special needs.

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It had all happened so fast, another girl had grabbed Carmen's wrist and yanked her out of the closet she was. Her ears still ringing from the bullet that she had shot just moments before. Stumbling to keep up she tried to look behind her, there was another chasing them. Screaming she felt her pace being picked up a bit, her lungs burning from lack of oxygen. Finally the duo found themselves in a room, the other girl grabbed a pipe and told her to run. Eyes wide she looked for a way out, but more patients began to crowd in on them. "There is no where to go!" Just then a sane man entered yelling with a gun in his hand. What in the hell was going on? Keeping close to the girl with the dangerous smile seemed like the better bet.
Charles loaded his gun and shot the patient she was about to attack. "great, I'm going to jail now." he said shooting another one.
his gun started to run out of ammo he then grabbed her pipe and hit someone in the jaw.
My hands immediately snatched the pipe back out of his hands before it slammed into the head of a woman patient that was only an inch to close to me and just seconds after another patient has been hit in the jaw with the pipe and the body collapsed to the ground since the hit was full with force and power. My eyes stared down at the girl then looked over to the man before a sigh escaped me. This was like a zombie apocalypse to me at the least but it might seem different to the others. My foot was raised before it slammed into the face of a man patient that was getting to close. The patients were closing in and we were running out of time.
Charles grabbed the girl and held her close to his side. "You defend off this side, I'll find somewhere safe." He said trying to corporate with her, it was the best thing to do at this time.

He brought her into a safe place, heading to the kitchen were the cafeteria was held. "What's your name sweetie?" Charles said realizing how young she was.
(Which girl, because if it is me well lets just say my character is Nineteen XD)
The bottom end of the pipe had the more effective hit and could cause more damage so I have finally decided to use this tool properly instead of misusing it. Pieces of my black hair crossed my eyes making me look as if I was one with the patients but the thing is, is that I was their Gorgeous Nightmare. I was indeed enjoying this moment.
(I'm talking about rosie, sorry for the confusion!)

Charles on the other hand had mixed feeling for what he did. He liked it but he felt dirty, something was wrong with him.
(( Future reference: Carmen White, age 20. A college student studying medical psychology ))

Carmen clapped a hand over her mouth to stop from screaming, what was happening to the patients? Before the brunette could run, the man hand grabbed her to his side saying something to the other girl before he whisked her off. Opening her eyes finally she evened out her breathing, hand over her heart. The man was speaking to her and it sounded like he was under water. "Carmen... White." Everything was spinning, slumping against a counter she began coughing. Covering her mouth she hacked into her hand, Carmen's head was throbbing and spinning. Gasping for air she fell to her knees, crouching on the tile. Looking into her hand she felt like ice water had been poured down her back. She was coughing up blood.
"Oh god..." Charles started to panic. He picked her up from the floor and set her down onto a counter. He checked her head and then found the wound, "Okay, it's split open...I'm going to need to stick it but we don't have any sewing needles." He said softly, trying to remain calm.

"I'm using staples," He said worried that it might hurt her.

Carmen was fading, she could feel and see the darkness creeping into her vision. "No no no..." Her voice was pleading. The man mentioned something about sewing, and then staples. "Split... its open?" Her voice was small and waning now. Head dipping she realized she was on the counter. "I... dont have... nu choice..." Carmen's words were slurring as she leaned forward into the man's chest. "Can... I sleep now?"
"Then I'll start." He said bluntly. Charles began to staple them quickly into the skin, wincing at every snap. "All done." He said cleaning up the blood.
Carmen barely had time to scream as he did it so quickly, at least she was patched up. Taking deep breaths she finally spoke up. "Thank you... I am pretty sure you just saved my life." The sight of blood turned her stomach and she looked away.
"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, my fair lady." I sang as I smashed the heads of the patients with the pipe in swift movements as if I was dancing along with my singing. Blood splattered on me along with each and every hit. I have finished my fight in less then fifteen minutes then I exited the room while humming the melody of the song I had sang moments earlier as I walked down the halls with my blood splattered pipe. I was happy and smiling my prize winning smile. I was clearly one of those careless, dangerous, and rude type of girls.
"your welcome." he said calming down. "what's your name?"
Charles left Rosie to see what was going on. "stay here and get rest."

his smile turned to annoyance as he saw the pipe wielding lady. "You didn't have to kill them, both of us are going to jail. I'm keeping you alive so I look innocent." he said shoving her out of the way to see the bodies.

"we only needed to kill patient zero."
". . . . Clearly you don't understand. . Boy. . " I was annoyed with the way I was being treated but didn't show it instead I twisted the pipe in my hands and sighed. I knew something that the Boy didn't as well as the others but I kept it to herself since I didn't want them all to freak and have me come to their rescue. As I was shoved I only giggled before leaning against the wall that I was shoved into. "I enjoy little Boys like you. . " I said in a rather seductive tone before I bit my bottom lip.
"I'm 28, I'm not little and I have a boyfriend." he scoffed, giving her a look.
"i know my way around people."
"Sure you do. . .That probably explains how you act. . And you will always be a little boy to me. . What a child. . " I said with a giggle before leaning up off the wall and finally making my way into the room where the other girl was. Maybe it was the best choice if I watched over her.
"you got me on the boyfriend part, but I'm certainly not attracted to girls." he said .
Charles kept an eye on her, heading to the room. " she has to rest, her scalp was split and I had to staple it back together." he said looking at Rosie.
"oh and by the way, how does a gay guy exactly act?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"Humph. . . You don't know, Now that is sad. . But in my eyes they act like a lost puppy dog, they act clueless, immature, and annoying. . " I explained while my eyes observed Rosie. "Gay couples are rather clueless as to what to do next with their lives." I sighed then looked down at my black converse and smirked while realizing that they needed to be clean.
"sounds like you lost direction in your life, killing people and liking little boys." he remarked as he sat on the counter.
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