Sohma Family Curse: Broken?

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Kasey didn't say anything else. When they reached the house, Kasey set Mica down, closing the door behind them. She looked a little shaky. "I'm going to lay down." she said quietly, going to her room and curling up under the warm covers. She closed her eyes, her head pounding. Just sleep... she told herself mentally, closing her eyes and curling up, hugging her pillow.
Mica wentto go make some tea for Kasey and once she finished making it she went into Kaseys room trying to be quiet and she set the glass down and left the room she went over to a picture of her mom and she sat down and looked at it before going to her own room and sitting on her bed and watched the rain fall.

Hatori looked at the rain as it fell this would be the night that he told Kasey his true feelings it had only been a day but he had fallen for Katey he had no idea why but she was somebody new in his life that he couldn't risk losing her.
Kasey, for once, did not wake at the sounds in her room. She felt cold and her stomach made her feel sick, her head throbbing, but all of this stayed in her subconscious, sleep making her blind to the pain for now.
She dreamed of Hatori, just sitting in a room, talking and laughing with him.
She smiled weakly in her sleep.
Mica looked at the thunder and the lightning as it crossed across her window she looked down at the black and white bracelet that her father had given to her before he left. She was told to never take of the bracelet so she went outside to the tree and she took it of and her demon tiger form took over and she ran into the woods.l She had to calm down she had to be what Akito wanted her to be for the safely of her family. She ran to the Soma house hold and she jumped over the wall and ran to Akitos home.

Hatori finaly made it home and he set down his coat and bag and he held a white rose in his hand along with an i love you card and he walked into Kaseys room and set down the rose and the card on her bed side table and he went to his room.
Kasey didn't stir, but as he returned to his room, she whined softly, curling up. She was having a terrible nightmare.

She sat up straight only moment's later, panting, holding her head. She groaned softly. Quietly, she stood, walking over to the window and looking outside. The rain unnerved her. She groaned softly, rubbing the side of her head. She glanced at the table, but in the mostly darkness of her room, did not see anything but shapes. She sat down, pulled the blanket over her, then curled up to sleep under the blanket. She would sleep even after the sun had risen the next morning.
Hatori wokeup the next day and went down stairs seeing that the kitchen was empty and so was the living room he raised his eye brow and sighed as he sat down and started to go over some paper work for Akito. He new that what he said last night would cause him to lose his family with the Somas but he had a smaller family that needed him know more than ever.

