Strange Occurrence in Celestial Kingdom

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The Shadoweaver pulls in his breath sharply as she draws closer, thinking she was going to press her lips to his. Squeezing his eyes shut, he winces only to realize her soft lips have nuzzled themselves against his forehead. No matter how short or how sweet he may think it is in his state, the man does everything in his power not to return her gesture with a kiss of his own. Even after she pulls away, he can feel the warm ring from her lips against the chilled environment eroding his face. Luckily for them, this night is not as cold as the elements could be. Some might think they have a good luck charm or some greater spirit is watching over them carefully.

As simply as he can put it, The Shadoweaver asks, "What do you mean?" for he tried not to wince or growl at the tightening of his dressing. The better side of him causing his head to tilt in her direction. Even he, an assassin, knows that it's polite to look at someone when they talk to you. Luckily for Lily, he is quite high on just the world around him. His heart as well as his pride have had quite the turn today. Never before had he willingly let himself be captured. For what? Or more specifically... for who? This girl has an effect on him and he cannot escape it any longer. The feeling in his gut had been growing and growing as they spent more silent time together. But now they're speaking freely and he is not holding himself back. Perhaps it's because he has been thrown from his high horse and reminded of his mortality.

"But, Lily, I cannot promise you for you know we don't have any control over death. If grim wishes to take me during the night, he'll have to fight me for it. I'v always wanted to fight someone with a scythe." Reaching his hand up above his head, his fingers touch the hilt of his sword as he smiles. "Even if I'm damaged, I'm sure to find strength."
"I mean that if we had ever met before such things horrible things happened, we would have been good friends that all. Not with you threatening my fathers' life." Lily replied while looking up at the star filled sky, sounds of nature surrounding them as they laid on the ground next to each other, talking comfortably with each other. The conversation was surprisingly going well between them even though when they started on this journey, she didn't want much to do with him, but as they spent more and more time together that all changed. He kept helping her and rescuing her from all the dangers that they came in contact with.

Laughing as he spoke about fighting with the grim, if he were to come and take him that night. "Now I doubt you'll die with the way you're speaking." Though they hated each other before, it seemed that Lily couldn't stop what started the feelings she had that night of her party. Still she isn't sure if it's the feeling of excitement and thrill or something more than that. Deciding to bring up the incident, she wanted to hear what he would say about it. "After hearing about how you feel towards royals, I'm surprised you still went as far as to kiss me, even if it was a joke."
"So you're saying that *cough, his chest heaving up* oh god..." Pressing his hand to his wound, at least the larger part of it where the most damage is, he starts to breathe. It's as if someone has shoved a bar of soap down his throat though, small crackles of air popping as he sucks in more of the wintery breeze. In all honesty, he doesn't even feel cold and this surprises him for there is snow on the ground. He knows he could never hurt Lily, having to save her time after time. Knowing it should be troublesome to someone like him, he doesn't mind it. What odd thoughts I have been having lately... The killer silently thinks to himself. She is royalty and he is nothing. This would be the perfect opportunity to push her away or say something to ruin the moment but he actually likes speaking with her and hearing what she has to say even if she is a princess.

He too laughs at his own little joke about the grim for he actually is happy she accepts it and laughs. The soft trill of laughter actually causes him to laugh harder and eventually end up in a fit of coughs. Leaning his head towards her, those amber eyes burrow into hers. He isn't even sure about what he may be telling her within his hues. Perhaps it's just a 'thank you' stare for all she has done - she saved him from the wrath of those thugs. The Shadoweaver in him wants to shove the kiss out of the way but he feels a connection to it, something calling out to her in his heart.

