Sharp Fall: The Beginning

Realizing that the distance between her and the woman was too great and her call was too soft, Ranna stopped running. There was no way for her to catch up now and it was clear that the other hadnt heard her. But even more importantly, the ache in her gut reminded her that she hadn't eaten since eleven o'clock that morning, her body now demanding food due to how late it had become. Sighing heavily, the girl began to walk home, picking up a pizza on the way and eating it with one hand while holding the box in the other. Pizza was definitely a food she didnt endulge in often, but she didnt care about how greasy and bad-for-you it was today. She just wanted the warmth and the comfort of some food in her belly before she went to sleep.
Kaze Roka

It was getting late and Kaze was still on that rooftop with Mariana, he had to go, he must clean his house before going to sleep, he left it very dirty and disorderly, he gazed at Marina with a brief smile to let think about his words, "Well, it's time for me to go, if you want to talk just go to the local currier and ask for Kaze", he said before giving a step back of the ledge, he then, with no previous warning ran toward the edge and jumped off the building, there wasn't any other building that close for him to land on, so his only option was to land directly on the ground, "This is going to be a hard one", he thought as he was floating through the air; when he finally reached the ground he flexed his legs and placed his hands forward and formed and diamond shapee with his fingers, landind he did the "Diamond Roll", which was a technique that absorbs all the energy to make the runner land safely, he made it to perform the roll and stood up the ground.

"Pff... Made it", he thought as he started walking toward another building, the fastest way to reach homr was through parkour so this was his best option. Kaze kept himself running and jumping ledges of different buildigs in his long path to homem when he finally reached the first thing he did was to enter the bathroom and get a shower.

Kaze Roka
It's a new day in the advanced city of Kahnna; 6:30 AM marked the alarm watch, at that moment Kaze was already up, he uses go awake soon in the morning just to compete with the watch, he takes that time between five and six am to do his exercise routine. Kaze entered in the bathroom to get a shower, he was sweating a lot because of the physical exercise and he wasn't going to work like that. After finishing his shower, Kaze rapidly put his clothes on and prepared a small breakfast of bread and jam, he took his backpack and ran out of his apartment to start the day moving fast, as always, he took the "Fun" way to work through the building's rooftops of the city.

Time passed Kaze was still on his way to work as the fastest courier in the city, after a good amount of jumps, vaults and slides, Kaze made it to reach his employer's building, a small ring bell sound as he entered into the building with his hand up saying "Yo, boss", -"Hey Kaze, no time to lose, there's a package waiting for you right there".

Tsuri Raino
Tsuri stood in silence on his bed as he thought about the things that he had to do that day, he has to make the breakfast, wash the dishes, clean the house and take care of his father needs before going to school for ten hours, then come back home and repeat, but he remembered, he also had to get together with Rassaj and Kryon at 5:30 PM at the grocery store, someway, this made him feel a bit better about the day because it wasn't going to be like every other day.

Tsuri took a deep breath before going into the kitchen to make the breakfast for him and his father, he cooked eggs with homemade bread without yeast. "Knock Knock", Tsuri knocked his father's room door, "Coming in father", he said as he opened the door to feed his father, "After I finish cleaning, I'll go to school, there's some rice in the freezer", he said to his father as he left a dish with bread and eggs on his bed. After two hours of hard working, Tsuri finally finished cleaning the house, he took a shower and placed all his books in his bag before taking it to leave the house and go to school. Tsuri walked his way to school as every day,in his path he saw a lot of people around the streets, "Are they really happy?", he thought as he walked. Tsuri finally reached the school, "Manakian National High Grade and Professional Edcuation Center", the name is somewhat long, but it described perfectly the function of the building, Tsuri walked into the main building to reach his classroom before the ring of the bell.

