Secrets of the Night.

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The man sat in the shadows watching them start to leave, that stupid grin was gone, replaced with a more serious rather pissy glare. the red of his eyes glinted int eh moonlight as he retreated into the alleyway, retrieving his motorcycle. an old remodeled Indian.

"That idiot informant never told me there would be others after LUciano's file." he growled, lookign at his injured hand and flexing his broken shoulder. muscles and bones grinded and snapped as he pulled out the bullet.

"I will have to be more careful... i don't need anyone finding out my secrets." he smiled at the bullet as the blood on his fingers stirred on his hand. the bullet rattled to the pavement as the spaniard took off through the alleyway, as far as he coudl manage from teh three assasins/spies.
Talea shook her head quickly trying to rid herself of the pain rippling darkness. Looking up steadily at Esperanza, "I have a feeling....We are going to see him again. We have to see what is in this file, and then figure out how quick we can kill that scientist. That man is in deeper than we know." She said calmly, before dropping into the vehicle. Talea rolled down the window to look over at her once more, "Make sure Masa's bike gets home safely, or we will hear her mouth for ages." She tried to say through a small smile, but instead her teeth slammed together into a grim line.

Starting the vehicle she left, Esperanza behind. Pure dread poured from every pore on her body, not too mention the guilt. She had gotten her comrades injured....How was she going to live with it, if they died.....Then another thought came to mind, her daughter....What if this crazed idiot knew about her. The feel that her child was no longer safe crossed her mind....On the drive home she began to plot how to retrieve her daughter. Then apologize to the people who had raised her these long five years..... Talea almost didn't notice she was already home, stepping out of the vehicle. She reached into the back to retrieve Masa, putting all her weight into her. She began to carry her into the house.
Esperanza waited until Talea was out of sight. She needed some time to think about what had happened, and boy did she want to go back into that building and find out anything else she could, but she knew that at the moment it would be too dangerous. Getting past the security once was easy, but those guards were sure to wake up here any minute and then this area would be crawling with the authorities. Good thing she wore her gloves today. Shaking her head she walked around to where Masa's bike was and started it up, she was surprised Masa had left the keys in it. Putting on the helmet she peeled out and tore off down the street back towards the house. Esperanza sped the whole way, lucky that she didnt see any cops and pulled up just as Talea was lifting Masa out of the car. She parked in the garage and sprinted over to help. Talea had already started toward the house and Esperanza ran up and placed herself under Masa's otherside taking some of the weight off Talea and making it easier to get Masa into the house.
"No...I can walk by myself." Masa muttered under her breath. She never liked having anyone do something like this for her. She felt weak and helpless, something she didn't like to feel at all. Masa sighed, thinking they wouldn't just put her down like that, knowing very well she couldn't walk by herself with two injured legs. She'll probably need stitches...again...
Talea shook her head steadily, "Even with two broken ribs Masa your not going to walk on your own. Just like I'm not going to be breathing without pain." She tried to giggle, but that just caused her to grit her teeth. A bruise was surely forming all down her side, that guy sure didn't treat women gently. They took their times up the stairs to the door. Reaching out she turned the knob, gaining their entry. She quickened her pace to get to the sofa faster. Laying Masa gently on the cushions, Talea crumbled to the floor trying to catch her breath. "Masa.....I'll stitch you.........up in a few....." Talea said through gasps. Her left arm fluttered up her ribs, trying to feel the exact damage. She didn't even notice the blood dripping from her cheek.
Esperanza moved slowly helping get Masa in the house. She watched as Talea crumpled to the floor, Esperanza felt horrible, she hadn't noticed how bad Talea was hurt earlier. She was going to help fix this, it was her stupid move in the first place that got both Masa and Talea hurt.
She set down her bag and pulled out the medical kit she had packed along. She pulled out some stitches, anti-biotic ointments, disinfectant liquids, some bandages, and an odd metal container. The metal container was round and about six inches tall, it looked like one of those creepy gun-syringes from a sci-fi movie, it had a trigger-like button and a long thin nozzle. Esperanza took the container and walked over to Masa. She pulled out a dagger and before Masa could object, slit her jeans from the foot all the way up to the middle of her thigh.

"I'm really sorry about this Masa, this is going to hurt, but it'll be better than stitches right now. You're body needs to rest some before we should so anything else so invasive to it." She held up the container to show it to Masa. "Inside this container is a bio-plastic, its a synthetic polymer, it is completely safe and hypo-allergenic. What it does is it fills in the hole or wound, blood can still flow around it or through it, but it basically creates an immovable clot. It'll harden and can just be pulled out later so we can put stitches in. It's still gonna hurt like an SOB though." With that Esperanza shoved the nozzle into the gunshot wound and pulled on the trigger. An odd stretching sensation entered Masa's leg along with some searing pain. It was over in just a few seconds. Esperanza removed the nozzle and there was a small bump of yellow colored goo hardening on Masa's leg where the wound would be. "PLEASE don't pull it out until it's time."

