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I see, thanks for responding.

Tis a shame I'll be missing out on this. I will keep my eyes on it and see how it developes.

Enjoy y'all!
Either of the GM's, any word on my plans for Ifrit Allocer?
It may take a while for me to get updated with everything, so while I have high hopes and interest in this RP, I may have to rescind the bid to join. Apologies!
It may take a while for me to get updated with everything, so while I have high hopes and interest in this RP, I may have to rescind the bid to join. Apologies!

Well if you do leave we'll be sorry to see you go :/
Just letting everyone know that my CS may not be fully updated until Monday or Tuesday. Really got to mow the yard today before it rains (yucky) and then I'll be out of town tomorrow.
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I can go back and read it for you to help as much as I can if that's alright with you?
It's a pretty basic plan, so yeah. You can Ifitize your Leonin. Since going to the Spring is basically also finding one of the Hearts, then go for it.
Any input would be appreciated. I figured since it's on our to-do list anyway it would be permissible, aye :p I'm more asking about my ideas for his transformation, namely shooting stars from his sword and calling familiar's based on gathered hearts with his roar (Alloces' Specialties as you know)

I'd also appreciate any ideas for physical changes, I'm already inclined to think a boost to physical defense and his armour melts to his body and blackens his fur but what else? Does he too grow extra limbs? Spew blood from his eyes? Grow ten feet tall? As far as I can tell the limit to Ifrit-ification is whatever the Spring deems would make the worthy a more viable combatant since it seems to be sentient as it called out to Abbadon.
@Wittiford R. Eference I suggest that you really malform him to something so grotesque, ferocious, and more akin to a demonic lion than a mere humanoid-lion, which is what Allocer is. I believe his body should be broken and given mass and muscles, much like Abaddon. To further demonise Allocer further, I suggest you make him more animalistic and bestial, much like how I turned Abaddon from a normal devil warrior into a large, hulking beast similar in design to a winged Diablo, Red Hulk, Fourarms, and Primal Zerglings. You can make Allocer, who walks on two legs, become a large lion who walks on all fours. His black armour should melt and cover his skin while stars of flame ignite as specs scattered all over his body, much like the stars in the universe. Feel free to give him extra appendages. I have the PERFECT picture! Should I PM it to you?
Yes actually, I could use the inspiration, thanks!
Nitzan, Son of Lord and Dragon

[ Male | Seraphim | Heaven | The Grey Seraph ]
Nitzan is a name never to be mentioned, never to be uttered and never to be wrote. He is angelic being sculpted by Elohim, but his creation and birth began in battle. Nitzan is far more than any other Seraph; and, because he is far more, it is held paramount that his history remain shrouded in mystery. There are no lies about Nitzan, for that would be impure. No, among the angels, Nitzan is known as the The Grey Seraph; he does not shine with light nor does he inspire the awe and majesty of others with enormous white wings. Nitzan introduced himself in Heaven after many of the other archangels, and he took note of their admiration for the wings of great angels, such as Lucifer. Nitzan, whose six wings were of the largest in all of Heaven, forsook their white purity in favor of a toned down grey, believing such an act would speak louder than he alone could argue in spoken word. Nitzan acts as an adviser to the Bene Elohim, but also disagrees with its existence. Nitzan argued against its creation, and failed, but has remained assisting it in his attempt to create what he believes would be a fair world. Often, he is the voice of compassion, of equality, the voice that claims that every angel is a brother to each other and a son of Elohim. He voices his opinions and his beliefs in hopes that one day he can create a Heaven that would accept him for what he truly is.


Character History

Nitzan was truly given life during the battle between Elohim and Satan, albeit unintentionally. During their conflict, the torn flesh of the two mingled within the realm and in the heat of their fight was given the spark of life. Although barely alive and hardly conscious, Nitzan was born. He was a formless putty of broken flesh, unaware of what was going on and unaware of what life even was. In the last moments before dying, moments so instant that no being alive today could comprehend them, Elohim sculpted the putty that was Nitzan initially in the form of a beast—a white-winged lion with a mane of silver whose lower body and tail were that of a reptile baring golden scales and three serpent-tails. Although there is no name for what he is, Nitzan was the first being to come into existence after Elohim and Satan. In realization of the futility of his situation, Nitan furled into his wings and hid himself in the rotting flesh of Elohim, entering a slumber to pass the eternity. It was not until the first discussions of Lucifer and Michael, there first disagreements, that Nitzan woke. There were few angels in this time, almost all Seraphim, and Nitzan watched them in secret from within the nooks and corners of Heaven only he knew. Nitzan ultimately decided to take the shape of one of these Seraphim and show himself to them, to become one of them, and from that day, Nitzan became one of the first Seraphim in Heaven.