"Good morning teacher"
Mira Sage:

Mira awoke to the sound of an alarm clock ringing. She pushed the button to stop it then slowly got herself up and out of her bed. She get herself ready and made herself a quick breakfast that she knew her family wouldn't go making her anyway. Once she was ready she headed out of her house to head for the zoo where she worked. She would take short cuts by climbing around on the buildings like she would normally do in the woods with the trees. Though, she preferred it on the trees and was obviously much better at maneuvering on the trees than buildings. She finally got to the zoo, and began to work to care of the animals there, giving them food and and other work that needed to be done. She knew that when her job was over she was going to go back into the woods, but she probably should see how some of her faction was doing also.


Jinx suddenly woke up, realizing she had fallen asleep while working. She still had some tools in her hand, but put them down when she woke up. She got up out of the chair and began to make some breakfast unaware that she had a faint mark on her forehead from one of her inventions that was on the table. Though, it would fade shortly through time. She made some toast then began to eat. When she was finished and put everything away she went back to work on one of her inventions. She had an order from a client in the city that wanted something made for them, a toy to give to their son. Jinx had decided to come up with an animatronic dinosaur that could move and interact with what the boy did. She would be done soon and when she was, she would head out to give the toy to the parent, of course getting there through the way that she loved the most.
The moon shifted and hid in the hills far from the city as the sun began to chase it and slowly came up. A little drone moved through the air in the tight packed city corners, it seemed like it was scanning for something then stopped and hovered a figure standing in the empty morning street, it rotated around him looking at him.


As the man stood there and looked at the little drone camera that was hovering around him a voice came through the headset "The target should be in his late thirties, it appears that he was doing business at party last night and we have reports that he has not left the premises of that structure. The local police task force has had an handful in capturing him and when they do he manages to either break his way out or bribe his way out, your objectives are clear the position of the target has been uploaded to your HUD we will be watching from this drone. Radio silence." the man from the other side said and a wave of silence engulfed, Roman moved down the street and stopped when he had the building in view. The doorway seemed empty but as he approached he saw two sleeping bodyguards in-front of it, one leaning on the wall and sleeping and another one sitting on a chair sleeping. He saw that there was a back entrance to the building and approached from there, he opened the door carefully and entered... no-one seemed to be insight most of the staff were sleeping, must have been one wild night he thought to himself as he continued through the kitchen and entered the main room of the club. Guests passed out here and there, some bodyguards sleeping and the silent bartender that seemed not to care and continued to wipe his table, he continued towards the VIP seats and there found the target in between two girls. He kicked his leg and he slowly came to himself "Adrian De La Vega?" asked Roman as he looked at the man "Yeh, what do you want moth-" the words the man was about to speak were cut off from the shot of Roman's silenced rifle that hit the man right in the middle of his head, another shot straight to his heart and the man was quiet. Roman turned around and began walking back from the place he came, as he was in the kitchen he heard from his headsets "Break, Break, Break... We confirm that the target has been eliminated but a problem has appeared, someone tipped off the police force that there was a murder in the club. They are currently investigating, although they have ordered the kill you must not be captured... leave the area now." as Roman heard this he darted through the kitchen and burst through the back door, he placed his rifle on his back and began climbing the building behind the club "You! Stop immediately!" said one of the police officers as he spotted Roman, instead of stopping Roman continued up the building and just about managed to climb it as the police officer began shooting his weapon, he must have radioed what happened so Roman picked up the pace and began running on the roofs of the buildings. He jumped over the wide gaps and barely made it over most of them, as he ran over the rooftops vaulting over the ducts and various small walls placed there he stopped as a very wide gap appeared in-front of him... he backed up and began running as fast as he cold as he jumped off the edge and flew over the gap he barely managed to get grip of the wall on the other side, he pulled himself up. He looked back and continued slowly running, he dropped down from the roof and walked down the street "Command, mission objective complete. Waiting for further assignments, will resume patrol in City Centre. Over and out." he said and continued walking down the street to the city center.
Eowyn could softly hear the sounds of birds tweeting in the forest from her room. Ignoring the birds she turned around once more to enjoy her well deserved sleep. But the sounds were getting louder and louder untill it was almost unbearable. Groggily she opened her eyes and looked at Brimi. Her pet was at the moment only a small mettalic orb resting on the bedside table. The orb was flashing the time on its body and was obviously the cause of the loud ruckus. For a while she just stared at it, enduring the loud forest sounds. But in the end she sat up in bed with a sigh. "Brimi, awake." The sounds made a sudden stop and the orb started glowing, showing his flame skin. The flame didn't start to float like it normally would since the hairtie with the bell was also on the table. "Brimi, change snooze to seashore side." The flame made a small sample sound as aknowledgement.
Eowyn stretched, stood up, grabbed some clothes and took a shower. When she returned she brushed and braided her hair, tying it up with the bell. As soon as she did that Brimi started floating. "Brimi, start day." The blue flame followed her to the living room slash dinner room slash kitchen.

