Sing for Absolution

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"I need to be alone, actually," he said briskly. "I'll get a hotel room."

[ergh. I'm sorry. He is having a rather bad day over here and he's making things difficult for me. The woes of not having control over a character]
"Okay," she agreed, though she tilted her head and gave him a puzzled look. "Well, you know my number. I'm going to eat and then see what sort of travel I'll be looking in to," she said, checking her phone absently. No missed calls or messages. Good.
[Sorry about that pause. He was being dysfunctional. I think he's figuring things out now.]

Matt took off for a hotel without another word. And once he got his room, the first thing he did was jump into the hot shower to think. Someone had once told him that one of his admirable qualities was that he was very in touch with his emotions. He couldn't remember who had said that anymore and he cursed them because he thought they were wrong. Well maybe not entirely. He was typically immediately aware of any change in his emotions and could pin what it was he felt, which was apparently not something everyone could do. It was the reflecting on them that gave him trouble. The figuring out what the emotions meant and why he felt them. He needed to set about and figure himself out. And after spending hours pacing the hotel room, pulling at his hair until it stood on end and turned fluffy, the room grew dark and he didn't bother to turn on the lights. He badly needed to talk to someone, someone like Dom. But Dom wasn't answering his phone.

Stupid wanker.

And so he did what he always did when he felt confused and lost and lonely. He went downstairs to the hotel bar, plopped himself down on a stool and ordered himself a red wine.
Alyne watched Matt leave, tilting her head a little. She'd never understand him. Ugh. Shrugging, she wandered off to find a cute little restaurant that seemed to have very fast service based on how many people went in and out. She walked in, picked an item at random from the colorful menu, then went out with her order. To her surprise, it was incredible. Delicious wasn't even enough to describe it. Once she was full and happy, she tossed her trash in a can and looked around. There were so, so many people here. She felt anxious and lost, but there was nothing to be done about it. Matt was gone.

"Okay.. Travel.. Relax," she murmured to herself, setting off through the crowd to see about setting up some travel arrangements to continue on her worldwide journey.
"I thought you seemed like that type."

"What?" Matt asked, startled by the voice that came from his left. He turned to see a gentleman sitting at the stool next to him. The man had a scruffy beard, curly hair, and spoke with a barely there Irish accent. "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I am."

"You thought I seemed like what type?" Matt asked quizzically.

"The type who would drink red wine," the man offered with a smile and a slight shrug. "I used to bar tend. You start to pick up on those sorts of things after awhile."

"...... Ooright...." The word came slowly from Matt's mouth, his lips curving around the word in such a way that his Devon accent was physically visible. Matt squinted at him. "You look familiar...why...?"

The man shrugged. "I'm not sure. Do you know people from Vladivostok, Russia?"

Matt shook his head. He sipped at his wine, glancing periodically at the stranger sitting next to him. "Actually, I've never been here before," he said finally, finding himself volunteering the information. "Which is strange, considering I've been all over the world."

"So why are you here?"

Matt shrugged and sipped at his wine again, staring into the glass. "It's a long story I guess."

"I've got time."

"And I don't know you. So why should I indulge any information to you at all?"

The man shrugged again. He seemed so at ease, comfortable. "Because sometimes a stranger is impartial?"

Matt turned his body to completely face the man now, looking more closely at him. He had the sleeves of his button up shirt rolled up around his thick forearms. He must be warm here. Matt was actually cold. It was Russia in autumn after all. And Matt was rail thin. And getting over a cold. The man was drinking a beer, and from it's thickness, Matt thought it might be a Guinness. But... Irish... right....

"You're not from here," Matt blurted and turned the question around. "What are you doing here?"

"Travelling. For work."

"As a bartender?"

"I used to be a bartender, remember?"

"Oh. Right. So what do you do?"

"Well, right now I've been hired. As a body guard, more or less. So I've been travelling around with my client."

Matt nodded. Made sense. The man certainly had muscles, though he wasn't so heavily built like some of the security guards he'd seen at his own concerts. "I don't see a whole lot of body guarding going on right now," he quipped with a slight smirk, sipping at his wine again.

The man chuckled. "Spending twenty four hours a day with someone can get tiring. I get kicked away from time to time."

"I know the feeling," Matt said with a frown.

"What, the getting kicked away or the spending twenty four hours a day with someone?"


"I see," the man said, sipping at his beer. "So which is it tonight? Escaping constant company or getting kicked out and the bar was the only place to go?"

