School Days

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Donna sat there quietly for a moment. She needed the silence to calm her nerves. She could see the sadness in Ameli's expression, though she didn't know what she could do to help. "Our boys...they seem to be getting very close already..." she began. She hoped that would make for a nice, lighter conversation to ease both of their minds.

"'ll be alright." Brent replied, wrapping his arms over the others shoulders. He didn't understand the significance of who these gods were or their relevance to Kaleb and his family other than relation. Hesitantly, the blond thought of comforting words. "It doesn't matter....who's son you are Kaleb, nor your biological grandmother. Even though they're....gods. You are you and they are them. They don't define you and none of your family has loved you any less. I sure as don't." He brushed aside some of his bangs and kissed his forehead..
Kaleb felt better just hearing Brent speak, but his words, helped him calm down and he still held the blonde close. He sighed and looked at Brent, leaning up and kissing him gently. "I'm so happy I have you," he whispered softly to Brent. He didn't know how he would survive if he didn't have Brent.

Ameli smiled sadly and nodded her head. "Yes... they seem much closer then before..." she said softly. "I know that look though... its sweet... What do you think?" she asked Donna softly, happy for the change in topic and to get her mind off of all of this.
"And I'm happy I have you as well. I feel so different every since you spoke to me in the music room. I feel more confident; like I'm not just a constant new face." Brent explained as they held one another. He still couldn't put into words just how he felt with Kaleb. Maybe there weren't any that could do it justice. Reaching over to his iPod, he replaced Kaleb's with his own and turned it on. He put it to his own aucustic version of the song 'Let Me Love You' by Neyo. He then began to sing it to Kaleb.

"I think it's the sweetest thing." Donna replied with a smile, "Brent has had a really difficult time lately. It took him a long time to adapt to the lifestyle of LA. Once he finally settled in he got with a troublesome individual. It changed him for the worst. He became a little rebellious to impress others. Then that person then broke his heart and left him mortified. He doesn't like to show his true emotions, or at least didn't until now." She explained, "We didn't hesitate to relocate, hoping it was for his best interest. We had no idea just how much change would come."

He leaves out girl >.<
(I love that. It's so sweet.)

Kaleb looked at Brent, and smiled, laying them back and he rested his head against the blondes shoulder and listened to him sing to him. It made him smile and he felt his heart swell. He knew the song and began singing with him, harmonizing with Brent, his voice going with the blondes beautifully. Although he knew Brent's voice was much better, Kaleb just sang softly with his love. He truly loved Brent and it showed in his eyes.

Ameli looked to Donna as she spoke. "Kaleb has never been with anyone... at least not that he's told me... He's had issues with school... people bullying him and him fighting back... He's been in more fights then I know what to do... He came out to his friends... and they thought he was disgusting and now he has no one in school he's friends with anymore... I hope they help each other..." she said softly after donna had told her about Brent.
(Lol thanks. I can't take all of the credit. I watch Glee all of the time and they did that song. It's been in my head for days now and i thought it fit this XD)

As they sang, Brent's blue eyes slowly changed. The blue was still there, though it seemed to almost move like it was water; there were different shades drifting in and out. He was so happy to be in Kaleb's arms and felt so safe and secure. When the song came to an end he rested his forehead against the others again. He loved being close enough to almost block out anything else but the sight of Kaleb's handsome face. "I love you so much Kaleb." He repeated like before. Each time he felt more sure. He kissed his lips at first lightly, then applied more pressure. He felt of his shoulders, then neck, and finally hair; pulling him in closer.

"I'm sorry to hear such things. Kaleb is such a sweet boy. So polite and charming." Donna replied. She got up and poured herself some coffee, offering some to Ameli while they spoke. "Brent didn't have those issues as far as I know. I don't believe he'd actually opened-up. Mostly because of David...and yet also because of that Devon." she explained the situation with the girl. "Brent's still such a good son even with his bursts of rebellious behavior. And when I say that I meant by cutting class, ditching chores, and breaking and entering an old warehouse partying. He did come to me after he lost his a parent and a physician. He can never hide things from me so he flat out comes to me with everything." she laughed softly.

(^If Brent heard her talking about him like that, he'd be so frigg'n embarrassed and mad at Donna lmao)
Kaleb looked into Brent's eyes as the sang, watching him with wonder. "Your eyes... look like water," he murmured softly to the blonde before they began kissing again. Kaleb loved the feel of the boys lips on his and he pulled him closer to him, so their chests were flush against each other. He felt his eyes turning red, but he calmed himself down as he kissed Brent. Having his hair pulled made it harder for Kaleb since it made him hot all over.

