School for the Supernaturally Troubled.... (Starting OVER)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
It was nearly the end of their free hour - nearly time to start class, but rather than bustling about and preparing for the incoming students, Angel drifted through the garden-like classroom as per usual. This room was far different than most of the others. The floor was a picture of ornately placed stones, with varying plants shooting up between the cracks and growing over to form a plush green bed to walk upon. Unlike the other classrooms, the ceiling shot up a good 30 feet and was crafted from window panes that allowed sunlight to stream through and nourish her flower garden. It hadn't been this way when she first accepted the teaching job. Like the other professors, Angel had been given an indoor room that smelled of old books and wood polish - and she didn't necessarily mind, except for that the nature of her course required a much more open and relaxing place.

With the help of a little magic, and the permission from the head master, the raven-haired woman had transformed the room into something beautiful. And, like usual, she drifted through the classroom carefree, nourishing the flowers with water and a touch of angelic magic. When every leaf had been graced she wandered back to the center of the room where her class would be taking place; a medium-sized circle of stone, overgrown with shortly trimmed grass and flowers. Stone benches with ancient angelic inscriptions framed the circle and made nice sitting-spaces, and they all perfectly faced the dead-center of the room, where a weeping willow tree sprouted. It was beneath this three where she took her place, sitting among the ancient roots and awaiting her students. A shadow-like material wrapped around her delicate areas and formed something similar to "clothes", but for the most part she remained open, her bare feet brushing against the grass and soothing the beautiful professor's nerves into oblivion.

Seraphine tried to ignore the fact that the starbursts were getting stronger inside her head and walked into the huge classroom, she immediately felt calmer. She saw the teacher and wasn't quite sure whether she was in the right room or not. She stood towards the center of the room quietly not really knowing what to do.
Tetseky walked into the classroom "Hey angel you still want that circle i told you i would put on the floor? i mean it would probably be a good idea since they don't have control of their powers" he said looking at his colleague
Lucius woke up slightly to a weird sound.It sounded like someone sneezing.
He,still half asleep,felt something fall on him.Bam! What the!He woke up to someone on him.
It was a young girl.Lucius pushed her away and asked "What are you doing here?" He got up and wiped himself off.
I can't get any peace around here can I..he thought to himself.
"You should be more careful about where you're going.You can hurt people."He said to her.Lucius walked passed her and out the door.
As the students filed in, her face remained down-turned; eyes closed, legs crossed in a poise for meditation. Long breathes flowed through her lips every now and again, drawn out like the vines of the tree she sat upon. It wasn't until the semi-familiar voice of a fellow professor called out her name that the pale-skinned woman opened her eyes and addressed those who had stepped into the circle. In accordance to his question, she merely shook her head, offering a soft smile in return for his kind offer. Soon enough she swept herself into a loose standing position. Her arms lifted to the side, opening up as if to hug a being who was not there. When she spoke her eyes turned to the young female student, head tilting just the slightest bit out of curiosity.

"Welcome, it appears not many students have arrived yet. Feel free to take a seat wherever seems most comfortable to you. We will start the lesson shortly." Bowing her head she turned to face the male professor. This time, her face twisted with a teasing grin, cheeks dimpling from the expression. "I don't think we'll be needing a circle today, what I have set up should suffice. But if you'd like to stick around in case that's fine."​
Seraphine decided she might like this teacher who had an instant calming effect on her. The feelings in her head were a soft baby blue and they were swirling around like seaweed in a lake. She found a beautiful bush of flowers and sat near it because she was drawn to the amazing smell of it. She saw Tetsy and wished he would stay and observe the class because the pink and blue starbursts and seaweed were tangling around each other and forming what felt like a swish of fluffy clouds in her head. She didn't recall ever being this content before.
Tetskey heard her wish and whispered in angels ear (would you mind if i stay for the class i have no other classes today and already have my next month of classes planned)
"I'm so sorry!"Yukari said as Lucius walked out of the door.She brushed herself off and ran to him."I didn't mean too, I was sleeping, and then the pollen got to me and I started sneezing like crazy."She explained."And then I accidently tripped over you."
The young female student was an interesting species. Although Angel could not see a crystal-clear image of the girl's thoughts, the images that did filter through were brilliant. Soft, colorful swirls played around the edges of her vision like little clouds, and the swirling shadows that crawled over her skin were eager to join the plush lights. "Auras,", she murmured softly with wide, enchanted blue eyes. She recognized those colors for the soft light that swirled around most people like a second shadow, expressing their emotions vividly for only certain people to see. It was rare to find a young student who could see and understand the nature of auras. Then again, this was a school for the supernaturally gifted - could she really expect anything less from her students?

