Stitches (MaryGold x Lxngdon)

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Lauren couldn't help but agree with that statement -- she was lucky that she even had a piano, considering that her family wasn't in the best financial situation ever and her parents didn't really consider her talent for the instrument to be useful or worth anything other than a silly hobby. The only reason she even had a piano was because she had inherited the instrument was because her mother's mother, who was easily one of the best people on the planet, had given it to Katrina when she had died. Joshua had wanted to sell it but Katrina had persuaded him to let Lauren keep it, in one of the few moments of love she showed towards her daughter.

Over the years, Lauren had learned to cherish those moments. She knew, in the back of her mind, that her parents didn't love her. They wouldn't care if she ran away or if something happened to her -- they would just consider it a burden finally taken off their shoulders. She had been an accident anyway, she had never been wanted, and when she finally moved out, she wouldn't miss them. She wouldn't miss the constant state of fear she lived in with her father, she wouldn't miss the rejection and stonewalling she received from her mother.

She wouldn't miss any of it.

"I'd like that," she said to Anderson quietly. It was evident that Anders and his twin sister came from money, even if they had been adopted into it, and therefore, it was highly likely that they had a beautiful piano, sitting in their beautiful living room, surrounded by their beautiful things in their beautiful home. Not one facet of Lauren's life was beautiful. Sometimes, she didn't even think she'd miss it if she left.

Which explained the deep, angry, red scars, that she kept hidden on her thighs.

In a small moment of confidence, Lauren stood up and went to sit on the piano bench beside her new friend. "Do you want to play something together?" she asked softly, opening her folder of sheet music and flicking through the pages absently.
"Sure, what would you like to play?" Anders turned around on the bench so that he was facing the large string instrument.

Most, if not all, the pieces he had played he memorized but it wasn't often that he played duets so would indeed need to either here it once or read the sheets she had. It was fun the few times he had played and performed with others, even if they were somehow competing. He doubted that would happen with Lauren, she didn't seem like the type and he didn't mind, he liked it.

He cleared his throat and leaned in some so their shoulders were touching. "I'm up for anything really. Beethoven, Debussy, Mozart Tchaikovsky, Mozart." He said playfully, looking away innocently while he played a simple piece, a warm up really, Carol Miller "Catwalk Strut".

"Whatever you like."
He smiled a lovely smile.

It was no secret Mozart was his favorite. In all sincerity he was truly open for anything she would want to play. He wouldn't argue, though, in most cases he probably would if he really wanted something. And what he wanted was for her to have fun and smile.

Lauren was prettiest when she smiled.
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God, Anders was beautiful when he smiled.

Lauren blushed and looked back to her sheet music when she realised their shoulders were touching. She didn't mind the physical contact, it was just a bit new for her, but certainly not unwelcome. She also noticed that even when he played the small warm up piece, he was exceptionally talented, able to hit every note with precision and ease.

But so was Lauren. She replicated the piece without even looking at the keys, only looking at Anderson himself to smile slightly and nudge him with her shoulder. She wasn't being competitive or reading, she was just being playful, which she found was a knew feeling she could have with another person.

And she liked it.

"I love Mozart," she said. "Maybe we could play the Turkish March and harmonise on it?" It was just a suggestion, Anderson was clearly the more accomplished pianist out of the two of them so she would most likely take whatever direction he offered to her.
"Nice choice," Anders agreed to her suggestion with ease and pleasure. "I believe that's the piece I performed for our dear Claudia. Needless to say, she was never able to look at me the same way again." Obviously, he was joking. Anyone could tell that Lucas and Claudia only had eyes for one another. Frankly, watching the was nearly intolerable for an abundance of reasons to Anders. Now, he didn't mind as much.

It was sort if weird to think he had ever liked her looking back on it now. Still, he had liked her, his broken heart had said it all after the following few months after rejection. But he hadn't wanted to loose his friends, he had lost enough people. So, he sucked it up and grinned and bared it until the hurt went away. He found that he was a magnificent actor.

