard.
Powers: This is a preliminary list of what she is capable of now. In the future, her abilities will expand.
Enhanced Durability - Ami's body can withstand a large amount of physical damage before she succumbs to said damage. She was hit once by a speeding SUV without much incident, if that is any indication.
Enhanced Strength – At base, she can lift (bench press) almost 15 tons.
Enhanced Speed - She isn't able to go mach speed (yet!), but she can move pretty fast. In an open run, she can run about 50MPH.
Enhanced Healing - In the instances where she is actually injured, her body has the ability to heal itself at a tremendous rate. What would put a normal man down for a day she will be able to heal in a few minutes.
Skills: Ami has some hand to hand combat experience, and some very basic training at that. Usually she's able to just use her abilities to get herself out of tight situations, so even a basic understanding of hand to hand defensive combat has been more than enough to this point.
She has been playing video games for almost her whole life, so she's quite adept at many she tries. And given her pentient for video games and the like, she does have high eye to hand coordination and quick decision making abilities.
Ami can play the violin, having taken lessons when she was a child. She isn't a world master level or anything, but she can hold her own with 'Devil Went Down To Georgia'.
She is also a decent chef/baker. Her adopted family was full of cooks, and she grew up watching her father cook every day. Her mother would bake quite often, and Ami picked up on that rather readily.
Weapons: N/A
Weaknesses: While she has enhanced durability, it does of course have it's limits. She take a ton more punishment than most people, but she will top out eventually. She will come to learn she's particularly vulnerable to telepathy.
Thus far she is very inexperienced in big fights. She's never faced anyone on her level as yet, only petty thugs and the like.
She sometimes takes the opinions and criticisms of others far to hard. She would say she doesn't care what other people think, but she really does. And it can effect her. And if things don't go her way, she can have a short temper and be put into something of a depressive bout quickly. She's aware of this, of course, and always tries to fight it.
Goals: Right now her only real goal is to be a super hero. That's where she sees her life going. Sadly this thing called 'real life' is interfering with that.
Bio: As a newborn, Ami was found upon the doorstep of a church. It's really that simple, and perhaps cliche. But that's how her story here starts. She was taken in by that church and was allowed to stay at an orphanage the church ran. That's where she spent the first 3 years of her life. She was well cared for and loved by those that ran the orphanage. They all could see she was a special child, but they didn't know the half of it.
She was adopted by the Brookstone family when she was almost 4. They tried to have their own children, but were simply unable to. And so they reached out and was able to adopt Ami. Ironically... 2 years later they were able to have a child, Ami's little brother Jake. The children never really wanted for anything, they were raised in a good and loving atmosphere. Her father (Liam) was a construction worker, and did all he could to ensure his family was provided for. It's from him she learned the value of hard work. Her mother (Lynn) worked various jobs in Ami's lifetime, but was always first and foremost a stay at home mom.
Ami sometimes struggled with the fact that she was adopted. She knew her family genuinely loved her, but there was always something in the back of her mind saying that she was different. That perhaps she didn't really belong. This was all in her head, though. She did truly love her family, of course, even her bratty little brother.
Her life for the most part reflected that of any normal girl growing up. She didn't do great in school, usually out of boredom. Not from not being able to do the work.. often she simply didn't want to. Her mind was distracted by other things.. usually cartoons or toys or video games or comic books. It wasn't until the time around her 18th birthday that her life started to become... more unusual.
She was convinced to go out with some of her friends for nothing more than a fun night of hanging out. They went to a movie (a comic book movie of course), and then went to dinner. It was late when they were driving home, the 5 of them. Zoe was a passenger in the car (she hated driving her friends). They were 'debating' a new game coming out, and things happened so quickly.. one moment they were talking, the next there was the sound of metal being wretched apart and they were at a stop. The car they were in went across the yellow divider and slammed head first into an oncoming car.
One of Ami's friends was killed instantly, the driver. Her other friends were very badly injured.. one of them would never walk again. But Ami.. she didn't have a scratch on her. She was in the passenger seat, and was thrown from the car through the front windshield. She landed nearly 20 feet away.. but was fine. It was called a 'miracle' by most. Ami felt guilty because she wasn't hurt.. but it did get her thinking.
She had never been sick... never seen her own blood. Never really been hurt or felt real pain. When she would get a shot, it would be very difficult. So in the aftermath of the crash, she decided she needed to start experimenting. While it was mostly her curiousity, some of this line of thought could have been the fact she again felt guilty.. and sought to perhaps punish herself. She started by trying to stab her hand with a fork.. and then a knife.. and then a bigger knife. Nothing would happen. She then would start to punch things.. first a plank of wood. And then a cement wall. When the wall actually broke with her strike, she finally was convinced something was going on. And to her, something wonderful.
So she started 'testing' herself more and more. Jumping off the roof. Jumping from a bridge.
Never once did she get hurt. She found she could lift things that she shouldn't be able to. Large rocks, pieces of scrap metal. She found she could run faster than most people.. even faster than some cars. She pushed herself to find her limits, but she never did. A lifelong dream had come true, she had super powers. Just like in the books she read, in the anime would she watch, or the cartoons. She could be a hero, and she wanted to be!
She confided in only 2 people.. her little brother and his best friend, Cameron. It was decided amongst them that if she were to be some kind of super hero.. she needed a costume! It started badly..

