Stranded [IC]

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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Violet glanced out the open door. "Probably..I don't want to rip the stitches." She glanced up at the trees and remembered the plan she'd thought of earlier. "We should find firewood first..then nutritious food, and fresh water. Then we'll need to move off the beach, the tide comes up every night, so it's not too safe." She sat down on the edge of the door, looking down and thinking on how to drop.
Kira disposed of the bag in a nearby container and steadied herself on the crutches. She slowly limped over to the doorway, still trying to get the hang of controlling the makeshift crutches. Once she reached it, she stood behind Violet patiently. She nodded, agreeing with Violet's list of chores. "Yup, I can't wait to explore this island," she said cheerfully. She was glad that all of the injuries had been taking care of, and now they could focus on surviving.
Klara found herself freezing and soaked. She was conscious but she kept her eyes closed due to a migraine coming on. She noticed her right arm felt like something was pushing against it or that something heavy was on it. It didn't really hurt and she could still move her fingers though but she ignored that situation for now so she could get her thoughts together. She then searched her body to see if anything else was wrong. The other things she found out was that she had sharp pains in her back and stomach only when she moved around. 'Atleast nothings broken' She assured herself.
It was just about morning, she stayed laying on the ground for awhile before she finally decided to open her eyes and found herself in the middle of the forrest and was surrounded by trees... lots of trees. 'What happened? Where am I?' She asked herself. Then only remembering seconds later of the incident that happened about the plane crashing. 'How long was I out for and are there any survivors?' Klara wondered. She then turned her head to face her arm which was trapped under a pile of metal from the plane. "Why do things like this always happen to me?" She said to herself as she tried pulling her arm out and pushing against the metal with her legs...which apparently didn't work and made her body ache with sharp pain. Klara then took a deep breath calming herself down doing as how she was trained to do in situations like this and thinking about what she should do. "I guess I can't really move this on my own, I am feeling pretty weak right now due to lack of food....Mmmm food...What I'd do for a cheese burger right now...oh and a blanket" She said jokingly to herself. "Right now, actually I don't care about anything. I don't even know if there are any survivors..maybe there's none. Maybe I'll never get this stupid scrap metal off of me..Maybe this is where I spend my final hours.." She said staring up into the blue sky as the sun started to rise higher into the sky and the air started to become warmer. "Screw that I don't want to die here and besides I'm too young. I shouldn't give my hopes up yet" She said while grabbing a stick beside her and banging it against the scrap metal of the plane hoping someone would hear it so that they could come to her rescue.
V gets up from his sand bed and stretches, wiping the sand off of his face. After a quick look around, he notices something. Movement further down the beach. He starts to stagger over there and sees the shape of someone trapped. He yells out to the others on the plane. "I found someone!" as he starts to run towards her. She was trapped under something. He dashes over. "Are you okay?!" He inspects the pile of scrap. 'I can lift that.' He starts to move extra loose pieces away from the larger piece before attempting to lift.
Violet adjusted the crutch and set it on the ground so when she slid off, it would catch half of her weight. She hesitated on the edge. If I slide off, there are three possibilities. One; it works without a hitch..Two; I break my arm..Three; I miss the crutch and hurt myself worse. She looked over as V's voice carried across the beach. "So that's where he went." She noticed him running off in the distance, but she didn't know why.
Valentine looked up at the girl with the makeshift crutches. He hadn't caught her name, either. They'll all have to get acquainted at some point. "Do you need any help getting down, miss?" he asked. Despite his intimidating stature, he was rather kind-hearted. With exceptions. Grudges, attackers, enemies, targets, bears. Fuckin' bears. He blinked his way off his train of thought and held his arms out to lift the girl out of the plane. "C'mon. I got ya." he said, re-assuring her.
Violet nodded slightly and closed her eyes before she slid off the edge. She felt like she was falling only a moment, but no pain came to her. She opened her eyes. "Oh, hello." She said to Valentine, realizing she wasn't on the ground. "Thanks."
The massive man smiled at her and gently lowered her to the ground. "If you need anything else, just call for me. I am Valentine, by the way. Valentine Korbotsky." he introduced himself. He started to walk off, but slowly, so he could come to her aid if needed.
She nodded. "Violet." She looked up at the trees and narrowed her eyes against the bright sunlight. She glanced up and the door and moved out of the way so the others could come. She turned back to the trees and decided that would be the best way to go, considering it's probably where they'd stand the best chance. A loud growl erupted from the trees and two tigers walked out, watching the group intensely from the shade of the trees. Violet kneeled down. "DO NOT go near them!" She said. She recognized him from a book she'd read. She glanced at the water and back up at the tigers, who had both stood by now. They padded right past her and towards the water. Violet stood back up. "They just want to play..don't go near them." she said again, rereading the book in her head. As long as they didn't look them straight in the eyes, approach them, or threaten them, they should be fine. She stepped up the slope carefully as the tigers disappeared and reappeared repeatedly in the waves. "We need some weapons..a branch should suffice for now.." she mumbled to herself, her attention on the trees. There will be more animals..there's got to be

