School for the Supernaturally Troubled.... (Starting OVER)

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Yukari sat there, being patient with her hands in her lap.
It looked to Sera like no one else was going to speak so she stood up. "Uh...well. I'm Seraphine Mariani. My father was a half-angel and my mother was half-demon. They were both extremely powerful and I have a mix up of their powers. I have telepathy, and I can sometimes influence people if I concentrate hard enough. I also feel a close relationship to water, and I can...uhm..."feel" what other people are feeling, but they show up in colors and certain other ways."
((Do all of us have to say what our characters powers are? I'll do it anyway...))

Yukari stood up too."I'm Yukari Tabeka.My father was part fox and human and my mother was part fox/human also.That's how I got my power."Then she sat back down on the stone bench.
After Seraphine finished her introduction,Lucius decided he would go next.Lucius got up from the ground and stood.
"Hi,my name is Lucius Judd.I'm half demon and half human.My power is well kind of undefined.But I know I can control kinetic energy as far as I can tell"He said looking around.
"Err,I guess that's all."He sat back down quickly,embarrassed.
She watched the small group quietly, studying more than the simple facades they threw up to hide their inner thoughts. As each stood up and introduced themselves Angel allowed the others to fall away, and focused her attention solely on the person speaking. Their emotions and thoughts flowed to her easily, painting a rather vivid image of how each one of them saw themselves. To her relief none of them seemed particularly scared of their abilities, which led her to believe, at least for now, that they hadn't yet experienced anything too terrible. On the other than, that complicated things a little bit. She would have to make each one aware of the extent of their abilities, and doing so could scare them. But it wasn't a challenge the tall black-haired angel was not ready to face. After they finished introductions she nodded gratefully. Her slender body shifted beneath the shadow-made wraps, and as she took a seat once more upon the roots of the tree, her Shade expanded like a black cloud to swirl slowly around her figure.

"It is nice to meet all of you. I hope that by introducing yourself and your abilities, you will all feel a little more comfortable with each other. Feeling comfortable in this class is important, because being calm is the key to control." As she spoke her hands lifted from her lap to press into the soil upon their side of her body. Soft white light flowed over her fingertips, glowing pleasantly and spreading to wash over the entirety of her body. She looked on to each of them, nodding so as to encourage them to do the same. "If you will, please take a seat upon the ground and sit with your legs crossed. We will start with a basic calming exercise to prepare for your first assignment. Place your hands upon the ground and focus on drawing energy and life from the earth. Once you feel relaxed, please nod to me so I know you are ready to start."​
Yukari mimicked the exercise and then nodded to the teacher.
Then Yukari sat down and waited for what would happen next.
Seraphine crossed her legs and nodded to the teacher, but found her mind wandering back to the pink starbursts because it was part of the reason she was so content. She drifted off trying to remember the last time she felt like this.
"Now then, lets begin." Her voice dipped down into a low murmur, tranquility exuded from every syllable so as to relax them indefinitely before what was to come. Commanding their attentions once more with her voice, Angel lifted her gaze to meet each student evenly. "I would like each one of you to come up and demonstrate one of your abilities for us. When you do so, please make sure to exert your maximum potential. Do not fear for the consequences just yet, I have the proper protections set in place, and the other students will be moved outside the circle as each one of you come up. It is best to know what we are all stepping into in the class - what we need to work on controlling." For the briefest moment she threw Tetskey a glance, measuring his reaction before motioning toward his item off affection. "Seraphine, why don't you start us off?"​
"Uhm..oh..okay.." She said as she got up. " powers aren't really anything I can just make happen, except for my water affinity or my influence.... ---How big is the circle and what is all in it? xD Can there be like a fountain in it?---
Tetskey made water appear in his hand and handed it to seraphine "here use this" he said smiling
"Oh...Uhm...Th...thanks..." She closed her eyes and started to picture the water moving. The way it worked. The way it flowed. She tried to ignore the good feeling that came with using her powers, because it brought up the bad memories of how good it felt after she let go and the consequences that day had held. She felt the water expanding with each breath. She opened her eyes to see that the water had formed a large wall in front of her.

She couldn't really get the negative thoughts to go away and the water started swirling more rapidly as she started to feel the anguish that always came along with picturing that day. Her mother and fathers concerned faces as they told her that they weren't her real parents. The way their eyes widened as she fell to the ground. Her mother coming towards her to hug her as they explained that her grandmother was really a low-ranking demon and had birthed her real mother and that her mother was a high ranking demon who wasn't allowed to raise her. She re-opened her eyes again to see the water whipping and swirling around her as if forming a huge shield. The whipping and wooshing of the water spinning around her scared her which made it react more crazily. The water started smashing against the circle in large waves.