But eventually they decided on something more modest.. something that would keep her identity a secret. She then started actually going out and doing what she saw as being a hero.. finding trouble and stopping it. Helping anyone she could.
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Spot reserved for MC, who's sheet I will be posting tomorrow:

(feel free to give advice on the image you prefer, still undecided for his 'costume' so I'll post both).

image.jpg image.jpg
I would love to join this roleplay but i already have one going on at the moment that Superhero related but i had to check it out. Camleen i wonder what thoughts was running in her head to choose that as her first Costume but it better then Spider-Man's Bagman outfit lol . Pibbs those are some awesome spiderman costume redesigned too. I wish the upper one was Miles Morales current costume and the bottom costume is cool too. I would love to see where you take this.
So...I have to ask..would anyone object to me basing part of my character on a real person? He's an Idol of mine, and his skillset actually meshes pretty well with my character concept.

Stands at 5'6", weighs approximately 120lbs (most of his body mass is muscle, there's very little fat/flab), and his brown hair is typically messy looking. He has green eyes which are normally hidden behind large black-rimmed glasses (his mask has special contact-lenses built into the eye coverings so he doesn't have to wear glasses while in-costume).


Matthew John Anderson


The Spider The Arachnid The Web Spinner The Black Spider (name viable to change)




Human with stable Cross-Species DNA

Personality tendencies:

Matthew is very polite to everyone he meets, male or female. Most girls find it hard to tell if he's flirting or just being nice. Matthew can be odd at times, but that's just because he tries to see the world from every outlook. Even though he smiles, he sometimes feels that nobody really gets him except for a select few. Matthew's a hopeless romantic, but hopes to one day finally make the girl of his dreams happy (as soon as he meets her, that is). He is also very adventurous. Matthew's also a bit of a nerd and loves all kinds of video games, movies and television shows. He's trustworthy and honest, taking it upon himself to act like a gentleman whenever he can. However, he can also be a smart-ass at times (a side of his personality that is mostly seen when he's in costume)


• Wall Climbing

• Web slinging via Web cartridges and homemade Web shooters

• Enhanced speed, agility, strength and eyesight. (All proportionate to that of a Spider in a human body).

• "Spider-Sense" - an ability that allows him to detect whenever danger is near or something is wrong in his surroundings.

• On top of being able to fire webs from his web shooters, his body can also produce natural webbing that is about 10x stronger then the artificial stuff, but he rarely uses it for two important reasons:

1. It requires him to squeeze down on his wrist with his other hand, applying pressure depending on how far he wants the webs to go. On top of the pressure, he needs to continuously press down in order to keep the webs coming.

2. The webs that are produced naturally come directly from an area in his wrists (like the way they were produced in the 1st Spider-Man movie) and as they are fired, they cause a massive burning, painful sensation in his wrist. This usually drains him of energy and makes his wrists extremely sore.

He only uses his natural webs when needed (ex. Pinning down gargantuan villains so they can't squash him, creating an extreme durable temporary shield that will hold a falling building so he can try to rescue as many of its residents as possible).


• Hand to hand Combat - Matthew took fighting classes growing up, so he's a bit of a capable fighter. He's still not the best, but he can handle himself (plus having super strength and reflexes helps when fighting crime)

• Hacking - Matthew is a pretty capable computer geek (having spent most of his high school years online), so he knows his way around a security system.

• Stealth: Due to his low bodyweight and light-footedness, Matthew is able to sneak around quietly and quickly both on walls or on the floor. His suit also helps him blend into the shadows.