Eowyn was preparing breakfast as well as making Lillium's school lunch. Yesterday she had completly forgotten that it would be just as any other normal school day for her. She knew that Lillum couldn't come with her to the museum today and she regretted even saying they would go there. They already spend so little time together and she had been looking forward to it despite her complaining about it and now her big sister would dissapoint her once again. Breaking promises and agreements were not good for a good relationship. With a grumble she packed Lillium's lunch and lay the table. It was time to wake her sister.

When she entered the room she saw Lillium still sleeping peacefully and she crouched at her bedside. "Sweetie, wake up. Breakfast is ready." She poked her cheek. "I'm awake..." She said with a soft voice. "You're not awake. Come get up you got to go to school." She poked her cheek again. "Five more minutes." She turned around. Eowyn got a smile on her face. "Wake up or choose your punishment." Grabbing the blanket she stood up and pulled it off her little sister. "Ok, I'm awake. No need for water or Brimi." With a quick rustling of her hair Eowyn went back to the kitchen, followed by Lillium. They seated themselves at the dinner table. With a disgusting face on her look did Lillum push her plate away, on it were two slices of bread. "It smells, why do you give this in the morning?" Eowyn stopped eating her Brinta with honey and looked at her surprised. "But you like those right? One with jam the other with liver paté." Lillum took her plate closer again and grumbled. "I like the taste, just not the smell." And she took a bite. When she grabbed her bread Eowyn noticed that something was missing. "Lillum, were is the bracelet I gave you? You know the one with the cresent moon. You never took it off before." Lillium paused mid bite. "Uhm... The strap broke so I put it in my room yesterday and left it there this morning." "I can make it for you." Shocked she put down her bread. "NO! That.. that isn't needed. I... want to try repairing it myself. Let's hurry now I have to go" And she quickly ate her bread and drank her milk. "Yes, we should hurry."

Lillium stood at the door, fresh, dressed and ready to go. Eowyn gave her her lunch and walked down the building with her. They talked about all kind of stuff, like they did every morning. It was fun untill Lillium started talking about the museum. "I can't wait to go, I really want to see what they show this time. Last times 'past technology' was kind of boring, especially the communicating with emoticons part. What do you think we will see this time." At that question Eowyn cringed a bit. "Actually sweetie, I don't know if you can come with me." Lillium stopped dead in her tracks. "Not, again..." She whispered. "What is it this time? Tell me the excuse." The bigger sister sighed. "If we want to go then you have to cancel school today and you know I can't do that. You missed to much already." Lillium looked her sister up in the eyes. "So? We can go after school." Eowyn slowly shook her head. "It will be to busy to see anything and the exhibition I need to go to will be closed by then." Tears started to well up in Lillium's eyes and she stormed down the stairs. "Lillium..." Eowyn went after her but under at the stair Lillium turned around. "YOU ALWAYS BREAK YOUR PrOMISES!" She was screaming loudly and Eowyn tried to shush her a bit. "Leave me alone! I will go to school by myself." Shocked Eowyn kept standing on that spot, watching her sister going down more of the stairs. This was a first for her, no matter what had happened they always had walked to school together.
Manaki: A strange but still familiar wind whipped the always on heat city of Manaki; a smell of wilderness came with that same wind, most of the manakians already know what these winds mean, it has passed a long time since the last one, but still, they aren't that weird. On the horizon, the reason for these winds was clearly shown, it was a sandstorm coming with strength and power to the city. Windows, doors, shops, houses and plazas were all instantly closed to avoid any kind of damage dealt to the buildings and persons inside them.

