Star Wars: The Star Forge Sagas - OOC (Accepting - Started)

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Oh yeah, let's start slow. How far into this are you so far? Which episode are you on? How exactly would I be able to jump in? How much impact does my character type play on where they are?
We're in Episode and still just getting the gang together.
Yeah we are in Epiaode I you can join in a few ways depending on your character. We just started recently
I find it hilarious the Bounty Hunter is legitimately offended by being flipped off. Even better the fact that for someone who wants to get paid they obviously don't check the holonet much since Vrill has a price on his head haha
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There's billions and trillions of sentients in the galaxy. It would be impossible for him to review all, or even most of the bounties available.

There's a possibility he missed that bounty, in favor of a higher bounty, or simply because bounties are by sector, and he wasn't searching for a bounty where Vrill was... He may even have ignored Vrills bounty, because it was too small for a seasoned bounty hunter such as himself... You never know...
There's billions and trillions of sentients in the galaxy. It would be impossible for him to review all, or even most of the bounties available.

There's a possibility he missed that bounty, in favor of a higher bounty, or simply because bounties are by sector, and he wasn't searching for a bounty where Vrill was... He may even have ignored Vrills bounty, because it was too small for a seasoned bounty hunter such as himself... You never know...

I imagine with the tech level readily available in the Star Wars U, I would imagine there would have to be something that could alert a BH to a ship's ID or some other such technology to identify potential nearby bounties.

Aside from that, no amount of credits would be too small for most of the portrayed bounty hunters in the Star Wars Uni.
Actually most bounties would be for theives of small goods, and some smugglers. 10,000 credits would cover a bounty in the last RP and I can't imagine a bounty on the head of a Sith Lord being less than 100,000,000 what with the danger, and planning involved.

No... Bounties can be put on anyone's head. Someone who makes a living on hunting them wouldn't waste time on such a small bounty. They may even have missed it completely, focusing entirely on greater bounties, setting aside others entirely. My last character was a hunter and I passed up small bounties, under the 10 million mark... I never even paid attention to them, in favor of ones higher than 30,000,000...

And of course, you can scan ships to find out their identity if they don't have defensive measures up. But once more, who cares to take such a small bounty? Risking life and limb for such a small price... And your time, if you have to deliver the bounty.
As a Bounty Hunter who doesn't own her own ship, I don't think she can afford to pass it up. Getting the Sith would be akin to winning the lottery at this point.
Logic would beg me to ask how she's going to capture, and deliver a Sith Lord, and collect the bounty without a ship...
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Lord Wraith & Lylith, I believe I can shed some light on my thought process for my character.

1) Why Tabatha got angry about being "flipped off".

I made Tabatha a normal person. She's not a complete badass, nor a cold bitch, and not really laid-back either. Though not necessarily classy in the entire sense of the term, she isn't one to take kindly to someone being so rude. I'm assuming if the motion Vrill made was supposed to be the universal Star Wars equivalent of the middle finger, it must be a VERY rude gesture, one that could be understood among all the races. Not only that, him making that motion at that moment was basically saying "F*ck off, I don't need you, I can handle this myself." which considering her job is to kill things, only magnifies the rude gesture, implying that he is better than her.​

2) Why Tabatha doesn't know that Vrill has a bounty.

Alright, this one has a list:​

a) I was thinking along the same lines as Lylith that there are billions upon billions upon billions of beings that exist in the galaxy. Tabatha can't keep track of every single one of the bounties, that would just be ridiculous and near meta-gaming. Since Tabatha works on a budget, she goes to a sector, asks around for any jobs, does them, then leaves. (at least that's what I was going for)

b) Lord Wraith, you yourself said in your CS that the Krakana has "a False Identification Transponder". I was assuming that meant that the Krakana doesn't show up as being the Krakana, but has a different ship's signature. So wouldn't that refute your comment about having a device that can alert bounty hunters to ships with bounties coming in? (at least for Vrill's case?)

c) Tabatha is the kind who prefers to do as little work as possible for the biggest profit. Not having a ship, tracking a smuggler like Vrill would be way more hassle than its worth (and would probably drain her credits instead of gaining her some).

d) If you noticed, Tabatha never refers to Vrill as a man. All she knows is that he's a Nautolan. She's in the stands, and Vrill has been in motion for probably 85% of the time she's looked at him. She can't tell what gender he is, because to her, all Nautolan look the same until they are up close (even up close some look exactly the same to her). Without having memorized Vrill's appearance, there is no way she could know who he is.​

3) "Logic would beg me to ask how she's going to capture, and deliver a Sith Lord, and collect the bounty without a ship..."

That's because Tabatha isn't there to get the Sith Lord guys! I said both in my CS and in my first post, Tabatha is on Geonosis because she got wind of the droid factory, not the Sith Lord. She heard that the CIS was looking for bounty hunters to help guard the place. Her contact didn't show, but now she's going to get tangled in the Sith Lord debacle because she was in the right place at the right time. (or wrong place/time depending on how things end)​
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That's a beautiful and understandable summary of the situation... Thank you. I was a bit confused. It seems facts got twisted up in just a few posts, and people just got more and more confused... Myself included...

