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@Damien Kriez Nah, I'm good for the moment. I have two CS' to post. Yours and for another. This one will be submitted probably late at night :D but submitted nonetheless. Gonna stop second guessing so much, lol.
I mean it :D

Gender || Race || Sin
Male || Djinn || Avarice


|| Name || is a... Djinn, or Genie (a name more commonly used). A Djinn in basic formality is a being that can grant you all of your hearts desires through simple, or what you assume to be simple, wishes. [Insert name here] resides in the confines of the realm of Avarice. Where as most would think that being a part of the land of extreme greed he only cares to further his own agenda, in this case that is not so. He may gain some treasures and favors from the people who come to him seeking greatness, but he only wants to cause an increase of people's need to want what cannot under normal circumstances be obtained. Despite this, he's still an incredibly selfish male. Watching as others tear themselves apart over greed of something much greater than them brings amusement to himself. He finds it intriguing at the incredible lengths they go through in order to fill their internal desires. He can be a bit cold and mean-spirited, but you can sometimes catch him in some of his most charming moments, which doesn't say much because it's usually nothing but a façade.

|| Character's History || [Insert Name Here] has spent most of his being as a slave under Mammon, which in the New Testament is greed or material wealth and often times been personified as a demon/deity of greed. Mammon uses [Insert Name Here] as a personal servant to all of his needs and anything he may want/desire. Unfortunately, [Insert Name Here] is unable to reject or deny his requests in any way regardless of his genie capabilities. If he's asked to do something, he must obey without any questions, comments, or concerns whatsoever.
  • He wants to obtain Satan's hearts for himself in order to mold Hell into his image full of hungry people who crave what's just outside of their reach.​

( Partially Credited to @Damien Kriez )

|| Position, Rank, Occupation || He doesn't have much of a rank. He's not one who pays much attention to titles as much as he would notice an easy target for him to manipulate and play with.

|| Skills, Abilities, Equipment, Weapons, Armour || While this particular Djinn does have the power to grant wishes to those who desire more, there are limits to which he has instilled to ensure that a balance is kept. It is only allowed to have three distinct types of wishes. A wish of wealth: the desire to gain immense amounts of riches or to simply wish wealth on another in order for them to pay any debts that are owed. You may not wish to possess everything. A wish of power: the desire to gain power over another, in your greater society or in strength over your enemy in a fight or in incredible intelligence. You may not wish to be invincible. A wish of health: the desire to bring great health to another or yourself; to heal an old wound or something more recent. You may not wish to be immortal. These may seem simple enough, but we return to the sense of balance in the world. In order to gain, you must give away. This does not necessarily mean you must give up something of your own, however. Only that something must take the place in the hole of imbalance created by making your wish.

|| Weaknesses, Annoyances, Dislikes, Fears || Weaknesses: His need to feed the greed. ((Couldn't help myself)) He has a constant infatuation with making trouble for those are too concerned with money, power, and control that they'd do almost anything to obtain it. The fact that he sees it as a form of entertainment doesn't help either. If it amuses him, he's going to do it to relieve his boredom. This often, as you can imagine, gets him trapped in pretty odd situations at times. Annoyances: People who whine over trivial matters aggravate him. "If you don't like something, why the hell would you do it?" Ignorance. It's not becoming of someone to be clueless about everything. You don't have to be a know-it-all, but if something is right in front of your face don't go as if it doesn't exist. Obliviousness is very unattractive. Dislikes: He dislikes others who are materialistic. They're too worried about objects that, in only a matter of time, will simply wither away. I suppose that's why he does what he does. To teach people a lesson. Maybe some come out on the other end of the wish happy as can be that they got what they want, but often times when they see the damage they've done (not all of the time, mind you) they have feelings of regret and disappointment in themselves. // He also hates sunsets, long-walks on the beach... // There isn't much else that can turn him away other than awkward, uncomfortable encounters with others. Such as crying. Don't cry around him. It's likely he'll only walk away and leave you a slobbering mess. I wouldn't suggest getting too emotional or over-involved. Don't take it personally, he just wouldn't have any idea how to deal with you. Fears: Eh... still thinking on this one...​
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Aha! More recruits for Allocer's Army! :p
I would totally pay to see a duel between Allocer and Nitzan in his Ophanim form in an arena.
Or Allocer in his jacked up Infernal Spring form fight Nitzan's original Chimera form. That would be like the Lion King, only in Hell!
I honestly have no idea what his "true" abilities would be, since his Chimera form actually gives him access to his angelic and demonic abilities. His entire character is based on deceit and keeping his new identity, so... I never put into consideration what he could do, nor his power, in his true form. I would imagine he could summon armor, like angels, so he would resembled a Cherubim. But, since most demons have their abilities based off where they are, and he's in an arena, he would likely attain very combat-oriented abilities.

I don't know, I didn't think this particular aspect of the character out fully, but it would definitely be interesting. CAT FIGHT!
I've added Nitzan to the roster now, as well as the Map of Hell which I made myself and am very proud of but I feel as if it's too large. Any comments?
Questions, comments, concerns: Absolutely none, except it's either too large or too small to see o.o but I've got this! :D
Far better than my mock-ups. Although, I only spent 10 minutes or so editing my mock-ups. It is a tad bit large when completely blown up, which wouldn't be an issue if not for being so small as a thumbnail.
@Damien Kriez I think the map is amazing and everyone's characters are amazing. I thought my char would be a know go, being A Queen and everything, but I see that everyone has made a high standing char...well mostly. This is going to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like the map still needs more cultural reference locations in it. It sucks cuz I forgot one of my favourite places in all of the supernatural theme, the Malebolge! I was thinking Wrath, but it's already too cramped up over there.
My character's in the works, it's mostly a matter of details now so I'll post it sometime in the next couple of days.
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