Kahnna: The clouds on the city were bigger than normal, the sky was in a deep, almost black color provoked by the colossal clouds that covered sunlight averting it from reaching the big buildings of one of the most advanced cities, suddenly small water drops started falling from the black clouds that clothed the sky. With no delay, in less than an hour, these small and beautiful water drops became larger and heavier, rain started going in an unfamiliar way, it felt like a diluvium that was rapidly taking over the city.

Rizo: A deep feeling took over the rizoan researchers when they saw the unexpected of unexpected coming in the form of a "beep" sound from the radar, a white area forming a circle covered a part of the radar, -"Dear beings, a category 5/7 blizzard approaching, twenty kilometers away from Rizo's aerial space, speed of movement: 153 miles per hour, we recommend you to warn the citizens about this complicacy", said an AI with a femine voice. The white blizzard was a 5 on a scale of 7, this means that this was officially a high ranked natural storm formed in the ice seas of the south pole. The blizzard was immediately announced via "Caller", a technology implemented only in two cities, Rizo and Nigura, which connected a serious amount of speakers in every corner of the city. –"Citizens of Rizo, we must warn you about an incoming blizzard, rank 5, we beg the citizens to enter the nearest location and active the security plan".

Nigura: The niguran sky turned whiter than normal, allowing sun to hit directly on the city's neck, the temperature suddenly went from 24 grades C, to 32 grades C. This change was a very strange happening and it was the first time in the last 60 years, but, the last time this happened, something passed over, from intermediate to heat, from heat to cold, from cold to colder, this was what happened last time. The clouds went back to the city's sky covering the sun, small snowflakes started falling, but, the old and wise nigurans know, that these beautiful snowflakes, will turn into heavy rocks of ice that could easily penetrate a car. (At least two days will pass before the hail)

Tsuri Raino
Time passed fast for Tsuri which was taking classes, before he could even realize, it was already 4:30 PM, time to go, he had to meet with Rassaj and Kryon at 5:00 PM at the grocery store, but the smell of wild sand in the air took over his attention, he knew what this meant, and it was confirmed by the doors and windows closing right at his back. Tsuri ran out of the school before even saying goodbye to the teacher, he used all his strength to reach the grocery the fastest possible, but half way path, an unfamiliar shadow took over his mind, on the street, he saw a man almost like trying to escape, he had a military suit on and a rifle on his back; police was seen some blocks away so the thing was somewhat confusing. Tsuri noticed that this man was actually behind the grocery store, he rolled his eyes aside to see Rassaj and Kryon inside the store. The storm was taking over and Tsuri had to take a decision. " Hey! Come over, or the storm will get you!", he said to the man with the rifle as he walked toward the him, he ran to the grocery store and opened the door for the man to enter.

Kaze Roka
As the rain drops started falling, Kaze was in the middle of a… complain, he was surrounded by three men, bandits all of them, they were all on an alley next to the building which he had to deliver some documents, the usual, -"You better give us that kiddo", said one of them, -"Those are very important", said another one, they had Kaze at bay against one of the highest buildings in the city. "Tch, this is an unexpected thing, but I only need something to distract them and I'll be able to scape, none of them knows by name so we are fine by the moment", he thought as he looked around searching some way to distract them. Suddenly, they all looked up to notice the rain that was invading the city, "Now it's my chance" Kaze thought as he ran toward one the man and slide right between his legs, the three of them were surprised because this was the last thing they expected, immediately they ran over Kaze to catch him, but Kaze was way faster, instead of turning back, Kaze ran toward them and gave a jump to land on head of one of the men, he used this as an impulse to power himself toward the building's wall and tic-tac it three times before reaching the window that saved him from this situation. Now free, Kaze proceded to deliver the documents to it's responsive owner.