Male ^^^

Female ^^^^
These are the main types of tigers on the island.
Klara heard the sound of someone or something making their way towards her. She then stayed laying quietly waiting to see who or what it was. 'Survivors?' she thought to herself as she heard to what seemed to be faint little mumbles off in the distance. Soon after a guy came dashing over, a guy she thought to be roughly around her age. "Are you okay?!" She heard him say. "Aside from fact that I'm extremely hungry, sharp pains in my body when I move and that I can't seem to get this piece of metal off of my arm..then yes." She replied sarcastically with a slight smile on her face. Klara then helps him as he moves the extra pieces out of the way. "Thanks for helping me. I didn't know if anybody else from the plane actually survived...So I'm guessing that were not the only ones alive here in this place because I think I heard more voices.. right?" She asked him as he was getting ready to try and lift the metal off her.
He nods and offers a hand to help her up. "We have food and water. Come with me." He turns around to see Violet and Valentine 'Funny how that guy pretty much shares my name'
Watching the large man called Valentine help Violet to the ground, Axel couldn't help but to think that everything was gonna be alright. This island seems nice. Lots of trees, tons of food, and I'm sure there's some fresh water on it somewhere. He jumped down from the plane landing beside Violet. Plus, the only thing that seems like it'll pose a threat is the tide, and tha'll soon be.... he let that thought drone off as he watched the two tigers walk across the beach, a sleepy expression on his face. Without hesitation, he quickly slapped himself across the face, looking back towards the tigers with a pink hand mark across his cheek, Nope, not a dream. Of course it's not. He began to inch around the beach, taking a wide arc around the tigers, moving slowly as to not draw attention. Further down the beach, there seemed to be another survivor, and they had a lot of chores to do today, but for the moment all Axel wanted to do was explore the island, and maybe make a weapon or two to protect himself, seen as how the island didn't appear to be the paradise he once imagined it to be. So once he'd gotten past the tigers and was at the tree line , he stepped through into the foliage. Despite all that had happened, all the tradgedies that had occured, he still couldn't help but to be excited to explore this new land.
Violet went straight up towards the trees, glancing back once to make sure the tigers stayed. She reached the trees and paused, listening to the various echoes of animal sounds. Birds, tigers..panthers..monkeys.... She started counting animals in her head. A low-lying branch caught her eye and she leaned against the tree, reaching up and pulling on the small branch. -Crack- It broke in half, the front half about 3 feet long, perfect for a starter weapon. She held the stick with her free hand, then held the crutch with her other hand by her injured leg. She waited for the others to come up.
Valentine stood calmly and stared at the two tigers that had wandered nearby. "Great. Kittens. Just what we need." He slowly crouched down and pulled his right pant leg up, following the smooth motion by pulling a six-inch combat knife from a holster strapped to his calf. He knew it would look suspicious, but right now it didn't matter. He had fought bears before, hopefully he could handle a tiger if it wanted to make a lunch out of him.
Kira watched as the tigers walked by from the doorway of the plane. The sight of the tigers brought more worry to her mind. 'If there are tigers here who knows what other animals we are going to have to watch out for,' she thought. Her thoughts were flooded by all of the deadly animals that she had even heard about. She shook her head, trying to clear it and was rewarded with another headache. She stopped and closed her eyes until the migraine subsided. She, then, brought her attention back to getting out of the plane. Debating on what the best way to do this would be, she stared down at the sand below. Deciding on the method, she placed both crutches on the sand. She stepped off of the plane, and her good foot felt to the ground. Before she had a chance to steady herself, though, one of the crutches slipped, and she fell, landing on her butt. The two crutches landed beside her in the sand, and she sighed.
Klara takes his hand as he offers to help her up and stands up slowly. She stretches her relieved/free arm, then follows the guy like a tail after the mention of food and ignoring the pain in her body. "Thanks again..By the way what's your name?" She asks not caring about the tigers she seen near the plane on the beach. She wasn't afraid of them, she wasn't really afraid of anything, that's just the way she was trained to be. If she wanted she could kill them with the skills she learned during her entire lifetime but doing that in front of everyone would be stupid and a risk she wasn't willing to take. It might give away her true identity, who knows made these people are smart. Besides she knew that those tigers would ignore you if you ignored them, it's her job as a spy to know these things.
"Call me V." He states simply. "Or Valentino. Your pick." He reaches the plane wreckage that still stayed together and walked through the door. There is a pile of food scavenged from the plane inside. "Glad to have found you in time. We have yet to see any bodies around, so we can only assume there is more living. Help yourself to some food and water."
Xemnas walked further and further and found nothing "Son of a bitch...." He said under his breath, it was pouring hard he needed to rest, then he heard a twig break "What wa....Omph!!!" He said as something game out and attacked him, his knife flew from his hand, he grabbed it's jaw and pulled it open, "It has teeth and bad breath.." He said as he turned his head and kicked the thing off him, he got up and ran for his knife grabbed it and looked at the thing that attacked him. "A tiger?" He said as he looked into his eyes, he watched it's movement, the rain pouring on them, the tiger swung at him and cut his arm before he could react "Mmmm...bad kitty!" and swung at it but missed and it tackled him and tried to chew on Xemnas head but he wasn't having that. Xemnas tried to pull it off him but the tiger grabbed a hold of his shoulder and bit hard "Ahhhhhhh!!! Fuck you!!" He said as he grabbed his knife and started stabbing it and it started to let loose of him and then it was dead. Xemnas just layed their and panted and stook is arms and put thumbs up and yelled "Whooo!!" And then he passed out.

