Searching for Light

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Lucinda walked over to Rea. "You okay?" she asked as she started to get the container out, "I have something that might help a little." She was a little worried, after all Rea looked beat and she'd been fighting all day. Lulu wasn't sure what else to offer other than some water but she wanted to help her, besides she figured Rea was pretty mad at her for just running off and then showing back up with a stranger.
Rea smiled and ruffled Lucinda's hair. "I'm fine, thank you though. However... Would you like to explain a few things to me? Like how you grew wings?" The red head put her hands on her hips, waiting for the blonde girl to start explaining things to her. First she ran off and then she brought back some... some stranger! rea would give him a little talking to a little later. Roku shivered at the red head's gaze. For being just a friend, Rea sure acted like an older sister.
Lucinda looked at her, blinking. "Oh that? That's a spell. I learned it from one of my aunts. I can't use anything else while I'm using that spell but it's really fun to use." She replied, "Oh yeah! Rea! this is my friend Roku! He and I are best friends!" Lucinda seemed to be treating Rea like her older sister in a way though she didn't realize it.
Rea took a deep breath and sighed. "Alright... and how long ago did you meet this guy?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. The red head glared at Roku, causing the guy to cower behind Lucinda. That just made Rea glare harder.
Lucinda looked at her. "Just today. Why does it matter?" She asked, "He's a mage and I'm a mage. That makes us best friends." At least she had some logic behind her decision. "And besides we picked out his name together."
Rea raised an eyebrow. Picked out his name? What did she mean by that. "Alright..." She glared at the boy and quickly grabbed him, dragging him from his hiding spot. She pulled up his chin so they were looking eye to eye. She stared the black haired kid down before starting her interrogation. "Name."



"1-18, I think..."


"I don't know if I have any."


"Only Lucinda."

"Affiliation with heartless?"
"What are heartless?"

Rea kept the boy in her grasp, unwilling to let go of him just yet. Aaron ran up to the group, sweaty and holding some strange block and crystal in his hands. "Guys! Look what I found!" He stopped shouting when he noticed Rea staring death at a black haired boy. "Um, who is that?"
Lucinda looked annoyed if not furious when Rea just dragged her friend around like that. Her mood was only made worse when Aaron ran up. She had quite a scowl on her face that just didn't seem to fit her. She was at her boiling point as she walked up to Rea and pushed her.

"Why are you always so mean to everyone?! Isn't there anyone you can be nice to that doesn't make you ignore the rest of the world?!" she nearly shouted at her, "All you do is go around and be grumpy all the time! You can't trust anyone! I'm surprised you even let me come with you because you clearly don't care!"

She looked like she was going to start crying as she held her staff tightly, she was about ready to cast a spell if she needed to. She was just starting to make friends and yet Rea couldn't seem to trust anyone. As far as she had ever known friends trusted one another. She was starting to think that friends might be a bit overrated.
After hearing Lucinda yell, Rea let go of Roku, who looked up at her, curious about the sudden pained look in her eyes. The push had surprised her, making her stumble a bit away from the boy. "... I... I'm sorry." Rea said quietly. She seemed to be apologizing to both of the two, letting her hand drop to her side. The red head turned and started walking away. "I'll... leave you alone. I'm sorry."
"No!" Lucinda walked over to her and gently grabbed her arm, "We're both grown ups. We use words to settle problems. Are you done being mad? Because I am." Her eyes were no longer on the verge of tears though they were a little puffy and she still frowned. "I wanna know.....why can't you just be nice? You don't even gotta like him....but be nice." She said in a much softer voice. Sure she was still mad but she was pushing the feelings aside, planning to use that energy later if she really needed it.
Rea gave a small smile. She nodded her head. "Alright. I'll be nice. However, I need to tell you something. Alone." She glanced over at the two boys, who both nodded and walked away toward the exit of the coliseum. Roku started talking to Aaron and the two seemed to get along well, the younger being rather animated and the older brunet nodding and letting the younger talk as much as he wanted.
Lucinda sighed, sensing that a lecture was about to take place. She looked at her, " that you've gotten rid of the 'scary boys', what do you need to tell me? Boys are untrustworthy? That at any moment they may try to assault you? That 'You don't need no boys, you've got your brains'? Or best of all, You don't need a relationship tying up your brain, all it does is show a weakness. Weakness is bad. I know you may not trust him, but for now I do." It was clear that she did at least try to think things through, even if it tended to be an afterthought.
Rea bit her lip and started to shake a bit. She lowered her head, trying to hide her reaction, but couldn't hold it in. She started laughing, hard. The red head doubled over as she imagined the girl's guardians telling her all about how evil boys were. "Oh no, God no. Boys can be pretty useful if you know how to play them right, so I'm not going to lecture you on that. I got that enough from my master." She shook her head at the relationships equaling weakness. "And relationships do not show weakness. They show you are strong enough to be able to put yourself out there. Something I'm still learning to do. No, I wanted to talk to you about why I don't trust people and a little thing I need you to do to help me." She got a melancholy look in her eyes again, her smile shrinking a little bit.
Lucinda looked at her and hugged her when she looked a bit sad. "What do I need to do to help, I'll do whatever it takes," She said softly, "because it's important to trust others. Even if you don't like them." She looked at the red-head with her big brown eyes. She wanted to make her feel better, to help her trust again. She wanted so badly to just conjure Rea's sister out of thin air to help her and make her happy again but she knew she couldn't.
Rea smiled and rubbed the girl's head before finding a block of stone to sit down on. "Well, first let's start from the beginning." She sighed as she sat down. "It all started on my first mission." Rea almost rolled her eyes at how dramatic she was being. "I was a little younger than you, around 15 years old, I think. There was a large group of keyblade wielders going to a milder world, mainly to show their newest addition, me, around. You see, there used to be dozens of keybladers, but now there's only me and Aaron." Rea smiled at the memory before shaking her head.

