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(sign ups) Fates' Rhythm (We need men! :P)

  • Thread starter Many Faces Many Names
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I'm unfortunately stuck at camp so I can't write a char sheet before the RP starts...
Sunday will be the earliest I can do so
That is fine! Don't worry! :)
@Many Faces Many Names I have a couple of spelling errors I need to fix as well.

Also the pointe thing. My old studio made it a separate class and a separate group so that's way I listed it that way. Sorry!

That's fine, I understand the discrepancy :)
Name:Aurora Adolfi
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Acro teacher
Birth Place: Romania
Species: Full Blood Human
Special ability: Flexibility
Dance Styles: Acro dance(acrobatics)


Distinguishing features:
  • Scarred arms, legs, hips, and stomach
  • Tongue web piercing
  • images
  • images
Personality: Rarely stable with her emotions but the best at giving advice and helping others. Very spiritual; especially when it comes to mind body relaxation and horoscopes, pisces. She will open up entirely to her friends trusting them with her innermost thoughts and secrets, extremely social which is often mistaken for flirty. Get's bored in relationships and prefers one-night stands.
  • Vivacious
  • emotional
  • Romantic
  • Expressive
  • Seductive
  • Bipolar
  • Submissive
As a young girl she was verbally abused by both her mother and father. They often accused her of having an eating disorder due to her naturally thin frame, called her names, and constantly tore apart the low self esteem that she did have. Being religious people they would shout bible verses at her and force her into their church for not believing and having the same views as they did. They would threaten to have her exorcised by a priest because of her unnatural flexibility, causing them to believe she were possessed.
To cope with her family's accusations she worked for lessons at a nearby dance school to get out of the house and release her frustration. When her parent's found out about her lessons they forbade her to dance.
The stress from family and school caused her to snap, throwing her into a deep depression. Aurora used a razor blade to release her inner demons for the first time at age 14 and gradually took the self harm to new levels as she went through highschool; turning to weed, painkillers, acid, and even heroin. In the middle of 11th grade she attempted suicide and overdosed on Tylenol that resulted in a hospital visit and a stomach pumping. After a week recovering, she returned to school and her guidance counselor referred her to The School Of American Dance to try out for a scholarship. Liking the idea and encouraged by it Aurora brought the suggestion up to her parents a few days later during dinner. Unfortunately the proposal had gone sour and her parents decided that the best thing for themselves was to kick her out.
By morning Aurora was packed with the majority of her belongings in the trunk of her car and a few thousand dollars in personal savings. However she wasn't fazed by her parents decision to disown her, in fact she was surprised it hadn't happened sooner, and spent the remaining highschool year renting out a friends couch and finding work. After months of trying to prove her ability to teach and dance at The School Of American Dance, she was finally accepted and hasn't heard from her parents since the night she was officially disowned.​



  • Teaching
  • Giving advice
  • Flexibility
  • Writing
  • Gymnastics
  • Making people like her
  • Analyzing poetry
  • Knowing exactly how people feel
  • Math
  • Bad mouth
  • Very Blunt
  • Science
  • Easily distracted (in life and relationships)
  • Lying
  • Dancing
  • Amazing people with her flexibility
  • Literature
  • Alternative Music
  • Drinking
  • Fashion
  • Bad/Rude boys & girls
  • Spirituality/horoscopes
  • One-night stands
  • Cigarettes
  • Counseling
  • Doing makeup
  • Hair dye
  • Her parents
  • The bible
  • Cheese
  • Being criticized
  • Preppy girls
  • Birds
  • Tylenol
  • Country music
  • Boring people
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Her scars
Reason for dancing: Escape from reality
  • Mother and Father
  • Both Catholic
  • Disowned Aurora
  • No siblings
Friendships: N/a
Crush/Romantic relationship: NA until the RP begins really.
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Apart from the school name actually being The School of American Dance, it's all good! As for acrobatics, I like the idea but if possible, make it a little more aligned with dance, such as THIS.
As with her history, what happened with her parents? Is she disowned from them, were they charged with abuse? Just add that but otherwise, ACCEPTED!
Free to post! :)
Name: Valentina Rochev
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Special ability: N/A
Dance Styles: Classical ballet, ballroom, and cabaret/Burlesque

Personality: For the most part Valentina is fun loving, relaxed person. She can be quite uptight when it comes to what is right or wrong, and has a certain view of the world, but as long as you don't venture into those discussions with her, she's quite an easy person to deal with.
* Independent
* Fun loving
* Passionate
* Headstrong
* Determined


History: Valentina's parents are both humans, as their parents before them, and before them. Her father was born in Russia, but moved to America in the hopes of making a better life for himself as a young lad of 18.
He succeeded and found an American girl to be his wife. Two years after they were married Valentina was born. From a young age Valentina showed promise of becoming a good dancer, so her father was quick to enroll her into the first dancing class that he could find.
It wasn't a really great school, so by the end of that year, when Valentina was 6, he pulled her out of those classes and sent her to a more professional school.