"That kiss? Oh, that was just, um, " grinning again, he shakes his head, the buzzing from his injuries making his head grow light. "Kissing royals is a game for me, Lily. I had the opportunity to piss of Thomas and I took it." Taking his hand off of his chest, he slowly finds hers and gives a small squeeze. "But it was great, in all honesty, and that's fine. But, yeah, it was just a joke." Smiling, he closes his eyes quickly, breathing big before opening them again and sighing. "Can I kiss you again?" he half whispers, finding he really enjoyed it and something in his gut wants to taste her again. "What I mean is that I would really want for -me- to kiss you instead of Quinn kissing you. " Blinking, he thinks that its definitely his light head talking and not himself.
Upon hearing his question, Lily could feel herself squeezing his hand as he finished saying it. It was a shock to hear him asking her that, though she wanted to confirm something of her own at that time as well. She not only enjoyed it, but there was just something about that kiss that had her constantly thinking about it, even when she told him to never see her again. "I thought it was you the entire time, not Quinn.." She said quietly, but was sure he heard the words that left her lips. Staring back into his amber hues, she closed her eyes and nodded to his question, wondering if she would still feel the same the night they had first kissed.
"That's a part of the act, Lily. The perfect act to really fuck with someone's feelings. For emotions are the perfect toys in my arsenal and in anyone else's for that fact." Opening his mouth to say more on the subject, only air comes out. He doesn't even realize that she is giving him a silent thumbs up for kissing her. To assure her, he feels her squeeze and immediately starts to speak softly to her. "But it's not Quinn this time, I assure you." feeling his head grow heavy from looking up at the clouds, he rolls it to the side. "You'll have to scoot over though, Lily..." comes his breathing.

"With my condition, I don't think I could roll over to kiss you." shrugging, he now waits for her to scoot closer to him. "You're so warm," he giggles, pressing his free hand to his chest. "You know that i'm just..." stopping, he feels her heat waft over him and he quickly shuts his eyes, preparing his body for the kiss that should happen. Hopefully nothing will interrupt them but The Shadoweaver's ears are always waiting. He would tell her if he heard something but all the sounds of the forest are normal. Birds, water, and wind... all in check. Perhaps, just for once, he could let his guard down and just be himself.
"I figured you wouldn't be able too." She laughed at him as she took her hand from his and sat up a bit, leaning over him with her bright blue eyes looking down into his again like before. Tilting his face to look more towards her, Lily leaned down and like before her lips lightly pressed to his as her hands stayed holding his head a bit, while her fingers softly caressed the side of his face. It was like she thought it would be, the same warm feeling that spread through her body, thinking that it was now going to be very heard to forget something like this. Her eyes were closed the entire time, not able to see his reaction, but waited to see if he would respond to it too.

Whether it was the Shadoweaver or the person he actually was, Lily wondered if this would effect anything between the two of them. He seemed to catch her eye, any time he was within sight. His stubbornness was something she enjoyed overcoming whenever he agreed to do something she said, but he would only do the same right back to her. No one had ever made her get worked up until she met him. This was definitely a feeling she had never felt before and she couldn't deny that it felt good.
For a moment, he can't even get his own thoughts straight. He has been told that love makes people do strange things so perhaps all this -chatting- with Lily is really something more. The warmth offers him safety though and for the first time in his life, he wants it. He wants someone else to be by his side, knowing that they have his back. Yes, he has his buddies back at the underground 'palace' but those tunnels too have their secrets. He doesn't even know half of his men's names but he is hardly thinking about that. They have their orders and as long as they follow them, nothing goes wrong.

Her warmth keeps his lips locked against hers. The smoothness of her fingers literally make him shake and he will blame them on his wound. Everything about the moment is only amplified as it grows on and on. Something in his throat growls as he deepens the kiss of his own accord. Her scent will stay with him and surely her taste will linger on his tongue and on his lips. Why didn't he do this before? Oh yeah, right... he never let himself open up before. Soon he is heaving for the next breath, he unlocks their lips from one another for a short moment, his breath spilling over her face. Her hair cascades down to his face and he now moves his motionless hands from her back to her temples to remove the spill to his face. Leaving his eyes to look into hers. For that moment, he has nothing to say - no saucy comments or starky questions about royalty.
The kiss was more passionate than the one before, yet it was just as enjoyable. Her hands had moved from his face down to his chest, avoiding his wound to not cause him pain as it went on. As he pulled away to take a breath, their eyes locked on each other and Lily couldn't stop the smile upon her lips. It was kind of funny not to hear a remark from him, but then she was worried about doing it again when he was already having a hard time breathing. Bringing her right hand back up to his face, she looked over him to make sure than everything was okay and he wasn't in pain. After making sure that he wasn't in pain, Lily didn't wait too much longer before pressing her lips up against his again.
That smile of yours is radiant. Is what he wants to say, knowing what his voice could never shower her with the compliments he wishes. For she is royalty and he, no matter how her kisses may make him feel, can never have her. She is the forbidden fruit he has always been searching for. Whatever he might want to do about it will have to be suppressed. Their spark has been ignited once again and he actually finds himself wanting to move up against her. Not caring what pain might shoot through his body, he wraps his arms around her waist, loving the way her curves melt onto his muscled body. Through the pain of his wound, he finds comfort and the antidote to the sizzling feeling on his chest.