She got up and kneeled down on the floor next to Talea.
"Okay, how badly are you injured?"
Masa winced and clenched her jaw, being shocked awake by the sharp and searing pain in her leg. She hardly heard what Esperanza said before then, and was about to pull it out when she was warned not. She moved her hand away from her leg and laid back down, sighing. >Here I am again...laying on the couch, not being able to do anything...< Masa thought, then closed her eyes to rest, wanting some kind of escape from all this for a while.
Talea was finally able to regain her breath, those piercing green eyes locked onto her face. "I need a compression bandage, and band aid...I'll be fine." She said with a smile, Esperanza had done well. Deep down she hoped the girl knew it, it was Talea's on fault. She had placed them into a horrible position only for her needs.

The guild at away at her before she finally had to say what was on her mind, "I'm so sorry.....I shouldn't have went off the book for that file. We should of killed the old fool, and be done with it.....Now my daughter's life could be in danger." She fell silent, unable to keep her mind clear. Amberlin, her sweet sweet Amberlin. What was she thinking.....Talea had to sneak out later after she regained her strength...In her mind Amerblin would be safer with her as of now.

Falling forward Talea pushed herself to her feet. Walking over to the globe she flipped the hatch, grabbing at her Cognac almost desperately. Shame poured off of her, even while she was filling her glass. Throwing the bottle back into it's case she slammed the latch closed. Turning quickly, she let her gaze shift to Esperanza. Know the girl would be watching her emotions tumble off of her like a turbulent wave.
Esperanza turned and dug through her med kit to look for the bandages. Her back was to Talea only for a second, but she could still hear the sadness in her voice as she was talking to her. Once she found the wrap and the bandaid she turned back around to face Talea, she could see what Talea wanted to do without her even having to say it as soon as she mentioned her daughter. She watched as Talea got up and went over to get herself a drink and could feel the shame and anger coming off of her.
"Talea," she said softly, "please, it's really not your fault, no one would have gotten hurt tonight if I hadn't made the stupid move that I did. I should've just dropped the gun and gone for him while he was hiding behind Masa, but I couldn't risk him shooting her in the back or in the head. So, tonight is my fault. None of us could've known that that creep was gonna be there, or that he was going after the same thing we are. And, if you call the family that is caring for your daughter, I can go pick her up tonight while you and Masa rest if it will make you feel any better." Esperanza looked over at Talea with sad and worried eyes, she still held the bandages in her hands.
"Now, come over here, and put these on, those bruses on your side look like they're killing you."
"It's not that simple Esperanza, Amberlin is their daughter they will refuse to give her up .They will get the police involved. We don't exist remember it needs to stay that way." Talea said while striding back over towards Esperanza. Falling to her knees in front of her, lifting her free hand she slipped it behind her to pull at the zipper at her dress, she pulled it down to her waist. Talea was actually grateful she wore a bra today, she didn't expect to be stripping with eyes on her.

Taking a long swig of her drink she prepared to have them wrapped tightly around her, lifting her arms allowing Esperanza better access. "Better not make me spill my drink. This crap is expensive I'd hate to waste a drop." She said with a hint of a playfully malicious note in its depths. "By the way like you said don't beat yourself up kid. Everyone makes mistakes including me, however, I think Masa got the worst end of the deal...." She said pointing over to her broken comrade that lay silent on the couch.
Esperanza just shook her head at Talea. "It's only that way if you say so." She moved around to Talea's side and started to put on the bandages. "And I wont make you spill a single drop, as long as you hold still." The wrappings were tight to hold down the swelling, but not tight enough that Talea would have a hard time breathing or moving.
"Oi...Esperanza...did you pick up my sword?" Masa asked, keeping her eyes closed. She did NOT want to see Talea in only her bra. "I heard you got my bike, but I wasn't sure if you picked up my sword...The thing has been handed down from generation to generation in my family." Masa wouldn't get angry right away, given the current state she was in: Tired and injured. But later she would most likely be in B. mode for a long time.
"Shit." Esperanza didnt grab the sword, she hadn't even noticed it lying there in the hallway. Esperanza grabbed up her bag and stalked out of the living room. "Shit" was all she could say as she went running out of the house. The sound of a motorcycle roaring to life could be heard inside the house and the sounds of gravel plunking down the driveway as she went tearing down it. She turned out onto the main road and headed as fast as she could back to the office. She would take the back way in when she got there, she had to get Masa's sword back to her. Like she said, family heirloom, Esperanza had to get it back to her. And hopefully, it might make Masa like her just a little more.
(ill post in a few u guys keep going i gotta study.))
"Mr. Mitchem.. theres been a break in at your office." Timothy was sitting in teh kitchen at home in his pajamas, a weary scowl on his middle aged face.