Luckily, Valentina didn't mind. Val loved to dance, to move around and express herself with her body in an absolutely graceful way. And it was important to her that her father approved of her.
If she wasn't at the top of her class, her father would be harsh, and punish her, which fueled her drive.
Her mother, though loving and caring, was less of an important figure to Valentina.
The greatest moment of her life was when Valentina was accepted into the academy. It had been her dream to be able to dance and study at one of the greatest schools in the country, maybe even the world, and she had obtained that rare position at the age of 16. She has been training with them ever since, and hopes to one day be a soloist in the company.

Due to her father being Russian, he made a big point about her reading and watching the adaptation of War and Peace. Seeing the ballroom dances Valentina was oddly mesmerized by it and decided to follow this as well.
The Cabaret/Burlesque style of dance is more a side hobby than a real focus for her, but she won't quit it.


* Picks up new instructions very fast
* Very expressive
* Is very supple and flexible, though not as flexible as a half breed would be
* Is quick to cope with what she's given

* Headstrong/stubborn
* Strict on herself, and others. Sometimes a bit too much
* Doesn't have the perfect, ideal body type
* Not always the easiest to befriend


* Dancing (watching and doing)
* Singing (Isn't able to carry a tune)
* Cats
* Fruit
* Pasta
* Antiques

* Children
* Dogs
* Loud unnecessary noises
* Writing
* Fights
* Monotone boring things
* Fish


Reason for dancing: She has a strong love for dancing. But she also wants to make her father proud and uses it as her motivation when she is down or feels like she can't push on.
* Mother - Natasha Rochev - Anderson (USA)
* Father - Dimitri Rochev (Russian)


Friendships: N/A - to be updated
Crush/Romantic relationship: N/A - to be updated

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Okay @Olissa I like it!

Guys, we need men! Smexy, dancing men to join our ranks or we are going to have all compete over our only man or become lesbians.
So if anyone is willing to make a man, please let me know so XD
I would have made a guy as I noticed a lot of women indeed being part of this, but I suck at playing them v.v maybe if I get a bit more of a feel in the RP that I'd be able to branch out ^-^
Btw, though everyone has chosen dances they like and their characters are proficient, there will be several classes that will stretch their knowledge. Eg, a non ballet dancer will have one ballet class every day. Some may, some may not. Just so people have a character to interact with in each class. If you don't, I'm very sorry.. :(
Here is the subject list: (please choose 7)
Musical Theory
Dance theory
Acro dance
Ethnic dancing (scarf, belly)
Dramatic Dance
Break dance/Shuffle
Hip hop
Valentina would definitely be going for the ballet and ballroom direction. Unless you want us to choose something outside of their preference?
Choose some they would like and some that would be slightly out of their preferences. Just for variation, you understand. @Olissa
Dance theory
Dramatic Dance

That would probably be her list. Jazz is definitely a challenge, even though she likes to watch the style at times. Contemporary and Lyrical are not her strong suits as she has had a strong focus on classical for a long time, so letting go of what should and shouldn't is difficult for her (see personality XD)

Name: Logan Dutta
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Bakeneko
Special ability: Static Electricity manipulation
Dance Styles: Tap dancing and Cha-cha
Personality: Logan is self centered, spoiled and has a high opinion of himself. He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and waste no time in letting everybody know that.

History: For most of his childhood, Logan was raised by his famous actress mother. However, his father was in the picture, he just didn't like the spotlight so he stayed out of everything a lot of the time.
Logan's coming into existence was completely unexpected and at first his mother despised him. She blamed him for her losing fans and constantly called him a 'little leech'. However, after seeing the positive reactions to other celebrities with children, Logan's mother decided to give her son a shot. To make up for the period of time where she had scorned and ignored him, she showered him with gifts all the time and gave him the absolute best treatment a mother could give. But she was young and the way she raised Logan was not correct. She rarely punished him which resulted in him growing up to be a brat, and she neglected to hide him from the media and that eventually came to bite her in the ass.
Logan loved the spotlight. He loved the attention good or bad. And he wanted to keep that attention. However, he wasn't much of an actor or a singer, so he turned to dance. At first he was atrocious, but after years of rigorous practice, he found his calling in tap dance and the cha-cha.
At the age of thirteen, Logan was entering and winning dance competitions and the media was eating him up. He was on tabloids, the internet, radio talk shows! After awhile, his fame began to overshadow his mother, and she was furious. And so, in an effort to salvage her precious spotlight, she sent him to The School of American Dance, under the guise of trying to help her son hone his skills.