He woke up to a lick in the face "Squishy, stop dude." He mumbled and rolled over and then felt a rather large paw on his stomach and a nudge and a low playful growl "Squi...whoa!" Xemnas shot up and saw the large tiger by him, and walking toward him, he grabbed his blade and rose it "Get th...wait..." He said as he lowered his blade and let the tiger come toward him, it was gentle and loving, he smiled as it nudged him, he studied it " wonder." He said as he stood up and looked at the dead tiger in front of him with his other blade in it's skull and dug it out and wiped it clean. And looked at the female tiger "What should we call you...Libra...yeah..Libra." He said as he picked up the tiger and looked at the beautiful sunny skies "Beautiful." He said and set the tiger on his shoulders and looked at Libra and started jogging "Come on." He said and the tiger followed.

They ran and ran, he was getting exercise from thise, Libra looked at him and he at her, "Come on, girl. That's it!" He said chuckling. He smiled, he was bringing food to the crew, "They'll be surprised." He said and ran faster, he stopped as he saw Libra stop, "What is it girl?" He said and she growled looking at he same direction as the the was going. He could see the site from where he was at, and he saw 3 large tigers, he looked at Libra. "No fighting, we need to run them off!" He said and stood up. He looked at them and pulled both of his tactical knifes and got them ready "Lets go!" He said and ran and threw the dead tiger to the side. He ran and jumped in front of the tigers, as did Libra, she roared to the top of her lungs and Xemnas followed, he bent down like he was ready to attack his pray. The tigers growled and snarled at them, but Libra walked forward and Xemnas followed, they backed and backed away, and suddenly they left.

He looked at the Libra and smiled "Good, now come." He said as he jogged to the dead tiger and put it on his shoulder and jogged back to the crew, "Hey guys I got some food! Lo...whoa...Libra!" He said as Libra growled at the crew and got in postion, he set the dead tiger down and got on his knees "Hey, hey, they are my friends. It's fine. Promise." He said and got up and looked at the others "So...who's hungry?" And smiled while petting Libra and her loving on him.
"I'll just call you V. I'm glad you found me too, it was getting boring just laying there helplessly." Klara said as she walked through the door into what used to be a plane, then finding water piled along with food inside. Klara sat down on the middle of the floor and started to chug down some water but also making sure not to take too much. She also ate a bit of food before she was disturbed by the sounds of growls and snarls from the tigers outside. Curious, Klara stood up and walked out of the plane to see that three tigers were leaving and seen one hanging around one of the survivors. Only catching him running off, to see him coming back soon after, carrying something. 'A dead tiger? That means more food' She thought to herself. As the tiger still hanging around growled, Klara just stood there with a neutral face not really thinking of this tiger as dangerous and approaching them. "I'm did you kill this things anyways?" She asked.
Violet turned as she heard a growl. She was surprised to see Xemnas with a tiger. "Oh, hey." She said. "Did you name her?" She asked, ignoring the fact he was carrying a dead tiger. She glanced back in the trees as a faint screech echoed. probably the other tigers.. She thought to herself. She faced the plane again, this time, speaking to the others. "Anyone wanna venture with me?" She asked, sitting up from the tree and leaning against the crutch. She felt more refreshed now that the sun had risen a bit and brightened her senses a little, the salty air tingling her nose, the cool breeze crossing her face.