Thank you for clearing all that up!

EDIT: I believe it is time for my post now... If I'm not mistaken. I can't wait forever to continue. Lol


EDIT: I have posted... And it seems everyone is asleep when I am awake. I suppose I'll have to wait to see whether or not I need to edit my post. Well, I look forward to hearing from the two GM's regarding my more recent post...
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1) Why Tabatha got angry about being "flipped off".

I made Tabatha a normal person. She's not a complete badass, nor a cold bitch, and not really laid-back either. Though not necessarily classy in the entire sense of the term, she isn't one to take kindly to someone being so rude. I'm assuming if the motion Vrill made was supposed to be the universal Star Wars equivalent of the middle finger, it must be a VERY rude gesture, one that could be understood among all the races. Not only that, him making that motion at that moment was basically saying "F*ck off, I don't need you, I can handle this myself." which considering her job is to kill things, only magnifies the rude gesture, implying that he is better than her.​

Your assumption would be correct in that he essentially gave her the middle finger, I debate however your interpretation that it has to be a very rude gesture though. I mean on Earth alone the middle finger is almost global (primarily North America I realize) but aside from a few cultural variances, it's pretty much international. That said, the Star Wars Universe could easily have the same or similar gesture that was developed through traders (which would make sense for a Smuggler in particular to practice it) I mean with Galactic Basic as a universal standard, it's not implausible to assume a few human gestures are as well.

That said, while he indeed would be implying 'Fuck off I don't need you, I can handle this.' In no way would he be saying 'I'm better than you' as opposed to 'Screw you Bounty Hunter, you're not seeing a cent of my money.' I mean it's not like Tabitha legitimately offered to help, she offered on the basis there's something in it for her. So obviously she wasn't concerned for Vrill's life anymore than he's concerned about paying her.

2) Why Tabatha doesn't know that Vrill has a bounty.

Alright, this one has a list:​

a) I was thinking along the same lines as Lylith that there are billions upon billions upon billions of beings that exist in the galaxy. Tabatha can't keep track of every single one of the bounties, that would just be ridiculous and near meta-gaming. Since Tabatha works on a budget, she goes to a sector, asks around for any jobs, does them, then leaves. (at least that's what I was going for)

b) Lord Wraith, you yourself said in your CS that the Krakana has "a False Identification Transponder". I was assuming that meant that the Krakana doesn't show up as being the Krakana, but has a different ship's signature. So wouldn't that refute your comment about having a device that can alert bounty hunters to ships with bounties coming in? (at least for Vrill's case?)

c) Tabatha is the kind who prefers to do as little work as possible for the biggest profit. Not having a ship, tracking a smuggler like Vrill would be way more hassle than its worth (and would probably drain her credits instead of gaining her some).

d) If you noticed, Tabatha never refers to Vrill as a man. All she knows is that he's a Nautolan. She's in the stands, and Vrill has been in motion for probably 85% of the time she's looked at him. She can't tell what gender he is, because to her, all Nautolan look the same until they are up close (even up close some look exactly the same to her). Without having memorized Vrill's appearance, there is no way she could know who he is.​

I can't debate any of this, I completely forgot about the Krakana's false transponder and if you can't see a bust line, a male Nautolan and female Nautolan are almost identical.

3) "Logic would beg me to ask how she's going to capture, and deliver a Sith Lord, and collect the bounty without a ship..."

That's because Tabatha isn't there to get the Sith Lord guys! I said both in my CS and in my first post, Tabatha is on Geonosis because she got wind of the droid factory, not the Sith Lord. She heard that the CIS was looking for bounty hunters to help guard the place. Her contact didn't show, but now she's going to get tangled in the Sith Lord debacle because she was in the right place at the right time. (or wrong place/time depending on how things end)​

And now she's destroying what she swore to protect lol. But yes I forgot this part too. Thanks for clearing that up!

EDIT: I have posted... And it seems everyone is asleep when I am awake. I suppose I'll have to wait to see whether or not I need to edit my post. Well, I look forward to hearing from the two GM's regarding my more recent post...​

Yeah I was definitely just getting up while you posted. I've given it initial skim but I haven't taken the time to thoroughly read it yet. It was well done from what I got from a quick read though!​
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The post seems fine, however @Lylith what is it exactly she found? All Tesla would have found was a Holocron left by Darth Revan. Granted the contents of the holocron is up to debate for whatever. As long as your describing the holocron I have no problem with the post :P
Yes, it is... I just wanted the approval of GM's because that's a rather irreversible plot twist. Now, not only do you need the Rodian, but you need the Diamond Holocron... That makes the game a little harder for anyone who wants to find the Star Forge...
I see what you did at that's fine by me! Makes things more interesting! Especially since Tesla, after studying it for years, is the only one who can make heads or tails of that thing ;)
I was hoping to make is so that Tesla COULDN'T open it to see the actual map, and that was the last step to finding it... Now that the map is opened, the journey to the Forge can begin... But he needs a ship, a crew, and help... That's where PC's come in... Whoever wants to volunteer anyways. (Not it!) Lol
Oooh alright, well that works. Now just so we know the holocron only directs to one location, that being the planet Taris.
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