Soul Eater: Shinigami | Interest Check & Discussion Thread

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superhero, Horror, Western, Crime Fiction, Anime


interest check | ooc | ic | character index | rp chat

  • Genres: Shounen, Adventure
    Posting Expectations: Adept
    Theme: Resonance
    Players: 7 - 11
    GMs: Inkarnate, DearTrickster, Liath

    This is a conceptual roleplay set in the Soul Eater setting within the framework of an alternate universe.

    What this means though, is that for the most part canonical characters and events are absent from this continuity. There is no Maka Albarn, and as a byproduct, there are no events surrounding that character and the manga's original timeline in this roleplay. This allows a fresh interpretation of the base universe, new ideas to flourish without needing to cross-reference every specific fact, and of course creates a constantly building continuity as mysteries and legends unfold before our very eyes. This is a role-play that does not exist with official canon, however, while this is so events have branched similarly to some effect. Core characters from aforementioned official canon have been removed from play.

    Players will begin with an academy student in Death Weapon Meister Academy, going about the day-to-day lives as they prepare to be eased into the responsibilities of a meister or demon weapon on their first real assignment.

  • Welcome to the world of Soul Eater: Shinigami, where we take the core concepts of Soul Eater and try to make a collaborative, intimate, and enjoyable story that we can enjoy for months to come.

    I will be looking for a small number of players who can commit and dedicate themselves to a collaboration that will be paced slower than traditional anime RPs and I mean this in the way of posting expectations as well as story. There will be action, suspense, drama, and potential romance as these are all things we can draw together. Your job as a player will be to communicate and invest in the RP. In something like this that is partner-centric, we cannot have unannounced drops. So think hard and long if this is a world you want to invest in.

    There will be adjustments to the canon lore which will be announced in the OOC (should we have enough dedicated interested parties). So if you want a canonical or "pure" experience, this is not that RP. Players will be playing one character, either a meister or a demon weapon. Interplay with your partner will be important, obviously. So keep that in mind.

    If you have any questions, concerns, input, or suggestions you better post them alongside your interest.

    Thanks for reading!

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I think for the most part I have figured out how my character will work~. Once the CS is up IllI get to writing him up~
I totally totally want to be apart of this as a Meister
Two people contacted me in DMs, if that's what you mean.
Idk fam I'm just bad at math

but anyway I can have this character play as either type so I'll prob just fill in once everyone's decided.
I'm almost certain by this point we have gone past the player limit of 11 XD
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Player limit is not an application limit, yeah? Heh.

Do we have anyone else who is applying as a duo?
XD True enough, gods know how many times people have said interest to an RP and then never signed up ;-;

I'm going in this solo :P
Idk fam I'm just bad at math

but anyway I can have this character play as either type so I'll prob just fill in once everyone's decided.
Liath, the always dependable sixth man.
It was a reference...
Wyborn and I have a high chance of pairing up. I feel it's best to wait to read up on the characters and stuff before we set it in stone though.
Wyborn and I have a high chance of pairing up. I feel it's best to wait to read up on the characters and stuff before we set it in stone though.
Alright, I will consider your to-be applications separate for when we reach the application phase.
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Throwing in my official bid here, will be applying with a pair of weapons and currently sitting at Co-Gm role, if you're in the Discord you know what's up.
I'll toss my hat in, hoping to god it's knife edge brim slits a few of the prospective player's throats to open up a space for me y;

Jokes aside, even if I end up as just a spectator I am looking forwards to this! Am perfectly fine RPing any role, whether it's a weapon or their partners.
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I'm still without power at my house so I have no access to a computer. Currently I can only reply on my phone which has access. I'm not really good at working on things on my phone.