School of the Mystic OOC&Sign up

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Iris is good, she's allowed into the school. Now quick quick ;) the opening ceremony is about to start (of course you're more than welcome to pretend she was already there, and recap from there)
Sorry for the giant mess of a post. I got lazy…
Plus it felt kind of redundant to write it all from two perspectives XD

And sorry about the sidetracking students >>' no idea really why I kept that in there.
Wooooo my first post...I'm just waiting for someone to stop of Iris' tail, probably when people leave the courtyard...I'm sure it'll happen at some point heh
I want to tickle Yala so hard :(

Also, heh xD It must be hard lugging a tail around. I have a character with one (doe not a kitsune at all) who just keeps hers/his draped over his/her shoulder...
No problem ^_^ And welcome, Iris!

But sorry guys, I don't think I could post today D: We're doing quite a lot of things here TwT
She's forever getting it caught in doors and such and having to keep people from trying to play with it
haha nice to see you jump right into the fray
Just for your information, Olissa is a nullifier, which means she negates powers around her (unwillingly) In case Iris uses or has her powers active anywhere near the girl at the moment
Eris has a new target >:D I've decided this!
*Cackles like a crazy witch* Q_Q
I'll be nice...maybe...
Haha, seems there's really a great devision here. on one corner the teasers, on the other side the teased XD
Also a good show, though I've only ever seen a couple episodes
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