And he was glad he did so. Otherwise, he would have regretted it.

"I'll start and then you can jump in when you're ready." He pulled his hands away from the board for a short moment to quickly recall the musical notes. Once he did have it in mind, he let his fingers dance over the keys to play the delightful piece.
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Lauren knew that Claudia only had eyes for Lucas, and vice versa, but still, she felt incredibly insecure to think that Claudia could have possibly once liked Anderson. She didn't know why, but for some reason, it deflated her. Claudia was an absolutely beautiful girl, and while they shared very similar features -- blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and slender figures -- Lauren felt inferior next t the other girl because she believed that Claudia was more conventionally beautiful than herself.

But what did it matter? She didn't like Anderson and he certainly didn't like her.

She jumped in after the first few bars of music, playing the harmony well and precisely, lining up her own notes perfectly with Anderson's to ensure that the song flowed smoothly. Lauren matched his skill perfectly as well, and it was evident that they were just as good as one another, though, Anders was obviously a lot more confident.

The two young pianists played like that for the next hour or so, and Lauren could feel their friendship strengthening as they laughed and joked and played beautiful music and challenged each other to do silly songs and even sing a little, which Lauren was atrocious at, but she was having a good time. Such a good time that she didn't see her father in the doorway until he spoke.

"Well, blossom, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy!"

Lauren jumped and her eyes widened as she looked up to see her father, who had put on jeans and brushed his hair a little, leaning against her doorframe and smirking at the two teenagers. They were in a slightly awkward position, since Lauren was leaning over Anders to retrieve the glasses she had put on his side of the piano. Lauren put them on, sat up and looked up at her father as if she was waiting to be told off.

"Dinner's ready," was all Joshua Winter said, however, before turning and walking away.

Lauren, back to her previous skittish state, brushed her fingers through her hair and rose to her feet. "Okay, are you ready? The bathroom's just across the hall if you want to freshen up or anything."
"I'll just wash my hands and join the table," Anders told her and headed off in the direction if the bathroom she had told him about. He did exactly as he said he would, washed his hands. There wasn't much, if anything at all that he needed straighten up about himself. He looked fin, more than fine really. But just to be sure he yanked down on the hem of his shirt and exited the bathroom.

And before leaving, he sent a quick text message to his sister because he had forgotten to do so earlier. He simply did not want his family worrying because they had worried enough and there was not a thing to worry about. Anders was with Lauren and if anything she was one of the few people that kept him out of trouble.

He found his way back to Lauren and joined her and her family at the dinner table. He sat at Lauren's side where he was most comfortable and was sure to mind his table manners. Again, he didn't want them to dislike him because if they did not he hadn't a clue what it could for his friendship with Lauren.
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Dinner in the Winter household was usually a quiet affair, because there was only a few of them and none of them really enjoyed formal settings and meaningless conversations. So it was no different with Anderson at the start -- the four people ate their gumbo, which was quite delicious, and sipped their Coke and nothing bad happened. Lauren managed to relax a little bit, though, that changed a lot when her dad spoke up.

"You two sounded great together," he remarked to his daughter and her friend, a small smile on his face. He had a flash of suspicion in his eyes, though, but it went unnoticed.

"Thanks, Daddy."

"Don't mention it, blossom." After consuming another mouthful of his gumbo, Joshua looked up at Anderson with a small grin.

"So, I figure it's only appropriate to suss out the boy my baby girl's been spending all her time with. Don't you, Katrina?"

"Yes, dear."

"Tell me, Anderson, what do your parents do?"
"My dad is a chemical engineer," ironically. Chemistry was his least favorite subject but chemistry class was how he met Lauren. So,with those two facts in mind he didn't hate it at all. "Yes, he was a nerd. My mom, however, she's kind of famous." Truth be told, there was no kind of about it. As far as the writing world and even beyond that, Nina Hickory was an A-lister.