"Another day.. another setback.. fuel for another long night." he sighed. He pulled the mug of herbal tea to his mouth and made himself busy studying the pictures his kids had drawn for him that were stuck to teh fridge.

"The S.Y.C. project is near completion though. even with all my research notes, nobody could copy my findings in the amount of time it will take for us to turn out a finished product onto the global market."

He spoke with words untainted by hatred or prejudice. he worked without secondary objectives like greed ro pride. his family needed fed, he needed a roof over his head, and he had to HAD HAD HAD TO leave a mark on this world. Once S.Y.C. was done, he coudl retire forever and know he had done some good in teh world.

Little did the unknown scientist Timothy Mitchem know. but he was about to become a pawn in an even grander scheme. From teh silence of the rooftop. The mysterious man from before listened to everything. seconds later, he was gone.

"S.Y.C..." He repeated, laughing as he retreated intot eh shadows of downtowns alleyways. he stepped into a nightclub of gothic theme and into a backroom. after that down a staircase into a private nightclub with strange people and awefully racheous music. he ended his journey in the club with a glass fo thick red fluid, smiling toothy and hodlign up his glass to a slim, beauitufl woman with porcelain skin.

"Cheers, love." He smirked, drinking down the glass.
Talea didn't dare move, but when Esperanza wrapped those bandages around her ribs. All she wanted to do was crumble to the floor, but in truth all she wanted to do was drink till she couldn't see straight. Once she was finished Talea pulled her dress back up, and zipped it. Falling back to her bum she drank in silence. A plot was brewing in her mind, she would have to kidnap her own daughter. Deep down she knew it would kill her foster parent's spirit. Though she had to make sure she was safe, Talea hoped in time she would have the strength to give her back to them. Some how she already knew she wouldn't be able to. Shaking her head quickly, Masa's voice filled her mind. Looking up her gaze shifted between the two women, Talea didn't say a word just watched Esperanza race out the door.
Esperanza tore down the deserted streets of downtown. funny, she thought to herself, there should be cars and people out right now. She felt something was wrong and turned down a side street, she could see the building infront of her, and sure enough, it was surrounded by cops. There were barricades all around it in the front, and a lone squad car out back. "Well, shit." SHe stopped the bike a block away and parked it in an alleyway. She sncuk around to the side of the building and watched as a police officer walked out of the building holding Masa's sword, he placed it in the back of his police cruiser and walked back to the building. Esperanza bit her lip and studdied the scene, it would be tricky, but she had to get that sword out of that car.

There was an empty cruiser next to her and another three before the one with the sword in it. They were parked close together to form a barrier,but there was a large open space between the last one and the sword. All the officers who weren't participating in the investigation were standing right there too. Hopefully they would be distracted by something for her to reach the cruiser. She ducked behind the first, luckily she was just short enough that she could stay below the windows. Moving slowly so as not to attract attention she slid through the shadows until she reached the last cruiser in that row. NOw, just the open space and a car door stood in her way. There were five officers, three of them had their backs to her watching the building, and the other two were facing them holding a conversation. She peeked her head up over the trunk and watched as another officer came out of the building.
"Hey, O'neil, Connelly, why are you just standing there, get your lazy arses over here, it looks like we had two break-ins at the same time, and I can only handle one." The two officers who were facing the open space turned to look at the other officer. "Yes, sergent, here we come." The other three men just stood there laughing as O'neil and Connelly disappeared into the building with the sergent. THis was her chance, she darted behind them and up to the driver's door of the cruiser. Slowly she pulled up on the handle while holding the door closed. That would make sure that the latch wouldnt make any noise. When she felt the latch give she slowly pulled open the door, not very far, just enough to slide part of her body in, she reached into the car and after a little bit of groping around she felt the hilt of Masa's sword. Quickly Esperanza grabbed it and pulled it out of the cruiser. She set it on the ground next to her and closed the door much the same way she opened it. Picking up the sword she leaned around the front of the car and saw that the three officers were still standing with their backs to her. She moved swiftly to the shadowed safety of the other cars and made her way around the building to the alley with her bike in it. Esperanza strapped the sword onto the bike and tore off down the street and back to the house. She drove slower and took her time, crisis averted.
Just outside of ten minutes later, Esperanza's cellphone rang. IT was her contact. He spoke as always, quickly and to the point.

"We have an extended job. might take months, but it's worth seventy grand up front, and the same upon completion. THe guy's name is Armand. he's right up your alley, Hunter. There will be more info in a package from 'old mill novelties'. You find a business card and soem photo's."

