Searching for Light

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"I've never had a best friend either!" Lucinda smiled as he put the bracelet on her wrist, "We'll always be best friends!" She took both his hands again for a moment before pulling him into a hug. It was a short hug and she felt happier than she'd ever felt before, even when she had met Rea. Roku didn't treat her like a kid, he treated her like an equal. She was overjoyed that she had another friend. No, she had a BEST friend now! She just looked so happy as she sat there with him.
Roku blushed as he smiled back at Lucinda. A girl hugging him was definitely something new to him. "So what do we do now? Go on adventures? Defeat monsters? Eat food?" He tilted his head, curious as to what best friends did. He didn't know and Lucinda didn't know so there wasn't anyone to tell them how to do it. He guessed they would come up with it by themselves.
"I guess all of that. But I'm kind of helping someone right now....even if she is kinda mean. I'm trying to help her find her little sister. So for now....eating sounds kinda good." Lucinda smiled at him, "From what I know, best friends hang out, talk, play games, that kind of thing." She only knew what others had told her and what she saw on tv so she had very little to go on.
"Ah. Well, I have some bread we can share..." Roku pulled out a wrapped up loaf of bread. Breaking it in half, he offered some to Lucinda. "You're helping someone who's mean? But why would you do that?" He asked, curious. "Most mean people tend to do bad things. Why would you help someone who does bad things when you're a nice person?"
Lucinda smiled and took the bit he offered to her. "Well she saved my life. And she isn't mean all the time," she replied, "She doesn't do bad things. She's a good person.....but an airhead. She completely forgot about me when she bumped into some tall strong guy. Completely melted at the sight of his eyes. I'll never understand it." she sighed.
Roku nodded before suddenly getting up close to Lucinda. He stared straight into her brown eyes, his own blue unfazed. The two friends' noses were touching as he tried to get the girl to feel the same effect as her companion had. While he may not have his memories, Roku did know that he liked showing people both sides of the story. He knew his friend was hurt for being ignored, but there could have been many reasons for it!
Lucinda was a bit shocked as he suddenly got close to her and stared into her eyes. She wasn't sure what to do. Her heart beat a little faster but she still didn't understand. It wasn't just her....the guy hadn't even noticed her either. All she wanted was a little recognition. She didn't understand why he was staring into her eyes, though they were pretty.
"Hmmmm... This is weird." Roku sighed. "Well, I'm sure she isn't an airhead. If you want airheads, I can show you some, but no airhead would save a person's life. At least, not the aireheads I've seen..." He thought for a bit before asking, "Which guy did she meet?" He wondered if it was the Hercules guy. No matter what the guy did, almost all of the girls fell head first for him. It was a bit annoying to be honest.
"He said his name was Hercules. The jerk probably didn't even see me because I'm so short," Lucinda replied with a slight pout, "I hate being so small. Hardly anyone ever notices me and when they do they call me a kid. Except you!" She then smiled a bit, glad that he didn't overlook her like a lot of people did. She nibbled a bit on the bread that he handed her, smiling still. She liked Roku, he was nice and just having someone to talk to who didn't think of her as a child was great.
Roku nodded with a frown when she mentioned Hercules. "Ah, That makes sense. You see, Hercules is a half-god, so all women older than us fall head over heels for him because of his godly charms." He said as wisely as any 18 year old boy could. "And you may be short, but you're definitely not invisible or a kid!" The black haired boy smiled, stretching as he took a large bite of his bread.
"that would explain it. He's kinda weird," Lucinda said, "He kinda sounds like a jerk. maybe we should call him jerkules!" she laughed a little and ate a bit more of the bread. She was glad that he didn't find her invisible or a kid. She felt relaxed and liked having a friend like him. They didn't even know each other and yet here they were just sitting and talking as if they'd always been friends. She played a little with her new bracelet as an idea crossed her mind. "hey! Wanna see this place from the air?" she asked.
Roku lit up and smiled. "Of course! But... how?" He tilted his head, confused. Just how would they see the place from the air. "Is there a tall building we're climbing or something?" He tapped his chin, curious. The black haired boy started to think of Lucinda growing wings and flying or maybe a Pegasus coming down and picking them up or maybe a cyborg! A cyborg would be awesome!
Lucinda grinned and put away her staff. She pulled out a different one which had a bird-like shape to it. "With this!" She grinned at him as she held it out, "With this staff I have a spell that can let us fly!" She then pulled out a card that had wings on it. She chanted a small spell and tapped the card with her staff. Just like his first thought fluffy white wings sprouted from her back. She finished her bread and stood up, holding her hand out to him. "So, you wanna see this place from above?" This spell was absolutely useless in fights but it was a lot of fun to use any other time. Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to cast anything else until she dispelled the wings.
"Whoa..." Roku said with a small gasp of awe. He slowly took her hand, quietly asking, "Are you an angel as well as a little mage?" The boy was entranced with the wings. He had always wanted to fly like a bird, but he knew he could never do so. Well, at least he couldn't until the blonde grew wings. She must have been pretty powerful to do a thing like that.
Lucinda laughed and shook her head. "No but I got this spell from one!" She replied, "So, are we gonna go or not?" She continued to hold her hand out to him, "I can only keep this spell up for a few hours, after that I'll be pretty much tapped out for a while." She grinned at him, noticing his awe at the wings.
Roku smiled and took her hand. "Let's fly!" He said, giving her a bright look as he looked around, wondering how the birds felt as he waited to get started. "When did you meet this angel? What was it like? Was it a boy or a girl?" He asked a million questions a mile. He was excited, even more so than usual. He couldn't wait to be up in the air... flying!
"I met her a few years ago. She was pretty nice but super serious," She replied before she pulled him along and took off into the air. she held onto his hand tightly and while it was a little difficult she was able to keep them both in the air. She pulled him up a bit towards her and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I don't think you want me just yanking on your arm," she teased. They were above the buildings now, the wind in their face and the sun shining down on them.
Roku chuckled and spread his arms out. "I'm the king of the world!" He shouted, laughing as he enjoyed the moment. He wasn't too heavy so he felt sure that Lucinda could keep a hold on him. His blue eyes scanned out the ground, wonder filling his being as he gasped at just how small everything seemed from high up. It was almost like they were birds in the sky!
Lucinda giggled as he shouted and laughed. "It's pretty amazing huh?!" she asked with a grin, "I remember the first time I got to fly! it was so much fun!" She continued to soar through the sky and seemed to spend a lot of time gliding once they got high enough. She was glad she could share this with him, her best friend. This was something special, a spell she hardly ever got to use.
Roku laughed before pointing to the coliseum they were flying over. "Hey look! There's a fight going on there!" It was Rea fighting what looked like a group of heartless. A crowd was cheering as the girl killed waves after waves of heartless. "Oh man, that looks awesome!" He got a strange bright look in his eyes. He had always wanted to fight in the coliseum.
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