Letting his lips roll off of hers, he smiles again, keeping his eyes closed this time. "Your--" he starts but immediately stops, about to compliment her when he knows he shouldn't. They shouldn't have kissed in the first place. He shouldn't have ever been so stupid, gah! Quickly covering it up, he taps his own collarbone. "Lily, just quickly, let me breathe..." her words sooth him, even smiling. "Its just tough... when you have a massive gash across your chest..." squirming a bit from under her, his muscles all flex yet he keeps his arms around her. Smiling, he takes in breath after breath, dropping his head back on the sand for his neck had started to cramp. "I never properly thanked you, Lily so I guess this is my thank you to you."
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Pulling up from the kiss, she knew that she should let him breathe and that maybe that they should probably stop since he was wounded severely. Moving the hair out of his face, she nodded her head before leaning up more, not able to fully remove herself with his arm around her waist. "You may say that is 'Thank you', but I didn't feel that way." She said to him. Lily wasn't going to believe him when he said those words to her, because of the way he reacted to it, expressed something completely different. Taking his hand off her waist, she gave him one last kiss on the forehead as she moved back to her spot on the ground. "We should rest now.. It's been quite a day today and you need to recover as soon as possible." Laying down and facing in his direction, Lily stayed close to him in case he needed her during the middle of the night all he had to do was call her, to wake her up.

Rondell had been trying his best with his men to find out where his younger sister could be. Every town that went through haven't even seen one girl with fitting Lily's description, which started to make him worry about if his sister was still alive. Not only that, but if they could find Tarin, then they would have an idea of what has happened. Camping out near the town, where Lily and the Shadoweaver had just escaped, Rondell sends a few knights out that way to speak with whoever was able to tell them something. In a matter of hours, the knights were back with great news. "Prince Rondell, we think that Lily may be very close to this village." One of the knights spoke, walking up to the table setup with a map of the entire Celestial Kingdom, which the prince was hovering over. "Is it Lily?" He asked with a look of hope upon his face. "We spoke to a keeper of an inn, he said that man came in looking for a room with a woman fitting Miss Lily's description, but then they were ambushed that morning by a group of men. He then said that men and women who were kept captivate in a rundown mansion said that she and the man had escaped after helping them." It was a relief to hear that Lily may still be alive, but who was this man that she was with? Was it the Shadoweaver, who kidnapped her, or a man, who saved her from the Shadoweaver?
With that, the warmth is gone and The Shadoweaver actually finds himself disappointed. He may feel like pulling her back towards him, for whatever odd reason he is not sure, but all urges are shut down. Remembering who he is, his face tightens and he shuts his eyes before they give away his emotions. Playing it off as pain, his hand moves to his chest, letting out a very soft groan. "It's late, you're just imagining things..." he says, his voice as crisp as the cold around them. Looking at her once again, the moonlight soothes the curvature of her face, leaving an image he will always remember. What does she mean by 'I didn't feel that way'? He wonders. "You're correct - see you in the morning." Closing his eyes, he adds, "And you can call me Leo for that's the name I go under in the town. The man who helps the spice trade." Soon enough, he drifts off into an exhausted sleep. His weak body just sinks into the sand, not wanting to feel the throbbing sensations any longer.

Tarin, on the other hand, is not having so much luck at first. He too, had been beaten and bruised. The Shadoweaver's men thought it was entertaining to see him squirm as such. They know that he is a strong knight and they revel in the fact that he is helpless. The whole time, however, it's Lily that keeps him alive. It might not be as physical as The Shadoweaver's experience with her, but he thinks of her often and how upset she would be if he were to never return. He was, after all, almost killed. First the beatings and then the drowning. The worst of feelings is slowly feeling your breath sour in your lungs but you know you cannot breathe in. His guardian angel did come to save him though, a boy named Delar who was a new member of the Shadoweaver's order. Saving Tarin and turning on the Order forced him into hiding and now Tarin scours the map under his own command. He will not return to the Celestial Kingdom's capitol without Lily safely by his side. The Shadoweaver, that amber eyed man, will die by his hand - he swears it.
It took Lily a while before she went to sleep, worried about the Shadoweaver's wound until she knew that he was fast asleep as well. That next morning, she awoke to a strange sound in the distance, it sounded like a crowd of people heading in there direction. Afraid that it may be the men from the mansion, Lily quickly began to wake him up. "There's someone coming.." She says to him, getting up from the ground to crouch down next to him in case he needed her help with getting up from where he slept. Looking up, she noticed something very familiar coming towards them. It was the flag of their kingdom. She couldn't believe who she was seeing at that moment, her brother surrounded by the knights of both the Celestial and Wolves Kingdom. It was obvious to see that they had been looking for her for some time now. "Rondell.." Watching him get off his horse and walk over to her, he brought her into a tight embrace, looking as though he was about to cry.