"She's an author, wrote some children to young adult books and series, some successful scrips for plays and cinemas. She doesn't really stick to only one writing field. Now, she's teaching as writing professor in a university."

He stuck his gumbo full spoon in his mouth and chewed. Gumbo wasn't a meal he had often, he only had it once if he was to be sincere. It was delicious and he made sure to tell Katrina so when he had his first bite.

"They're really good parents ... " he mumbled softly. Parents he was so lucky to have.
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Lauren listened to Anders talk about his parents, and she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a mother and a father who weren't deadbeats. To be able to go to school and honestly say she was proud of her parents, and that she wasn't scared of them, like she was of her own parents.

But that wasn't possible. She didn't have what Anderson had -- good parents.

"Wow, they sound like winners!" Joshua remarked, and it was obvious there was a hint of jealousy in his tone. He hadn't had the best of chances -- he had had two very poor and very shitty parents, so it really wasn't a surprise how he had turned out himself.

"I'm guessing you're quite rich."

"Josh," Katrina chastised softly. He waved off her concerns.

"Good score, blossom," Joshua teased his daughter, with a suggestive look between the two teenagers. Lauren went bright red.
"Oh, no. We're not together, just friends." Anders chuckled lightly. He tilted his head to the side a little, with a thoughtful look. "But if we were we'd be a sweet one I think." He smiled, surprisingly not sarcastic about his comment.

"Well, that would only because of her." Which he meant. He didn't see himself as a nice person necessarily and he doubted that he'd be any sort of good for Lauren. He was too ... there wasn't a word he could find to describe it that wouldn't make him sound like a jerk or scary. But he really was no good for her romantically, she needed someone a lot more sweet and good than he was. Not that he ever thought of them as a couple seriously, though.

Anders set down his spoon and looked back to the Winters father, asking politely."May I ask what you do for a living?"

His parents would be shocked how polite he was acting if she saw him. He only ever acted this way if he found some sort of benefit in it and even then he wasn't on his best behavior completely. So, yes, he really wanted this to go over well and so far it was.
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Anderson's words brought a lot of conflicting emotions upon Lauren and she didn't know how to respond to his comments. On the one hand, she'd never had a boyfriend before -- she'd never even been kissed before -- so she'd like to see what it was like and Anders was gorgeous so she couldn't say she wouldn't be interested. He was nice to her, too, it wasn't just because of his looks. He was just genuinely good to her, something she hadn't experienced much.

On the other hand, she knew he wouldn't be interested in her. She was so plain, and timid, and boring compared to Anders, or Jenna, or even Claudia. Any of them. They were all bright and exciting and Lauren was just kind of even in the background. And, besides, he obviously was much more experienced than herself. What would he want with her?

"I'm a mechanic," Joshua informed the teenaged boy, though he didn't say this like he was proud of it. Katrina closed her eyes for a moment, now absently stirring her gumbo with her spoon. Lauren didn't say or do anything, because she knew her father wasn't just a mechanic. Though, Anderson obviously couldn't know that.

"Not as glamorous as your folks' jobs, but it pays the bills." Joshua shrugged, and the conversation died from there.

After dinner, Lauren cleared the table and then offered to walk Anders to the door out of politeness and hospitality. "Sorry, if dinner was awkward," she said quietly, hugging herself. She didn't want Anders to leave, because when he left, her father wouldn't feel the need to behave himself anymore.
Anders shoved his hands into his jean pockets, easily brushing off the uncomfortable dinner. "I've been through worse. It wasn't that bad anyway." He reassured her stepping out the door. The sun was almost out of sight and the weather had cooled off. It wasn't too late, but he knew he should head back before it got dark. Just the same, he really wanted to stay a little longer and play around with Lauren.

"I had a great time." With Lauren he had had a great time, playing around on the piano. It was fun, some of the most fun he had in a while. And he was very much impressed with her piano skills. Of course, he'd never admit that she was just as good him. "We should play together again. Next time at my house."