"If that had happened here, Kaleb might have killed that boy," she said, in all seriousness as she thought about it. "I'm glad Kaleb is such a good boy. I trust him when he does things on his own, but I worry still, as a mother would," she said softly. She listened to Donna and shook he head, declining the coffee but thanking the woman for offering. She didn't drink coffee since it made her sick. She had almost forgot and she set the bags of food on the table. "I forgot with everything going on," she said softly.
Brent believed that the comment was just because his eyes were a light blue. He was unaware of what they did when he sung. As the two of them began kissing and pressing their bodies closer together, the blond felt himself lose control again. This time with how happy and confident he was, made him a little more aggressive. He slunk himself down onto the leather couch, not letting go of Kaleb, but pulling him down on top of him. He wanted to feel the weight of his body on top of his own. In his kiss, he let out a soft moan as one of his hands slide ever so slowly down the back the redhead's neck.

"That is a good thing then." Donna responded. She couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like for someone to be so outraged like that. Hopefully it never happened. Sitting back down on the table, she smiled at the woman and nodded, "Yes. It's a mom's never-ending job to worry about their children no matter how old they are." Even though she was busy as a doctor and not always there for her son, Donna worried about Brent all of the time so she could definitely relate. When she mentioned the food a sudden happiness appeared on her face, "Oh thank you! You're a life-saver."
Kaleb let Brent move him as he wanted him to. He had never done anything like this before but he wanted more of Brent. He wanted to feel the blonde more. He leaned down into Brent and kissed him deeply, loving the feel of Brent underneath him. He felt wonderful and he wondered how did he live without Brent before? He really didn't. He just went on with his life not doing anything and just wondering when he would be able to leave this place.

Ameli smiled. "I hope what I brought was alright, I got a lot, unsure of what you'd want to eat," she said softly to Donna. She didn't mind since she had made some of it at home and some of it she bought at the dinner on the way to Acheron's villa.
Donna smiled and inspected the food. It was all so delicious-looking and smelled even better. "Ah this is wonderful! My guys eat quite a bit, even though neither one of them gain any weight." she replied, "I look at food and I gain it." She chuckled and thought for a moment, "Well, David's still sound asleep and I think the boys are taking in all of what happened...she I get them together for dinner or should I let them be?" She didn't know what to do.

"Mmmh..." Brent moaned lightly into the others ear as he kissed on his neck. His hands continued downward to the small of his back. He was drowning in ecstasy, having never experienced something so powerful. His eyes continued to 'flow'. It was a reaction to the way he felt. It was complete bliss and it grew the longer he felt Kaleb's embrace. It could also be a reaction to the redhead's own abilities; their magic reacting to one another. The blond pulled his lower half down on him, thrusting himself upward as he buried another moan into his kiss.
"I think you should leave them be, they must be resting or something," she said softly, smiling to Donna. She had no idea what her son was doing with Brent at that moment. Kaleb was busy kissing and holding and touching Brent. Kaleb was surprised by how good he felt and how much he wanted to just lock the basement door from the outside world and just spend the rest of his days, here, doing this with Brent. "I love you Brent," he murmured softly, into Brent's ear, nibbling on the lob.
"I love you too..mmh." Brent replied in a sweet, seductive whisper. His hands trailed further downward. He couldn't resist him. It drove him crazy to be touched on his ears that way. He grabbed Kaleb's ass and squeezed some, thrusting himself into him. "I want you Kaleb...I need you...." he said in an almost plea. He reached around to Kaleb's front, sliding his hands underneath his shirt, feeling his defined abdomin, rubbing up and downward. "Kaleb will you..." he paused and blushed deeply. He'd never asked for it before, "...make love to me?" He knew it was probably too soon for the other boy, but he wanted for him to at least know how he felt; just how sure he was. Time meant nothing to him in that moment.
Kaleb blushed at Brent and leaned down, kissing Brent deeply, letting his body pin Brent down against the couch. "I would love to... but I... I've never... been with anyone..." he murmured softly to him. He felt bad and good, bad that he had no experience in this but good that he would be able to have his first time with Brent, someone he loved. He could feel Brent underneath him and he moved his mouth to the boys neck, licking and sucking on his neck, pressing their hips together.
Brent gave Kaleb a sincere smile and kissed him softly and replied, "It's alright, we don't have to. I'm just really...'hot' for you right now..." he blushed, "I can wait for whenever you're ready." He wanted him desperately, throbbing even. Still he would respect his decision to wait. He closed his blue eyes then, trying to calm himself down, though it was very difficult with him on top of him like that as he clung desperately to the redhead's back. he wished desperately that he hadn't been with anyone else but Kaleb.

