School of the Mystic OOC&Sign up

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I don't even know how that is going to happen XD Throw off RL pics or show up on skype.. that's the most I could do, but nothing more. lol
I have some serious writer's block. x.x I was worried this died when I came back.

Also, Ryuu should be back soon. Or eventually, if not I'll post for her. As in Aoife, and of course I wouldn't write it. I'm too lazy for that.
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*glomptacklerolloverdownahillintoastreamoverawaterfall* You're back!

Sorry about that. *offers towel*
And I've given out my Skype in this chat before and nothing bad happened, so OlissaBarran you can add if you want :P

How are you?

You're the "Dorito," right? O.o or did I add a different person? lol

As for @Vinyl and everyone else, my skype is forhalanidhogg so feel free to add :)
Look at my signature here, see something familiar? :P
*facepalm* XD Dammit Captain.. I never realized it was him hahaha
Thank you Captain Obvious XD That's the first thing I thought of when you said "Dammit Captain"
Reading it twice now, it did sound like that lol But I didn't mean it that way! Haha
No I figure you didn't, but hey, it sounded fun! :P
It sounds mean TwT
It's not!

By the way, made a skype group chat for those that want :)
Awesome! :D I'd like to be in it. But I think I'll only be able to respond when I get home lol
Well tough luck, you're already in it XD
Awesome! Were you able to get the others' usernames?
Only yours, Ali's, Vinyl's, and my own.
The rest haven't responded to the giving out of the Skype contact. Of course, it could be that not everyone has skype to begin with :P
That's true :) The rest are free to decline if they're not comfortable with it anyway ^_^
yup! Same goes for you, ali and vinyl :P
I'm definitely in on this one lol
That's good to know ^-^ Once you have time to drop by on skype just make purdy self known :P (Yes that image is absolutely adorable)
wait a sec..., what pic do i have on at the moment? O.o it's the semi-yaoi drawing, right?
What I am seeing/saw when you added me was a selfie
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