"I'll see you tomorrow at the prison called high school,"
Anders made a sour face of distaste when speaking of the accursed place. He approached his car, taking backward steps so that he was still facing Lauren, waving as he did so.
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A week or so had passed since the awkward dinner at the Winter household and since that fateful evening, her father had hit her twice and twice she had had to cover up the bruises with makeup.

Twice, she had made new cuts to her thighs, and twice she had bandaged them up herself.

But hopefully tonight would be considerably less shitty as she was going to Anderson and Jenna's house for dinner -- though, she would be lying if she said she wasn't going for Anders alone. She liked Jenna and thought the girl was awesome, but Anders ...

Let's just say Lauren had her first crush.

She knew that was stupid because Anders would never like her back, but she allowed herself to fantasise every now and then about what it would be like to date the tall Hickory boy. She knew it would be lovely. She knew he would take care of her. She also knew that it was stupid and ridiculous to entertain those fantasies.

Regardless, after having walked across town to the Hickory household, Lauren ascended the front steps, knocked on the door and stepped back to wait for Anderson to let her in.
Anderson grinned when opening his front door and finding Lauren standing in place. Though, he raised an eyebrow right after, "I could have picked you up. I know we live pretty far apart." The would have been long considering the obvious different types of neighborhoods they lived in. "I'll drive you back," he decided in let her inside.

The Hickory's living room was spacious and beautifully elegant with the color scheme if white and cream, matching furniture pieces and vases of real flowers on each table appliance. The white and gold grand piano Anders had mentioned sat on a square corner area on top of a rug, looking glorious as ever. Despite the household being pristine and refined, it had a cozy, homely feel to it.

Chatter could be heard up it, presumably the rest of the Hickory's. Before taking Lauren to meet the rest of the family, he grabbed a remote off the table and shut off the burning fire in the fireplace and popped a Twizzler bite into his mouth. In the kitchen was where the rest of them were, joking and laughing.

"Family," Anderson cleared his throat, gathering their attention with ease. "Lauren is here."

Nina Hickory stood the same height as Jenna, though, her frame was so slender, dainty and petite, she looked prettily tiny and fragile. She was in fact a beautiful woman with dark, long wavy hair, warm brown eyes and warm smile. She didn't look a day over thirty. While their father looked a little closer to his age than his wife, he was the type of man he grew better looking as he aged, his feature almost being the same as his wife, though he shared similar blue eyes as the twins.

"It's so nice to meet you, Darling." Nina greeted, her accent was clearly that of French, though it was light. She was the type of person who went for hugs instead of handshakes when she met someone she was sure would be close friend to the family. And so, she hugged Lauren shortly.
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It was evident that the Hickorys were incredibly wealthy, from the exterior to the interior of the house. Lauren immediately felt like she wasn't worthy of being in the home, as she was lead through the opulently decorated living room and past the single most beautiful piano she had ever seen in her life. Her eyes lingered on it before following Anderson into the kitchen.

She was immediately met with an unexpected hug from the twins' adoptive mother, and it took Lauren a moment or so to figure out how to respond before she finally returned the small hug with a little squeeze of her dainty arms. She hadn't been hugged in forever -- her father would put an arm around her shoulders but never properly hug her, and her mother hadn't hugged her at all in years. This was a nice change.

"It's nice to meet you, too," she said softly with a small smile. The warmth with which she was met was enough to instil a little more confidence than usual into her. She also smiled up at Jenna and Mr Hickory, though she was still a little nervous, so she stuck to Anderson's side.
"We've heard one or two things about you," Nina looked to her husband and he nodded in agreement. "Dinner is almost ready, we'll be eating soon."

Anders smiled sweetly at his parents' warm interactions with Lauren. She was honestly so bashful he wasn't sure how it would go. Then again, his mother was a very soft woman, so it was just fine.
"I probably should have given you a pre-warning, it's my dad's night to cook so ..." He filled in the blank with a sour face, it was a playful one.

"Anders you're worst than he is, You can't even boil water without burning yourself."