(Im babysitting and they wanted to listen to crap on youtube so it took me forever to write this and i was logged out >.<)
Kaleb looked at Brent and kissed him. "I want... so much so.... but I might not be well versed... in it..." he murmured softly to Brent. He wanted to be with Brent. He didn't want to be bad. He didn't know how he would be in bed but he'd have to just go with what felt right. He also wanted to do this in a bed which he didn't know if there was a bed there or not. "Is there a bedroom down here? Or do you want to go up to your room?" he asked softly to Brent. He leaned back into him, and kissed him more.
"It'll be fact it will be amazing." Brent reassured the redhead with a smile before kissing him again. When he asked about the bedroom, the blonde blushed but smiled. He didn't even think about that aspect, but when he did he agreed. He really didn't want their first time together to be in a basement no matter how nice it was. "We can go to my bedroom...if you think you'll be safe. My window is small and I have very heavy drapes..." He nuzzled his forehead against Kaleb's, moving slightly for them both to raise up. "We'll just avoid our mothers...think we can sneak past them?" He asked with a devious grin. Just knowing that he wanted to go all of the way with him made him even more happy. He couldn't even stop himself from pulling him into another deep kiss as the sat up.
Kaleb smiled and suddenly the room around them began to vibrate and Kaleb's eyes turned red. He didn't realize it but he had teleported them into Brent''s room as they kissed and when they pulled apart, they were on Brent's bed, the blinds pulled closed and Kaleb still sitting up in front of Brent. He leaned into the boy once more and kissed him again, passionately and lovingly. His mother some how knew they weren't in the basement anymore and figured he wouldn't leave the house so they must be in Brent's room. She knew the teleporting sensation any where. To most it felt like nothing, but to her she knew it, because it was how Acheron wen't to see her in secret.
Brent ran his fingers through his red locks as he kissed him, then began to explore the back of his neck and back. He'd felt them teleport to his room, but was uneffected by it since he was safe in Kaleb's arms. He pulled him against his body. Brent was such a different person when he was intimate; fearless and aggressive. His tongue danced around his mouth as he ran his hands over his should to the front of his body. When he pulled his mouth away he smiled then began to lift his shift his shirt upward. As it was removed he dove into kissing his bare chest and ran his tongue around his collarbone. He hoped he wasn't being too much for him, but there was just too much temptation.
Kaleb bit his lip to keep from moaning out loudly. He was blushing lightly as he kissed and let their tongues battle in their mouths. He blushed when his shirt was removed and he had a tattoo on his chest, a sun with a lightening bolt going through it completely. It looked like it had been painful to get but it looked like it belonged there. He shivered when Brent began kissing him and touching his bare chest. He leaned into Brent's neck, letting his tongue run over the boys' ear, nibbling on the lob.
The blond let out a small moan and shivered from the feeling on his ears. They were so sensative and Kaleb knew exactly how to intensify it. He traced his index finger around the tattoo, smiling at it's beauty. It suited him so well. He gently kissed it over and over, gazing up at him with his flowing blue eyes. When he rose up, he took Kaleb's hands and guided them up his own body, underneath his shirt. Feeling his strong hands against his body made him moan softy and he closed his eyes. "Mmmh, that feels so good..." he whispered. He wanted to reassure him that everything Kaleb did was right and felt amazing.
Kaleb shivered, feeling Brent's finger trace the tattoo he had no memory of ever getting. He looked at Brent, in his eyes and he leaned back into him, kissing and sucking on Brent's neck and ears. His hand felt the warm and soft skin underneath Brent's shirt. He pulled back and slowly lifted the shirt up and off of Brent's body, enjoying how beautiful Brent was. "Your so beautiful," he murmured softly, just taking a moment to take in Brent's beauty. He leaned down once more and copied what Brent had done to him, kissing and licking at the blondes collar bone.