Still, one thing held true. Nitzan was a being of both Elohim and Satan, as the putty that made him was of both their flesh. This would forever be his secret, shared with not a soul in Heaven. Even the later angels, the cherubim, did not look as he did, and they were still pure. Not only that, Lucifer showed no compassion towards the creatures of other realms and Nitzan feared what he might do or say if he ever knew. Nitzan took his name, meaning bud, as he did not wish to take a name of Elohim as still believed all children of Elohim should be regarded as such, even without such a name. Nitzan felt he could plant the seeds for a Heaven where all angels—Seraphim, Cherubim, Ophanim and Erelim—were equals and that there would be no need for rank or title. Regardlless, no matter what he would accomplish in life, he could never change his heritage. No matter the strength of his love for his brothers—or half-brothers—nor his loyalty, he knew that they would never trust him if they knew his complete history. As it was said, because he is more than any other Seraph, it is paramount that he remain shrouded in mystery.

Once Heaven came to fruition, however, Nitzan could only watch as it prospered when it did. He warned against the Bene Elohim, claiming that all angels were the sons of Elohim equally. He warned against the elitist views of Lucifer, and how classes for angels could ruin their civility and love. Nitzan, however, was often revered as a radical in his views, just as Lucifer was viewed as a radical with his. Nitzan often sided with archangel Michael in their heated debates, but it meant very little. Nitzan, whom forsook his white wings and rejected the council he advisedm, had little ground there. It was Michael whom spoke for love and unity and became their advocate; Nitzan proved to merely be another voice in his chorus. When the two sides of a coin escalated to a war, Nitzan fought alongside Michael with immense ferocity, yet did not kill or maim a single brother. Nitzan detested the war and spoke out against both sides, saying that the will of Elohim would never manifest itself in such a way, but his cries fell on deaf ears. Nitzan was forced to choose a side and chose the side that fell closer to his views, not to mention his inherent fear of Lucifer. Nitzan fought alongside Michael, but it was ultimately Michael whom decided to spare Lucifer. Nitzan, now agreeing almost entirely with Michael, accepted this decision without question. This blind acceptance was just as much a mistake as it was a lapse of wisdom for Michael to make the decision, and in such forever gave Nitzan a certain degree of guilt.

It was for many reasons that Archangel Michael requested Nitzan join him in his crusade. Nitzan was one of the most powerful archangels in his own right and Nitzan never disfavored Michael. Michael believed that if they could have convinced the Bene Elohim together, then the fall of Lucifer and the war in Heaven may never have happened. This type of foresight—this true adherence to peace and love is what Michael felt was needed to save man, and he saw that in Nitzan, even if he did not see the deceit alongside it. Not only that, if they did need fight, Nitzan capable of not only holding his own, but performing multiple tasks to aid his small squadron of angels. Even among other powerful angels, Nitzan fought with grace and even more so without taking another life. And, Nitzan, feeling he failed in preventing the war in Heaven and feeling that sparing Lucifer was a mistake that also fell on his head, joined Michael in his crusade.

Position, Rank or Occupation

Nitzan is considered the Grey Seraph. Nitzan actually refused rank or an official place on the Bene Elohim as he believed such a system would fall into descent. Thus, his "title" is more of a description as his wings are grey.

Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, and Armour
Nitzan has the abilities natural to all Seraphim. Nitzan is able to summon a weapon like all other Seraphim, and does so in the form of a golden staff. His staff constantly glows, emitting light and heat. Although it has no sharp edges, it constantly burns anyone aside from him as if it were heated by the braziers of Heaven. Although his staff holds no elemental affinity, it can be warped into the shape of a crescent, and in doing so creates a drawstring from which the staff can fire bolts of pure light as if it were a bow. These bolts of light, once fired, are nearly instantaneous projectiles that cannot be caught or deflected. As being pure light, they do not penetrate as much as burn intensely and the force behind them is enough to knock down Cherubim and Ophanim.

Nitzan is, in raw strength, one of the greatest angels. Nitzan has proven to wrestle with Cherubim and stand up to Ophanim with few true rivals. This trait has earned him much reverence, as it is believed to be acquired due to his age, but in reality, it is a trait granted to him by the flesh of Satan. Nitzan is passively stronger and in many cases faster than other angels as his body is enhanced with the fortitude of the Beast. Still, Nitzan has never wavered or given in to said power, thus has no abilities from it aside from the passive increase in strength. Nitzan shows no other traits of his lineage and refuses to explore such possibilities, thus making this trait the only one to contradict his status as a Seraphim.

Nitzan also has the unique ability to change his form and shape. This does take a significant period of time, but doing so has allowed Nitzan to blend into Heaven. It was with this ability that Nitzan changed his original form to one similar of the Seraphim and has since then continued to alter his appearance to appear as such. However, it was with a powerful Trisagion Magic from an Erelim that he changed the color of his wings from white to grey, as if he would have done it on his own, it would have caused suspicion. Nitzan has never used this ability for other purposes, so its extents are unknown. In practice, he may be able to assume the form of animals, other angels and even possibly demons.

As Seraphim, Nitzan is a proven warrior with his weapon. His strongest magic is supportive, but not such as healing or augmentation. Instead, he can merge his will and focus with others to increase theirs. As an angelic network grows larger, the power and feedback to each angel grows greater. Nitzan assisting an entire army can possibly change the course of a war, if only due to the increased capability of the warriors. There even exists a threshold wherein he may become stationary, begin chanting in Trisagion verse and enter a trance like state to augment each angel he is connected to with a portion of his strength. However, again, as the network grows larger, the power and feedback to each angel grows greater, even if the initial power being shared was only his own. Nitzan claims that this particular capability is made through an act of brotherhood and unity, and is one of the most powerful an angel can attain.