"We've looked for you every where and I'm glad to know you're alive." He said pulling back from her to see the young male laying on the ground, where she had moved from. He was greatly injured, but he didn't know if this man was the Shadoweaver that had kidnapped his young sister from them. "Lily, who is this?" He asked turning to look back at her. Remembering what he asked him to call her earlier on, she quickly came up with an idea. "His name is Leo, he helped me escape from the Shadoweaver and the mansion. He's from the town near the castle.."
Being pulled from his dream, the groggy Shadoweaver, or Leo, slowly opens his eyes. Dirty fingers feel the ground at his sides and he is sure that it isn't the men from the mansion for there are far too many beating footsteps. The horses are heavy and he figures that the sound of plate clattering against plate signifies a knight. Fearing it would be Tarin, Leo tries to sit up and ends up gripping at his chest, falling back down to the ground. "gggggah," comes his growling, wanting to reach out for Lily but resisting all he can. All his fuzzy vision gives him are shadowy black figures on four legs with a gleaming white -something- on its back. No... no... no! Is all he thinks about, feeling the cold sand beneath his head once more. Amber eyes looking up towards the sky and the swaying pines.

Doing his best, he shuts his eyes and pretends to the best of his ability to fall back into a spell. It will give them time to speak while he quietly listens to what Lily has to say. She better hide or remember to say something clever about my daggers... he hopes greatly, assuming that Rondell would be very suspicious of this man having a sword and a dagger belt. For that is what The Shadoweaver uses. It's too close for his comfort in comparison. Opening his eyes again, he lifts his head and tries to catch Lily's attention. If he is granted, his eyes widen and he glances over to the weapons by the brush near the water's edge. Shaking his head, he tells her not to touch them. When he is better, he will find them.

"What... who?" He pretends again, coming out of his daze. "Your name is Lily?" raising a brow, he thinks she would have the smarts to play along. Feeling his hearing become rather fuzzy, he remembers he hasn't had anything to drink in ages. Dark black splotches appear all over his vision, becoming very disorienting to tell what's exactly going on. He cannot read faces, let along see them clearly. Another groan escapes him and this time he really passes out, being taken back to the castle on Rondell's orders from the persistent Lily. He is, after all, very lucky to be alive after such a gash.
Riding behind Rondell as they head back to the castle, Lily can't help looking back to where Leo was, it bothered her because she didn't know what would happen once they got home. It was difficult not to worry about him, but she knew that when they arrived home, he would be taken care of and his wounds would slowly heal over time. It took them a day or two to return and Rondell had sent out a notice to all that were looking for her at that moment to return, now that she was found. Getting off the horse, Lily follows after the knights transporting Leo to the medical wing, where the nurses were getting ready for him. Watching from afar, they got him out of his dirty clothes and washed him off to keep any bacteria from getting into his cuts, before the doctor came over to him to begin patching him up. I hope he'll be alright.. She thought as her maid pulled her from the door to get her cleaned and dressed to see her father again.
Leo, being passed out cold for most of the trip, has turned a ghostly pale. The one time he let's himself... he sacrifices himself, he almost dies. In his dark dreams, he is told that never again will he be so foolish. That is, if he lives to tell the tale. Only waking up for food and transportation, Leo is sure to keep silent with his eyes either fixated on something or just shut. There is no way he is going to risk his slithering tongue at a time like this. Being brought to the castle is the last wish he has for he even asks for them to drop him in the town and he can find an apothecary. Sadly, they don't listen to him and he doesn't have the weapons or the vitality. He is their slave no matter what they may call him. He will have to play nice and put on another stunning performance if he wants to keep his head.