The phone went silent.
Esperanza closed her phone. one hundred and fourty thousand, this guy must be important. She'd have to go pick up that package later from her po box. She wondered if she should get Talea in on this. She'd probably have to, just because she had chosen her as her teacher. Esperanza rode through the night and after another twenty minutes she was pulling back up to the house. She parked the bike in the garage and walked into the living room and propped the sword against the couch next to Masa.
"I got it."
Talea had already moved by then, she had left to her bedroom to change. Shifting into a pair of comfortable jeans, and a black sweater. Deep down she already decided kidnapping her own daughter wouldn't do. She had to be straight forward, picking up her cellphone she dialed the number. It had been lodged in her memory since Amberlin left her arms. In a soft voice she spoke into the speaker, "I have to come by, I need to speak to you." That was the only words she said before hanging up the phone.

The sound of Esperanza's arrival caught her attention, knowing she couldn't go out through the front door. Talea wanted to do this on her own, striding over to the window she pushed open the glass. Car keys in hand she jumped out, and landed in a crouch. A deep hiss of pain radiated through her mouth, it took a lot more effort to get back to her feet. Striding slowly to her car, with a hand pressed tightly to her ribs, she threw open the door and dived in. Quickly before anyone could stop her she tore out of the drive way, speeding every step of the way. "I can't back down now." She said in a stern voice to herself. The five hour drive went by quicker than she would of thought, a small furrowing of her brows.

There it was the two story brick house, where her daughter lived all her life. Pulling in Sarah stood waiting on the porch, Amberling sat on her hip. Green piercing eyes stared at Talea, her breath instantly caught in her throat. It took all her strength not to turn around and go back home. Instead she stepped out of her vehicle, the displeased facial expression never left. Walking up to the porch, "Where is Jim? He is going to need to hear this to." Talea said softly, the shame poured off of her like a wave.

Sarah opened the screen door to call Jim outside, once the man appeared his lips were set in a grim line. Talea tilted her head to one side, Amberlin didn't look anything like them. Sarah had dark brown hair, her stature short. Jim was rather tall, with black hair. Deep down Talea already knew Amberlin would know she didn't belong to them. Talea shook her head quickly ridding herself of any thoughts. She needed her focus to get this done,"Amberlin is no longer safe here. I have to take her back with me, where I can protect her." Talea said with no remorse, she already knew they would try to stop her.

Jim looked at Talea in total shock, his voice boomed at her. "You can't take Amberlin, Talea we are her family." His voice echoed into the night, all sounds of any insects came to a skittering halt. Talea did not back down, "Can you protect her Jim? You don't even own a weapon. The situation I am in has the best enemy I've seen in awhile. He will kill you two without a second thought. You either give her to me willingly or suffer the fact you could cause her death." Sarah tightened her grip on Amberlin, tears shimmering in her eyes. Slowly one hand fell of the child to grip Jim's arm. A pathetic restraint in Talea's opinion.

"Jim....We have to do what's best for Amberlin." Sarah turned her words on Talea, "How long till we get her back?" That question took Talea by surprise, in all honesty she had no intention on bringing the child back. It was way to risky, this was a shock if one male was her enemy. So could be many more. Talea refused to hide the truth, "Never.......I can't risk it Sarah I'm sorry.....I will contact a lawyer to get the paper work ready. Do not forget I did this for her safety....Now I believe it is a lot safer with me. Besides it was in our agreement. If you refuse I will throw the contract in your face." Talea's voice was stern, held no compassion. She couldn't, it hurt her already to see the sorrow in their eyes. Not to mention the mental damage it would cause on Amberlin.

Talea could see it took Sarah a lot of effort to bring Amberlin to her, Talea reached out taking the child into her arms. It was a fight to keep tears from falling from her eyes. Jim turned and went into the house slamming the door behind him, "Sarah I'll need Amberlin's favorite items." She said calmly before turning to stride towards her car. Opening the car door with one hand, and sat the child inside. To her surprise Amberlin didn't fight, the child was strong....very strong. Talea was so focused on her daughter she didn't notice Sarah had already went inside and packed a small bag. It contained a few items of clothing, and toys.

Talea reached out quickly to hug the woman, but what shocked her most. Was the younger child that Jim held in his arms, it was toddler with black hair. "You two managed to have a child." Her voice held questions, and it showed. Sarah nodded before pulling away to head back to her house. Talea simply stood there with wide eyes, they had a child....Nor did they tell her. Her head shook vigorously, how could they not tell her ? Talea thought to herself as she shut the passenger door. Striding quickly she got into the drive seat, anger fogged up her mind. However, she did not want Amberlin to see her angry she simply, pulled out the drive way and headed back home. Trying to let the happiness of her daughters presence wash over her.