"Neither, actually. I just needed some time to get my head straight about where I should go next..." Matt played with his fingers, picking at his fingernails and studying his callouses.

"Ah. So we come full circle. What brings you here then?"

Matt smiled a soft smile. "I've been challenged to travel round the world in eighty days. Y'know. Like the book."

"And you're stuck? Ran out of money? Lost? Backing out?"

Matt cringed slightly. "The last one, I guess... I mean... I don't want to... I don't know what to do... I just sort of... left everything behind... I- Everything that was ever important to me. I just- I left it all... And I don't know why I would have done something like that...That's not like me.... I was upset... but-- This is all-- I'm not talking about this with a stranger," Matt said, his voice hardening and his back stiffening.

"Alright," the man said, raising his hands placatingly. "I'm not making you talk about anything. Sounds to me like you'd be missing out on a real life changing experience though."

Matt stared into his glass of wine, watching it's contents swirl around as he tilted the glass back and forth.

"I'm sure you also had a good reason for leaving," the stranger continued.

"Guilt," the word tumbled off of Matt's tongue in what was beginning to be a slightly alcohol induced comfort around this stranger, though there was something warm and inviting about his presence.


"Guilt. That's what it is. I feel guilt."

The stranger nodded. "Okay. Well that's to be expected I suppose."

"I don't like it!" Matt cried, "I've- I've never experienced it! I mean, not really! Okay the time I broke my mum's mirror and she told me I cursed the family for 7 years- and then my parents split- no but this is different. Cos this is like... it's like betrayal."

The stranger nodded again, listening quietly.

Matt chewed at his lip. "I'm a good friend. Loyal. They're probably my only really good qualities. And leaving your friends behind... for a- for a whim- that is not something a good friend would do."

"But you had a reason for leaving, didn't you?"

Matt nodded, feeling tears brim under his eyelids. He blinked rapidly. He couldn't cry here. Stop it you big, pathetic, stupid baby.

"Then you know what I think? I think you should do what's best for you. Don't doubt your choices. Which is going to make you a stronger person? Help you figure yourself out? Which decision is going to be good for you?"

Matt nodded again, more rapidly this time. He took a deep breath. "Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You're right. Okay. I'll just-- I'll--" His hands fumbled around, and briefly he almost knocked his wine glass over, catching it at the last minute, though there was little liquid left to spill. He finally managed to pull his phone out of his pocket. "Thank you," he mumbled quickly to the stranger. "Thanks I needed to hear that. I--" he opened up his phone and opened up his contact list, and pressed call. Standing up from his spot he wandered outside and leaned against the wall of the building.

The line rang a few times. "Hello, Alyne?"
Alyne had wandered until she found a travel agency. She stepped inside and looked around at all of the posters of foreign places. At least it was warm in here. There was a woman behind the desk who smiled, so she walked over and smiled back.

"Hi, I'm interested in traveling to China," she said, and the woman immediately produced a brochure.

"Oh, we have plenty of ways to get there! How long do you plan on staying? Do you need a hotel reservation? Plane tickets? We sell meal deals as well, and can sign you up for different activities during your vacation," the woman said, smiling brightly.

"Actually, I don't plan on staying more than one night. See, I'm trying to go around the world in eighty days, like in the book. I can't use planes - just trains and boats and things like that," Alyne explained, and the woman blinked in surprise.

"Well that's quite an undertaking to do on your own!"

"I started out with somebody else but.. I'm pretty sure they're stopping here and heading home. I won't quit though," Alyne said softly, looking away.

"Well! We can sell you a train ticket to China, and from there it's a simple ferry ticket to Japan. Where do you plan on going after that? I hope nowhere too difficult," the woman said, pulling out a folding world map and spreading it out on the counter.

"India," Alyne replied, sticking to her original suggestion to Matt.

"And you plan on taking a boat to get there?! My, my.. Well, I can sell you boat tickets here as well, if you'd like," the woman said in surprise.

"That would be great! Thanks!" Alyne said, smiling and nodding.

"I'll go print those out straight away. When do you plan on leaving? I'll need to know for the train tickets from here."

"Tonight, please," Alyne said, picking up a postcard and setting it on top of the map with the intention of buying both. Her phone started ringing and she blinked, pulling it out and glancing at the screen.

