ソードアート・オンライン : Sword Art Online RP [Closed]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Name: Alice Hanson

In game Name: Zoey Alice


Age: 17

Quick thinker
strong willed

Short bio: alice was a loner. she sat in her room playing mmo's and it was always a constant thing. she only came out for dinner.
her parents never listened to her. they always made her depressed. so when she got sucked into this new sao game she was very pleased and was a very cheerful happy person.

Picture:sao made up.jpg

She fights with duel swords and no shield.
Oh dear goodness please let me join.


^Naomi Kinoshita

^Her outfit

^Her rapier

Name: Naomi Kinoshita
In-game Name: ClearVictory
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: She's definitely a treasure-seeker, always hoping to get the best items. She's also quite generous though, sometimes to a fault, but believes you can't be generous person unless you can give up the things you love the most. She's also a bit of an airhead, but in battle, she's sharp and focused. She's loyal to her friends and does her best to help out others.
Bio: Naomi comes from a small family, just her, her mother, and her father. They both are very strict and studious, and wanted Naomi to be the same way. And she was, up until she found the world of video games. Naomi's in her 3rd year of highschool now, and hasn't been doing too great with her grades, due to all the time spent online. Her mother threatened to take away her Amusphere if she didn't pass her finals. Because she was so excited for Aetherblade Online to be released, she couldn't possibly let that happen. So she did something she never thought she'd do. She cheated. She passed all her finals, and her teachers, and her mom, never found out. Hopefully they never will.
Naomi never participated in SAO, only because she got into video games after the SAO 'Event'. She did however, get into Alfheim Online. She played ALO religiously up until the release of Aetherblade, and is ready to start fresh in a new game.
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Otokaru Alina


In-game Name:



Nature Friendly.

Loves Swords, Bows etc.

Fights when she has to.

She's not a softy.

Usually speaks when spoken to, unless she's standing for what's right.

Laid back.

Very good memory.

She's in fact a rebel.

She doesn't like showing her sentimental side.


Lina grew up in a one parent home, and since grade school she was always made fun of for it. She was an outcast to most and had little friends. She'd lock herself in her room and play the average everyday console games. On a ride home from her school she overheard two young men talking about some outrageous game online, so for being who she was, around the age 16 she explored the world of MMO's. As she was playing she quickly learned the mechanics. All the way from how to move, to the weapons she could acquire. In her mind it was a getaway from the sorry excuse of dealing with sadistic and self righteous humans. She was quick to pick up 5 main things in the MMO's, Nature, Strength, Agility, Wisdom, and Defense. The more she played these games, the more her experience would increase. She knew that one day maybe someone could finally appreciate her, in whatever way.

As of late she's been keeping a close watch on Aetherblade Online, the graphics looked phenomenal, the weapons even more so... She knew from the bottom of her heart, that this game, would be her perfect getaway. She had everything she needed for this game, it was right up her alley.

She likes one sword and a dagger, if not, a bow. All fight styles suite her.​
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@Azul accepted.
@RareSecret SAO has been out for 3 years now, and 1 year has already passed since it ended. The MMO y'all gon be stuck in is called "Aetherblade Online". Oh also, I get an error when I click the attachment link, so if you could fix that too.
@Zoey12598 There isn't nearly enough detail in that, so sorry, but I'm gonna have to reject you for now.
@ClaireRae You didn't really think you could get away with adding "/bio" onto the end of the personality heading did you? Because when it comes down to it, you still haven't given her any backstory. Other than that I like the character, so you're accepted if you add in a proper bio.
@Reannieva I like that character a lot, so it's accepted, but 2 things: SAO isn't the kind of game you just stumble across on the internet, it'd have had a couple of years worth of hype and media coverage leading up to it, as it was pretty much the first big VRMMO. Second is that we're trapped in Aetherblade Online, not SAO. SAO is done and finished almost a year ago by the point this RP takes place.

Thats 5 people now, including me, and it occurs to me I've forgotten to actually make my character, so I'll do that tonight. As such, @Roxshi, @Reaver and @Januarius are still welcome to make characters, i'd feel bad if their spots got filled by others. As for Zoey and Claire, the limit has now been reached and exceeded, so if you do improve your apps, they're going to need to be better than most, IE, unique character quirks, well written, perhaps a couple of interesting backstory points that could lead to good psychological and relational development within the game.
@ClaireRae You didn't really think you could get away with adding "/bio" onto the end of the personality heading did you? Because when it comes down to it, you still haven't given her any backstory. Other than that I like the character, so you're accepted if you add in a proper bio.
:-I Well, I did think I could get away with it, but it looks like I was caught. I'll edit it now. I just couldn't come up with anything, my apologies! :(

Name: (Japanese style, please) Himura, Rie
In-game Name: (Styling irrelevant) Kahori
Age: (Above 13 please) 17
Gender: (One of the three genders, no weird alien things) Female
Appearance: Real World Apperance

VMMO Apperance (minus the ears):
and her weapon :
Personality: (Just to make sure you don't have your character do things they wouldn't usually do.) In the real world, Himura Rie is softspoken and is shy when she first meets people. She is honest, caring and loyal to her friends. She never gets mad unless something upsets her. She takes things to literal and is sensitive about what others think. In the virtual world, she is more confident about herself and gets things done. She will listen to what others have to say, and protect her friends no matter what.

