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Ew drat X'D Black shirt or green? Was intending to have that removed before adding anyone.. I knew I replaced it with my drawing D':
I think it was a black shirt? but the phone(cover?) was kinda covering a part of the face and body so I don't quite remember
And I would have remembered more if I had known I would be quizzed on it XD
Hah, hasn't updated on the ipad, black shirt, phone or ipod(?) cover in front of your mouth. and earphones in. Purdy Kimu is purdy :P
Oh dear D: *resists urge to puke* That was my underage look during my last year of college.. I thought I replaced that already with a drawing of my two characters lol
sometimes it takes a while before it updates for other people. Happens at times.
I'm busted then hahaha X'D I didn't get to see yours since it's blank.. No faiiir.. But I already saw you in your video, so I guess we're quits on that lol
Right... that...
And I have a photo of Pepper Potts as avatar XD long story.
<--- image here is Gwyneth Paltrow too XD
Well, well.. Aren't you purdy too :3 Plus your voice is quite nice.

Might be a long story but it's understood that you really like her XD *refers to massive collection of gifs*
ehehe gif wars... yes that one XD
Well long story short would be I used to be roleplaying as Pepper, but the two I was playing with kinda dropped off. *sad* I miss playing pepper...

And I do not have a nice voice!
Where do you even get those things? You have like a massive collection of them O.o

Aww dang :( Sorry for that.. It happens a lot though -_-

And yes you do :o Your voice fit the role you were playing back then..

Brb though, lunchtime :)
I googled "Pepper Potts gif" or "Gwyneth Paltrow gif"... that simple XD Sometimes a bit more specific if I wanted it from a certain scene, but that's basically it :P
Back! :D
So that's how you do it XD
Erm yeah XD easy as that

and welcome back from your lunch
Alright, I'll be more specific with searching then and thanks :)
^-^ and then of course save the links with proper names so you can find them again XD otherwise you'll never be able to find that perfect gif again
Unless they move the image though
-_- it turns into an error..
Well yeah, that happens on occasion, but not that often surprisingly. At least, in the Gwyneth Paltrow images XD Pokemon gifs probably would be moved around more I guess
I agree with the pokemon gifs X'D Also happens in some other anime gifs, sadly D:
Lol vinyl XD right back and smithing people XD
smithing people?
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