"Toc toc", the door produced this sound as Kaze hit his hand against it, -"Coming…", said a voice from the other side, the door was opened by a somewhat short and old man, -"Thanks boy, here's your pay", said the man as he took the documents from Kaze's hand, "Wait, how did you know this document were for you? And why three men attacked me to take them?", Kaze asked with no nodes in his troath, -"How did I know? That's a secret boya… Uh? Attacked you? Uhm… Well, I'm not really sure, but, like you have already done the job, guess there's no worry for you right now", replied the man before closing and locking the door.

"Uhm… Guess he is right, not my business anymore", Kaze said to himself as he walked toward a window, he put on his gauntlets to ensure more grip, the walls were wet and rain hasn't stopped yet, the best thing is to go somewhere known and warm. With a lot of care, he pushed himself out of the window and climbed to the next building with water falling over his body, Kaze didn't lose any time in caring something else besides him wanting to reach his employer's shop to rest some and wait for the rain to stop. After some time, Kaze finally reached his employer's location, he entered without saying a word and immediately went to his locker to get a change of clothes.
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Roman turned to see the child that was calling to him, he was smart the sandstorm was coming and he might not be able to reach base in time. For now he would take shelter in that store over there "Command, I am taking shelter from the storm, resuming operations after it passes." he said over the radio and began walking towards the child "Roger that, we will need to investigate in what's happened to your sand suit, for now take shelter. Command out." a voice said over the other side and silence echoed as the transmission ended, Roman softly walked over to the boy and looked at him "Thank you little man." he said and ruffled his hair softly but not too much, he entered the grocery store and stood looking around it, as he spotted a small empty wall he went over it and leaned on it. Seeing the position was not comfortable to him he slowly got down on the floor and rested his back on the wall, he held his rifle in hands but off the trigger.
Mira Sage:

Mira sighed, so it was starting to snow. It would be fine for now, but she knew all too well that it meant that in a few days the snow would change over to hail and cause her problems. It wasn't the best idea to go out to the forest when there was very large dangerous hail falling around you. That meant that she wasn't going to be able to go soon, so she was going to have to do what she wanted to do now. First, was work though which wasn't bad with the snowflakes falling. They looked nice while they were still just flakes, despite it making it colder to care of the animals at the zoo. She continued her job though, spending her time with the animals until she was able to leave and spend the rest of her day over at the forest, trying to be there for as long as she could until the hail would be coming.


Jinx looked out the window, a sandstorm was coming; just when she was about finished her toy and was going to take it to the parents who asked for it. Jinx got up and looked out at the sand that was in the distance. She waited a few minutes with a pout on the face, like she was angry at the sand for coming just when she was about to enjoy herself jumping around Manaki to get to where the toy was wanted. She sighed, and closed up her windows that happened to still be opened. Once she was finished with protecting her house, she sat back down at her table and began to snack on something as she finished up the invention she was making for the boy. She was going to have to pass the time, guess she would just work on another invention until the sand would let up.
Illannah hummed softly, pushing the door closed and locking the cabinet shut. The night was over and it was time to go home. She had stayed late again on her shift, but it was worth it. She was pulling apart and studying one of the most strangest ruins she had ever seen. Smiling to herself, she left the room, closing and locking the door behind her before heading off down the street and back towards her home.

Enamel blinked, staring up at the ceiling. What was that beeping sound. Groaning, he turned over, pulling the blanket over his head. Soon afterwards, snores could be heard coming from under the doonah. "Wait..." the boy mumbled in his sleep. "Beeping clock. Gah!" he cried, sitting up on the bed. His hair was sticking up in all directions as he looked at his alarm. "Damn, damn, damn, damn," he muttered, jumping out and hurriedly getting ready for the day ahead.
Cirid Riordian
A few more hours.... Cirid thought to himself, it was about 10 hours before the storm arrived, and he was sitting in the Camera Room 4C with three other security guards, Jordan, Derek, and Sheliah. They were all working the graveyard shift, which is surprisingly the hardest shift to do, as that's when thieves wanted to be most active, and when the fewest guards were around, but working in a place like Kaz Enterprises, even the smallest mistake will result in death, or as Mr.Kaz would like to call it, a 'Disappearance'. Yeah he's crafty like that. Anyways, Cirid and the others were enjoying a few beers and fooling around as usual...When all of a sudden the room glows red. Derek, a portly yet intelligent man, put on his glasses and stared at the cameras. "It seems like we have an intruder on the 87th floor, hallway 8, appearing to move toward one of the research rooms, room #8794. I'm going to bring the Security Automation System online to dispatch with the intruder...wait, what the hell?"

