Star Wars: The Second Clone Wars (Always Open/Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Looking at their wiki, it says they've developed a violent culture. This might not bide well for the Grey Jedi thing so I may go with a typcial human.
Looking at their wiki, it says they've developed a violent culture. This might not bide well for the Grey Jedi thing so I may go with a typcial human.
Depends on whether she takes on their culture or not :3.
I'm not, but when i was typing that i was thinking of Ventress because you guys were discussing a Ratattaki character >_>
I'm not, but when i was typing that i was thinking of Ventress because you guys were discussing a Ratattaki character >_>
True, honestly I don't know much star wars lore outside of the movies and some of the expanded Universe. I know more about XCOM than Star Wars.

And the XCOM aliens would totally own the Jedi. Especially the Ethereals. If the fandom starts creating different types of them we would all be screwed.
Ugh, don't like you bringing up XCOM in a Star wars thing and i have no idea why cause i like XCOM >_>
It's different for everyone based on Race, History, and Allegiance, so you'd have to actually make the character first.
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The following is a WIP app due to time. I'll finish it when I can.




Ounda typcially takes the form of a human male in his late twenties.


Place of Residence:
His personal spaceship, the Star Sight.

Mind me if I just show this via Rp?

Born and raised in the home system, Ounda's childhood was nothing special. However, what did make him seprate from the others was the fact he was a force sensitive. This fact drew attention from the Jedi Council who later recruited him into their ranks. He spent his first years as a youngling, but as time went on and he became more intelligent, Ounda began questioning the Code. He found it... ineffective. The reason being is that they could bred new generations. Even looking back in the history of the galaxy Ounda found instances where the Code was broken.


While not exactly well-known, rumors have been going around about a powerful Grey Jedi. This is due to him transforming into various beings.

Jedi Rank:


Infiltration and Open COmbat

Accepting Padawans: Yep, though I would prefer if I could make my own.


(Youngling's start with 6 points to Distribute. Padawan's start with 10 to Distribute. Wayfarer's start with 14 to Distribute. Explorer's start with 18 to Distribute. Knight's start with 22 to Distribute. Kings start with 26 points to Distribute.)

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Agility: 5 (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)

Intelligence: 5

Knowledge: 5 (different in the fact that this encompasses information that you possess about planets, the Galaxy, enemy units and powers, ect.)

Finesse: 5 (how Fluid/Graceful you are in combat)

Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill: 13 (Encompasses Lightsaber Skill as well)

Midi-Chlorian Amount: (I will be the one to decide this. Normal people not in touch with the Force have 2,500 Midi-Chlorians. Those moderately in touch with the Force have 5,000 to 6,000 Midi-Chlorians.)

----Force Stats----
(Youngling's start with 1 Force Point to Distribute. Padawan's start with 3 Force Points to Distribute. Wayfarer's start with 5 Force Points to Distribute. Explorer's start with 7 Force Points to Distribute. Knight's start with 9 Force Points to Distribute. Kings start with 11 Force Points to Distribute.)

Force Core: 5 (Ability to use Core abilities of the Force)

Force Control: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Control Category)

Force Sense: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Sense Category)

Force Alter: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Alter Category)

Force Light Side: 3 (Ability to use Force Powers that are specific to the Light Side)

Force Dark Side: 3 (Ability to use Force Powers that are Specific to the Dark Side)

Force Mastery: 5 (Basically their master over all things Force, having a high mastery with this will improve every Force skill that you use's overall power. So Specialized force sensitives can use this to help improve their otherwise lacking areas.)

----Force Powers----
(Youngling's start with 1 Power. Padawan's start with 2 Powers. Wayfarer's start with 3 Powers. Explorer's start with 4 Powers. Knight's start with 5 Powers. Kings start with 6 Powers.)

(List them here.)

----Personal Spaceship----

Ship Appearance:

Ship Name:

Ship Type: (Ship size should be Frigate or smaller)

Ship Specialty: (What is your ship best at, Infiltration, Stealth, Open Combat, ect.)

Ship Weapons: (What type of weapons does your ship have and how many of them?)

Ship Equipment: (What type of equipment does your ship have, Automated Turrets, EMP Pulses, Hyperdrive? I'll allow up to 2-5 of these, depending on the Size of the ship)

Ship Crew: (Does your ship have any crew or is it just you/you and your Padawan/Droid? If your ship does have crew, say how much here.)