None, but if he has the time to do so, he can try to create weapons out of Webbing (clubs, spikes, boxing gloves etc).


Bullets, Knives, Mind Control, Having his power's sucked out of his body, Explosions, and pretty much anything that would kill a normal human being. He's also a little cocky when it comes to fighting bad guys. His wise ass remarks normally get himself and those he cares for (or his teammates) into trouble, but aside from that he's not immune to anything (except maybe small doses of radiation).


To use his powers to help those in need and punish those who would do wrong. Basically, to become a superhero that inspires good in people. Although real life still gets in the way, which sucks.


~~ Matthew's Life ~~

Matthew Anderson had a relatively normal childhood growing up. His father, Thomas, was a scientist who had been working on some kind of research dealing with cross-species mutation at M.A.X. CORP. Apparently, the project was supposed to create new medicines and health-aids (ex. growing back limbs with the help of Lizard DNA), but Thomas always warned Matthew that his work could make bad men show up. He told Matthew to never let them near his work and didn't even allow his son to glance at his progress, despite the young boy's love of science and learning. Most of the time, Thomas was off working at the M.A.X. CORP Building, so his family rarely saw him except on weekends. Matthew's mother, Vanessa, was a local dentist. She was also constantly working, but whenever the family managed to get extreme periods of time off work, they would spend it together to try and make up for lost time.

Matthew wasn't the most popular kid when it came to school, but he wasn't a nerd either. He fell into his own sort of social group along with his other friends, whom they decided to call "Inbetweeners", meaning they weren't popular, but they also weren't outcasts. He has a small circle of friends that have been with him since he was 6 years old. They all had various interests and opinions on certain things, but somehow they worked well as friends. Together they formed a sort of odd friendship that most people would think was absolutely strange. They all had their places in the group: there was the "pretty one", the "super nerd", the "sports enthusiast", and so on. Matthew fell into the category of the "smart-ass" for his opinionated views and takes on various things. Plus, Matthew had always been able to make humorous remarks about almost everything, so it seemed fair to give him a new trait category.

Sometimes stuff goes right for him, sometimes things don't. He's just your average teenage guy with spider-like superpowers trying to make it in the world.

~~ Origin Story ~~

Two years ago, Matthew was involved in a serious accident. In his senior year, his high school took a field trip to the world-renowned M.A.X. CORP Research and Development building, the same place where his father worked. During the tour, a security officer approached the guide and ordered the group to leave the premises, claiming that the building was shutting down prematurely because of a safety drill. While the rest of the school started to leave, Matthew and a group of students hung around in order to figure out what was going on. Matthew's father hadn't alerted him of a drill, so he suspected something was going on. They managed to find and disguise themselves as lab-assistants before they were forced down to the lower labs by a security team. The teens were (re) informed that "Project: OZ" was about to commence and they were supposed to be in the control booth monitoring the event. When they reached the lab, Matthew was met with the sight of his Father and a group of men working on a half-human half-reptilian creature with completely pale skin (they called it "The Chameleon", given it's ability to change appearance). The experiment seemed to be going well, with sedatives being given to the creature in order to soothe it. At one point, it even began to speak, asking the researchers for food (a live mouse), which it consumed in one gulp. The experiment ended with extremely positive results, showing that the hybrid creature had grown properly and showed no signs of violent tendencies... Unlike previous test subjects. At this point, the experiment was concluded and the building ended its lockdown. Then, Matthew's father realized that his son and three students had broken into the lab after the proper lab-assistant's showed up, having previously stepped out for pizza before the experiment began.