The intruder, who wore a baseball cap, a black trench-coat, and a mask looked at the camera, held up his phone, and pressed a button, the screen went black. In fact all of the cameras on that floor went black.

Derek jumped backwards in utter shock: "HACKER!" He yelled. Jordan smiled, and then cocked his pistol, and clutched Sheliah, who was his soon-to-be wife, and smirked, "Looks like we are doing this one manually, Derek, you stay here and try to fix the camera, Cirid, Sheliah babe, you're with me, lets go to that floor and deal with that bastard ourselves!" Cirid Shrugged, now would be a good time to test his parkour skills in action he thought briefly, but then again, that would attract attention, unneeded and unwanted attention. So he followed Jordan and Sheliah down three flights of stairs into the 87th floor, to hopefully find the hacker still there, explosions were heard, and we found out as we neared his location that they were the SAS units that were aimed at taking down the hacker, instead, they exploded, it was also later found out that there were security guards that already were on the case, their lifeless, shot-up bodies tell how that went. Cirid Gulped, Thoughts swimming all throughout his head, How powerful is this guy? Does he have an army? is he part of the Revolution? Oh man I hope not! We neared the room where the Hacker was running for, room 8794, blood painted the floors there, and the noises of rummaging was heard. He's still there! Cirid was actually relieved at the thought. He'd rather get shot by this guy than 'disappear' by Mr.Kaz, the man is sick already, better not get further into it. We entered the room slowly, Cirid lowered his tail and hid behind one of the toppled research tables: they have metal to survive acid, it most certainly will deflect bullets. He cocked his gun, and leaned and cornered the table ever so slightly at the grumpy man. He then paused. Had he noticed we entered the room? He turned around, and pulled out two full-auto pistols. He scanned around the room with cold, blue eyes. Then shots were fired.


THUMP! A body had slumped to the floor, somebody had died.

But it was not himself! Oh the joy!

In the midst of that thought, he looked to his left, toward the door which they entered, He saw Jordan, leaned over a table, dead, and Sheliah, just seconds away from bawling for the loss of her love, sure he was ballsy and a bit egocentric, but an honest, intelligent man, there was no need to kill off such a person. The man walked slowly to confront her. If there was a time to act NOW would be that time! Cirid jumps on top of a counter, than dashes at the burgular, who manages to fire a shot onto Cirid as he topples him and disarms him. He gives the man a pleading look out of fear, saying don't do this, please! The man shifts his head to the right an throws Cirid off him, running out of the room, and grabbing a file of some sort off the ground, Cirid picks up his gun and chases after him, his left hand clutching to his side, where he had been shot. blood and dispatched fur dripping off of the wound. he follows him, shooting rounds and hoping to hit him, but as if he were the protagonist in some movie, they all miraculously miss the man. He keeps firing until he hears the familiar 'click click' of an empty gun, no more ammo, not even extra clips in his pockets.
It's all over, Cirid dropped the gun, and held up his hands, the left one bloody as hell, and crouched to the ground "I surrender.". The man turned around at the edge of the building to confront him, then as if fortune smiled upon him, the man nodded, pulled out his gun, and pulled down his mask, it revealed a human male, probably in his late thirties, with a small scar on the right side of his face, and a small, scruffy beard, and all of it smiled at Cirid, he broke the window behind him, and fell off it. Cirid rushed to see what happened, but the hacker wasn't there, he was gone.

At that moment, he realized who that man, that thief was.

