Original poster
Everyone who has ever Role played before share in this plight. Honestly, I think it is shit. I know that can be a bit harsh, but in my defense people in general are finicky. I understand people can't donate 100% of their lives to a role play, but even so it is really so hard to post a paragraph or two once a week? I also get the fact people can have personal drama in their life that can cause them to drop a RP. I feel that this is just laziness and not so much (I'm dealing with a lot of drama in my life) attitude that people develop. Seriously, I think the majority of reasons why people drop is because of pure laziness. Now I get the fact that people will read through this and some will think, "Wow, what a dick," and you would be right. I'm a tactless, apathetic, impartial person. I was raised believing that feeling bad for yourself is pointless, that no matter how shit your life may be; someone out there has it a lot worse than you do. So what is the point of moaning about it? Besides, isn't writing supposed to be a tool to help people deal with personal drama, a way to escape it? With that being said, I think the GM has a responsibility to his players. A responsibility to keep it alive through carefully planning out the plot and driving it forward in tandem with his players.
Now with that rant out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. Everyone can call me Sam. I apologize if I'm out of place here, but I simply want to state that I'm one of those few dedicated players. I've been role playing for, I don't know… five years maybe? The first RP I was ever in lasted months, not because the Gm was a genius or because the plot was perfect. In fact it was hectic and unorganized. What kept it together were the characters, and the people behind them. It was the best time I ever had in an RP. I came to the realization that despite everything else that makes up a Role Play, it is the players themselves that are the single most important piece to the puzzle. Good players can turn a shit RP into a great one, and shit players can turn a good RP into a dead one. I have been actively searching for years to reproduce the same experience I had with my first RP. Needless to say, nothing has come close to it. I don't claim to be a great GM, but I do try my best to make my Role Plays enjoyable for everyone participating. As for activity, I've been known to drop an RP, but not because of drama or lack of interest, but simply because It freaking died and everyone left. I'm game for any plot this group comes up with, and I will do my part to make it a Role Play worth playing.
Now with that rant out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. Everyone can call me Sam. I apologize if I'm out of place here, but I simply want to state that I'm one of those few dedicated players. I've been role playing for, I don't know… five years maybe? The first RP I was ever in lasted months, not because the Gm was a genius or because the plot was perfect. In fact it was hectic and unorganized. What kept it together were the characters, and the people behind them. It was the best time I ever had in an RP. I came to the realization that despite everything else that makes up a Role Play, it is the players themselves that are the single most important piece to the puzzle. Good players can turn a shit RP into a great one, and shit players can turn a good RP into a dead one. I have been actively searching for years to reproduce the same experience I had with my first RP. Needless to say, nothing has come close to it. I don't claim to be a great GM, but I do try my best to make my Role Plays enjoyable for everyone participating. As for activity, I've been known to drop an RP, but not because of drama or lack of interest, but simply because It freaking died and everyone left. I'm game for any plot this group comes up with, and I will do my part to make it a Role Play worth playing.