"Anyway, we were going on the mission, and I had stern instructions. One, stay close to the group, and two, don't try to fight the heartless on your own. I ignored these rules when I saw a man being attacked by a group of heartless. I managed to save him, and he thanked me. He asked me a whole bunch of questions, and when I mentioned I was a keyblade wielder... Well, he grew very interested. He said he was a keyblade master who had lost his way. He wanted me to take him back to the group. I did. That was my first mistake trusting someone. Nearly all of my group was killed, turned into heartless by this man I trusted." The red head took a deep breath before she continued.

"The second time I trusted someone was with a boy named Logan. He was a few years older than Aaron and me, so we saw him as a sort of older brother. He had taught us half of what we knew and even took us on missions sometimes. We became a group shortly after my first mission and it was good... for a while. It turned out that Logan was a double agent, working for the man that I met earlier. When I was about 19, Logan betrayed us. He nearly killed Aaron and tried to get me to go with him. I refused and somehow managed to get Aaron to safety. After that incident I decided never to trust anyone right away." Rea sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "At least, that was until I met you. You were so earnest, I couldn't help but feel like you could be trusted. So far that feeling hasn't been unfounded."

Rea turned to Lucinda. "Now, this is where you come in. If I start getting grumpy or act the same way as I did with Roku, I need you to yell at me, slap me, or do something to get me to stop. I won't start trusting people right away, but I really should be nicer to those people."
Rea looked at her and nodded. "Okay. I can do that. I don't like seeing you like that so it shouldn't be too hard." she smiled and sat down next to her, "My aunts say I'm trustworthy because of my happy-go-lucky nature. I'm kinda like a guy I consider my cousin. or I guess a brother in a way. He's always happy no matter what happens, and he has REALLY bad luck. And I don't like hurting people so I really want you to smile okay? Like you said, this boat runs on smiles." She hugged her again with a smile.
Rea smiled and gave a nod. "Right. Now let's go get our boys and-" The red head was cut off by a tower of blue flames transporting them from the coliseum to a dark and dreary place. A large neon sign said, "Welcome to the Underworld!" Rea felt her eye twitch as she kicked the ground. "Son of a gun! Are you serious?!" She screamed.
Lucinda frowned as they were taken away and saw the sign. "WELL.....maybe I need to make a call?" she said looking at Rea, "Or do you think we can get out?" She stood up and looked around a bit, not really sure of what to do. That strange guy had to have something to do with it, and she wasn't about to sit around like a damsel in distress. She looked around but felt woozy, she didn't like it down there. It was far too dark and something was just off, it was like her magic was being slowly drained from her.
Rea sighed. "I think we can get out of here. Here." She handed Lucinda a bag full of elixirs. "I heard that the underworld has a bad effect on magic users. That will hopefully help." She looked around before sighing and starting to head toward where she thought the exit might be, which was up the large hills towering over the place.
"Thank you," Lucinda said as she started to follow her. She took one out to use now, she had been a bit tapped out to begin with. "If it weren't for this stupid place I could help fly us outta here." She said with a soft sigh, "But it never hurt anyone to walk. I gotta admit...never thought I'd end up here." She looked around as they walked.
"You know this place?" Rea asked. "Did you study greek myths or something?" The red head was now curious. She was learning more and more about Lucinda. It made her feel closer to the girl, especially since it was little things like a spell she could use or the fact that she knew what the Underwold, and possibly Hades, was. Rea had only been here once before and she still had to figure out who in the hell the emo looking guy from the tournament was.
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