Shadowlands: The Kingdom

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Oh damn, okay i guess ill change it

Yeah mind if i say that the two tigers were put in here because there parents were pets of a man and he needed to give them away because he didn't have the rights, so he lived near their and dropped them off their and so the family came about?
That'd work, but you'll need to put your character as female (we have waay too many males). With the correct backstory, which should be detailed of how, why, and how their escape from said humans happened. I really actually like the idea of tigers in the rp, but it needs to be put in carefully (and you'll probably be the only one I allow this to swing for because I don't want a bunch of tigers running around the African plains)

EDIT: OH! I got a great idea! Tigers have been an endangered species for a long, long time. What if the human that was in possession of them set them loose from the cargo into the wild after being chased by authorities, so that's how they ended up there?
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thanks i appreciate that, i hadn't seen most of the rules so ill read them and ill fix the CS right now. i like doing males but ill try to make the female thing work
That'd work, but you'll need to put your character as female (we have waay too many males). With the correct backstory, which should be detailed of how, why, and how their escape from said humans happened. I really actually like the idea of tigers in the rp, but it needs to be put in carefully (and you'll probably be the only one I allow this to swing for because I don't want a bunch of tigers running around the African plains)
If I may give advice, always read through the whole Original Post before posting a CS; it makes it easier on you and the GM.
If I may give advice, always read through the whole Original Post before posting a CS; it makes it easier on you and the GM.
yeah i do that a lot before starting a new post.
I vote a negatory on the dice system
So Karu was born in Africa? And yet it was a tiger. That sir must be a typo.
The mother may have been carrying him and he was born in Africa from the escape.
yeah sorry that was a typo, Kuro wasn't my main character, he was the father.
oh i have a question @LogicfromLogic can i have Chi be just finding the new kingdom?
Yeah. Oh, what's your vote on the dice system?

we have four for and one against
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