Sohma Family Curse: Broken?

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Kasey, still very confused, simply laid back on the abandoned towel and listened. She didn't know what to do, and in this state, didn't know if she could do anything. She closed her eyes, but did not sleep. Everything either hurt or didn't want to move.
Except for her ears.
Hatori grabbed Mica and pinned her arms behind her back and slipped the bracelet back onto her wrist and took her back to her room and laid her down on the bed and left with locking the door. He hurried back over to kasey and he picked her up and set her on the couch "god you must be exhausted." He got up and went and got a cold towel and set it on her for head he sat on the ground and held her hand.
Kasey stayed on the couch where he set her. She looked over at him as he came back. "Yeah... This happens sometimes." She smiled weakly, but it faded fairly quickly, as it made her head hurt worse. She squeezed his hand gently. "S-sorry I didn't watch Mica..." she said, a sudden guilty-sadness overcoming her, almost bringing her to tears. "I-I...I was supposed t-to make sure sh-she stayed s-safe.." She said quietly.
Hatori shock his head "don't worry about it she will be okay is there anything I can get you to make you feel beter?" He asked in a gental tone and he kissed her cheeck "I'll get you anything you want just name it."
Kasey relaxed a little, glad Mica would be okay. "I can't think of anythi-" she paused. She felt cold. "A blanket?" She said, looking up at him with a weak smile. That would be nice. A blanket, curled up on the soft couch, and just talking to Hatori until she fell asleep. Yeah...that'd be nice.
Hatori got up nodding his head "right away" he went to the hallway closet an pulled out a big blanket that was the size of 2 of him he carried he blanket down stairs and wrapped kasey in it "how's that?" He tilted his head at her.
Kasey giggled softly, cuddling into the warm blanket. "Perfect." She said with a soft smile. "How do you feel?" She asked, now more concerned about his health. She had partially forgotten he had left, and she didn't know when he had gotten back. How long had he been awake? Had he even slept last night?
Hatori smiled "I will be okay I'm used to little sleep when I'm over hear" He held Kaseys hand again and he smiled at her he looked around the room and he got up and went and picked up a pillow and he laid himself down on the ground net to Kasey and took her hand and held it close to his heart.
Kasey smiled faintly and looked at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, yawning faintly. She started to feel sleepy again. Just before sleep overtook her, a question came to mind. "H-hatori?" She asked softly. She wanted to ask why. Why had he chosen her? Why had he fallen in love with the one person who would probably get him hurt the most? But before she could ask the rest of the question, she found herself asleep. In her subconscious, she wondered if the any words ever left her mouth.
Hatori smiled and he whispered in her ear "I didn;t pick you myself my heart picked you" he kissed her cheek and with that he curled up on the ground and felt darkness cover up his vision and he was asleep.

Mica slowly went down stairs and she climbed under the blankets with Kasey and she fell asleep.
Kasey felt a warm body next to her and cuddled close to it, staying asleep. The same nightmare haunted her again. She did not move, but she did make a soft whining sound once, curling up slightly. She was shaking a little.
Mica opened her eyes and looked at kasey she snuggled up close to her and she turned into her cat form and she purred against her ear trying to calm her down.
Kasey didn't do anything but go silent. She was still curled up, shaking slightly, but she did nuzzle the warm, purring object beside her. The nightmare fuzzed a little, but it was still there. She felt cold. Not terribly cold, but enough that the shivering might have been the cold.
Mica pulled away from Kasey trying to figure out what to do she sat there swaying her tail a little bit she looked at her tail and smiled. 'Maybe I cant stop whats happening to her but maybe I can make her giggle'. Mica turned around and started to rub her tail on Kaseys nose and chin lightly.
After a few moments, Kasey mumbled softly, reaching up and making a soft sound. Her eyes flickered slightly and she giggled faintly. "Micaaa..." she mumbled, hugging the little cat close. She barely kept from sneezing. "Silly kitty." she said as she kissed the cat-girl on the top of the head.
Mica giggled and hugged Kasey back "me do good" she tilted her head up at Kasey "me help get rid of your bad dreams." Her ear twitched as she sat there looking at Kasey waiting for an answer. As she waited she pawed at her nose and sneezed.
Kasey smiled softly and held her close. "Thank you." she said softly, nuzzling the little cat. She pulled the blanket tight around them, still feeling chilly. She yawned softly again. "I don't ever remember being this tired..." she said with a soft giggle.
Mica yawned "it's been a long few days we all need sleep." She mummbled before falling into a deep sleep. Her foot twitched as she slept and so did her ear.

Hatori smiled in his sleep and he rolled over.
Kasey did not fall back to sleep yet. She held Mica close. When Hatori moved, she glanced down at him, but he still looked asleep, so she closed her eyes. It took her several minutes to actually fall back to sleep, in which her subconscious wandered through dreamless sleep states.
Mica blinked a few times as streams of light hit her eyes she growled in pain and she berried her face deeper into Kaseys neck trying to fall back asleep again. She didn't realize that she some how managed to move from her arms to her neck and had slept there the hole night. She heard the sound of two people talking one was hatori of course but who was the other?"

Hatori was sitting in the living room talking to Kyo he had made a trip from the mountains to come say hi to Mica this was rare. "So that's all that's happened I fell in love Mica broke the bracelet and Akito is furious at all of us so I don;t see him coming back to the hospital any time soon."

Kyo nodded his head as he sat there drinking his tea "so the girl shes special hu."
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