Edit: I'll PM the final version.
The following is a WIP app due to time. I'll finish it when I can.




Ounda typcially takes the form of a human male in his late twenties.


Place of Residence:
His personal spaceship, the Star Sight.

Mind me if I just show this via Rp?

Born and raised in the home system, Ounda's childhood was nothing special. However, what did make him seprate from the others was the fact he was a force sensitive. This fact drew attention from the Jedi Council who later recruited him into their ranks. He spent his first years as a youngling, but as time went on and he became more intelligent, Ounda began questioning the Code. He found it... ineffective. The reason being is that they could bred new generations. Even looking back in the history of the galaxy Ounda found instances where the Code was broken.


While not exactly well-known, rumors have been going around about a powerful Grey Jedi. This is due to him transforming into various beings.

Jedi Rank:


Infiltration and Open COmbat

Accepting Padawans: Yep, though I would prefer if I could make my own.


(Youngling's start with 6 points to Distribute. Padawan's start with 10 to Distribute. Wayfarer's start with 14 to Distribute. Explorer's start with 18 to Distribute. Knight's start with 22 to Distribute. Kings start with 26 points to Distribute.)

Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Agility: 5 (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)

Intelligence: 5

Knowledge: 5 (different in the fact that this encompasses information that you possess about planets, the Galaxy, enemy units and powers, ect.)

Finesse: 5 (how Fluid/Graceful you are in combat)

Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill: 13 (Encompasses Lightsaber Skill as well)

Midi-Chlorian Amount: (I will be the one to decide this. Normal people not in touch with the Force have 2,500 Midi-Chlorians. Those moderately in touch with the Force have 5,000 to 6,000 Midi-Chlorians.)

----Force Stats----
(Youngling's start with 1 Force Point to Distribute. Padawan's start with 3 Force Points to Distribute. Wayfarer's start with 5 Force Points to Distribute. Explorer's start with 7 Force Points to Distribute. Knight's start with 9 Force Points to Distribute. Kings start with 11 Force Points to Distribute.)

Force Core: 5 (Ability to use Core abilities of the Force)

Force Control: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Control Category)

Force Sense: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Sense Category)

Force Alter: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Alter Category)

Force Light Side: 3 (Ability to use Force Powers that are specific to the Light Side)

Force Dark Side: 3 (Ability to use Force Powers that are Specific to the Dark Side)

Force Mastery: 5 (Basically their master over all things Force, having a high mastery with this will improve every Force skill that you use's overall power. So Specialized force sensitives can use this to help improve their otherwise lacking areas.)

----Force Powers----
(Youngling's start with 1 Power. Padawan's start with 2 Powers. Wayfarer's start with 3 Powers. Explorer's start with 4 Powers. Knight's start with 5 Powers. Kings start with 6 Powers.)

(List them here.)

----Personal Spaceship----

Ship Appearance:

Ship Name:

Ship Type: (Ship size should be Frigate or smaller)

Ship Specialty: (What is your ship best at, Infiltration, Stealth, Open Combat, ect.)

Ship Weapons: (What type of weapons does your ship have and how many of them?)

Ship Equipment: (What type of equipment does your ship have, Automated Turrets, EMP Pulses, Hyperdrive? I'll allow up to 2-5 of these, depending on the Size of the ship)

Ship Crew: (Does your ship have any crew or is it just you/you and your Padawan/Droid? If your ship does have crew, say how much here.)

Edit: I'll PM the final version.
Erm, d-did you not see this part on Midi-Chlorians???

(I will be the one to decide this. Normal people not in touch with the Force have 2,500 Midi-Chlorians. Those moderately in touch with the Force have 5,000 to 6,000 Midi-Chlorians.)
Erm, d-did you not see this part on Midi-Chlorians???

(I will be the one to decide this. Normal people not in touch with the Force have 2,500 Midi-Chlorians. Those moderately in touch with the Force have 5,000 to 6,000 Midi-Chlorians.)
Oh, sorry. Didn't fully read that so go ahead.
Undiscovered force sensitive? Rather liked the idea for a character I was working on.
Hmmm, sure i'll allow it, will allow a little Variety, but in Jedi Rank you gotta put 'Undiscovered Force-Sensitive' and he get's no Force Points to distribute.

