Stone Eagle Rebellion

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Daijira smiled, "Ahh these are good questions. Hello King." The large reptilian moved around in place then sat down cross legged. "I have heard your name, among other non-important words, you have associates who work in the mines do you not?" He looked at Ash, she's probably acting so hostile because she is frightened, "Only since you grew near, I can feel lifeforms when they are nearby, though the more powerful they are the easier it is to detect them."

Daijira placed his hands on his knees, from this position there was room for him to hold his head high, and look straight at them. "Are you with the rebels? I have heard traces of conversation that a blow was struck to them recently. A death."
She gritted her teeth and her tail flicked even harder. "What business do you have knowing what we are associated with?" She asked angrily. She picked her bow back up and pointed it at him.
Daijira growled, "Girl, I have answered your questions, it is proper for you to answer mine!" His voice shook the tunnel, and he had stopped smiling. Any attempts at copying, mimicking, or replicating him would fail, as Daijira was a singularity. His tail thumped behind him, as long as he was tall.
She tensed to his yelling, and figured he had a point. She put her weapon away. He had gained her respect. "I am in the rebellion, yes." She finally answered his question, her tail still slightly flickering.
Daijira nodded slightly, "If that is so then you should be able to answer this question. What is the rebels' cause?" He thought he might need to clarify, "Why are they, you, rebelling?" Throughout this entire ordeal he hadn't shown any apprehension, and as such he didn't respond to her lowering her weapon.
Nyx nods slowly. "Well... If you do leave and try to start again. All I ask is that you keep this place a secret. After all, we did get you out of that shit hole."
She thought for a moment, then spoke. "My reason for being here is to rebel against the king and his unjustly ways." She calmly responded.
Marcos disagreed with Ash, "I only signed up to make myself braver, but I like it now and learnt stuff and stuff." It went a bit awkward. He could have lived on with the unjust ways, they were just the icing on the cake. That was his kind of life. "Over time, I hate the King more and more and more. I couldn't carry on knowing that there would be evil in this world that I could stop."
The giant creature nodded again. "Then to answer your question, my business is helping those rebels. They do not have an interest in subjugating me, they do not demand for me to work for them, and because of such I have chosen to work with them. We have a common goal, if not for the same reasons." He stood up and turned into the darkness, walking father in. His back's spikes started to glow blue then he unleashed a beam of blue flames from his mouth that lit several torches along the wall, lighting the area up.
She sat there in awe. "Woah." She said, not able to say anything more.
The elf girl's blue, almond shaped eyes widened almost imperceptibly, her mouth opened slightly as if to speak and then, without warning, her slender hand became a blur and slapped Nyx in the face across the cheek. It must have hurt. Her own soft hand was bright red and stung from the impact. She then, while he was stunned lowered that stinging hand and grasped him by the collar and pulled. Her intent wasn't to harm him, throw him or even to put him off balance, that much was clear. Instead she just took him outside of the tent where the others could not eavesdrop.

"Are you a twixt born mooncalf?" she whispered harshly, her eyes flashing, "Would I kindly keep this place a secret? You do not ASK such a thing. You ensure it. Do you have any idea what would become of these people should someone, anyone, find out? The King wouldn't even need to send in troops. He'd bottle up the entire mountain and have Crim slowly snow you to death. You are fighting for freedom. You do not yet have the luxury of giving it!

"In the future, if you discover a pretty girl has discovered your camp you either kill her, keep her prisoner or test her loyalty and be ready to kill her should she fail your tests and she'd better be worth the effort because if you fail to kill her you'll need to abandon this camp inside of a day."

Her tirade momentarily abated she turned in place and looked off towards the far wall of the encampment that lay in a bowl that looked to her like a caldera. Maybe this mountain was a volcano once. Regardless, she had seen what looked like a spring off in the distance against the far wall.

"I am going to bathe," she finished, "come get me when you've figured things out."
"What common goal?" Marcos interrogated, watching the torches light like dominos fall. He was flabbergasted to say the least.
His face is hot where she struck him. A barrier appears, blocking her from exiting the tent. "I am placing my trust in you ,Assallya, for your assistance in the prison. Do you believe I shouldnt? Stand still and look me in the eye." He turns Assayla around and stares into her eyes. "You were planning on telling them where we are, weren't you?" He paces back towards the middle of the tent, deep in thought.
Her ears move back and her tail shakes. "Marcos, I'm getting a bad vibe right about now," she whispered "I don't know what it is exactly, but it's there..." Her eyes narrowed.
It could be seen that King had clenched his armored fist at Daijara's words and when he did so a faint orange glow emanated from it. He clamed himself and said, "I'm in the rebellion because my friend is and I have nothing else to do." When the torches were lit he added, "nice touch."
She became uneasy, her tail drooping. "Marcos... I really think we should get outside..." She whispered.
"Why?" Marcos looked around in the illuminated area. He felt dizzy. He watched her for a moment or two. She looked frightened. He glanced at the other two people in the mine. They could both be a threat, but it was King's clenched fist that was worse. "What was that?"
Assallya almost walked headfirst into the wasted magic of the glistening wall of energy. She had been doing Nyx a favour by taking their altercation outside the tent but if he wanted to continue in front of all these dependents that wasn't her problem.

"Of course I was considering it!", she proclaimed,"One would be a fool not to. You are going to lose. You don't have what it takes to win a rebellion. How many people did you lose in that assault? How many guards were slain? How much do you want to wager that half their number are replaced before the morrow? People are starving. They'll join your enemies just to get a loaf of bread for their loved ones."

With a sigh Assallya massaged both of her temples with the thumb and index finger of her left hand.

"They should have abandoned you there in that prison. That would have been the smart strategy."
"I think I have to get out of the cave." She murmured. "I don't want to be here if something bad happens."
"I have no idea what your talking about." King replied with a look that said, 'ask further and I snap your neck.'