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Silly, I've seen how you get. uwu I get it but will always picture Amicus with a moe expression when it comes to his brother.
That would be pretty awesome.

Moe Amicus. I really should do that somehow. I will find a way!
.... Now I'm kinda wishing an image like that exists. Why did no one take a photo!
hm... define moe... 'cause I might have something of Yala XD

But yeah, moe faces, especially of the tough kids, would be awesome XD
My train of thought crashed into another as tsundere-moe came to mind, giving me a headache. So now I'm thinking expressions one would not expect to see on the characters. Like Amicus with uke features Or Olissa with an air of confidence and a cruel menacing expression >-> and there goes the train again ...

I should try drawing Aoife's not face face. uwu
It's pretty ambiguous since people are attracted to many different things. Like girls with glasses, animal characteristics or little sister types. Maids and such. *cough*Treekiller*cough*
so far my research has concluded that the moe trope has an innocent look, generally makes others go 'aww' and all googoo and create a 'big brother syndrome'. Aside from that, it's huge eyes that take up about a fifth of the head, and that's about as far as I got XD
Gone for a couple of hours and missed quite a lot O.o
But Amicus did a low blow! Damn. @Samil Vritra Abaddon wrote that so well, I too, wanted to bash the character just for kicks TwT I know for sure Alon can't, since she's probably going to feel guilty about it unless he insults her parents, that is.. Rai might hate the guy or become overly competitive around him.. He is after all a reincarnation of a knight a couple of decades ago, or so he believes ^_^ So I'll wait for that as soon as he recovers. And it's not bad to obsess in yaoi, yuri or even het ;) Everyone has their favorites.

Amicus paired up with Yala? *shivers at the thought* Scary couple scaring people. That's going to add some potential drama to the RP! >:o *scribbles in personal ship book*

@Olissa @HalcyonSkies K-on is nice if you've got nothing else to do hahaha I like it because I don't need to think much while watching, kind of like having that thing to help you unwind from a very stressful day. The animation's great though. They hit their finger placements on their instruments quite accurately :) How about Detroit Metal City? Have you guys watched that?

@Olissa And it's only natural to feel weird seeing your mannerisms on cam X'D Right, no one will notice unless you tell them o3o

@WitchesRayvyn In all honesty, I haven't even seen a real fox before TwT So I have no idea how they'd look like when upset..

@HalcyonSkies and noo! Aoife is perfect as she is <3 She's just adorable TwT

Okie dokie. n.n Never even heard of it. O-o What's it about?

Also, I think Amicus, Aoife, or Eris would be interesting practice dummies for Alon. Or Killian maybe. o. o But the guys seem dangerous to try much without them dishing it back at you. Aoife wouldn't mind helping at all. Cam't speak for Eris though.
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The only way for Yala to get into any relationship, be it friend or love, she'll first soften up and warm up to people a bit. She's a very just person, everything has to be fair, I guess that's part of what makes her so frightening. The stiff straight forwardness

And no kimu never heard of that anime.
But yeah, I know that seeing yourself on film is odd. If I ever get to meet certain actors, that will be my question to them. "How did you react to seeing yourself act, on film, the first time. And how do you react to it now when you look at yourself."
I have a goal on who I'd want to meet, so I'll have to work hard for that haha.

And aww, at Alon in that post
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awwwww poor Iris, she's never going to want to leave her room again....though it's a perfect way for her to meet Mayula
Poor Iris! Now I want to cuddle her to death!
lol don't! I LOVE a good douchie/evil character in RPs. I honestly think that there aren't enough of them because people either can't play them well or don't WANT to play 'the bad guy' you do it beautifully! He acted just like an aristocrat would.
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Feel sorta bad for the fox now. :(

Nar'd jump in and probably a few claws words with Amicus, but I'm not in the mood for 3 paged of Are-pea fighting...
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@HalcyonSkies @Olissa Detroit Metal City is about this nice guy whose dream is to be in a classy bossa nova band but then ended up joining a satanic death metal band by mistake X'D It's a funny anime. Excuse the cursewords in there though, but it's still funny even with the f-bombs and all ^_^;

Alon won't hurt a fly T_T or at least try not to. That's why she's so inexperienced. I actually have a plan for her if ever she meets either Amicus or Aoife though (especially Aoife), since both of whom are fairies.. *resists urge to spoil*

And that's a good idea @Olissa :o Once you get famous.. Can you ask Channing Tatum for me how it feels like to see himself dance nekkid? Anyway, Yala can teach the guy a few lessons about respect, right? That I'd love to see X3

@WitchesRayvyn YES for drama! TwT But Iris is just so adorable.. I feel bad for her.. (No, @Samil Vritra Abaddon , you don't have to feel bad about this at all. We need douchie characters like Amicus X'D ) But yes, this is the perfect time for Mayula :')

Also, @Windsong , I'd love to see Narivar in action clawing Amicus for Iris and all :'3 So whenever you're ready hihi..

Ding! Oooh what's this? A clue?
lol well I'm glad you think she adorable @Kimu11! I think it would be adorable for Iris to be stuck in fox form because she's too upset to transform back and for Mayula to try to comfort her. *ears perk up and she looks around excitedly* did I just hear a clue sound?!?!?
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