"Your hurtful words are what truly burns me, Jenna."
Anders moved to poked her side.

Alexander chuckled, it was a treat to see the twins and their sibling quarrels. They acted years younger than they were when they were together.
"Don't worry, Anders. I swear it's edible. Why don't you and Lauren set the table?"

"I think we will," he walked away up the top glass cabinets, pulled out the dishes and opened the drawer to grab the utensils. He passed a few dishes for Lauren to carry and stuck his tongue out at Jenna before leading the way to the dining room.
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Anders had talked about her to his family? That earned him a little mystified look, but it wasn't a malicious one -- she was just curious. She also considered herself to be incredibly boring, so she didn't understand what Anderson would have to speak so much about to his parents. There wasn't much that was intriguing about her.

She was somewhat startled by everyone's warm and playful attitudes. In her own home, the only one who seemed to ever be happy at any point in time was her father, and that was only in the first stages of his intoxication. He would just worsen from there. But, here, everyone actually seemed to be happy, they all seemed to be having a good time. It was such a different atmosphere to her own home, but Lauren couldn't help but feel comfortable. She relished in it.

Lauren followed Anderson into the dining room with the plates and set them out on the table, being careful not to break anything since everything looked expensive. "Your parents are nice," Lauren said to Anderson happily.
"I'm glad you think so," Anders busied himself with setting the rectangle mahogany table before them. He lined up the glass plates and set the utensils beside them, thinking lightly on the subject, or as lightly as he could. He never received a greater gift in life than being placed in the Hickory's care. They had changed both his and Jenna's life drastically.

"Of course, that wasn't my first impression of them," Nope, he was probably the meanest foster kid that they ever had cared for, with a nasty, rude and mean attitude and deep trust issues. Those trust issues he still had actually. Trust was something that was meant to be earned and he didn't trust anyone unless they gave him a reason to. "But I'm super lucky to have them."

"I was the worst kid ever, I'm certain of it. Well, I'm still not all that good now either, but definitely worse back then." He smiled slightly and stepped back from his work. "They were patient, though. I think, it also has to do that they were unable to have kids of their own." He lowered his voice when adding the last bit. It was a sore topic for his mother, she was the most delicate person who knew besides Jenna, though, it was harder to see with how she acted normally.

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Lauren found it difficult to believe that Anderson was as bad as he was making out he had been. He was so nice to her. And he was caring and considerate, something that was otherwise foreign to him. And she really appreciated that.

But ... she did know that he had been adopted and most likely, he had not had the most wonderful life before then. And he and Jenna had problems, she knew this because they had met Eden and Lucas in a psych ward. But regardless of his past, Lauren knew that the present Anderson was a good person.

And one she really, really liked.

"Oh," Lauren said softly when Anders revealed that Nina and Alexander couldn't have their own kids. She couldn't imagine the pain they had felt. Lauren knew that she wanted kids in the future, though, she didn't know if that was a thing that was possible. Still, if she learned that she was infertile ... she would be shattered.

"Well, I'm glad you all found each other," she said with a small smile.
"Yeah, it worked out that way." Anders agreed.

Once the meal was brought out, which consisted of salad, hot wings and most importantly pizza, they all gathered and sat at the table. Anders sat in between his sister and Lauren with the twins parents sitting across from them. He served Lauren's plate and pushed the condiments a little closer toward her so she could reach if she wanted any. And then he coaxed his sister into promising to eat a whole slice, though, she grumbled something about the fat and calories it contained.

"Clearly you ordered this, so, it must be editable."
He said sprinkling both parmesan and red pepper flakes onto his slice. Still, he wasn't complaining.

"All except the salad, you're mother made that." Alexander shrugged a shoulder and looked to Lauren curiously. "I heard you play piano like Anders."

"The only thing he's good at."

"True. My goal is to debut as one of the best, if not the best pianist."

"I'm sure you'll get there. What about you, any ideals or dreams for your future?" He asked curiously.