Through a spot in the water she saw Tetskey and tried to gather control of herself so that he wouldn't think less of her, but she couldn't do it, and the water just started to get more crazy as it fluctuated between spitting out ice shards and heating to a boil and then evaporating. She ended up getting cut by an ice shard and burnt by the boiling water. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't clamp down the anguish she fought so hard every day to hide.
Tetskey said into Seraphines mind calm your mind think of the pink you see from my feelings.
Sera tried so hard to calm down when she heard Tetsy's voice. No matter what she tried, all she could picture was the look on her adopted parents face as they were drowning. She started freaking out more which caused some more distress. She wanted to try so hard for Tetsy, she was letting him down the way she always let everyone down. She didn't want to hear what he said so she blocked him out of her mind, she didn't know how, she just felt him being cut off from her. She tried to duck as more ice came at her. She couldn't take being a disappointment anymore. All she wanted was to be normal. She wished she had never been born. What good could ever come from a guardian angel mating with a high ranking demon. Nothing that's for sure. She was proof of it. Her own mother didn't even want her. Her grandmother said so. She said that her father couldn't stand to look at her, and she had murdered the only two people alive who had ever cared about her enough to accept her while fully knowing the truth about how horrible she actually was.
Tetskey let out a sigh not wanting to interfere to much but knew if he didn't try to stop the water/ice Sera would be hurt so he pulled as much of the water away as he could hoping it would help her in some shape or form and so she could at least see the worry and concern for her on his face but no disappointment since he knew what she was going through
Sera noticed Tetsy taking some of the water away and looked at his face. She figured that somehow even though the teacher was safe she was projecting what she wanted on to him. She figured that all she was doing was forcing him to look less disgusted and ashamed. Maybe she had made him love her too. The water started to come cloer to her and she felt it like a life form, all it wanted was to protect her. She pulled it closer and closer until is was so close it pretty much formed a shell around her body. She screamed from the cold and fell to the floor the water moving with her. All she wanted was for things to be normal. She didn't want to have these powers all she wanted was her parents back. She felt like a child and got even more disgusted with herself for whining for her mommy instead of being an adult and controlling herself better.
Tetskey ran as close to the girl as he could.
Angel watched intently the scene that unfolded before her eyes. Much to her surprise, Seraphine's feelings were a hundred times more intense than she originally expected them to be. But this had been what the professor asked for - complete energy, letting her abilities climb to their breaking point. She needed to experience this breaking point before the young student would learn to control anything. All of the students needed to experience this. But Tetskey was getting in the way of the exercise. Sighing inwardly as he ran toward the circle, Angel's hand lifted silently. A wall of shadows formed to block his path from the circle that only Seraphine and Angel could stand in for the moment. "Please do not interfere Tetskey. Your presence here is fine so long as you do not interject in the middle of a lesson. Stepping inside this circle now could be dangerous to everyone present."

Throwing a warning glance in his direction, Angel took several steps forward until she stood above the girl. By now the raging waters had calmed down a bit, but it was obvious by her trembling crouch upon the ground that Seraphine was not in any way okay. The lightest of smiles softened Angel's face as she took a knee before her student. Slowly, as if not to scare the girl, her hand stretched out to rest against her head. The effects were instantaneous. A soothing light poured from her fingertips and settled around the girl like clouds of fluffy blue, their intention to ease the girl's trembling body and relax the disarray of her mind. Tilting the girl's chin hesitantly, Angel looked into her student's eyes with a level of understanding that couldn't have possibly been genuine, if she hadn't been an empath. Every distraught emotion, every broken memory that made this girl fragile and scared, were visible to her within the circle. "My dear, your abilities are brilliant. Albeit terrifying, you were given an essence that is completely unique. Sometimes we do not want what we are given. Sometimes we wish to be normal... but in this case, I must tell you now that giving these 'gifts' back isn't possible. So rather than wishing them away, you must learn to control them, to make them a part of you - a part that is good, one that you can be proud and comfortable with."
Sera looked up at her teacher feeling exhausted and terrified of her powers she heard her teachers words. She didn't think she could talk so she tried to send her thoughts to her teacher. 'Help me please. I don't want to hurt anyone again. I don't know how to do this.' She tried as hard as she could while protecting herself from the water to send the thoughts to her teacher hoping her teacher would understand.