Thomas scolded his son and the others, explaining that they had witnessed highly classified information and could get him and the rest of the researchers in serious trouble if they revealed what had happened there to the world. (What actually did happen was that The Chameleon had been genetically created by combining the DNA of multiple South American reptiles with a human being, successfully creating a creature that could be just like a human. The American military was funding the project so M.A.X. CORP could create the perfect espionage agent, one who could expertly blend in with the enemy and take them out from the other side). Using a military developed device, a few researchers wiped the memories of the other teenagers, but Matthew (being the son of a researcher) was allowed to keep his. The other teens were sent home immediately, while Thomas reluctantly agreed to keep Matthew around until he left. Just as the father and son were going to leave, the doors sealed shut and a deafening alarm began to echo through the lab. Security officers ran over to the inner sanctums and told the scientists to get out, but it was too late. While the Chameleon was being escorted to its containment chamber, it had apparently turned violent and murdered its escorts. After stealing the identity of one of the soldiers and transforming itself, the Chameleon unlocked the security cells of the "Other Hybrids", releasing the highly dangerous test subjects that had survived the gene-construction process. These hybrids, however, were extremely violent and had been scheduled for gene-recycling that day (a process that completely disassembles the particles in a creature's body, destroying them permanently and "humanely"). As the sentient ringleader, the Chameleon orchestrated the breakout of the experiments in hopes that they could seek revenge against their creators (as the Chameleon claimed, they were nothing but freaks). The Seven experiments (aptly named after their creatures of origin: the Arachnid, the Lizard, the Scorpion, the Wasp, the Piranha, Vermin, and the Chameleon) wrecked havoc upon the research facility, slaughtering scientists, security officers, and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the brawl. Matthew hid in the observation room, Thomas and his partner, Gordon Greene, tried to access the ventilation system and flood the lower laboratory with a deadly neurotoxin (designed specifically in the event of a breakout).

However, just as the neurotoxin flooded the lab, one of the creatures, the Arachnid, managed to enter the observation room and attacked Matthew, sinking it's teeth into his neck in an attempt to drain him of any bodily fluids. The venom in the Arachnid's fangs paralyzed Matthew, making him unable to defend himself while it feasted. However, a new security team (equipped with gas masks) arrived on the scene and shot down the Arachnid to rescue Matthew. When the team arrived at the control room to try and rescue Thomas and Gordon, they discovered that Thomas had been murdered by a previously unknown experiment and Gordon was later found unconscious with signs of physical trauma. Only the Chameleon was unaccounted for, so it was assumed it escaped as a desperate last attempt to save its life.

A few days later, Matthew woke up in the hospital, surrounded by his family and friends. He had no idea that the venom in his system forced him into a comatose state for days, but he also learned of his father's gruesome murder at the hands of a previously unknown hybrid creature. Thomas had apparently been disembowelled and partially eaten by the beast, but nobody knew exactly what creature it was. Based on a bloodied footprint left behind, it resembled some kind of creature with taloned-feet. None of the hybrids had talons, so the authorities thought it must've been the Chameleon taking on an unrecognizable form to throw off anyone who might've followed it. As compensation to the families of those who died in the break out, M.A.X. CORP shut down Sector B and paid for all of the funerals.

In the weeks that followed, Matthew began to notice some strange occurrences. During a gym class in which he was required to play dodge ball, Matthew discovered his reflexes had enhanced overnight by 100%. He was faster, stronger, and more agile. He also felt this strange feeling in the back of his skull, almost like a tingle. Matthew soon realized that the tingle told him when something negative (such as being hit) was about to happen to him. After a dodge that forced him into a wall, he opened his eyes to see the students staring at him with disbelief. Matthew thought he had seriously hurt himself because he was seeing things as if he were lying on the floor sideways. Then, he glanced to the floor and saw that was apparently stuck to the wall, hanging onto the padding like a frightened cat. He quickly dropped off the walls while the students begged him to teach them how to hold onto a flat surface like that. Immediately after discovering these advancements to his body, he decided to test out his new skills when he got home. After some more tests, Matthew discovered he could also fire a thin, sticky substance that resembled thread from his wrist. Upon further inspection, he discovered that the threads were actually webs, like that of a... Spider.

Matthew it was then that he realized that "the Arachnid" had somehow transmitted its DNA to his body. It might've been the venom, which was slightly irradiated as the doctors in the hospital told him. The radiation wasn't enough to kill him or even affect him negatively, but it had clearly given him some kind of genetic enhancement.

This immediately gave him an idea: he had read comic books for practically his entire life and now he was suddenly gifted with incredible powers. Knowing that crime is always an issue, Matthew decided that he could try and make a difference by becoming a symbol for the people. A monster had taken away his father, but he couldn't allow the modern-day monsters to ruin the lives of other people. Although vigilantism was technically illegal, Matthew knew it would be a waste to use these powers for anything other than benefiting those who needed help. So, using his knowledge of comic books, Matthew created an alias for himself and got to work on the costume. He became, "The Black Spider" (name still pending).

(Can't pick a costume just yet, I'll keep both options here so I can get some input from you guys. The second one in the black and white costume is wearing a wig, hence why Matt doesn't have brown hair in that image).

