Sunnepheia: The Prosperos Quest

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Gosh. Everyone takes you so seriously [MENTION=10]Asmodeus[/MENTION]
This one, too.
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Waiting for Sakura to wake up. *checks pulse*
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Sorry 'bout the wait. My work schedule suddenly decided to broadside me.
Wait, why are you waiting on me!

I don't want to go through a round of healing :[ that's such a boring post! there's a LINE of injured people...

Fine... I'll post....
Sakura said:
Ill get a "I just got saved by medwick and oh, I'm a dumb sniper" post in < 9 hours! (In the morning!)

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Shardis doesn't need anything healed o,0 she just has a few scratches and a pulled muscle in her back....mabye. but nothing fancy lol
I managed to overlook 4 posts...

*quietly slips his shoes on and buttons his coat*

*proceeds downstairs*

*dons his hat and picks up his umbrella*

*proceeds to the main street and hails a taxi*

*drives downtown while talking with the cabbie about his next novel*

*arrives in the financial district*

*proceeds on foot to the Bank of America*

*greets Linda, the friendly customer services rep and inquires about her grandmother, who is feeling ill of late*

*follows Linda to the secure area and takes from her a key*

*proceeds alone to the safe deposit box*

*glances up at the security cameras*

*opens the box and removes a bottle of 1856 Scottish Whiskey*

*drinks a mouthful of the sweet nectar as a tear rolls down his cheek*

*returns the bottle to the safe deposit box*

*removes the second item*

*puts the cool, silver barrel of the pistol into his mouth*

*closes his eyes*

*pulls the trigger and ignites the novelty lighter, which sets fire to his whiskey-soaked insides*

*runs around in agony while Linda looks on, screaming and sobbing*

*smashes through the bank window and runs, flaming, into the street*

*is taken down by security guards and tazered to unconsciousness*

*spends the next 6 months in jail for arson and disturbance of the peace*

*forges a lasting friendship with an old black man who is there for life*

*gets released and returns home*

*re-orders his internet package*

*makes a post*
Wait, the cabbie's next novel? Or yours?
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Dude it's really not that big a deal...sheesh! O,o

We can w8 for you to catch up, no biggy :)
^But actually. They are a bitch.