Stone Eagle Rebellion

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She sighed. "I didn't know you would be 'bugged' by my joke. 'Maybee' I should 'buzz' off." She chuckled after the puns.
Marcos turned around, "Quit it," he snapped, "Why are you even here?" He wasn't in the mood. He was too busy observing King to work out if he was good or bad. He knew magic could change the mind.
She jumpped at the suddeness of this. She did one of her slight glares. "I really had nothing better to do." She said in an annoyed tone.
Deep in the mine something stirred, it ascended rapidly, silently, then stopped. A creature lurking in the shadows watching them approach. It didn't recognize any of them, it didn't leave the mines much except to visit the waters. A low growling, clicking sound, could be faintly heard. Then an equally low, and very deep voice called out from the shadows, "Who are you?"
(First of all, I had to zoom in really close to read that. Second, don't use such a dark color XD)
Ash jumped to the front, blocking King and Marcos. She took out her bow and an arrow, and pointed it in the dierection the voice came from. "I can ask the same of you..." she said in a low and angry growl back. "Show yourself before I come find you." She ordered.
(Change your colour scheme, black shows up great on my screen.)
There was a moist hiss, followed by the sound of something being dragged across the ground away from them. "I am the death from the ocean, the salvation from the dark hearts of man kind. The flower wilts where I have tread, and the land is barren when I leave." The voice changed, as the speaker obviously moved about in the tunnels, though the arrow was always pointed in the direction of his voice, it may not have been pointed at where he actually was. "I am the," here a fit of coughing interrupts the speaker, followed by a few curses, "Agh dammit, I had worked days thinking of that speech." Here a large, stooped creature stepped out of the shadows, the spines on its back scoring scratches in the ceiling, "I am Daijira, and this is the part where you answer my question." The large, probably male, creature looked at them with piercing gold eyes. It had no possessions on it and was not as large as the scale in that picture above would suggest.
Marcos pulled a face. "I'm Marcos. I've been here for a while. Not in the mines, I am a rebel here." He looked at the creature, desperately wanting to mimic it but in fear it would feel threatened and ran. "We have recently escaped prison and are settling back in." He took in it's appearance ready to steal in a new time.
After visiting someone in the forge, Nyx walks over to Assallya and sits down with an apple in his hand. "Hey. I know you were thinking we were going to take you to one of the cities. I hope you can understand that we cannot show our faces around any cities. If you wish to leave, we can give you a horse to go to a city. I must warn you, though. They will be looking for the prisoners. On the other hand, we could allow you to stay here."
She glanced at Marcos, then looked back at the creature. She narrowed her eyes in distrust. "Ash." She simply responded with and nothing more. Her tail stopped waving, but instead flickered. She held her weapon still ready shoot. Her ears folded back as she growled slightly.
Marcos lifted the pickaxe in a way that said, touch her there will be me to deal with! He looked at the other hand, the hand with dried blood from the arrows of the prison. He watched Ash and all he could think of was how badass she was. "What are you doing? How long have you been here?"
She awaited the thing's response, starting to glare a little. "Only answer the question. Do not move any closer or I will not hesitate to shoot this arrow."
Marcos paused, walking up to Ash and poking her. Put it down. Don't frighten him. I have to take him in. It could come in handy. He knew telepathy didn't work but it was worth a shot anyways.
She glanced at Marcos. "What is it?" She asked, slightly annoyed.
Daijira smiled, "Marcos, I've heard passing word of you." He looked at Ash and narrowed his eyes before replying to Marcos, "I am talking to two smaller, more fragile creatures in a tunnel that would not be very hard for me collapse. I have been here a few seconds, didn't you see me step out of the shadow?" He twisted and gestured at the shadows he came from.
"Tch! I can see just fine in the dark." She said as she glared even more, her tail flickering about very frantically.
"What've you heard?" he said, suspicious, curious and nervous all at the same time. He whispered to Ash, "Don't, just don't." He couldn't explain his thoughts enough in time. So he just stated them. Who would know enough about me to tell another? Who is a spy. Assallya...but she's been in prison. I didn't really... socialise. Was I gossip while gone?
She reluctantly calmed down and just flicked her tail, still pointing her arrow at it.
King had actually fallen asleep for a molment before they met Daijra. He finally awoke and looked at the giant reptilian monster before them. "Oh, hi." He waved with the hand that wasn't carrying his threatening hammer. "I'm King."

Flint sighed and went to the infirmary. His knowledge of medicine wasn't vast but he felt he knew more then the man going in with a sledgehammer.
She growled at Daijra, lowering her bow. "How long have you known we were here?" She asked, being cautious.
A dozen thoughts, random possibilities cascaded through Assallya's head as Nyx spoke. The nubile blonde didn't know what to do. Could this be a test? Was Nyx simply seeing if she wanted to leave? Would he have her executed in order to keep this place a secret? Assallya didn't know him well enough yet and couldn't say.

One thought she had was killing Nyx. If she were somehow able to, in addition to revealing this location to the king, she might earn quite a title indeed. The only problem lay in how she could prove her deed sufficiently to this tyrant king. A severed head might be too difficult to smuggle out but perhaps a severed hand or even just a finger?

"I really should see if there is something I can recover from my estate," she said, skirting his question carefully, "but I fear the tyrant will be watching it. I have gold secreted away there. Enough to start again somewhere else."

That answer, she suspected was good. It didn't state that she desperately wanted to leave. It also didn't commit her to staying.