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Sorry all for the slowness. I'll post a full response to a lot of things i read above. Starting from latest to earliest.
(Can't pick a costume just yet, I'll keep both options here so I can get some input from you guys. The second one in the black and white costume is wearing a wig, hence why Matt doesn't have brown hair in that image).
Good talking point here. Costumes. Viable? I'm thinking uniforms and disguise is necessary, but I'd like them to be slightly more realistic in nature. Tights and stuff just don't make sense to me- but i guess that might break the idea... My suggestion, though- with the spidey suits you're providing- is the first one. The second one looks like it could mesh more with a form fitting- but still practical as far as protection goes... But the face and hair are not my taste... [MY taste, the character is up to you though]

Everything looks fine for our friendly neighborhood spiderman ;).
I'll be naming the City and stuff shortly, so you can drop edits where needed later on.

So...I have to ask..would anyone object to me basing part of my character on a real person? He's an Idol of mine, and his skillset actually meshes pretty well with my character concept.
I don't particularly care. Just make it work in whatever way you can. Just change names, etc, of course. This isn't based in reality- but heavily based 'OFF' reality ;P.

I would love to join this roleplay but i already have one going on at the moment that Superhero related but i had to check it out. Camleen i wonder what thoughts was running in her head to choose that as her first Costume but it better then Spider-Man's Bagman outfit lol . Pibbs those are some awesome spiderman costume redesigned too. I wish the upper one was Miles Morales current costume and the bottom costume is cool too. I would love to see where you take this.
Hi there. I can keep some plots open if you want to hop in at some point.

Powers: This is a preliminary list of what she is capable of now. In the future, her abilities will expand.
Enhanced Durability - Ami's body can withstand a large amount of physical damage before she succumbs to said damage. She was hit once by a speeding SUV without much incident, if that is any indication.
Enhanced Strength – At base, she can lift (bench press) almost 15 tons.
Enhanced Speed - She isn't able to go mach speed (yet!), but she can move pretty fast. In an open run, she can run about 50MPH.
Enhanced Healing - In the instances where she is actually injured, her body has the ability to heal itself at a tremendous rate. What would put a normal man down for a day she will be able to heal in a few minutes.
Just a heads up- i'm all for mimicing supes for the most part. But I do want you to focus on a specific area- like maybe strength and durability. IT seems you are, but be careful. You can have the other enhancements as described, but i don't want the super speed, and all that to get out of hand. Not that i'm saying it will!! But be mindful :)

If I may.. would they be aware of comic books and comic books heroes/movies in this world? Like.. is Spider-Man a comic book? Superman? Just asking out of curiousity.
Yes and no. I'd say mentioning specific Marvel/DC superheroes would be a little taboo here. But other things like the supergirl's love of anime and manga, and other people's love of movies are fine. But if there's too much superhero fiction inception, could be a little weird?

Spectre This is great! I think the Aging Hero concept is pretty dynamic and kind of uncharted territory. If the Hero is maybe past his prime, but frustrated that he can't save the day like he used to, then maybe forming the team could also be a way for him to secretly, vicariously live through our characters' lives. In addition to taking care of unfinished business - whatever that may be - the team might also give an aging hero a renewed sense of purpose. If he has no children, he might even consider this team his legacy. That kind of narcissism could even feed into his gradual downward spiral into darkness.


I also really like @Censored69's idea about there being a non-powered person on the team. Whether this turns out to be Mog's character or not, I like the suggested lesson behind inviting an ordinary human (albeit with extraordinary skills) on the team. It's a humbling thought. I mean, being able to hold your own among superhumans when you've got zero powers is pretty darn impressive. There is a possibility, too, that the group comes to like the human because of his lack of powers rather than in spite of if. If this already formidable person suddenly gains some supernatural ability, it may cause unease within the group. I could definitely understand the character's anxiety should powers suddenly manifest. But, Mog, that's your call, seeing as this is your hypothetical character. :)

As for my own character, here's what I'm working with: Gravitating toward a petty criminal turned hero-type. A sloppy thief, maybe, who would've gotten arrested a dozen times already had he/she (gender undecided) not had a power (telekinesis? ability to wipe someone's memory, if only for seconds at a time? invisibility?). I like to think this person is more bored than bad, testing the limits of his/her ability in riskier ways just to see what he/she can do. Once recruited by the Hero, he/she could learn to funnel that boredom and power usage toward doing good. But bad habits die hard. Criminals, no matter how minor, don't just wake up heroes the next day. Without meaning to (unlike Mog's character), my character may unwittingly antagonize the group by reverting to old behavior which may jeopardize missions or covers. Would a character like this work with this roleplay?
I'm more than cool with non powered people in the story.