"Hey, Matt," she said, pausing as he greeted her in return. "So, how did your thinking go?"
"You haven't left yet, have you?" he asked in a rush. "You're still in town, wight? Where are you?"
"No, not yet. I'm at a travel agency," she said, then paused as the woman came back with the tickets. "Hold on," she said to Matt, setting the phone aside and pulling out her card to pay.

"Here is the train ticket to China, the ferry ticket to Japan, and the boat ticket to India," the woman said, and Alyne smiled and paid quickly before thanking the woman and picking the phone back up.

"So what do you need, Matt?"
"Don't leave yet! I'm coming with you!" Matt cried into the phone, suddenly lurching forward to run to go find her. He stopped short and glanced back into the bar. He should at least go thank the man and at least get his name. But the stranger was gone already. "Uh- what-" Matt said in confusion. "Where's the travel agency?? Ugh wait- I need to go get my bags out of my hotel-" Matt said, taking off at a sprint back up the stairs and too his room. He was out of breath by the time he got to the top. "Just-hang-on- okay?"
"What? I thought you were going home," Alyne said, confused. The woman behind the counter smiled knowingly and went to print off a second set of tickets for the same things Alyne had already bought, while Alyne glanced around for a business card.

"It's.. uh.. 'Global Travel Inc.' Not far from the train station, just a few streets down near a strip of restaurants," she said, then tilted her head as she heard the telltale thuds and labored breathing of him running. "Don't give yourself another hyperventilation attack, please," she said, shaking her head as she paid for the second set of tickets and tucked all six into a little folder the woman gave her. She mouthed 'thank you' then waved and stepped out as she tucked the folder into her bag and cradled the phone against her shoulder.

"What hotel are you in? I can meet you."
"I changed my mind," Matt panted, "and I'm not going to give myself an attack, thanks!" he snapped. "I'm only running."

He hadn't even bothered to unpack his things. He only grabbed the clothes he'd dumped after his shower and shoved then into one of the sacks. Then he gathered the bags together and slammed the door to his hotel open. "You don't need to," he panted. "I'm leaving. I'm on my way. I'll be there soon." And with that he hung up. However upon getting outside, he wandered around for awhile until he had no idea where he was. It wasnt terribly long until he called her back. "I'm lossssst," he whined into the phone.
"What changed your mind?" she asked curiously, but then he announced he was on his way and hung up. She blinked and looked at the phone, then sighed. He wasn't going to be able to find her - she had left the travel agency already! So, she decided to wander in a random direction, backtracking to where she had seen him disappear off to when they first arrived. It didn't take too long for her phone to ring again, and she was smiling as she answered.

"Hi, Matt," she said, then laughed as he whined. "Yeah, no surprise there," she replied, then paused as she realized she could see him. She was standing off to the side of him, with a bunch of walking people between them. Tilting her head, she decided to mess with him. "I'll tell you where I am if you hop around in a circle on one foot."
"You're watching me," Matt deadpanned, all expression dropping from his face in exasperation. "Not fair." He spun around, trying to spot her. "I will not hop around on one foot for your entertainment. Things like that have to be attached to dares. And then there must be a weturn weprecussion. Rrreturn rreprecussion. Where are you?"
"I never claimed to play fair," she retorted, sighing dramatically as he refused to play along. "Look to your left."
He glanced to his left, spotting Alyne and waved, running over to her side, puffing and out of breath by the time he got there. He dropped his bags and pressed his hands against a stitch in his side. "...I'm out of shape..." he panted. "Thanks for waiting..."
"How can you be so skinny and so out of shape?" she asked, mostly teasing. "So, why did you ask me to wait? I thought you were going back home to work on your music with the guys?" she added, tilting her head as he recovered.
"Shut up I haven't been on tour for almost three years," he protested. "I'm not Dom, I don't work out. Who has time for that? I just don't eat."

He ran a hand through his hair. "I think... I think I need to do something for myself. To help myself... Being back there... I'm going back to a lot of things I can't really face in a healthy way. I need to away from that. Make sense, yeah? So where are we going now?"
"Hm, I guess.." she mused, just happy to have him back, though she wouldn't say so. "Here are your tickets. China's first."
"You got me tickets? Thanks!" Matt cried happily. "You know what we should sometime during this trip? Sneak onto a train or a boat without paying. Just to make things exciting."
"Getting arrested would put us way behind schedule!" she pointed out, shaking her head. She was getting hungry again, but they only had a few hours before the train left. "We have a bit before the train leaves. What do you want to do? Get completely wasted so the trip goes by faster?"