School for the Supernaturally Troubled.... (Starting OVER)

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Tetskey walked out of the room his eyes had turned two different colors he was mad at himself for not being able to protect the one he loved.
Sera looked up with what energy she had left and saw Tetsy walking out of the room. She felt the loss of him like being stabbed with a sword in the heart. She knew her powers would push him away from her. Why would he want to be with a child who couldn't control herself. She decided to focus on the teacher and try to ignore the fact that her heart was being destroyed.
From outside curse words and growls could be heard along with "WHY COULDN'T I PROTECT HER?!"
Although from the outside the other students could still plainly see what happened within the circle, from the inside an wall of puffy blue and white mist had gathered, hugging the invisible walls and blocking out the rest of the room. It was just the two of them in the circle. The teacher, and the student. Angel could hear her cry for help easily and was quickly to sooth the poor girl. Nodding softly she pulled back and sat across from Seraphine, pulling herself into a semi-meditative poise. But rather than crossing her fingers and closing her eyes, Angel leaned over to grab the girl's hands in her own and hold them gently. "Don't worry, it will be over before you know it." With a reassuring smile she closed her eyes for the briefest moment, summoning forth a wealth of soothing energy to share with the girl. Sure in her abilities, Angel called out to the invisible being that hugged her body: her Shade, otherwise known as a shadow.

Every being had a Shade, but to the extent of her knowledge only those from her kingdom had the ability to see and actively interact with the Shades on a conscious basis. Shades were like guardian angels to some people. They were the mirror, or essence of every being; within their living-nonliving bodies of shadow their master's memories, abilities and emotions were stored as a separate entity. It was a Shade's duty to protect their master, but as Shades only acted on the will of their master, it was difficult for them to protect or do anything when their master had lost the will to fight. Thankfully, Angel had been blessed with the ability to interact with not only her own, but other peoples' Shades as well. This is what she intended to do now. Whispering softly to draw out her own Shade, she cast her mirror toward the girl. A black shadow separated from Angel's body and danced around the girl, enticing Seraphine's own Shade to come out. It didn't take long before a similar shadow separated from the girl and swirled like smoke around its master. "By my will, protect her. Banish the lingering fragments of her terrible memories and give her strength."

Everything from then on was the Shade's doing. Angel released her student's hands slowly but did not move away. Instead, she watched as Seraphine's Shade settled over the girl's body and formed a new protective "shell" between her and the water. Soon enough, heat began to rise on the outside of the shell; her Shade's way of evaporating the water and ice until every part of the girl felt warm and safe. When the water dissipated her Shade returned to its invisible home around Seraphine's body, and they were left as they had been originally in the circle. Sitting quietly in the grass, no sign of her outbreak to be seen. The scent of lavender and thyme drifted between Angel and Seraphine as if to lull the girl into comfort again, and as a soft breeze blew through the window Angel stood and offered her hand down to the brave girl who had been the first to make it through their first simulation. "You did excellently, Seraphine. Thank you for sharing your abilities with us."
Sera sat there for a bit longer after her moment with the teacher. She tried to get up and decided against and crawled back to her spot by the bush, she laid there and watched the teacher as she tried to regain some of her energy. She was grateful to the teacher for the soothing calm that had drifted over her. Knowing it would more than likely go away at some point. She tried to figure out where in the building Tetsy was as she wasn't in the circle anymore all she wanted was to know that there was some way of redeeming herself. She sent out her thoughts desperately searching for any sign of him.
Tetskey was sitting outside the classroom still worried about her and angry at himself.
Sighing inwardly to herself, Angel arranged her outward appearance and cast a glance toward the other two students. Originally she intended to have each student present their ability today, but after Seraphine's experience and how absolutely exhausted the girl seemed, Angel knew it was time to end the class for now. It was a bit earlier than the class was intended to end, but after witnessing what they had she was fairly certain they wouldn't mind the extra down time. Wandering back toward the base of the tree, the tall, raven-haired beauty once more took her seat upon the roots of the old weeping willow. Her voice carried like the breeze, softening their worries and leaving each student with a small caress of comfort before being dismissed. "That is all for today. Next class we will have another student demonstrate one of their abilities. I would ask you two to think about the one ability you are least confident in your control over. See you next time."

Warmth spread to massage each muscle of her slender frame, coaxing a soft yawn from her lips. By now the students were probably leaving. But as she leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes, a stray thought bubbled up from her head. She called out to the students before they left, although as she had become too comfortable to open her eyes she remained in the same relaxed state. "Also, my room is open to you whenever you wish to find peace and tranquility. Don't hesitate to come here whenever you need. I make a pretty good rose-petal tea."​
Tetskey walked into the classroom and carried sera out of the classroom letting her know that he wasn't disappointed in her at all with his thoughts
Sera felt the warmth surround her but she wasn't sure quite what it was she thought she was still calling out to Tetskey as she snuggled against the warmth. She was much too tired to even open her eyes. She thought this seemed like a fairly good place for a nap.
Tetskey smiled "I'm right here Sera" he laid her in the bed in his office and sat outside while she slept.
Sera opened her eyes as she realized Tetskey was the warmth that had surrounded her. She reached out to him as he set her down and tried to tell him not to leave. She wanted to tell him how sorry she was that she lost control and that she had disgusted him. She wanted to ask why he came back for her. She didn't trust the pink starbursts that were surrounding her mind anymore though so she tried to control herself even though she was afraid to let him go.
Tetskey could sense what she wanted to say so he sat next to her "Sera this stuff happens it happened to me and all the others before you no matter what happens i will never stop loving you" he said holding her hand
Sera was pretty sure she was dreaming, so she did what any reasonable girl would do in a dream she pulled Tetskey to her and made him lie down next to her, she curled up against him and rested her head on his chest. I wish this was real, but I guess the dream will have to be enough for now.
Tetskey pinched the girl letting her know it wasn't a dream.
Sera shot up and fell off the bed. She glared up at him. "Owwwie. Why would you do that?! What is wrong with you?
Helps her back up and puts her in his arms "now you know its not a dream" he said holding her close letting her hear his heartbeat
Sera sighs, "Where am I? What happened? When did class end?" She was asking so many questions that she didn't stop to take a breath until she heard her tummy growl.
Tetskey smiled as he heard her stomach and handed her some food he had picked up before they got to his office "my room in my office" he said smiling
She took the food. "Wait. Is that..Am I going to be in trouble?"
Tetskey shook his head "no she ended class when she saw you could barely keep your head up I walked out because i was pissed at myself" he said smiling at her then added "eat"