As protocol has concerned, well, the police were called in to see the massacre, Cirid managed to persuade them that he ran away with nothing, and that his team managed to scare him off, Which was good, because that meant no disappearing for today. That's always good, Cirid's day was cut short because of his wound. And he was rushed off to the hospital, "It was a miracle." they said, the bullet merely chipped the side of his fur, and it's more like a big cut than a bullet wound, and because of the high population here, they didn't let him stay long in that hospital, in fact, they bandaged him up, and took care of everything in just a mere 3 hours. Which left him to take care of some things at his house, he refreshed himself from the previous traumatizing events, frankly, it was a complete miracle he lived today, he could have died, like multiple times, mainly from Mr.Kaz, for not catching the dude, but profits must have been on his side today, and got him in a good mood. After a shower and a small nap to refresh himself, he sat down to watch some television to see amazing architecture, because he's weird like that. A this point, rain has fallen, but it wasn't bothering him that much, in fact, it was frankly a bit soothing. But then something hit him. "DAH! I forgot to get those...things! At the store!" He rushed out of his apartment to the nearest store, his little act ALL OVER the news, Thankfully, the cameras were cut off and Sheliah was too traumatized to tell the news anything. And Cirid left the scene before people arrived, thank goodness for agility.

So the story that was left was basically some superhuman hacker-man broke into a high-level security building, killed seven guards (And wounded one), wrecked the electronics and left the place, supposedly stealing nothing. They think the man was there just to kill people. A serial killer or terrorist on the loose. Eventually he did his damage and left the place. And Police and Kaz Security are both looking in on the situation, to look for motive mainly.

Cirid honestly couldn't take anymore of that crap, he shut of the television, screaming in anger, and left the apartment, into the flooding streets from below, the rain seemed to soothe him just a bit, drowning out the drama of the city just a bit, but eventually it, like the city began to become a bother again, so he had to run, find a nice, dry place from the storm (plus, his coat wasn't the best in the world)...

So, he entered the store...

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Kaze Roka

"Tling" something like a little bell rang as an unexpected customer got in the business place, immediately, the owner sat in front of a large desk looking at the person entering into the store. –"Good day, sir, welcome to one if not the best courier in all Kahnna, we deliver any kind of goods at any hour, any time, any weather… If you want to deliver something, you my friend are running lucky, our best courier is right here, in fact, let me call him… Kaze! Come here right now!" Kaze's boss said to the customer before calling out Kaze to go there. Kaze took a shirt a from his locker and put on him. "I'm going boss!, he yelled to make his employer aware of his actual state.

Kaze ran to the boss's desk and stood back of it watching as the man in front. "Yo, what happens boss?" @El Presidente

Tsuri Raino​

The storm was getting worse, thing were barely visible in the outside, Tsuri closed the store's door to stop the sand from coming in, he felt something over his head when he saw the man ruffling his hair before leaning over a wall of the place with his rifle, he walked over the place and took some potato chips before paying for it to the shopkeeper, he approached to the man and offered him some chips.
"Here… so… who are you? I've never seen a suit like that in the city and you are armored" @N0VA
Mira Sage:

Mira still had her job to finish up, but at least she mostly worked with just the animals. Other employees had to deal with the people who came to the zoo to see that animals. Though, Mira wasn't always happy about having to be in the city as the time and felt bad for the animals being stuck there, she tried her best to enjoy the work with them and make their lives as comfortable as possible. Finishing her work with the snow still falling down, which for now looked very pretty, Mira changed back into her cloths to head out to the forest she loved. It was more of her home than her real home. She left the zoo and began making her way in the direction that the forest was, but through not just walking. It was better to get practice while on the way, even though she preferred to jump and climb the tress in the woods instead of the concrete and steel buildings that were around her. But, it was still better than walking. She continued to make her way towards the forest, though it always took a good bit of time since the zoo and forest had such a large distance between them.