The nurses have experience and Leo can give them that. The next few days, perhaps even weeks, he is not keeping track, they help him recover. Each breath still stings, giving a pull to his stitches and fear of opening them up once more comes into his mind. At least he has had a lot of time to think while Lily has been busy with her family and her kingdom. A cheer has come back to Celestial Kingdom and people, once again, are dancing joyously in the streets. They all love the monarchs and yet, Leo has to bite his tongue and alter his feelings when they're asked of him.

What was great though, was her company for Lily had been so busy and her visits have become more and more sparse. Hellen is like him, though and he takes comfort in that fact. She has amber eyes and smirking when asked to smile. They find comfort in joking with one another while she changes his wrappings, causing them to speak more and more. Soon, one might even consider them friends for she had been personally assigned by the doctor to take care of him, the other nurses only coming when truly needed. One night, Leo sitting up in his bed, she brings him a small letter dropped off by -her- window. She assures him with a pat of her hand against his that she did not disturb and divulge in the content of such a small scroll.

He can't help but feel how curious she is though and it's not like him to keep secrets for Leo, unlike his true self, is trustworthy. His connects with the castle, his infiltration has allowed his followers have no need to worry. Staying in the castle is not going to be -too- bad, he has to remind himself every morning. He will be able to see the layout instead of reading it on map after map.

"It's just a friend checking up on me," Leo tells her, reading the coded markings that him and his men use. "Would you ... I don't know if it's my place to ask but will you send a letter, well leave one--" she cuts him off, saying that she would love to. Going further with it, she even asks if she should invite him, or her, to come and visit him while he is recovering. Leo politely declines for he wouldn't want to inconvenience his friend. Not asking any more questions, Hellen moves to get him his writing materials. Leo now properly reads what the not tells him in the privacy of his own bed and the flickering candle that is there by his side.
It had been days since Lily had last seen Leo and when she did see him, it was for a very short time. Knowing that Hellen was taking care of him was comforting since Hellen had always been the type to get along with just about anyone, that even Lily requested for her to take care of her whenever she was sick. Sighing as she walked through the castle with her father, he had asked about what had happened during that time she was taken, always avoiding it by saying she'd rather not remember such horrible memories which ended the question. Excusing herself, Lily wishes her father a good night before taking the opportunity to go down to the medical wing, to see if she could see Leo or not. Stepping in quietly, she greets Hellen as she walks over to Leo's bed and then soon greets him as well.

Taking a seat in the stool next to him, Lily rests her hand on the side of the bed, fidgeting with the sheet of it. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you lately. I see that you are doing good now, I heard Hellen has been keeping you company." She speaks softly. Though exhausted from all that has happened, she still made it a priority to come and see him at least once a day, thinking that he didn't really care if she came to see him or not.
Normally visitors are forbidden to enter once the doors are shut but since it is Lilly, all staff make an exception for all royal family members. They do, after all, are just servants to those great lords and ladies. Hearing the grand doors open, Leo assumes it's just another royal baron wishing to see their dear brother or wounded cousin who has no arm. Instead, he feels her warmth come near him. Blinking from his daydream, Leo's eyes rest on Lily once again. Hellen, giving them their privacy, keeps the try set with paper, quill and ink near her desk in the corner for when Lily leaves. Learning to keep royalty to royalty, Hellen, most of all, has had trouble giving them their space. Being so friendly comes with it's own cost - not knowing when privacy is key. At last over the years she has gotten better.

"Hellen has been a great help. She is from my origins and from the core we just seem to get along and understand one another. It's strange because I have only just met her and yet I feel as if I have known her all of my life." Focusing on her fully, Leo just lets out a small breath, adjusting himself against the straw pillow and the headboard. "I understand you're busy. You're a princess after all." Having to keep up his friendly persona, she can see his true character in his flickering eyes. Only a candle is lit by his side, spreading it's warm orange light over the mountain range of his bedsheets and his body underneath. "I'm healing and that's a start," opening his mouth to say another word, a messenger comes through the doors and immediately skampers up to Lily.