Criminal turned hero sounds like it could be fun with some inner conflict running rampant. I think a good idea of powers would allow you to get into sticky situations, but hard to get out? Like smoke/intangibility will allow you to get in and out- but not the items you do not have on your person. Like carrying something? Orrr.... what about partial invisibility, orrr.... hmmm... maybe like a- technomancer- you can control technology with your mind? haha i dont know.
We will be somewhere like, say, New York. Huge city that is by a large set of water....
Maybe named Port City, New Stark City [not tony stark... xD], Merchant City, I dunno... thoughts welcome :)

This is going to be set in the near future- so you can have fun with gadgets and stuff. Just try and make them make sense.

Are we all in agreement with a retired superhero taking us all in? I'd say aging, but not too old to have continued on his crusade. Maybe gravely injured, or has some disease or handicap due to an old injury. Walks with a cane, or in a wheelchair. Maybe prosthetics. What about his superpowers? Maybe he's a power thief or something, or His nemesis or whoever is still rampant, and likely gathering minions and numbers.

I'm also beginning to profile the villain. He's a smart, mostly sane criminal. Super Powered, but I can't decide what. Maybe he's just evil batman/iron man, and has none?
@Spectre An evil Iron Man that's a human purist out to destroy (or at least contain) all supers? A charismatic character that has the backing of a decent portion of the population? Maybe even leads an anti super cult in a compound just outside the city (like a libertarian style compound)? Just spitting thoughts.
I love, love, LOVE this concept.

I'm in.

When will the official OC be up?
@Censored69, That is a such a great thought - a hero who isn't always a hero. A super-powered human with selective heroism, acting heroic only when it's convenient.

I'm more than cool with non powered people in the story.

Criminal turned hero sounds like it could be fun with some inner conflict running rampant. I think a good idea of powers would allow you to get into sticky situations, but hard to get out? Like smoke/intangibility will allow you to get in and out- but not the items you do not have on your person. Like carrying something? Orrr.... what about partial invisibility, orrr.... hmmm... maybe like a- technomancer- you can control technology with your mind? haha i dont know.
Thank you for the suggestions! I'm strongly thinking about cloaking (sub-power of invisibility). My character could then choose to make herself invisible (I think she'll be female) or conceal someone or something else instead. It also works around the issue of always having to be in one's birthday suit in order to be fully invisible. Limitations being: not intangible, not imperceptible, and can only cloak a certain area - maybe equivalent to the size of a twin-sized comforter (so hiding more than one person at a time or bulky items is tricky or not doable). And, of course, there's the issue of actually transporting items - while invisible they still have weight and mass. So like you said, getting in is easy but getting out is hard. How does that sound?
Are we all in agreement with a retired superhero taking us all in? I'd say aging, but not too old to have continued on his crusade. Maybe gravely injured, or has some disease or handicap due to an old injury. Walks with a cane, or in a wheelchair. Maybe prosthetics. What about his superpowers? Maybe he's a power thief or something, or His nemesis or whoever is still rampant, and likely gathering minions and numbers.
Absolutely! Love the idea that the Hero might be unable to continue his work due to a physical impediment. I'll have to chew on possible powers, though. It would be so refreshing to see something obscure or uncommon in the team's mentor. Thought: of all the members on the team, maybe he's the ordinary human? Or not! It's just an idea.

I'm about to head to work, but when I get back I'll brainstorm some ideas for the baddie. :)

Also, as far as "costumes" go, since we're going for a more realistic, practical feel, would regular apparel be too mundane? Like hoodies or clothing similar to athletic wear, but a little more jazzed up seeing as the setting is near future? Just curious - trying to get a broad picture of the aesthetic of this world.
Here guys. I hope this is okay...

Aiden Rook

Aiden stands at about six feet tall, and weighs around 160lbs. His head is usually shaved, but occasionally grows out to be a short and unkempt straight brown hair. His eyes are a dark brown, and often have a deep thinking and potentially caring look about them. His expressions are often calm and content, he is known to smile often. Aiden was raised in a military family, and his Avid interest in martial arts and Parkour have given him reason to maintain a great physique. He has a lithe and built frame, sporting a highly athletic physique.