Short Bio: (You can make it really long if you like, but most people don't.) Rie comes from a family of four. Two parents and one older brother. Everything was going well in her family until her brother left for college. Her mother and father started to fight constantly and she couldn't handle it. That's when she found out about a VMMO game. A game that is virtual. Something to escape from her home life. A way to express how she really feels.
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@Ruko Okay, I added on to it. Is that alright? If not I can probably brainstorm some more stuff.
@Roxshi accepted
@ClaireRae Also accepted, but some description of previous VRMMOs played would be good. Especially whether or not she was in SAO, as that would affect her psychological state in Aetherblade.
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Alright that looks good. Given my character's gonna be a religiously addicted ALO player, how about our characters know each other already, or at least know of each other, from being the winners of events and things.
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Alright that looks good. Given my character's gonna be a religiously addicted ALO player, how about our characters know each other already, or at least know of each other, from being the winners of events and things.
Sounds good to me! :)
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Alright that looks good. Given my character's gonna be a religiously addicted ALO player, how about our characters know each other already, or at least know of each other, from being the winners of events and things.
I think that's a wonderful idea!
Oh I also updated my cs for you all, added an in=game portrait as well, hope you like it! :)
alright what needs to be more decriptive?
im sorry if my bio wasnt descriptive enough. im still very new i just started my account last night. so if its the bio i will try to write a better one
Inoue Ryuunosuke--Ryuu--

[]In-Game Name[]




~| Optimistic. / ~|Calm. / ~|Temperamental. / ~|Sarcastic. / ~|Adventurous. ~| Contemplative.

In the real world, Ryuu is rarely seen smiling. His demeanor is that of a serious young man who acts responsibly and obeys his parents without question. In-Game, he is known to be a fun-loving, quietly rebellious and generous player with a good head on his shoulders. He laughs often, but speaks only when the situation requires it. Ryuu also cannot stand cocky people, who believe they are better than anyone else and deserve more. When angry, his real world persona steps in, stoic and silent. During his days in SAO, his anger became increasingly harder to handle with his extended time spent inside.

[]Short Bio[]
Growing up, Ryu had everything he needed or wanted. His parents are CEOs of a technological corporation and are often away for the most part, leaving him attended to by a personal butler. Since his brother's death, he has been training and grooming to be the next CEO once his father decides to step down, in place of his older brother. The only reason he allowed this decision was because he felt it was his obligation. His life was out of his own hands and in full control by his parents, who decided after his brother's death just what he would do in life, which included who he would marry. There was one thing he did, without permission; he absolutely loved MMOs and played them with increasing obsession. At the age of 17, he overheard a conversation between his parents about the Nerve Gear and the yet to be released SAO game. Intrigued, he asked his butler to acquire the necessary equipment.
So started his experience with SAO, which kept him locked up tight in the game for two years of torture. The few friends he had managed to make died from PKs and dungeon exploration. He finally awoke after a player defeated the boss on the 75th floor, hospitalized and was soon released. At first traumatized by the experience, he built his strength back up through Aikido lessons and kept himself physically fit and agile in reaction to his memories. He avoided Alfiem Online and other normal MMOs like the plague, yet he soon began to crave VRMMORPG gaming after stepping back into his old routine. Rigid, strict, orderly instruction, a woman he did not love and a corporation he did not think he wanted to lead nor felt he would ever be ready... He missed the freedom of choice and adventure. In SAO, he experienced what he would consider real world problems and it broadened his view of life.
It was only to be expected that this bored, miserable rich boy would want jump back in to the VMMORPG experience to be free, if only for a few hours. It was then that he discovered Aetherblade Online. He now waits patiently, at the ready, to begin again.
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Seems like a crazy amount of girls though. Think I should make my character male? Which I don't mind
@Reannieva OH how I hate you so much. I was gonna use that picture! I can't remember if I accepted you or not, so i'll say accepted again :P

@Zoey12598 the Bio and Personality need more detail. I'm not a fan of just using keywords for personalities in the first place, so...

@Januarius I think you mean "temperamental" :D. You're character's already in, but I'd love the expansion if you're still going to do that. And I don't mind the abundance of females. It just makes any potential romances all the more interesting. Could have love-pentagons instead of love-triangles :P

I'm also completely losing track of what's happening here, so if y'all could PM me copies of your CS so I can compact them into a file, that'd be great. And, other than the aforementioned people, all apps will now be denied, regardless of quality.
@Reannieva OH how I hate you so much. I was gonna use that picture! I can't remember if I accepted you or not, so i'll say accepted again :P

@Zoey12598 the Bio and Personality need more detail. I'm not a fan of just using keywords for personalities in the first place, so...

@Januarius I think you mean "temperamental" :D. You're character's already in, but I'd love the expansion if you're still going to do that. And I don't mind the abundance of females. It just makes any potential romances all the more interesting. Could have love-pentagons instead of love-triangles :P

I'm also completely losing track of what's happening here, so if y'all could PM me copies of your CS so I can compact them into a file, that'd be great. And, other than the aforementioned people, all apps will now be denied, regardless of quality.
Rotfl! Oh god. I so did not spell it that way. xD damn you iPhone!