Chuckling softly beneath her breath she watched the young girl from the corner of her eye, all the while Tetskey came up to mutter near her ear. "I don't mind if you stick around. But don't go distracting my students, ne? Don't think I can't sense your emotions for that girl." Normally Angel wouldn't be so rude as to call a person out on their private feelings - it wasn't right of her to "eavesdrop" in the first place, but she couldn't really help it given her empathic nature. This situation was a little different, though; the course she intended to teach was a touch but important one. It was meant to cultivate the students and help them gain control of their abilities. And it was important for him to understand that as a fellow professor, she couldn't afford to have the students unfocused on her lessons.

"Anyway, if you plan on staying for the lesson then we'll need to start soon. Could you do me the favor of rounding up the other students? I'm a little worried they might have gotten lost on their way here."​
"I'm so sorry!"Yukari said as Lucius walked out of the door.She brushed herself off and ran to him."I didn't mean too, I was sleeping, and then the pollen got to me and I started sneezing like crazy."She explained.
Tetskey smirked "she's supposed too be my wife soon" he said to Angel as he sat down in the corner
-------Bright&Mikolch....head to the classroom please.-------------------------

Seraphine looked up and saw Tetskey head towards the corner of the room. He was staying? That is so weird. Seraphine was actually getting excited for this class. She wanted a way to be able to understand and control her powers no matter how hard it was.
"Just, i'm sorry..."Yukari said and went to the classroom.
Lucius turned towards her."It's okay.Just be careful next time."
He looked at her and heard the school bell ring."We have to head to the next class.Let's go."
Lucius lead the way to the classroom.
Yukari sat down and was ready for class.

((Is there seats in this class this time?))
((She said to take a seat, but I don't think there are chairs as we are in a garden...))
(Bright, I'd go back and read my post explaining the setting of the classroom. Its far different from normal rooms. As far as seats you can either sit on the ground or on the stone benches around the circle)

Rather than responding to her question Tetskey wandered off to the "corner" of the room, which was really just a far wall overgrown by plants and flowers of varying kind. Angel shook her head quietly to his words and turned her attention to the door, where two more students soon filed in and took seats in her garden-like circle in the center of the room. A cheek-dimpling smile curved her lips, and once more her arms lifted to the sides, embracing the air with a welcoming gesture.

"Welcome to my class. As you can probably tell the room you will be studying in with me is far different than your other classrooms. I crafted this room specifically to fit the needs of the course." Pausing to brush a long bundle of silky black hair from her face, Angel stepped back toward the willow tree and pressed her hand against the warm trunk. "I am here to teach you self control. Each one of you is unique; you have been gifted with abilities far beyond that of a normal child. Unfortunately we live in a world where our abilities are not easily controlled, and should you lose control you might find yourself committing dark acts that you will later regret. I am here to teach you how to avoid that."

Her words had grown somewhat darker than intended. But speaking of danger and the loss of self-control did that sort of thing. Continuing to stroke the tree's bark for a few short moments, Angel closed her eyes once more and took a deep breath of the fresh air filtering in through the windows. When she turned back to the group and stepped forward again, a calming smile once more took over her face. She wandered closer to the three students and looked them in the eye individually before speaking again. "At any rate. I'd like to start out by having everyone introduce themselves, and state the nature of their species. I'll start. My name is Angel, and as you may be able to guess I am an angel. However, my angelic side is balanced equally by the blood of a demon, and I am half-vampire as well."​
((Yukari can sit on the bench.))

Yukari sat down on the bench.