Aiden Rook

Martin Van Holten



Aiden is proud, determined, and ambitious. He strives for personal perfection in nearly everything he does, and is always trying to better himself. Always believing that every day he should be better than he was the day before, he works hard, and learns from every mistake and success, no matter how trivial. While he can sometimes seem to have a rough exterior, due in no small part to his fighting, stunt work, and minor criminal activity, Aiden generally treats people very respectfully.

Throughout the years, Aiden has had the tendency to put work above people, and so has never had large groups of friends, but small circles of greatly trusted Individuals. He has, however, occasionally attempted long term relationships, only to end abruptly each time. People also occasionally have a hard time getting to know him, discovering that he can be quite secretive.


Mixed Martial Arts
Tech Savy


Escrima Sticks/Bo Staff
Throwing Knives
Various Trick Weapons
Various Explosives

No Powers
Pent-up Aggresion
Fears Stagnation
Addicted to Adrenaline/Fighting


Become a world class athlete, and win more gold medals than any other competitor.

Become the greatest fighter in the city.

Protect the people the law won't.


Aiden was born overseas, immigrating to the United States as a teenager. Even during his youth feats of athleticism and Combat fascinated him. His father was a soldier, his mother a nurse. It wasn't at all surprising how he grew to interpret the closeness of saving and taking life both. As a child, he lived fairly well off, but due to the deaths of his parents, he fled his home country to the U.S.

During the first several years of his time in the states, he lived in poverty, needing to do everything he could to scathe by. Aiden would use his self taught free running skills to play courier, chase down punks, and, of course, evade police. It was thanks to one man that his life had managed to turn around. Someone who believed in him and his ability to do something good with his skills.

Aiden would become a gymnast, participating in many athletic events and contests, while also beginning to work as a stuntman and fight choreographer. Unfortunately, his past could never be completely erased, and his new clean life lacked the adventure and challenge of his old one. Not to mention the mystique of it. So, using his Parkour skills and his old Street brawling methods to learn to fight.

It didn't take long for Aiden to make something of a name for himself into he underbelly of the big city, using an Alias he participated in underground fights. Sometimes simple boxing, sometimes cage fights, and occasionally, something far darker and more dangerous.

Eventually, through help of friends and his mentor, he became far less often a participant of these events, but still engages in the fights from time to time. Of course, he does his best to hide this from them all.

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OH and to our spidey, i really friggin love this concept i found

And regular clothes are fine. Or whatever kind of super suit you can think of. I'm just trying to stray a little from the spandex type stuff- but if you feel so inclined that's totally fine.

@Spectre An evil Iron Man that's a human purist out to destroy (or at least contain) all supers? A charismatic character that has the backing of a decent portion of the population? Maybe even leads an anti super cult in a compound just outside the city (like a libertarian style compound)? Just spitting thoughts.
I am liking this idea more and more. I like the goal, but now I need something of his that will make him a target of both the law, and the supers... But I don't want to say human purist- at least outwardly. Maybe inside, thats fine. But maybe he sees them as a necessary evil so he hires some to fight for him until their opponents are dead. Then he'd kill or treat them, too. hmm.

Team's Mentor fleshed out:
He's 55 now, graying hair, slumped walk, and angry, bagged eyes. In his prime, he was a vigilante. He and his partner worked hard to keep the streets safe from other people like him, and rampant crime. He had the power of flight, enhances strength, and forcefields. He was the city's Shield. His partner had the power of Super Speed, and together they put many criminals behind bars, or specially contained force-style prisons for the super-powered. This went on for a majority of 25 years.

One day, his nemesis [INSERT NAME HERE] set up a trap for them. His partner was killed, and his own powers were drained- only after hours of torture. This was irreparable damage done to his spinal column, as well. He was left without the use of his powers at large [slowly regenerating over time], and without the use of the left side of his body.

Feeling worn down, and defeated, he resigned. He caught word of others trying to fill his gap, but the obituaries started stacking up. He found some courage, and pulled himself from his slump- researching some up and coming candidates who have been sighted [or not- the guy's got killer connections] doing acts of kindness, or strange things having happened... He knew better- and would contact them, try to take them under his wing and teach them the 'ins and outs' of the business... Better yet- the emerging threat of his old nemesis- who after aging is taking a backseat and administrative role to his crime empire. This includes the newly formed private military and R&D company called '[INPUT SOMETHING HERE]' that he runs operations both foreign and domestic.
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