SIMULTANEOUS (signups open!)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Not open for further replies. I...yeah...
lol it's okay. nice to see you 'round here. :D
next time, i'll use a pic of females.
I thought you did. Wait...does this mean you're not a woman?...No wait. I checked your profile. You are...Or are you? Maybe you're a zile like Lstorm.
I think I clearly said I'm female, but I'm taking that as a compliment.

-takes it and puts it into a compliments treasure box-

Ahem, anyway, what did my gender have to do with my art-oh wait omg check out my deviant. :'D
So what is up, people? I would like to move on my abomination to the next room. Zile has me tied to a chair and is threatening me with absorbing my soul.
I've been waiting on McTavish for instructions, but I don't think he's here anymore.
Hey, everyone. Sorry, I had to abandon the site for a time. Let's get this ball back on a roll.
Orders will be in the IC shortly after this post.

@Angelita Snow
@Quiet One

@Fox in a Lab Coat are you going to join, or no? I'm still accepting applications.
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Also, @Lorchenne are you still in on this?
I am very much willing to continue this, it had been one of my favourite things to reply to.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. Nima is such a captivating character.
Anyway, in case you haven't already read them, new orders for the seekers in the IC.
I'm up for it when I get around to it
Name: C/ECA-01

Age: Ageless

Nickname: Virathal

Appearance: It has proportions similar to that of a purist but sports obviously mechanical features in the form of a monocrystal dome that covers its face from the slant of its jaw and armor that covers from the base of its skull to its feet. Its crystalline mask becomes translucent when viewed directly, revealing the skeleton beneath and its eyes, empty black pools with fine circuitry tracing around each. Offering no reflection, its gaze belies no spark of life. As its limbs and the vast majority of Virathal's body have been consumed by the mechanism, it has no need for and does not possess clothing or food, instead mimicking the appearance of sleek armor and subsisting upon the energy produced by its actions.

Personality: Any personality that existed before death has been lost, a new one built up through regimentation and indoctrination. Because of this its actions can be taken as cold or ruthless, problems are overcome in a head-on manner and opposition is put down with singular relentlessness. Unbeknownst to those that oversaw its creation, the infusions that kept the android's former body alive did not suppress consciousness. Before awakening it was plagued by nightmares, further experimentation and testing fostering a deep hatred at the carelessness and professional cruelty of its creators. Despite this and faced with a world changed by the Calamity, the android carries a deep regret at the suffering of others. Suppressed beneath its conditioning, any emotions it might feel are hidden behind an expressionless face and empty eyes. It does not speak often and when it does its words are always succinct, its voice carried upon an all but monotonous tone. Following the Calamity, the android retains most of these traits but it has come to view life itself as a cruel infirmity and death as a mercy to those so afflicted. Hatred of its creators has unfolded into murderous intent tempered by paranoia and complete disregard for the well-being of others.

Current powers: Projection and Control of Light and Sound: Capturing and redirecting light in the visible spectrum through monocrystal a mechanism can be made to project three dimensional images. Shaped rods can also be employed that modulate aural tones.

Regeneration of Damaged Structures: Each cell in Virathal's body is surrounded with biological repair and support machinery. Control is taken from the body's natural processes, the mechanism instructing them to begin taking vital structures apart cell by cell as it rebuilds in accordance with internal programming. This reverses the aging process as nanomachines reset cellular clocks, killing senescent or dying cells and replacing them with healthy ones.

Nano-Armaments: As the mechanism produces more units it eventually replicates itself to the point that it spreads as a free-flowing mass. These are miniature actuators kept cool by hydrogen and helium pressurized in a liquid state, controlled by a mechanism that spans their interior. They gather energy and process non-organic matter by the interaction of monocrystal coating the surface of microscopic tools. At smallest size, they are fine enough to be employed within complex systems of an alien body, breaking down its structures. Ambulatory targets are paralyzed soon after contact as internal systems are repurposed and by invading a target's brain and corroding its deep structures one's programming can be altered. Likewise, a pill-sized device that contains a swarm of spheres can be released inside a body. These use the subject's biomass as building materials to grow a cybernetic implant. This could be benign or something unwanted or hostile. Similarly, a parasite seed is a template for a shapeshifting nanomorph. Its intelligence is distributed through its body and its structures are capable of rapid self-repair. In addition to assuming whole new shapes it can also extrude spikes or talons at will. To be activated, the seed-sized capsule must be injected into or swallowed by another life form. It then releases a mass that begins transforming that being, using its biomatter as raw material and skeletal structure as a frame to create a vestige.

Bio: No exact dates are known.
Early Years: Unknown. Presumably grew up under Imperial rule, trained from a young age in a military academy before falling in battle.
25 - 48: Resurrected after an attempt to harness quantum energies as a source of power came to fruition. Wanting to determine whether or not cadavers could be reanimated and reinforced to serve as soldiers, the Empire selected the best of its fallen for the procedure. The brain was then removed from its body which had been preserved in preparation, kept alive by chemical infusion and installed in an artificial frame. It was then trained for eighteen years and finally released into active duty. During the Calamity that forced the fall of civilization, it was instrumental in protecting the Empire's greatest city and for a time its efforts were successful. This lasted only so long until the xekix legions descended en masse, crushing the Empire beneath sheer numbers. Gravely injured in the fighting, the android managed to secure itself in a preservation capsule.
435 - 573: Over the centuries it slept while its body was slowly repaired. Upon awakening it was left with only the vaguest memories and a single programmed objective: hunt down and kill every xekix it can find.
2185 - Present: Experimentation with manipulation led to the opening of a tear in the very fabric of reality. Drawn within the interdimensional void, it wandered for over a century before a means of escape was acheived. Cast from the rift it fell to earth and was shattered, severely weakened by its journey. Forced to rebuild, it was left to wander the material once more and in time was approached by another, a being that showed himself capable of crossing the veil of ether into naught. Distrustful but intrigued, the android followed.

Overuse of the mechanism results in a buildup of energy over time that must be discharged by an internal power limiter. Specially designed, it keeps the android's power output from increasing destructively. Failure to do so will burn out the android's systems. It is held in check by a control restriction which can only be released by an outside authority or if a situation is determined so dire that survival cannot be guaranteed without.

Chemical infusions are periodically required for the android's remaining organs' continued healthy function.
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Mindblowing. Accepted! Very well then, Virathal. You shall do as I say, should you wish to achieve Simultaneous. I am your Guide, now.
You know what? I keep staring at this thread, leaving it, coming back to it, staring at it and... Fuck it, I'll join. Give me a bit to fill out a character, and I'll have it up within a couple of days.
Thomas thomas thomas, how dare you not tell me of this marvelous rp idea. That i must simply join. I will bring a cs as soon as possible
So much action suddenly
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@Lovie Go right ahead.
@Akuma I think I did, but if not, sorry.
@Lorchenne We're still on the first page of the IC, so if you can post when orders come up from Jonathan, you'll be fine.
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