As Seraphim have access to the abilities of other subspecies of Angel, Nitzan has the ability to essentially become one. In his only other feat of Trisagion magic, Nitzan can request the holy powers of the light to turn him into a steward knight. His wings fold down around him, turning into a plate of silver armor and his staff grows into a lance. Nitzan, for a short period, effectively takes on the form of an Ophanim. The use of this ability completely negates Nitzan from using his battle trance, but it amplifies his strength even further at the cost of his aerial speed. Unlike the armor of most Ophanim, his is silver and very ornate. He is also smaller than most, as Raguel towered over him. While some Ophanim have extra abilities, Nitzan does not. He is smaller, has no shield and forfeits his other abilities to take on the form of an Ophanim. However, he does retain their ability to blast focused sound, as he does become the embodiment of praise and song. In fact, it is only through praise and song, ie Trisagion Magic, that he can take this form. It is argued that Nitzan is far less useful in this form, as he forfeits his supportive ability and is smaller while his physical strength in this form does rival if not surpass other Ophanim, due to his heritage. As his staff could, his lance can bend and curve into a blade for faster slashing, giving him a unique flexibility. As an Ophanim, Nitzan is more nimble and quick than knights that tower over him.

Nitzan has three pair of large, feathered wings on his upper back, far larger than most angels of his frame, yet are grey instead of white. His armor consists of a light, golden tunic that flows into red robes, allowing him to be light and agile while still providing some armor. Moreover, his long robes fade into ether as he flies or if they are torn, essentially preventing them from become a problem. His torso and lower body make one complete piece similar to a harness, yet retaining the appearance of a tunic. A long, red scarf flows from his neck, but is actually looped on his halo. Unlike the large, round halo of Michael, Nitzan has a smaller one that comes to a slight, ovular point behind his head near his crown, only visible from the side or at an angle. The points of growth for his halo are on the back of his neck.

Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears
As one of the most revered angels alive, there are few true weaknesses to Nitzan. His power, however, comes primarily from his skillset, not his individual skills nor his unique capabilities. In addition to that, it is impossible for him to utilize his two uses of Trisagion Magic in conjunction. While he can either support an entire group or act as an immensely and physically powerful clad-armored angel, he cannot do both. He also forfeits the use of abilities from other subspecies to essentially don the armor and strength of an Ophanim. Nitzan, for his raw physical strength and utility, has almost no destructive abilities. Because of his versatility, he has sacrificed true greatness as a Holy Knight or a song-singing support.

Nitzan is, to some degree, a pacifist. He absolutely abhors violence and only uses it if absolutely necessary, meaning the power he has is hardly utilized. It is also easy to underestimate Nitzan because he hardly boasts his power. He is a relatively humble angel. So humble, in fact, that Nitzan has never and still refuses to claim to be the first being to come into existence. Nitzan has a particular disdain for personal pride, although the reasoning behind it is two-fold. Nitzan cannot effectively take pride in what he is, thus he is envious of those that can. At the same time, he has seen firsthand what pride can do, thus he has a distaste for it. So, while he is guilty of deceit and envy, he also rejects pride to a great degree.

Nitzan, however, has an immense fear of others finding out his origin. Even Uriel and Metatron have no inkling of his origin, but not an hour passes that Nitzan does not consider it. Nitzan fears the rejection of his brothers, especially now that others made of the flesh of Satan—the demons of Hell—have become the enemies of the angels and the allies of Lucifer. Perhaps most of all, Nitzan fears Lucifer learning of his origins. While such an assault on the fallen angel's pride may be useful, Nitzan feels that what Lucifer would or even could do to manipulate or control him as if he were a demon brings the greatest terror to him.

It is for that fear that Nitzan truly limits himself. As Nitzan is not a being of pride and fears half of his own self, he greatly inhibits his own power. While he can match Ragual in physical strength, he will never tap into the passion or power that Raguel can as an Ophanim because Nitzan fears doing so may make him embrace his Satanic half. While Raguel did spend time training Nitzan as an Ophanim, Nitzan never truly embraced being a warrior as he could have, fearing that doing so may open him up to vulnerability. Thus, while Nitzan could potentially be stronger than he is, he prefers to fight at a range and support others, and even then is reluctant to use the true extent of his power.
(c) Prince
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Thank you. Although, technically, I've been around essentially... secondly only to Sir Damien himself. :D
@Prince Yeeeeeah, I wasn't entirely sure. Better safe than sorry though :D My memory is terrible at times and I didn't want to go back and look D: lol
Oh, I didn't actually post anything. I did help with coding, offer some sagely advice... that kind of thing.

Glad to be here, though. It's been a real long time since I got to invade Hell.
Okay, phew. I feel a little less bad :D Curious though, so going to read your CS.
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