Jinx was still stuck in her home, waiting for the sandstorm to go by. That was one problem about living in Manaki, you had to worry about the sandstorms that would come quickly. But, she still loved being there especially at night. For now, like she always did when it came to having a sandstorm outside, she stayed in her house and spent her time working on her inventions. It was a time to get them done so that way she could sell them and get more money for even more parts for even more inventions. It was a simple circle that never stopped but it was a circle that Jinx seemed to enjoy. Once the storm stops she was planning on heading out and delivering her invention while enjoying some of the sky while she was at it. She knew she should also probably meet up with certain people that she figured wanted to know how their faction was doing.
He looked at the boy as he offered him some of the food he was eating, Roman shook his head slowly "Thank you little man but I have some food if I am hungry." he said with a chuckle to his voice as he looked at him through his helmet "I don't usually go by names, but friends call me Roman. And yes you don't see us frequent these places, we are usually deployed all around the world." he took out his badge from his pocket and placed it on his shoulder where clearly was left space for it, he tapped it with his finger slightly "Privet-Military Company... or PMC for short. Best of the best although I only recently joined them." he chuckled a bit before looking at him again "What are you doing here little man? What's you're name?" he said and smiled under the helmet.
...and went to the counter and tapped the bell. In almost an instant a man came over to answer; "Good day, sir, welcome to one if not the best courier in all Kahnna, we deliver any kind of goods at any hour, any time, any weather… If you want to deliver something, you my friend are running lucky, our best courier is right here, in fact, let me call him… Kaze! Come here right now!" A...courier store? I didn't think those things existed? Oh well, guess i can get those groceries done the easy way...unless...
He pulled out his pockets. And gave Kaze a slightly scared look, He might's well trust someone, lets hope it's the right people. He fumbled around in his pocket, brought out eight small metal boxes with a small, red button in the corners of each, and placed them on the table. He spoke softly so that only the two of them could hear. "Okay, since you deliver anything, anywhere, these are attachable data re-routers so you might've heard of that news story about a man breaking into Tower 3 of Kaz Enterprises, and killing a bunch of people. Well I was there, A lone survivor of the attack, or I will be anyways." He lifted to reveal the gun wound as his proof, and spoke again; "So, My problem is that the media thinks there may be other survivors, And I don't want to be found out that I am one. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but, yeah, honest truth. So could you do me a favor of delivering these things to any receiver, antenna or one of those big-hunky data storage devices on every News Network that is broadcasting this? like KTM? From there, my friend and I will take care of the rest. these things are real easy to use, just plug it in like a flash drive, and press the red button."

"So, what do you or credit? Maybe something else?"
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"Perhaps I should set my times differently," Enamel muttered, the door slamming shut behind him. He never worried to lock his door; there was nothing to steal. Whistling a tune softly, he turned down a small alleyway, flinging a small backpack over his shoulder.
Mira wanted to get to the forest, so she was going to go the way she normally did; climbing up onto roofs of buildings and running along them. She preferred trees, but this was second best, at least she was still able to do what she liked. Deciding to take a break until she got closer to the forest, she didn't want to be tired before she even got there, she thought it would be best to take a rest. Not far from the ground with the building she was on, she decided to jump off of it and down into the alleyway that was below her, landing right in front of someone...that she didn't even realize was there when she decided to jump.
Enamel clapped a couple times, somewhat dancing in time to the tune he whistled. In doing so, he just barely stopped before walking into the girl. He blinked a couple times, then looked around the alleyway. And then looked up. "So.... You came out of nowhere," he muttered, shaking his head. "Perhaps next time you should watch where you, well, appear."
Mira turned around, hearing the voice speak to her from behind her. She looked at the man who she at first didn't even realize was there. "Sorry." Mira replied, "I didn't see you from up there." She pointed up at the roof that she had just came from. She brought down her arm, as she looked back at him. She wasn't used to having other people around her while she was jumping, in the forest there were only animals and they went along with you and were able to easily get out of the way.
"No problem, lady," Enamel muttered, tipping an imaginary hat at the girl. "No harm done, though that ant you stood on might not make it," he joked, a huge grin plastered on his face. The boy bowed low, "The name's Enamel, and you are?" he asked, looking up and winking at her.