Seito-kai no Nichijō Seikatsu [Closed]

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Kayyy so I ended the second episode on a cliff hanger! :D And soon we shall start the third episode for now I am putting up a poll.
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Hahaha those are some pretty great choices, it's hard to pick one! XD
Gahh I really can't decide... I wonder which one the counselor is planning to adopt, if that is the case... >_>

Yesss....I wonder who.. HeheheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAAHAGYAAHAHAHAHAHAH!
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I have to admit, my first thought was Naoto...and then I asked myself "What kind of weird are we talking?" and dismissed the thought.

Now I wonder if it's not so farfetched... :D
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I don't know if I can choose >..> The adoption one is most appealing but I dunno....
Hallo! Can Naoto be secretary too? It seems to go in hand with his being in the paper. Info and stuff.
Also, I really like two options in the poll. What if the counselor wants to adopt a council member and make a story out of her/his life? Or I'm weirder.

Also! When does the next ep start! Let's lean on the fourth wall a bit and start in the council room with everyone in place making the council feel deja vu! :D
Because I haven't gotten a reply from Haneul, --who is active so I'm assuming they just don't feel like telling me that they are no longer interested in rping-- the third episode will start today. I dunno what time though, cause my brother wants to use my laptop.

But anyway, at the moment we have

Kisaragi Naoto the School Paper Chairman - Secretary

Okada Chiasa the historian - Disciplinary Chairman

And Fujimoto will be the President - Health Chair

We can just remove the DC member unless someone wants to be it.
It doesn't really make sense to me that someone would have more than one role withing the student council, but ok.
It's just to make things smoother. Fujimoto for one, doesn't plan to do shit with the health chair duties. He's just gonna consult google and become a hypochondriac and tell the school they're doomed to be felled by a disease or something.
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Oho? So can my post be Kiyomi walking into the counselor's office instead of the metting room?
Well I actually wanted them to come to the meeting room first so they can find out about the case.
Oho, looks like we have the perfect motive for Kouta and Katie's fight. He's cheating on her with another woman!
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Super short post sorry! I just got a summer job and it's draining my life force. T.T
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