Oh, sorry. Didn't fully read that so go ahead.
6,600 Midi-Chlorians
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Name: Raskata Lawton

Code-Name/Nickname: Ice Queen

Age: 23


Race: Echani

Personality: Any other Echani who fought her would later describe her as empty. She never shows emotion, and it can be hardly said she feels anything at all. Raskata is incredibly patient, willing to wait days if necessary to the order/job. She will only show emotion on three occasions: in defense of her siblings, compassion for an injured comrade, and her hatred of combat droids.

History: Technically born force sensitive, her ability was never discovered by the Jedi. Raskata was named after a famed Echani duelist which is also the name her mother shared. Her oldest sibling, a sister, trained to be a firedancer while her older brother made armor and vibroblades. Raskata never really had a direction. Her mother had trained her to be a duelist, and she won a few Echani tournaments, but she never really had a direction. There was always a bit of 'weirdness' in her duels, but no one could ever quite put a finger on it.

Her mother, however, wanted a child who was a well-known duelist. Raskata, however, never really had a path on her life, and her mother forced this on her. Everyday was constant training for her. Part of that, was not showing emotion to her opponent. Eventually, she just stopped showing any emotions at all. When she turned 18, she joined of team of mercenaries. The "Ice Queen" as they called her, never really bonded with the rest of her team. She liked them, but now had a hard time expressing it. After the rest of the team was killed by the CIS after a failed operation, she joined the Republic military.

Military Rank: Captain

(Rookie's start with 20 points to Distribute. Lieutenant's start with 25 points to Distribute. Captain's start with 30 points to Distribute. Commander's start with 35 points to distribute. General's start with 40 points to Distribute.)

Strength: 7

Speed: 10

Agility: 13 (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)

Intelligence: 9

Knowledge: 5 (different in the fact that this encompasses information that you possess about planets, the Galaxy, enemy units and powers, ect.)

Finesse: 8 (how Fluid/Graceful you are in combat)

Stamina: 5

Weapon Skill: 28 (how good you are at using Weapons)

Vehicle Skill: 2 (How good you are at piloting Vehicles)

Spaceship Skill: 2 (How good you are at piloting Spaceships.)

---Trooper Stats---

(Rookie's start with 2 Trooper Points to Distribute. Lieutenant's start with 4 Trooper Points to Distribute. Captain's start with 6 Trooper Points to Distribute. Commander's start with 8 Trooper Points to Distribute. General's start with 10 Trooper Points to Distribute.)

Stealth: 7 (Ability to Move and Act unnoticed)

Leadership: 1 (Ability to Motivate and Lead troops into battle.)

Engineering: 7 (Ability to Re-arm and Repair. )

Aim: 11 (How well you can aim your weapons.)

Logistics/Planning: 6 (Ability to Plan in all aspects.)

Recon: 7 (Ability to spot un-natural things and observe their surroundings. Encompasses ability to Track Others as well.)

----Military Info----

Weapons: DC-17m Interchangable Weapon System (usually kept in sniper configuration)
DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Echani-made Cortosis-weaved vibrorapier
Fireblade (less for combat, more for cutting other stuff)

Division: 78th Spec-Ops "Vanguard" Company

Skills: Echani Martial Arts
Ambush Tactics

Specialty: Sniper

Equipment: Echani Personal Shield Generator

Midi-Chlorian Amount: 6,500 (I will be the one to decide this. Normal people not in touch with the Force have 2,500 Midi-Chlorians. Those moderately in touch with the Force have 5,000 to 6,000 Midi-Chlorians.)

Jedi Rank: Undiscovered Force Sensitive

----Force Stats----

Force Core: 0 (Ability to use Core abilities of the Force)

Force Control: 0 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Control Category)

Force Sense: 0 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Sense Category)

Force Alter: 0 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Alter Category)

Force Light Side: 0 (Ability to use Force Powers that are specific to the Light Side)

Force Dark Side: 0 (Ability to use Force Powers that are Specific to the Dark Side)

Force Mastery: 0 (Basically their master over all things Force, having a high mastery with this will improve every Force skill that you use's overall power. So Specialized force sensitives can use this to help improve their otherwise lacking areas.)
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Those should all be 0 in the force stats. Having them at 1 implies that she trained in them at some point.

She got a count of 6,500.