Knit fabrics (rubbing them together can provide him with a temporary power source)

Physical altercations
Water (it weakens his special ability)


Pineapple pizza

Untrained dogs
Clashing outfits
Country music

Reason for dancing: To remain famous.

Family: Aarna Dutta (Mother) and Rohan Dutta (Father)
Friendships: None. Fame and Friendship don't mix.
Crush/Romantic relationship: NA until the RP begins really.
Classes for Tamika would be;

Acro Dance
Hip Hop
Dance Theory
As a requisite, all characters will have dance theory. :) Just to provide opportunities
I can make a dude! Here he is.

Name: Micah Danstrum
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Half-Vampire, Half-Human
Special ability: Invisiblity
Dance Styles: Contemporary, Jazz

  • Fun-loving
  • Sweet
  • Jokester
  • Tough
  • Lazy
  • Oblivious
History: Micah grew up with a loving mom and a supporting dad. He was an only child, and he was okay with that. When he discovered that he liked to dance, his parents immediately sought classes. He enjoyed the classes, and the teachers adored him. Though, at school most of the other kids thought he was girly for dancing. He just made a huge joke about it, not showing how it hurt him. As he danced, he found that he loved partner dancing and being able to lift a girl up high, putting her on a pedestal in a sense like his dad had always taught him. Because he was stronger than most of the other boys, he could do these lifts easily. He used this strength to help when doing more complicated moves, though he had trouble with being too choppy at times. He worked through the classes and managed to get into competition. After a while he decided that dance was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. His dream was realized when he was accepted into the School of American Dance.


  • Above average strength
  • Fast
  • Flexible
  • Can take changes well
  • Willing to work with anyone
  • Choppy at times
  • Doesn't take things seriously
  • Tends to be a bit oblivious to other's feelings
  • Needs work with his balance
  • Doesn't know his own limits
  • Dogs
  • The color Red
  • Physical Contact
  • Girls
  • Dancing
  • Rare steaks
  • Romance
  • Raccoons
  • Thieves/Liars
  • Being alone
  • Mysteries
  • Vegetables
  • Sad Music
  • Getting hurt
Reason for dancing: It makes him feel human despite his lineage. It makes him feel closer to those around him.


Family: Michelle Danstrum-Mother, human
Lucas Danstrum-Father, Vampire

Friendships: N/A

Crush/Romantic relationship: N/A
I can make a dude! Here he is.

Name: Micah Danstrum
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Half-Vampire, Half-Human
Special ability: Invisiblity
Dance Styles: Contemporary, Jazz

  • Fun-loving
  • Sweet
  • Jokester
  • Tough
  • Lazy
  • Oblivious
History: Micah grew up with a loving mom and a supporting dad. He was an only child, and he was okay with that. When he discovered that he liked to dance, his parents immediately sought classes. He enjoyed the classes, and the teachers adored him. Though, at school most of the other kids thought he was girly for dancing. He just made a huge joke about it, not showing how it hurt him. As he danced, he found that he loved partner dancing and being able to lift a girl up high, putting her on a pedestal in a sense like his dad had always taught him. Because he was stronger than most of the other boys, he could do these lifts easily. He used this strength to help when doing more complicated moves, though he had trouble with being too choppy at times. He worked through the classes and managed to get into competition. After a while he decided that dance was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. His dream was realized when he was accepted into the School of American Dance.


  • Above average strength
  • Fast
  • Flexible
  • Can take changes well
  • Willing to work with anyone
  • Choppy at times
  • Doesn't take things seriously
  • Tends to be a bit oblivious to other's feelings
  • Needs work with his balance
  • Doesn't know his own limits
  • Dogs
  • The color Red
  • Physical Contact
  • Girls
  • Dancing
  • Rare steaks
  • Romance
  • Raccoons
  • Thieves/Liars
  • Being alone
  • Mysteries
  • Vegetables
  • Sad Music
  • Getting hurt
Reason for dancing: It makes him feel human despite his lineage. It makes him feel closer to those around him.


Family: Michelle Danstrum-Mother, human
Lucas Danstrum-Father, Vampire

Friendships: N/A

Crush/Romantic relationship: N/A

Awesome, I love him! Can you give me subjects for him? :)
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