Mica was curled up in her small tiger form in front of Akitos house.
Kasey woke up about an hour after sunrise. She couldn't open her eyes very wide, for it made her head feel like it would explode. She tried to stand, but it took several tries, her bones feeling like jelly. She groaned and realized that her headache from yesterday was actually not stress, but exhaustion. She'd slept very little and, never eating much, she could see the symptoms of it. She paused, leaning against the window before turning. She could still smell the faint smell of Mica's tea. Picking up the mug, she felt her hand brush against something. She sat down by the table, taking a sip of the tea as she took hold of what was a white rose. She looked at it with a weak smile. It was pretty. Setting it down, she then noticed the card. Picking it up, Kasey began to read it. Almost immediately, she calmed a little, smiling faintly. It seemed the pain had faded slightly...or perhaps, her mind was just distracted from it. She set the card down as well, standing and, still sipping the still warm tea, the blanket over her head and shoulders but not blocking her face, started towards the kitchen. She didn't know that anyone was up, let alone in the house, and just walked quietly, her head down, sipping on the tea, leaning on the wall to keep from over-straining herself or falling.
Maybe both.
Hatori looked up and saw Kasey leaning against the wall he set down his papers and walked over to her "kasey are you okay?" his voice was a whisper just loud enough for her to hear he had a worried look on his face maybe she didn't like the card maybe shes allergic to the flowers thoughts ran through his mind but he looked at her "you seem tired why don't you go back to bed its been a long few days I can make you breakfast if you want."
She almost jumped as she spoke, not realizing he'd walked over. "Just...overworked myself I guess." she shrugged. "I'm good." She smiled softly at him. She took another sip from her mug, then decided to approach the other topic. "I...I read your card.." she said, her voice still quiet and soft, a little above a whisper, still the soft, faint smile on her face.
Hatori blushed a deep red and he rubbed the back of his neck "so what do you think about it. I'm sorry if the flower wasn't the best it was a last second decision and well I just couldn't find a good way to explain my feelings." He rubbed his head and was strawberry red.
Kasey's smile grew slightly. "I loved much..." she was blushing too, her eyes darting down to the floor. "J-just like I love you..." she said, her voice really quiet. She wanted to hug him...
But y'know....the whole curse thing was still fresh in her mind. She coughed slightly, but her smile never faltered. She looked back into his eyes.
Hatori smiled and he took a step towards Kasey and he kissed her softly on the lips he rested his hand on her cheek and smiled. "I have loved you since the first time I saw you." He smiled sweetly at her and then a cloud formed around him and he changed into a sea horse "are you serious right now curse." He flapped around gasping for air.
Kasey smiled and leaned down. She set her mug down and picked him up. Moving much quicker than she probably should have, she poured a bowl of water and set him in it, set the bowl on the table, then sat down, the blanket wrapped around her. She was still blushing faintly. "I'm in love with a half-seahorse" She giggled, but it wasn't a 'oh this is stupid' kinda laugh, it was more of a 'this is awesome I love it' kinda laugh. She rested her cheek in her hand, watching him with a soft smile.
And even as all this happened, she still looked half-asleep. She wasn't, but she looked it.
Hatori swam around and did flips and stuff trying to entertain kasey about half way through his performance he froze and blinked "hey kasey where is mica?" He hadn't seen her all morning or at all last night he blinked trying toRemebure the last time he saw her.
Kasey had been giggling softly and watching him. She paused as he asked the question. "I'm not sure...I fell asleep.." She said, frowning slightly. "I'm checking her room.." she said, standing. She stumbled slightly, almost falling, but kept her balance. Another pause and she was off to check Mica's room, the blanket trailing behind her, still curled over her shoulders. She liked it. It was warm and fuzzy.
Mica was curled up in her room covered in mud and stab wounds she hid under a pile of blankets to try and keep hidden she would be okay she would be okay she kept telling herself in her mind over and over again. She had gone to Akito that night and demanded that the curse be lifted from her family of course she had broken the bracelet that was her fathers which had caused the demon cat to come out of her. She shock in the blankets out of terror and fear of what she had done last night.
Kasey frowned, walking over to the shaking pile of blankets. As she pulled them away, her breath caught in her throat. "M-Mica...oh my god...wh-what happened?" She asked, gently touching the young girl's face before picking her up. "We have to get you fixed up."
She couldn't stand up while holding the young girl. Or, she shouldn't. She did anyway, and her entire body screamed at her for it, but she ignored it. "You're going to get these wounds infected...what happened?" She asked, the blanket falling to the ground as she carried the girl to the main room, setting her on a towel.
Mica hissed at Kasey and she jumped out of her arms and ran to the corner "dont come near me or I will end up hurting you to" she practically screamed at Kasey tears where rolling down her muddy face and leaving marks. "Please just get away." She was crying and she curled up in a tight ball all the memories of the fatal night when her parents died came crashing into her mind "please get away I don't want to kill you to."
Kasey stumbled, falling backwards as Mica jumped. She stared, confused. "Wha..what?" She asked, rubbing her head. The fall made her extremely dizzy now. She looked over to Hatori, one confused eye open, the other closed as she winced, trying to make her head stop spinning. "What's going on?"
Hatori narrowed his eyes at mica and luckily he was able to change back into a human just in time he slid on his cloths and ran up stairs and started to search for the black and white bracelet he found it and ran back down stairs. "Mica put the bracket back on."

Mica shock her head crying "no I won't I wont wear it anymore you use it to control me to keep me from knowing the truth you new I killed my parents you knew I did all the things you said Akito did you lied to me Hatori and you promised me that you wouldn't." She cried harder and she curled up in a ball.
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