"M'lady, apologies for intruding as such but the King has requested your presence at the East gates for Tarin as arrived safely home." And indeed the worn out knight has come through the gate alone, wishing to see Lily as son as possible to make sure she is well. He has been riding for three days straight and has not gotten a good night's sleep in ages. Worry has corroded him as if he were rock under salt water. His face is pale, hair longer once more and his beard back to its scraggly length she first met him with.
With his last words, Lily could see the look in his eyes and it only his disappointed her. You could see that he wasn't happy being inside the castle, where he stuck until he could get out, but was adapting for the time being by speaking with Hellen. As she was about to say something to him, she too was cut off, by the knight rushing in to tell her about Tarin. Happy to know that Tarin was alive and well, though she wanted to go and see him, she didn't want to leave Leo's side after just arriving to the medical wing to visit him. Sighing, she took his hand into her own and gently caress it before getting up from her seat to go see Tarin. "Sleep well tonight.. I hope that I can see you tomorrow morning since I don't have much to do at all." Letting go of his hand, she walked away from him, but not before stopping at Hellen's desk. "Thank you for working so hard, Hellen. You've always been the best nurse in my opinion." Smiling at her, she wishes her too a good night before leaving towards the East gate, where Tarin and her father were waiting for her.

Arriving outside, she notices the rough looking male who looked as if he was about to collapse from exhaustion. Going up to him, Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled back to say. "It's good to see that you are alright, but you should be rushed to the medical wing. You look as though you could faint at any moment." She motions for some men to come and get him to take him away. "I'm fine, so all you need to do is to get some sleep." Tarin had been through hell from what Lily could see and it was probably because he was worried about her safety, but he didn't have to anymore now that she was home.
The fumes of expensive oils imported from far away lands can be tasted in his mouth and back of his throat. Lily smells as he thought she would or perhaps as she -should- be. Expensive. I wonder why she even bothers to come here if she doesn't have any actual time to stay... Closing his eyes, her amble fingers move and he can't help it but look down at them. She offers warmth and in this chilly castle, that's all he really needs. The stone seems to radiate a constant chill, Leo waking up in the middle of the night shaking from a lack of proper blanket. Leo says nothing and just nods, his eyes telling her he will be looking forward to their meeting upon the sunrise. He wants to follow her. Tell her that she shouldn't go visit Tarin for she belongs here at his side. In defeat, he just closes his eyes and waits for his supplies to come.

Hellen bows her head, "Your praise is duly noted, Princess Lily. It's a pleasure to be working with such a caring kingdom." smiling, she has no idea of what horrors lurk outside of these very walls. Getting up, she brings the supplies to Leo and lets him scribble away with shaking fingers. Even though she offers to write the letter for him, he declines, telling her it needs to be coded. Finding that rather strange, she starts to question him and soon enough, he becomes irritated. Pretending he is falling asleep, he asks to be left alone and she complies. The two share a quick glance and bid one another good night or sweet dreams. With that, Leo finishes up his letter and places the tray on the side table, telling Hellen before to simply place it where she found it.

Tarin is surprised to find Lily in such spirits. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Is the first question that rockets from his mouth, "You're alright? I was so ... scared. I lost you. I failed you. And for that, I am so very sorry. They just came out of nowhere and... I shouldn't have been so foolish. Will you ever forgive me?" Embracing her tightly, he buries his face into her neck, kissing it softy. Not sure why but he just wants to assure her that he is alive and here to protect her. "I'll never be so stupid. Trust me that I won't. I'm so happy to hear that you're well though for I was very, very, worried." In his daze, he is carried away by some of his men, the tears showing in his eyes of pure joy to have her home. They attempt to take him right to the medical wing. He, being the strong knight that he is, resists their pull. "No!" he shouts, "It's just dehydration, I am not hurt or anything..." for he has had some time to heal, "All I need is my own bed and water. Lots of it."
"I forgive you. But you didn't fail me, I should have listened to you at that time." She said as looked up at him with a smile. Lily watched as his men pulled him away before being lead back into the castle by her father, knowing that it would be best to go to sleep now, since her time with Leo was disturbed and now Tarin was back. The past few days had been eventful. It was good to know that both of the men were well and Lily knows that once Leo is healed, that her father wants to praise him for 'rescuing' her from danger. Laughing to herself, she knew that if her father knew who Leo was things would be difficult. Deciding to turn in for the night, Lily heads up to her bedroom, remembering that in the morning she would visit Leo after breakfast. Hopefully that if Tarin meets Leo, he will not realize who he is or else Lily will have to pretend as if she doesn't know who he is.
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